c# Programming Glossary: suggesting
C# Getting Enum values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008090/c-sharp-getting-enum-values class. Switch statement I agree with yshuditelu's answer suggesting using a switch statement for relatively few cases. However as..
Why do both the abstract class and interface exist in .Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1028285/why-do-both-the-abstract-class-and-interface-exist-in-net cannot override Foo any further. I'm not in any way suggesting I want multiple inheritance of implementation but if we did..
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api can't get it to build I've also looked at blogs suggesting a simple token based scheme like this this seems like re inventing..
run a python script from c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11779143/run-a-python-script-from-c-sharp have been looking for a while now and can only find people suggesting to use IronPython or such. But there must be a way to call a..
Why are .NET value types sealed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1769306/why-are-net-value-types-sealed them called correctly. I should point out that I'm not suggesting I should be able to inherit from structs in my own code. What..
Why does ReSharper want to use 'var' for everything? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1873873/why-does-resharper-want-to-use-var-for-everything One of the first and most frequent things I've noticed it suggesting is to change most all my explicit declarations to var instead...
avoiding null reference exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1943465/avoiding-null-reference-exceptions programs manifest themselves as null dereference errors suggesting the importance of a programming language providing the ability..
How do I alias a class name in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244246/how-do-i-alias-a-class-name-in-c only. Don't try to solve this particular problem by suggesting changing the design of the entire system. The presence or lack..
What's the simplest IOC container for C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2515124/whats-the-simplest-ioc-container-for-c var i container.Resolve IMyInterface I'm not particularly suggesting Windsor over any other container but my main point is that it..
SQL WHERE clause matching values with trailing spaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4166159/sql-where-clause-matching-values-with-trailing-spaces weirdly. In C# code calling zoneReference.Trim removes it suggesting it is some sort of whitespace character. Can anyone help c#..
Why are C# 4 optional parameters defined on interface not enforced on implementing class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4922714/why-are-c-sharp-4-optional-parameters-defined-on-interface-not-enforced-on-imple of one of the interface's methods optional. Are you suggesting that the right thing to do is for the compiler to force the..
Convert DateTime to Julian Date in C# (ToOADate Safe?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5248827/convert-datetime-to-julian-date-in-c-sharp-tooadate-safe this directly but I have found many posts while Googling suggesting the use of ToOADate . The documentation on ToOADate does not..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp improve this question UrlEncoding will do what you are suggesting here. With C# you simply use HttpUtility as mentioned. You can..
Null or default comparison of generic argument in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/65351/null-or-default-comparison-of-generic-argument-in-c-sharp T Now this feels redundant to me. ReSharper is even suggesting that I change the myArgument null part into myArgument default..
Are 2 dimensional Lists possible in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/665299/are-2-dimensional-lists-possible-in-c
Active Directory COM Exception - An operations error occured (0x80072020) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7285503/active-directory-com-exception-an-operations-error-occured-0x80072020 Active Directory enumerating user's gropus COM exception suggesting that enabling Kerberos as an option in the PrincipalContext..
Algorithm to find which numbers from a list of size n sum to another number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83547/algorithm-to-find-which-numbers-from-a-list-of-size-n-sum-to-another-number than I could write it myself. Thanks also for the comments suggesting this be tagged homework I guess that is reasonably accurate..
How do I compare a generic type to its default value? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/864243/how-do-i-compare-a-generic-type-to-its-default-value T Now this feels redundant to me. ReSharper is even suggesting that I change the myArgument null part into myArgument default..
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 anyone planning on porting this to 64bit Or are you really suggesting that I use MS Velocity instead I shudder at the thought... Update..
Can structs contain references to reference types in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945664/can-structs-contain-references-to-reference-types-in-c-sharp struct with a certain degree of scepticism. I'm not suggesting that it's always the wrong option just that it needs more of..