android Programming Glossary: keyevent
Override home and back button is case a boolean is true onAttachedToWindow @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock.. @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock mTextView.setText.. dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock mTextView.setText KEYCODE_HOME return..
Listen to volume buttons in background service?
Android: Override back button to act like home button calls. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d this.getClass .getName.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d this.getClass .getName back button pressed.. as follows @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK moveTaskToBack true return..
Android popup window dismissal @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub boolean res false if.. Auto generated method stub boolean res false if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 do something on back. .. a FrameLayout that listens for touch events and the KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event to dismiss the window. If background null..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? so far @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if Integer.parseInt android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK 5 keyCode.. Integer.parseInt android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK 5 keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 Log.d CDA onKeyDown Called..
How to hook into the Power button in Android? class @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here..... boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here... event.startTracking Needed.. event @Override public boolean onKeyLongPress int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here.....
Intercept back button from soft keyboard do this in the API. The key is to override boolan dispatchKeyEventPreIme KeyEvent within a layout. What we do is create our layout... API. The key is to override boolan dispatchKeyEventPreIme KeyEvent within a layout. What we do is create our layout. I chose RelativeLayout.. public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId KeyEvent event if actionId EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH performSearch..
Call method when home button pressed on android [closed] Activities @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d Test Back button.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d Test Back button pressed else if keyCode.. Log.d Test Back button pressed else if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Log.d Test Home button pressed return super.onKeyDown..
How to display input errors in popup? public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId KeyEvent event if actionId EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT if editText.getText..
Can I override the 'Home' button in my application? button @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Toast.makeText this You.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Toast.makeText this You pressed the home button..
File Upload in WebView screen. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK web.canGoBack web.goBack.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK web.canGoBack web.goBack return true return super.onKeyDown..
Android WebView, how to code the back button? WebViews @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode.. onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK if mWebView.canGoBack.. event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK if mWebView.canGoBack true mWebView.goBack else..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT.. intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null.. if event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED..
Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import.. canvas @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP zoom in zoomControler.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP zoom in zoomControler 10 if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? keys you need to override @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT.. need to override @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT.. public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT event.getKeyCode..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location stub return false public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK startActivity new Intent.. boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class..
Turn off wifi via adb? through ADB This is a little sketchy however you can use keyevents adb shell am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n n .wifi.WifiSettings adb shell input keyevent 20 adb shell input keyevent 23 Using adb shell you can intent.. adb shell input keyevent 20 adb shell input keyevent 23 Using adb shell you can intent the android settings package..
Override Power button just like Home button I get can away with it. I am getting the long press Power keyevent in onDispatchKeyEvent in the same way I want to catch the short..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] and gets stuck in a bootloop. Trying to use adb input keyevent to mimic the key presses. I have no idea what they are mapped..
Adb shell commands to change settings or perform tasks on a phone than simply opening an application or sending an input keyevent button press . For instance I want to toggle Airplane Mode on.. the Wireless network settings menu and then use input keyevents to click Airplane mode adb shell am start a android.settings.AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS.. a android.settings.AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS adb shell input keyevent 19 adb shell input keyevent 23 There are quite a few drawbacks..
Key Events in TabActivities? or back. Where do I need to catch these KeyEvents android keyevent share improve this question It turns out to be pretty easy...
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? use the camera button to wake the phone. android listener keyevent share improve this question As far as I know KeyEvents can..
Android checkable submenu options I've tried many things but I'm confused on where the keyevent is supposed to come from or if this is even the right method..
How to intercept a hard key pressed in a service? to handle the KeyEvents in the Service android service keyevent share improve this question There is no general way to listen..
KeyEvent special Keys (like mute) simulate a key press on those special keys. java android keyevent special keys share improve this question Have you already..
adb shell input events What is the basic difference between adb shell input keyevent and adb shell sendevent .Which one should I use for inputting.. share improve this question By 'adb shell input keyevent' either an event_code or a string will be sent to the device... or a string will be sent to the device. usage input text keyevent input text string input keyevent event_code Event_code could..
