

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:53

android Programming Glossary: orderby

SQLIteDatabase.query method


tableColumns whereClause whereArgs groupBy having orderBy tableColumns columns parameter is constructed as follows. String.. column1 String whereArgs new String value1 value2 String orderBy column1 Cursor c sqLiteDatabase.query table1 tableColumns whereClause.. table1 tableColumns whereClause whereArgs null null orderBy since we have a named column we can do int idx c.getColumnIndex..

Query songs of an album with CursorLoader


whereVal Album name from which you want songs String orderBy android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE cursor managedQuery.. columns where whereVal orderBy Now return this cursor. For your reference below is Source code.. String whereVal Rolling Papers Deluxe Version String orderBy android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE cursor managedQuery..

select distinct value in android sqlite


String selectionArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy String limit Here first argument specifies whether to use distinct..

Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable


method static Cursor getAll SQLiteDatabase db String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When.. String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When I run it sporadically I get this 05 01 14 45 05.849..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase db Cursor cursor null if uriMatcher.match uri.. TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri getContext .getContentResolver uri..

Android - SQLite database on SD card


table columns selection selectionArgs groupBy having orderBy you can do all the things which you expect with a database...

Android Database Transaction


String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs.. tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy having orderBy public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String.. String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy ArrayList ArrayList String retList new ArrayList ArrayList..

SQLIteDatabase.query method


using in query method. Cursor cursor sqLiteDatabase.query tableName tableColumns whereClause whereArgs groupBy having orderBy tableColumns columns parameter is constructed as follows. String columns new String KEY_ID KEY_CONTENT If we need to get.. max column1 FROM table2 AS max String whereClause column1 OR column1 String whereArgs new String value1 value2 String orderBy column1 Cursor c sqLiteDatabase.query table1 tableColumns whereClause whereArgs null null orderBy since we have a named.. value1 value2 String orderBy column1 Cursor c sqLiteDatabase.query table1 tableColumns whereClause whereArgs null null orderBy since we have a named column we can do int idx c.getColumnIndex max is equivalent to the following raw query String queryString..

Query songs of an album with CursorLoader


where android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM String whereVal Album name from which you want songs String orderBy android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE cursor managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI columns where.. cursor managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI columns where whereVal orderBy Now return this cursor. For your reference below is Source code to retrieve Album name and all songs in it. package org.vipul.. String where android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM String whereVal Rolling Papers Deluxe Version String orderBy android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE cursor managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI column where..

select distinct value in android sqlite


Exception: attempt to acquire a reference on a close SQLiteClosable


bells for anyone. In one of my code samples I have the following method static Cursor getAll SQLiteDatabase db String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When I run it sporadically I get this 05 01 14 45 05.849 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. the following method static Cursor getAll SQLiteDatabase db String orderBy return db.rawQuery SELECT FROM restaurants orderBy null When I run it sporadically I get this 05 01 14 45 05.849 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1145 java.lang.IllegalStateException..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


return true @Override public Cursor query Uri uri String projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase db Cursor cursor null if uriMatcher.match uri QUADUSER_ID long id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments .get.. run the query db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri getContext .getContentResolver uri return cursor @Override public String getType Uri uri switch..

Android - SQLite database on SD card


db.endTransaction db.setTransactionSuccessful db.query table columns selection selectionArgs groupBy having orderBy you can do all the things which you expect with a database. SQLiteOpenHelper in only a wrapper class which helps you the..

Android Database Transaction


String tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy having orderBy public ArrayList ArrayList String.. String having String orderBy return myDataBase.query tableName tableColumns whereClase whereArgs groupBy having orderBy public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String.. String tableName String tableColumns String whereClase String whereArgs String groupBy String having String orderBy ArrayList ArrayList String retList new ArrayList ArrayList String ArrayList String list new ArrayList String Cursor cursor..