android Programming Glossary: s.equals
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader int before int count Log.d DEBUG_TAG onTextChanged if s.equals mCurFilter s.toString else mCurFilter mContext.getLoaderManager..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity view.setOnTouchListener this if s.equals 0 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img1 else if s.equals 1.. s.equals 0 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img1 else if s.equals 1 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img2 else if s.equals 2.. s.equals 1 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img2 else if s.equals 2 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img3 else view.setImageResource..
compare two images is same or not s s1 s t.getText .toString s1 t1.setText .toString if s.equals s1 t.setText equal else t.setText not equal i need the coding..
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device Log.w KEY s String sname jObjFren.getString s if s.equals id StaticUtils.sFbId.add sname StaticUtils.sFbPics.add StaticUtils.sImgUrl.. StaticUtils.sImgUrl sname picture else if s.equals name StaticUtils.sFbName.add sname.toLowerCase catch JSONException..
Clear Application's Data Programatically String children appDir.list for String s children if s.equals lib deleteDir new File appDir s Log.i TAG File data data..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader @Override public void onTextChanged CharSequence s int start int before int count Log.d DEBUG_TAG onTextChanged if s.equals mCurFilter s.toString else mCurFilter mContext.getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null mView @Override public void afterTextChanged..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity String s String.valueOf id ImageView view view ImageView findViewById view.setOnTouchListener this if s.equals 0 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img1 else if s.equals 1 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img2 else if s.equals 2.. view.setOnTouchListener this if s.equals 0 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img1 else if s.equals 1 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img2 else if s.equals 2 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img3 else view.setImageResource.. s.equals 0 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img1 else if s.equals 1 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img2 else if s.equals 2 view.setImageResource R.drawable.img3 else view.setImageResource R.drawable.img4 public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent..
compare two images is same or not not.this is coding for compare two strings TextView t t1 String s s1 s t.getText .toString s1 t1.setText .toString if s.equals s1 t.setText equal else t.setText not equal i need the coding for compare two images are same or not.please give me early..
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device it jObjFren.keys while it.hasNext String s String Log.w KEY s String sname jObjFren.getString s if s.equals id StaticUtils.sFbId.add sname StaticUtils.sFbPics.add StaticUtils.sImgUrl sname picture else if s.equals name StaticUtils.sFbName.add.. s if s.equals id StaticUtils.sFbId.add sname StaticUtils.sFbPics.add StaticUtils.sImgUrl sname picture else if s.equals name StaticUtils.sFbName.add sname.toLowerCase catch JSONException e Log.w json exception e.toString catch FacebookError..
Clear Application's Data Programatically File appDir new File cache.getParent if appDir.exists String children appDir.list for String s children if s.equals lib deleteDir new File appDir s Log.i TAG File data data APP_PACKAGE s DELETED public static boolean deleteDir File..