android Programming Glossary: android.content.activitynotfoundexception
open link of google play store in mobile version android Uri.parse market details id appPackageName catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException anfe startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? startActivity myIntent This fails and generates the error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) 1034 FATAL EXCEPTION main E AndroidRuntime 1034 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW..
Unable to solve errors in android? EXCEPTION main 09 09 18 32 14.688 E AndroidRuntime 7617 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act EndgameActivity 09 09..
How to send email from my Android application? startActivity Intent.createChooser i Send mail... catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Toast.makeText MyActivity.this There are no email clients..
Android- Using DexClassLoader to load apk file it and when I ran the my app again I get this error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class com.test com.test.classname..
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: I am getting this exception while I am trying to call an activity.. an activity from another one. The complete exception is android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class com.x.y com.x.y.class..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App But it causes the app to crash android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW..
unable to find activity in android class i am getting following error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class
Error opening mobile network settings menu ideas anyone 12 10 11 17 34.902 ERROR AndroidRuntime 623 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent action android.settings.DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS..
make a phone call click on a button as follows 03 23 15 04 16.166 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1021 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.CALL..
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity exception 04 01 19 04 37.962 ERROR AndroidRuntime 8061 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class CustomPrefScreen..
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType myIntent However I'm getting the following error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.PICK.. try _context.startActivity newIntent catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText _context No handler for this type of file...
Check if intent uri is available the link is clicked on by the user I can't catch the android.content.ActivityNotFoundException exception. Am I missing something obvious Solution By inazaruk's..
opening local html file with Android Browser browserIntent but i'm getting the following exception android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW..
Android file chooser [closed] intent Select a File to Upload FILE_SELECT_CODE catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Potentially direct the user to the Market with a Dialog Toast.makeText..
Send email via gmail startActivity Intent.createChooser i Send mail... catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Toast .makeText Start.this There are no email clients..
open link of google play store in mobile version android or Activity object try startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id appPackageName catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException anfe startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http store apps details id appPackageName While..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? extension myIntent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile file mimetype startActivity myIntent This fails and generates the error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat file file mnt sdcard roms nes Baseball_simulator.nes..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) exiting with uncaught exception group 0x40a13300 E AndroidRuntime 1034 FATAL EXCEPTION main E AndroidRuntime 1034 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat http store apps details id
Unable to solve errors in android? 0x40a71930 09 09 18 32 14.688 E AndroidRuntime 7617 FATAL EXCEPTION main 09 09 18 32 14.688 E AndroidRuntime 7617 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act EndgameActivity 09 09 18 32 14.688 E AndroidRuntime 7617 at
How to send email from my Android application? of email i.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT body of email try startActivity Intent.createChooser i Send mail... catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Toast.makeText MyActivity.this There are no email clients installed. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Otherwise you'll have to..
Android- Using DexClassLoader to load apk file defeat the entire point of the application . So I uninstalled it and when I ran the my app again I get this error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class com.test com.test.classname have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml...
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: I am getting this exception while I am trying to call an activity from another one. The complete exception is android.content.ActivityNotFoundException.. I am getting this exception while I am trying to call an activity from another one. The complete exception is android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class com.x.y com.x.y.class I am doing an intent.setClass com.x.y com.x.y.className where..
Android: Starting An Activity For A Different Third Party App maybe using the setPackage method would work like this i.setPackage But it causes the app to crash android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat http music Rihanna pkg Is..
unable to find activity in android But when i try to set the wallpaper of an image reference class i am getting following error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class have you declared this activity in..
Error opening mobile network settings menu intentSettings but it gives me this error. Any ideas anyone 12 10 11 17 34.902 ERROR AndroidRuntime 623 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent action android.settings.DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS flags 0x4000000 Thanks android android..
make a phone call click on a button i am getting force close error.the error showing in log cat as follows 03 23 15 04 16.166 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1021 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.CALL dat 9392438004 how can i resolve this problem... please..
Android: launch a custom Preference from a PreferenceActivity declaring the activity to be launched in xml. This causes this exception 04 01 19 04 37.962 ERROR AndroidRuntime 8061 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException Unable to find explicit activity class CustomPrefScreen have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml..
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType Intent.ACTION_VIEW myIntent.setData Uri.fromFile item startActivity myIntent However I'm getting the following error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.PICK dat file sdcard dropbox test.pdf android share improve.. getFile mimeType newIntent.setFlags newIntent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK try _context.startActivity newIntent catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText _context No handler for this type of file. 4000 .show Using this function private String fileExt String..
Check if intent uri is available whether the imdb is available before it is too late. Because the link is clicked on by the user I can't catch the android.content.ActivityNotFoundException exception. Am I missing something obvious Solution By inazaruk's suggestion I'm now using the follwing code public static..
opening local html file with Android Browser new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW .setData uri startActivity browserIntent but i'm getting the following exception android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat file sdcard SolveDroid solution.html i'm confused..
Android file chooser [closed] try startActivityForResult Intent.createChooser intent Select a File to Upload FILE_SELECT_CODE catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Potentially direct the user to the Market with a Dialog Toast.makeText this Please install a File Manager. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Send email via gmail subject i.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT msg try startActivity Intent.createChooser i Send mail... catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Toast .makeText Start.this There are no email clients installed. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show But when this intent is..