

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:11

android Programming Glossary: stopplaying

MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3


initialMediaPlayerAndVisualizer Stop playing private void stopPlaying bars.setVisibility View.VISIBLE visualizerContainer.setVisibility..

Online radio streaming app for Android


v if v buttonPlay startPlaying else if v buttonStopPlay stopPlaying private void startPlaying buttonStopPlay.setEnabled true buttonPlay.setEnabled.. onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


startPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG start Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void.. LOG_TAG start Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG.. false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false stopPlaying recordBtn.setEnabled true playBtn.setEnabled true @Override..

MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3


mPlayer.start else Log.d TAG Media player is null. initialMediaPlayerAndVisualizer Stop playing private void stopPlaying bars.setVisibility View.VISIBLE visualizerContainer.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE ivInfo.setImageResource R.drawable.img_radio_info_offline..

Online radio streaming app for Android


this public void onClick View v if v buttonPlay startPlaying else if v buttonStopPlay stopPlaying private void startPlaying buttonStopPlay.setEnabled true buttonPlay.setEnabled false playSeekBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer buttonPlay.setEnabled true buttonStopPlay.setEnabled..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


for loop for sampleRate return private void startPlaying LOG_TAG startPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG start Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording.. return private void startPlaying LOG_TAG startPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG start Playing private void stopPlaying LOG_TAG stopPlaying Log.e LOG_TAG stop Playing private void startRecording LOG_TAG startRecording start a separate recording thread from here.. stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying isPlaying false stopPlaying recordBtn.setEnabled true playBtn.setEnabled true @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle LOG_TAG..