

c# Programming Glossary: cm

Fade a panel- Windows forms


rc new Rectangle 0 0 pbox.Width pbox.Height ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix ImageAttributes ia new ImageAttributes cm.Matrix33.. cm new ColorMatrix ImageAttributes ia new ImageAttributes cm.Matrix33 blend ia.SetColorMatrix cm e.Graphics.DrawImage bmpFore.. ia new ImageAttributes cm.Matrix33 blend ia.SetColorMatrix cm e.Graphics.DrawImage bmpFore rc 0 0 bmpFore.Width bmpFore.Height..

How can I use Entity Framework on an object graph past a depth of 2 with MySQL Connector / NET?


entity entity.Ships.Select s s.CrewMembers.Select cm cm.Rank query query.Include entity entity.Ships.Select s s.CrewMembers.Select.. entity entity.Ships.Select s s.CrewMembers.Select cm cm.Rank query query.Include entity entity.Ships.Select s s.CrewMembers.Select.. entity entity.Ships.Select s s.CrewMembers.Select cm cm.Clearance Are these .Include calls well formed Did I miss..

LINQ Group By Multiple fields -Syntax help


to group by multiple columns Example 1 var query from cm in cust group cm by new cm.Customer cm.OrderDate into cms select.. multiple columns Example 1 var query from cm in cust group cm by new cm.Customer cm.OrderDate into cms select new Key1 cms.Key.Customer.. Example 1 var query from cm in cust group cm by new cm.Customer cm.OrderDate into cms select new Key1 cms.Key.Customer..

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)


and Serialize it public ConfigForm InitializeComponent cm new ConfigManager ser new XmlSerializer typeof ConfigManager.. FileStream fs new FileStream filepath FileMode.Open cm ConfigManager ser.Deserialize fs fs.Close else MessageBox.Show.. TextWriter tw new StreamWriter fs ser.Serialize tw cm tw.Close fs.Close setupControlsFromConfig catch Exception..

Very Different Execution Times of SQL Query in C# and SQL Server Management Studio


t.lngId s.lngId INNER JOIN Another Database ..tblCompany cm ON cm.lngId cs.lngCompanyId WHERE t.lngId 25 AND c.IsDeleted.. s.lngId INNER JOIN Another Database ..tblCompany cm ON cm.lngId cs.lngCompanyId WHERE t.lngId 25 AND c.IsDeleted 0 AND..

Escape double quotes in SQL 2005/2008


SQL SELECT c.companyID c.companyName c.dateAdded count cm.maxID as NumDirect FROM RussoundGeneral.dbo.Company c LEFT JOIN.. c LEFT JOIN RussoundGeneral.dbo.CompanyMax cm ON cm.companyId c.companyId and cm.maxID is not null WHERE.. c LEFT JOIN RussoundGeneral.dbo.CompanyMax cm ON cm.companyId c.companyId and cm.maxID is not null WHERE CONTAINS..

Reflection for F# units of measure


about F# at http fsharp.net Measure type m Measure type cm let CalculateVelocity length float m time float cm length time.. type cm let CalculateVelocity length float m time float cm length time The ildasm output .method public static float64..

Is there any definitive documentation on writing software installers?
