

c# Programming Glossary: inputstream

Wait for file to be freed by process


no longer locked by another process. try using FileStream inputStream File.Open sFilename FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.None.. FileMode.Open FileAccess.Read FileShare.None if inputStream.Length 0 return true else return false catch Exception..

Sending File in Chunks to HttpHandler


but when I receive the request in the HttpContext the inputStream is empty. So a while sending I'm not sure if my HttpWebRequest..

zip and unzip string with Deflate


static string UnZipStr byte input using MemoryStream inputStream new MemoryStream input using DeflateStream gzip new DeflateStream.. input using DeflateStream gzip new DeflateStream inputStream CompressionMode.Decompress using StreamReader reader new StreamReader.. return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString inputStream.ToArray It seems that there is error in UnZipStr method. Can..

Download image from the site in .NET/C#


if the remote file was found download oit using Stream inputStream response.GetResponseStream using Stream outputStream File.OpenWrite.. byte buffer new byte 4096 int bytesRead do bytesRead inputStream.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length outputStream.Write buffer 0 bytesRead..

Console.ReadLine() max length?


increase the limit private static string ReadLine Stream inputStream Console.OpenStandardInput READLINE_BUFFER_SIZE byte bytes new.. byte bytes new byte READLINE_BUFFER_SIZE int outputLength inputStream.Read bytes 0 READLINE_BUFFER_SIZE Console.WriteLine outputLength..

How can we show progress bar with FtpWebRequest


WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile using var inputStream File.OpenRead fileName using var outputStream ftpWebRequest.GetRequestStream.. 0 int readBytesCount while readBytesCount inputStream.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length 0 outputStream.Write buffer 0 readBytesCount.. readBytesCount var progress totalReadBytesCount 100.0 inputStream.Length backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress int progress private..

Using System.IO.Packaging to generate a ZIP file


private static void CopyStream System.IO.FileStream inputStream System.IO.Stream outputStream long bufferSize inputStream.Length.. inputStream System.IO.Stream outputStream long bufferSize inputStream.Length BUFFER_SIZE inputStream.Length BUFFER_SIZE byte buffer.. long bufferSize inputStream.Length BUFFER_SIZE inputStream.Length BUFFER_SIZE byte buffer new byte bufferSize int bytesRead..

C# automatic property deserialization of JSON


new DataContractJsonSerializer typeof Cat .ReadObject inputStream And it is apparent from the exception that it fails because..