

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:28

android Programming Glossary: bar's

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock


mProgress 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START..

Combine custom title with FEATURE_PROGRESS


a custom title bar if I could find the non custom title bar's resource ID . Something that's better than the dangerous getParent..

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android


to change progress bar's progress color in Android I'm using an horizontal progress..

Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow


top Y coordinate that is about ~30px status notifications bar's height too far down. The left X coordinate is dead on. As I..

Android SeekBar thumb gets clipped/cut off


can also control the space allowed at the edges for a seek bar's thumb by calling setThumbOffset . share improve this answer..

Where is API call to do “lights out mode” in honeycomb?


Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0


The behavior where icons are not displayed in the action bar's overflow menu is by design as of this writing . If you absolutely..

Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors


developer guide shows a sample xml to customize the action bar's style. Regarding the text of the menu options check the properties..

Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar?


the blue bottom line is the background of the action bar's container view and is set to @android drawable ab_transparent_dark_holo..

How to customize the back button on ActionBar


on ActionBar I have been able to customize the action bar's background logo image and text color using suggestions from..

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock


mProgressRunner new Runnable @Override public void run mProgress 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START 100 mProgress setSupportProgress progress if mProgress 100..

Combine custom title with FEATURE_PROGRESS


Any idea how to work around this Alternatively I would avoid a custom title bar if I could find the non custom title bar's resource ID . Something that's better than the dangerous getParent . Is this possible android android layout android titlebar..

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android


to change progress bar's progress color in Android I'm using an horizontal progress bar in my Android application and I want to change its progress..

Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow


to getLocationOnScreen or getLocationInWindow both give me a top Y coordinate that is about ~30px status notifications bar's height too far down. The left X coordinate is dead on. As I hinted above I believe the difference is because of the status..

Android SeekBar thumb gets clipped/cut off


Where is API call to do “lights out mode” in honeycomb?


Displaying icon for menu items of Action Bar in Honeycomb android 3.0


android actionbar android 3.0 share improve this question The behavior where icons are not displayed in the action bar's overflow menu is by design as of this writing . If you absolutely need to use icons you'll need to write a custom implementation..

Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors


actionBarTabTextStyle . This section in the official developer guide shows a sample xml to customize the action bar's style. Regarding the text of the menu options check the properties actionMenuTextAppearance and actionMenuTextColor . share..

Android ICS: Remove blue divider in ActionBar?


share improve this question The graphic asset containing the blue bottom line is the background of the action bar's container view and is set to @android drawable ab_transparent_dark_holo when using the default Holo Dark theme. To remove..

How to customize the back button on ActionBar


to customize the back button on ActionBar I have been able to customize the action bar's background logo image and text color using suggestions from these Android How to change the ActionBar Home Icon to be something..