

c# Programming Glossary: infilename

How to prevent System.Xml.XmlException: Invalid character in the given encoding


follows this statement XDocument xmlDoc XDocument.Load inFileName List DocMetaData docList from d in xmlDoc.Descendants DOCUMENT.. value .FirstOrDefault .ToList DocMetaData ...where inFileName is a full path and filename such as Y S2Out B0000004 Pet Tab.. StreamWriter oWriter String inFileName Int32 XMLfileNumber in C ProjectsVS2010 CBMI.LatitudePostConverter..

Reading PDF documents in .Net [closed]


Extracts a text from a PDF file. summary param name inFileName the full path to the pdf file. param param name outFileName.. the extracted text returns public bool ExtractText string inFileName string outFileName StreamWriter outFile null try Create a.. for the given PDF file PdfReader reader new PdfReader inFileName outFile File.CreateText outFileName outFile new StreamWriter..