

OpenStack Study: ssync_receiver.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# implied.

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.

import urllib

import eventlet

import eventlet.wsgi

import eventlet.greenio

from swift.common import constraints

from swift.common import exceptions

from swift.common import http

from swift.common import swob

from swift.common import utils

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Receiver(object):


Handles incoming REPLICATION requests to the object server.

These requests come from the object-replicator daemon that uses


The number of concurrent REPLICATION requests is restricted by

use of a replication_semaphore and can be configured with the

object-server.conf [object-server] replication_concurrency


A REPLICATION request is really just an HTTP conduit for

sender/receiver replication communication. The overall

REPLICATION request should always succeed, but it will contain

multiple requests within its request and response bodies. This

"hack" is done so that replication concurrency can be managed.

The general process inside a REPLICATION request is:

1. Initialize the request: Basic request validation, mount check,

acquire semaphore lock, etc..

2. Missing check: Sender sends the hashes and timestamps of

the object information it can send, receiver sends back

the hashes it wants (doesn't have or has an older


3. Updates: Sender sends the object information requested.

4. Close down: Release semaphore lock, etc.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, app, request):

        self.app = app

        self.request = request

        self.device = None

        self.partition = None

        self.fp = None

        # We default to dropping the connection in case there is any exception

        # raised during processing because otherwise the sender could send for

        # quite some time before realizing it was all in vain.

        self.disconnect = True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self):


        Processes a REPLICATION request.

        Acquires a semaphore lock and then proceeds through the steps

        of the REPLICATION process.


        # The general theme for functions __call__ calls is that they should

        # raise exceptions.MessageTimeout for client timeouts (logged locally),

        # swob.HTTPException classes for exceptions to return to the caller but

        # not log locally (unmounted, for example), and any other Exceptions

        # will be logged with a full stack trace.

        #       This is because the client is never just some random user but

        # is instead also our code and we definitely want to know if our code

        # is broken or doing something unexpected.


            # Double try blocks in case our main error handlers fail.


                # intialize_request is for preamble items that can be done

                # outside a replication semaphore lock.

                for data in self.initialize_request():

                    yield data

                # If semaphore is in use, try to acquire it, non-blocking, and

                # return a 503 if it fails.

                if self.app.replication_semaphore:

                    if not self.app.replication_semaphore.acquire(False):

                        raise swob.HTTPServiceUnavailable()


                    with self.app._diskfile_mgr.replication_lock(self.device):

                        for data in self.missing_check():

                            yield data

                        for data in self.updates():

                            yield data

                    # We didn't raise an exception, so end the request

                    # normally.

                    self.disconnect = False


                    if self.app.replication_semaphore:


            except exceptions.ReplicationLockTimeout as err:


                    '%s/%s/%s REPLICATION LOCK TIMEOUT: %s' % (

                        self.request.remote_addr, self.device, self.partition,


                yield ':ERROR: %d %r\n' % (0, str(err))

            except exceptions.MessageTimeout as err:


                    '%s/%s/%s TIMEOUT in replication.Receiver: %s' % (

                        self.request.remote_addr, self.device, self.partition,


                yield ':ERROR: %d %r\n' % (408, str(err))

            except swob.HTTPException as err:

                body = ''.join(err({}, lambda *args: None))

                yield ':ERROR: %d %r\n' % (err.status_int, body)

            except Exception as err:


                    '%s/%s/%s EXCEPTION in replication.Receiver' %

                    (self.request.remote_addr, self.device, self.partition))

                yield ':ERROR: %d %r\n' % (0, str(err))

        except Exception:

            self.app.logger.exception('EXCEPTION in replication.Receiver')

        if self.disconnect:

            # This makes the socket close early so the remote side doesn't have

            # to send its whole request while the lower Eventlet-level just

            # reads it and throws it away. Instead, the connection is dropped

            # and the remote side will get a broken-pipe exception.


                socket = self.request.environ['wsgi.input'].get_socket()



            except Exception:

                pass  # We're okay with the above failing.

