

c# Programming Glossary: miles

How to get current property name via reflection?


performance you should find MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod is miles faster than StackFrame. In .NET 1.1 you will also have issues..

Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed]


efficiency from their code Often doing so while walking 5 miles in the snow In the spirit of bringing back a lost art what are..

C# WPF resolution independancy?


Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates


I'm calculating distance I tend to get an average of 3.3 miles for my calculation whereas other apps are getting 3.5 miles... for my calculation whereas other apps are getting 3.5 miles. It's a big difference for the calculation I'm trying to perform... Math.Sin dLongitude 2.0 2.0 Using 3956 as the number of miles around the earth var result2 3956.0 2.0 Math.Atan2 Math.Sqrt..