android Programming Glossary: inclination
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager direction the user requested with their swipe motion This is very very jarring. How I Tried to Solve This My first inclination was to turn off smooth ie all animations. It's a bit better but it's now choppy when you move from the last element to the..
How can I get the magnetic field vector, independent of the device rotation? the device is rotated. I tried to multiply with the rotation matrix I know how to get that tried to multiply with the inclination matrix and so on but nothing works. Regardless of what I try still the values change when I rotate the device. So does anyone.. like R m . This vector will point through the earth to the magnetic north pole. If you also multiply it with inclination I the vector would be rotated around the X axis to be fully on the Y axis 0 m 0 I R geomagnetic m magnitude of geomagnetic..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? not sticking with an implementation model tied to a previous application environment. Developers who lack the time or inclination to do this will get frustrated with newer environments that break their existing mental model. This is not the fault of..
Is it possible to measure distance to object with camera? eye level then you must point the camera to the point where object touches the ground. Then the phone measures the inclination and with simple trigonometry it calculates distance. This is of course not very accurate. It gets less accurate the further..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates 0 R 2 accelerometervalues 1 R 5 accelerometervalues 2 R 8 I have also tried multipliying accelerometervalues with the inclination matrix I. Also multipliying with both R and I trueaccel accel R I and that didn't work either. Neither does calling to remapcoordinates..