Override home and back button is case a boolean is true isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub isLock isChecked onAttachedToWindow @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock mTextView.setText KEYCODE_HOME return true else return.. TODO Auto generated method stub isLock isChecked onAttachedToWindow @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock mTextView.setText KEYCODE_HOME return true else return super.dispatchKeyEvent.. stub isLock isChecked onAttachedToWindow @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME isLock mTextView.setText KEYCODE_HOME return true else return super.dispatchKeyEvent event @Override public..
Listen to volume buttons in background service?
Android: Override back button to act like home button press as below and then call whatever method s the home button calls. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d this.getClass .getName back button pressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event.. call whatever method s the home button calls. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d this.getClass .getName back button pressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event Capture the back button.. capture the Back button press and call moveTaskToBack true as follows @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK moveTaskToBack true return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I think the..
Android popup window dismissal popup window. Like this pop.setOnKeyListener new View.OnKeyListener @Override public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub boolean res false if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 do something.. public boolean onKey View v int keyCode KeyEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub boolean res false if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 do something on back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing.. and puts your content view in it. PopupViewContainer is basically a FrameLayout that listens for touch events and the KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event to dismiss the window. If background null it doesn't do any of that and just uses your content view...
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? the exact same as the Home button and here is how I have tried so far @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if Integer.parseInt android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK 5 keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 Log.d.. public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if Integer.parseInt android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK 5 keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 Log.d CDA onKeyDown Called onBackPressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event public..
How to hook into the Power button in Android? and long presses add the following overrides to your activity class @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here... event.startTracking Needed to track long presses return true.. following overrides to your activity class @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here... event.startTracking Needed to track long presses return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode.. long presses return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode event @Override public boolean onKeyLongPress int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER Do something here... return true return super.onKeyLongPress keyCode event Note..
Intercept back button from soft keyboard effort as it has been mentioned there is no direct way to do this in the API. The key is to override boolan dispatchKeyEventPreIme KeyEvent within a layout. What we do is create our layout. I chose RelativeLayout since it was the base of my Activity... has been mentioned there is no direct way to do this in the API. The key is to override boolan dispatchKeyEventPreIme KeyEvent within a layout. What we do is create our layout. I chose RelativeLayout since it was the base of my Activity. xml version.. new OnEditorActionListener @Override public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId KeyEvent event if actionId EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH performSearch return true return false Let the layout know we are going..
Call method when home button pressed on android [closed] android closed So I have this method in one of my Android Activities @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d Test Back button pressed else if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Log.d Test.. this method in one of my Android Activities @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d Test Back button pressed else if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Log.d Test Home button pressed return.. onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d Test Back button pressed else if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Log.d Test Home button pressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event But even though the KEYCODE_HOME is valid..
How to display input errors in popup? new OnEditorActionListener @Override public boolean onEditorAction TextView v int actionId KeyEvent event if actionId EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT if editText.getText .toString .trim .equalsIgnoreCase editText.setError..
Can I override the 'Home' button in my application? Hi again You can override the home button as any other button @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Toast.makeText this You pressed the home button Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return.. override the home button as any other button @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME Toast.makeText this You pressed the home button Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return true return super.onKeyDown..
File Upload in WebView handle Back key press event for WebView to go back to previous screen. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK web.canGoBack web.goBack return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode event Also I.. for WebView to go back to previous screen. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK web.canGoBack web.goBack return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode event Also I want to add that the upload..
Android WebView, how to code the back button? question I use something like this in my activities with WebViews @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK if mWebView.canGoBack true mWebView.goBack.. this in my activities with WebViews @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK if mWebView.canGoBack true mWebView.goBack else finish return.. public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if event.getAction KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN switch keyCode case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK if mWebView.canGoBack true mWebView.goBack else finish return true return super.onKeyDown keyCode event..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver context Intent intent String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return int action event.getAction if action.. intent String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN.. KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity..
Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out android.content.Context import import import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ImageButton public class Zoom extends View private.. getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler image.draw canvas @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP zoom in zoomControler 10 if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN zoom out zoomControler.. getHeight 2 zoomControler image.draw canvas @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP zoom in zoomControler 10 if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN zoom out zoomControler 10 if zoomControler..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? http u 31740476 ITelephony.aidl To disable keys you need to override @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN.. u 31740476 ITelephony.aidl To disable keys you need to override @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN.. ITelephony.aidl To disable keys you need to override @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent event if KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location protected boolean isRouteDisplayed TODO Auto generated method stub return false public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class finish return super.onKeyDown.. TODO Auto generated method stub return false public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class finish return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I am getting..
Turn off wifi via adb? enable Disable adb shell svc wifi disable Using Key Events through ADB This is a little sketchy however you can use keyevents adb shell am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n .wifi.WifiSettings adb shell input keyevent 20 adb.. keyevents adb shell am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n .wifi.WifiSettings adb shell input keyevent 20 adb shell input keyevent 23 Using adb shell you can intent the android settings package and run the wifi.WifiSettings.. a android.intent.action.MAIN n .wifi.WifiSettings adb shell input keyevent 20 adb shell input keyevent 23 Using adb shell you can intent the android settings package and run the wifi.WifiSettings activity. From here we must..
Override Power button just like Home button want you people to see and please share some ideas so that I get can away with it. I am getting the long press Power keyevent in onDispatchKeyEvent in the same way I want to catch the short click of the same. Moreover when pressing power I also tried..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] ext etc. . This does wipe but then the ROM doesn't work properly and gets stuck in a bootloop. Trying to use adb input keyevent to mimic the key presses. I have no idea what they are mapped to because they are in a UNIX shell basically and even then..
Adb shell commands to change settings or perform tasks on a phone line ideally using a .bat file that will be capable of more than simply opening an application or sending an input keyevent button press . For instance I want to toggle Airplane Mode on or off from the command line. Currently the best I can do.. off from the command line. Currently the best I can do is launch the Wireless network settings menu and then use input keyevents to click Airplane mode adb shell am start a android.settings.AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS adb shell input keyevent 19 adb shell.. input keyevents to click Airplane mode adb shell am start a android.settings.AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS adb shell input keyevent 19 adb shell input keyevent 23 There are quite a few drawbacks to this method primarily that the screen has to be on and..
Key Events in TabActivities? never gets called whether I press volume up down menu home or back. Where do I need to catch these KeyEvents android keyevent share improve this question It turns out to be pretty easy. Add the following code to your child tab activity @Override..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? me to want this. I just think it'd be nice for example to use the camera button to wake the phone. android listener keyevent share improve this question As far as I know KeyEvents can only be handled by Activities as they are the interface to..
Android checkable submenu options flag but I'm not sure how to use that method. I've tried many things but I'm confused on where the keyevent is supposed to come from or if this is even the right method I should be looking at. So tl dr How do I prevent options menus..
How to intercept a hard key pressed in a service? in order to launch an activity In other words Is it possible to handle the KeyEvents in the Service android service keyevent share improve this question There is no general way to listen for the key events of the hardware keys from anything..
KeyEvent special Keys (like mute) normal keys on my keyboard. I simply can't find any way to simulate a key press on those special keys. java android keyevent special keys share improve this question Have you already tried to send the OS dependent key codes to the Robot The..
adb shell input events shell input events What is the basic difference between adb shell input keyevent and adb shell sendevent .Which one should I use for inputting a character and are the both keycodes same that we pass to.. same that we pass to both the commands Regards KVR android share improve this question By 'adb shell input keyevent' either an event_code or a string will be sent to the device. usage input text keyevent input text string input keyevent.. question By 'adb shell input keyevent' either an event_code or a string will be sent to the device. usage input text keyevent input text string input keyevent event_code Event_code could be 0 KEYCODE_UNKNOWN 1 KEYCODE_MENU 2 KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT 3..