

c# Programming Glossary: facebookclient

(OAuthException - #2500) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


string accessKey accessToken.Split ' ' 1 var client new FacebookClient accessKey dynamic me client.Get me here is the method to get..

Form Post with Faceboook C# SDK


public ActionResult Enter FormCollection col var fbApp new FacebookClient this.CurrentSession.AccessToken JsonObject result JsonObject..

Auto Facebook OAuth from ASP.NET C#


store and use to initiale further calls. var client new FacebookClient my_access_token dynamic result client.Get 19292868552_118464504835613..

Integrating Facebook chat


GetDetailsButton_Click object sender EventArgs e TcpClient FacebookClient new TcpClient FacebookClient.Connect chat.facebook.com 5222.. sender EventArgs e TcpClient FacebookClient new TcpClient FacebookClient.Connect chat.facebook.com 5222 NetworkStream myns FacebookClient.GetStream.. chat.facebook.com 5222 NetworkStream myns FacebookClient.GetStream string xml xml version '1.0' stream stream id '1'..

How do I check if .Post has send successfully in Facebook C# sdk?


C# sdk I try send the message using the followingcode ... FacebookClient fbClient new FacebookClient appId appSecret fbClient.AccessToken.. using the followingcode ... FacebookClient fbClient new FacebookClient appId appSecret fbClient.AccessToken ... string to user id dynamic..

facebook c# sdk getting started


in WebBrowser.DocumentText If I then call var fb new FacebookClient _accessToken dynamic parameters new ExpandoObject parameters.message.. NOT use that access token but use the appID and Appsecret FacebookClient myFacebookClient new FacebookClient APPID APPSECRET dynamic.. token but use the appID and Appsecret FacebookClient myFacebookClient new FacebookClient APPID APPSECRET dynamic parameters new ExpandoObject..