

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:55

android Programming Glossary: organized

How to link any library in ndk application


it can't find the file. I'm a bit confused why you've organized your project like that but if I was going to build your project..

How to see the activity stack in debug?


The first part of that is the complete activity history organized by task. You can see more details here . share improve this..

View the Task's activity stack


The first part of that is the complete activity history organized by task. There is also a lot of stuff printed after that so..

Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab


separated into there own XML file. Activities can also be organized into there own Java file instead of being cluttered into one...

Does Android XML Layout's 'include' Tag Really Work?


examples I must be doing something wrong. My project is organized like this res layout buttons.xml res layout land receipt.xml..

Android: Including multiple Java Packages to Manifest


to Manifest The app I am developing has many activities organized into seven java packages. Originally I wrote all the coding..

Defining Strings in res/values/string.xml?


translate them into different languages. So they're nicely organized and you have them all in one place. share improve this answer..

Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse


2010 01 18 android source which has some pre organized source for Eclair but nothing since. There are also some StackOverflow..

Is it possible to read CPU cache hit/miss rate in Android?


you are running the kernel in qemu. This page is not very organized but there is an excellent section on using startNativeTracing..

getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter


that is managed by the framework. These are essentially organized by view type so that a view of the correct type is given to..

Difference between /res and /assets directories


the benefits of compile time checking. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported by resources...

Performance and Usability comparison of Android JSON libraries [closed]


Gson versus Jackson stepping through features as they were organized in the Gson User Guide including examples of comparable implementations..

Android: Accessing images from assets/drawable folders


you have to get those images. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported by resources...

Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change


it might require some working around to get this stuff organized properly in fragments that being said I would like to maintain..

How to link any library in ndk application


you get make No rule to make target `something.c' it just means it can't find the file. I'm a bit confused why you've organized your project like that but if I was going to build your project I would do it as follows doesn't matter which directory..

How to see the activity stack in debug?


View the Task's activity stack


the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The first part of that is the complete activity history organized by task. There is also a lot of stuff printed after that so you may need to scroll up a bit to find what you want. Here..

Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab


TabHost. Activity based tabs are great because they can be separated into there own XML file. Activities can also be organized into there own Java file instead of being cluttered into one. That being said some of the things you would think would be..

Does Android XML Layout's 'include' Tag Really Work?


Since Romain indicates this works in the test suites and his examples I must be doing something wrong. My project is organized like this res layout buttons.xml res layout land receipt.xml res layout port receipt.xml The buttons.xml contains something..

Android: Including multiple Java Packages to Manifest


Including multiple Java Packages to Manifest The app I am developing has many activities organized into seven java packages. Originally I wrote all the coding and stuff for each group of activities in a java package as..

Defining Strings in res/values/string.xml?


Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse


exists. There is a more recent blog here http android.opensourceror.org 2010 01 18 android source which has some pre organized source for Eclair but nothing since. There are also some StackOverflow posts from 2008 older than both the above Attaching..

Is it possible to read CPU cache hit/miss rate in Android?


to get information about cache misses if you are running the kernel in qemu. This page is not very organized but there is an excellent section on using startNativeTracing that you should take a look at if you're having trouble figuring..

getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter


by scrolling off the screen it goes into a recycled views pool that is managed by the framework. These are essentially organized by view type so that a view of the correct type is given to you in convertView parameter in your getView method The framework..

Difference between /res and /assets directories


a resource ID by name using getIdentifier but this loses the benefits of compile time checking. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported by resources. It's a different way of managing data. Although resources cover..

Performance and Usability comparison of Android JSON libraries [closed]


I posted a multi part series on my blog comparing using Gson versus Jackson stepping through features as they were organized in the Gson User Guide including examples of comparable implementations in Jackson and of implementations in Gson where..

Android: Accessing images from assets/drawable folders


then you have to use AssetManager then using AssetFileDescriptor you have to get those images. Assets can also be organized into a folder hierarchy which is not supported by resources. It's a different way of managing data. Although resources cover..

Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change


some similar questions here with no answer. I understand that it might require some working around to get this stuff organized properly in fragments that being said I would like to maintain the same basic design logic. What would be the proper way..