android Programming Glossary: android.library.reference.1
Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator) it using absolute path from as below android.library.reference.1 C Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app directory edit to add the dependency android.library.reference.1 .. myOrigApp Copy over the Manifest from the original dir cd..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure to add next line to the YOUR_PROJECT android.library.reference.1 google play services_lib to add next lines to the YOUR_PROJECT..
Map API v2 Authorisation Failure RelativeLayout target android 17 android.library.reference.1 .. google play services_lib android.library.reference.2 .. ActionBarSherlock..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? proguard project.txt # Project target. target android 10 android.library.reference.1 .. .. adt bundle windows x86 sdk extras google google_play_services..
Changing application package name in custom Ant build step S arg path resource.absolute.dir arg value S arg path android.library.reference.1 res arg value A arg path asset.absolute.dir arg value I arg..
Error while Setting of Proguard and Exporting APK proguard.cfg # Project target. target android 17 android.library.reference.1 .. librarySlideMenu android.library.reference.2 .. google play..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package add that to the rule above like this arg value S arg path android.library.reference.1 res It starts to feel more and more like a hack that can break..
In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1 K android_test_ws applicationRegistrar The green tick against..
Specifying Android project dependencies (in Eclipse) file for the main project would include the following android.library.reference.1 .. LibraryA android.library.reference.2 .. .. LibraryB where..
How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line path resource.absolute.dir arg value S arg path basedir android.library.reference.1 resource.dir arg value A arg path asset.absolute.dir arg..
Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator) ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library If you directly alter it using absolute path from as below android.library.reference.1 C Documents and Settings yorkw Desktop JakeWharton Android ViewPagerIndicator f09acb0 library Then after Eclipse refresh..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app files directories you would normally need. In that new sibling directory edit to add the dependency android.library.reference.1 .. myOrigApp Copy over the Manifest from the original dir cd sibling cp .. myOrigApp AndroidManifest.xml .. myOrigApp
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure libproject google play services_lib to root of your project to add next line to the YOUR_PROJECT android.library.reference.1 google play services_lib to add next lines to the YOUR_PROJECT proguard project.txt . keep class extends java.util.ListResourceBundle..
Map API v2 Authorisation Failure layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent RelativeLayout target android 17 android.library.reference.1 .. google play services_lib android.library.reference.2 .. ActionBarSherlock The ActionBarSherlock has android support v4..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? #proguard.config sdk.dir tools proguard proguard android.txt proguard project.txt # Project target. target android 10 android.library.reference.1 .. .. adt bundle windows x86 sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib The problem still..
Changing application package name in custom Ant build step add overlay arg value M arg path AndroidManifest.xml arg value S arg path resource.absolute.dir arg value S arg path android.library.reference.1 res arg value A arg path asset.absolute.dir arg value I arg path arg value F arg path out.absolute.dir..
Error while Setting of Proguard and Exporting APK uncomment this available properties sdk.dir user.home proguard.config proguard.cfg # Project target. target android 17 android.library.reference.1 .. librarySlideMenu android.library.reference.2 .. google play services_lib Please tell me about solution of that and how..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package file and you'll see the reference to the lib. Then add that to the rule above like this arg value S arg path android.library.reference.1 res It starts to feel more and more like a hack that can break with any platform SDK update. share improve this answer..
In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project to my library project via project properties. The file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1 K android_test_ws applicationRegistrar The green tick against the referenced library project starts off green and then changes..
Specifying Android project dependencies (in Eclipse) wants to point to two Library Projects my file for the main project would include the following android.library.reference.1 .. LibraryA android.library.reference.2 .. .. LibraryB where the .. and the .. .. are the respective paths from the main..
How can I change the application package name for an Android app via command line M arg path basedir AndroidManifest.xml arg value S arg path resource.absolute.dir arg value S arg path basedir android.library.reference.1 resource.dir arg value A arg path asset.absolute.dir arg value I arg path android.jar arg value F arg path out.absolute.dir..