

c# Programming Glossary: parametertypes

General purpose FromEvent method


Type eventDelegate eventInfo.EventHandlerType Type parameterTypes GetDelegateParameterTypes eventDelegate DynamicMethod handler.. DynamicMethod handler new DynamicMethod unnamed null parameterTypes ILGenerator ilgen handler.GetILGenerator TODO ilgen.Emit calls.. Type delegateType out List Type parameterTypes out Type returnType if delegateType.BaseType typeof MulticastDelegate..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


GetMethodExt this Type thisType string name params Type parameterTypes return GetMethodExt thisType name BindingFlags.Instance BindingFlags.Static.. BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy parameterTypes summary Search for a method by name parameter types and binding.. thisType string name BindingFlags bindingFlags params Type parameterTypes MethodInfo matchingMethod null Check all methods with the specified..