android Programming Glossary: smbfile
custom checkbox difficulty in android final ArrayList String values private final Map String SmbFile obj static ArrayList Boolean checks new ArrayList Boolean public.. Context context ArrayList String values Map String SmbFile obj super context R.layout.row_checkbox values this.context.. final ArrayList String values private final Map String SmbFile obj private ArrayList Boolean checks new ArrayList Boolean public..
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream to use SmbFileInputStream This is an updated version of a question I asked.. version of a question I asked last week. I'm trying to use SmbFileInputStream to connect my Android to my PC but the app aborts.. of those exceptions. The applicable code looks like this SmbFile inFile null jcifs.Config.setProperty jcifs.netbios.wins
How to access share folder in windows through android and read files share improve this question You need to get JCIFS and us SmbFile to interact with files over the network http permission on. So Far though everytime I try to call SmbFile.listFiles I get an UnknownHostException However others seam..
custom checkbox difficulty in android ArrayAdapter String private final Context context private final ArrayList String values private final Map String SmbFile obj static ArrayList Boolean checks new ArrayList Boolean public imageCheckBoxAdapter Context context ArrayList String values.. Boolean checks new ArrayList Boolean public imageCheckBoxAdapter Context context ArrayList String values Map String SmbFile obj super context R.layout.row_checkbox values this.context context this.values values this.obj obj @Override public View.. View.onClickListener private final Context context private final ArrayList String values private final Map String SmbFile obj private ArrayList Boolean checks new ArrayList Boolean public imageCheckBoxAdapter Context context ArrayList String..
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream to use SmbFileInputStream This is an updated version of a question I asked last week. I'm trying to use SmbFileInputStream to connect.. to use SmbFileInputStream This is an updated version of a question I asked last week. I'm trying to use SmbFileInputStream to connect my Android to my PC but the app aborts on my tablet with this error message The application has stopped.. try again. I'm using Try Catch but it doesn't trigger any of those exceptions. The applicable code looks like this SmbFile inFile null jcifs.Config.setProperty jcifs.netbios.wins try inFile new SmbFileInputStream smb MIKE PC Users..
How to access share folder in windows through android and read files to create a app like that. Thanks a lot. android samba share improve this question You need to get JCIFS and us SmbFile to interact with files over the network http archive jcifs 2007 September 007465.html that is a quick example.. a quick example of how to list files of coarse you need internet permission on. So Far though everytime I try to call SmbFile.listFiles I get an UnknownHostException However others seam to be able to do it with no problem this might work for you..