c# Programming Glossary: pdata
Multipart forms from C# client http://stackoverflow.com/questions/219827/multipart-forms-from-c-sharp-client multipart form data oRequest.Method POST PostData pData new PostData byte buffer encoding.GetBytes pData.GetPostData.. PostData pData new PostData byte buffer encoding.GetBytes pData.GetPostData Set content length of our data oRequest.ContentLength..
Recognize Windows Shell Special Folder (i.e. get its CSIDL) via its pIDL (Now determine if pIDLs are equal with C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3572220/recognize-windows-shell-special-folder-i-e-get-its-csidl-via-its-pidl-now-de static IntPtr MarshalToPointer object data IntPtr pData Marshal.AllocHGlobal Marshal.SizeOf data Marshal.StructureToPtr.. Marshal.SizeOf data Marshal.StructureToPtr data pData false return pData The problem with this approach is that the.. data Marshal.StructureToPtr data pData false return pData The problem with this approach is that the call to SHGetDataFromIDList..
How do you do AppBar docking (to screen edge, like WinAmp) in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75785/how-do-you-do-appbar-docking-to-screen-edge-like-winamp-in-wpf extern uint SHAppBarMessage int dwMessage ref APPBARDATA pData DllImport User32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto private static extern..
Add Paging for JqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479777/add-paging-for-jqgrid true scrollOffset 0 caption 'Sample' function getData pData .ajax type 'POST' contentType application json charset utf 8.. this question You main problem is that you ignore the pData of the getData which can be forwarded to your ASMX web service...