c# Programming Glossary: ser.deserialize
Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1941928/best-way-to-store-data-locally-in-net-c fs new FileStream filepath FileMode.Open cm ConfigManager ser.Deserialize fs fs.Close else MessageBox.Show Could not find User Configuration..
Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790728/performance-tests-of-serializations-used-by-wcf-bindings ms orig Console.WriteLine Length ms.Length ms.Position 0 ser.Deserialize ms var watch Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i LOOP i ms.Position.. Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i LOOP i ms.Position 0 ser.Deserialize ms watch.Stop Console.WriteLine Deserialize watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.. ms orig Console.WriteLine Length ms.Length ms.Position 0 ser.Deserialize ms var watch Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i LOOP i ms.Position..
Parsing JSON using Json.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/401756/parsing-json-using-json-net JavaScriptSerializer ser new JavaScriptSerializer Foo foo ser.Deserialize Foo json Edit Json.NET works using the same JSON and classes...
C# Deserialize XML to object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4085529/c-sharp-deserialize-xml-to-object var wrapper ListeAvisRemboursements ser.Deserialize new StringReader xml inspect wrapper.Items etc also works fine.. inputfile.xml var wrapper ListeAvisRemboursements ser.Deserialize reader and XmlDocument _Doc new XmlDocument _Doc.Load inputfile.xml.. var wrapper ListeAvisRemboursements ser.Deserialize new StringReader _Doc.OuterXml and XmlDocument _Doc new XmlDocument..
Error Deserializing Xml to Object - xmlns='' was not expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4884383/error-deserializing-xml-to-object-xmlns-was-not-expected typeof T using var sr new StringReader data return T ser.Deserialize sr Deserialization Method Call var data Helper.Deserialize..
How to decode a JSON string using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7699972/how-to-decode-a-json-string-using-c var JSONString ser.Serialize data JSON encoded var JSONObj ser.Deserialize Dictionary string string JSONString JSON decoded Console.Write..