

c# Programming Glossary: timespan.frommilliseconds

How to truncate milliseconds off of a .NET DateTime


which is used as follows dateTime dateTime.Truncate TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 1 Truncate to whole ms dateTime dateTime.Truncate TimeSpan.FromSeconds..

How to throttle event stream using RX?


var generator Observable .GenerateWithTime 1 x x 100 x x x TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 1 x x 1 .Timestamp var builder new StringBuilder generator .Sample..

cannot restart a Service


int millisec1 Environment.TickCount TimeSpan timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds service.Stop service.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped.. of the timeout int millisec2 Environment.TickCount timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds millisec2 millisec1 service.Start service.WaitForStatus.. int millisec1 Environment.TickCount TimeSpan timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds if service.Status.Equals ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped..

Programmatically find when the ASP.NET worker process and app domain last started?


Vista VS 2008 I'm seeing an accurate system up time with TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds Environment.TickCount ...and accurate Process AppDomain up times..

C#: Triggering an Event when an object is added to a Queue


0 eventQueue.Dequeue .Invoke new DispatcherTimer Interval TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 5 actionTimer.Stop But whenever I enqueue an object eventQueue.Enqueue..

How to fix an application that has a problem with decimal separator


Speed null animation.SetFrameInvterval TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds double.Parse animationDefinition.Attribute Speed .Value double.Parse..

C# start Windows Service programmatically


service new ServiceController serviceName TimeSpan timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds service.Start service.WaitForStatus ServiceControllerStatus.Running..

Does reactive extensions support rolling buffers?


.Where x string.Equals FOO x.Key.Source .Buffer TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100 .ObserveOn this.dispatcherService .Where x x.Count 0 .Subscribe.. would imagine something along the lines of .SlidingBuffer TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100 10000 I've had a look around and haven't been able to find..