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_flush(self):


        Sends a blank line sufficient to flush buffers.

        This is to ensure Eventlet versions that don't support

        eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size will send any previous data


        If https://bitbucket.org/eventlet/eventlet/pull-request/37

        ever gets released in an Eventlet version, we should make

        this yield only for versions older than that.


        yield ' ' * eventlet.wsgi.MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE + '\r\n'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def initialize_request(self):


        Basic validation of request and mount check.

        This function will be called before attempting to acquire a

        replication semaphore lock, so contains only quick checks.


        # The following is the setting we talk about above in _ensure_flush.

        self.request.environ['eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size'] = 0

        self.device, self.partition = utils.split_path(

            urllib.unquote(self.request.path), 2, 2, False)

        utils.validate_device_partition(self.device, self.partition)

        if self.app._diskfile_mgr.mount_check and \

                not constraints.check_mount(

                    self.app._diskfile_mgr.devices, self.device):

            raise swob.HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=self.device)

        self.fp = self.request.environ['wsgi.input']

        for data in self._ensure_flush():

            yield data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def missing_check(self):


        Handles the receiver-side of the MISSING_CHECK step of a

        REPLICATION request.

        Receives a list of hashes and timestamps of object

        information the sender can provide and responds with a list

        of hashes desired, either because they're missing or have an

        older timestamp locally.

        The process is generally:

            1. Sender sends `:MISSING_CHECK: START` and begins

               sending `hash timestamp` lines.

            2. Receiver gets `:MISSING_CHECK: START` and begins

               reading the `hash timestamp` lines, collecting the

               hashes of those it desires.

            3. Sender sends `:MISSING_CHECK: END`.

            4. Receiver gets `:MISSING_CHECK: END`, responds with

               `:MISSING_CHECK: START`, followed by the list of

               hashes it collected as being wanted (one per line),

               `:MISSING_CHECK: END`, and flushes any buffers.

            5. Sender gets `:MISSING_CHECK: START` and reads the list

               of hashes desired by the receiver until reading

               `:MISSING_CHECK: END`.

        The collection and then response is so the sender doesn't

        have to read while it writes to ensure network buffers don't

        fill up and block everything.


        with exceptions.MessageTimeout(

                self.app.client_timeout, 'missing_check start'):

            line = self.fp.readline(self.app.network_chunk_size)

        if line.strip() != ':MISSING_CHECK: START':

            raise Exception(

                'Looking for :MISSING_CHECK: START got %r' % line[:1024])

        object_hashes = []

        while True:

            with exceptions.MessageTimeout(

                    self.app.client_timeout, 'missing_check line'):

                line = self.fp.readline(self.app.network_chunk_size)

            if not line or line.strip() == ':MISSING_CHECK: END':


            object_hash, timestamp = [urllib.unquote(v) for v in line.split()]

            want = False


                df = self.app._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile_from_hash(

                    self.device, self.partition, object_hash)

            except exceptions.DiskFileNotExist:

                want = True




                except exceptions.DiskFileDeleted as err:

                    want = err.timestamp < timestamp

                except exceptions.DiskFileError, err:

                    want = True


                    want = df.timestamp < timestamp

            if want:


        yield ':MISSING_CHECK: START\r\n'

        yield '\r\n'.join(object_hashes)

        yield '\r\n'

        yield ':MISSING_CHECK: END\r\n'

        for data in self._ensure_flush():

            yield data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def updates(self):


        Handles the UPDATES step of a REPLICATION request.

        Receives a set of PUT and DELETE subrequests that will be

        routed to the object server itself for processing. These

        contain the information requested by the MISSING_CHECK step.

        The PUT and DELETE subrequests are formatted pretty much

        exactly like regular HTTP requests, excepting the HTTP

        version on the first request line.

        The process is generally:

            1. Sender sends `:UPDATES: START` and begins sending the

               PUT and DELETE subrequests.

            2. Receiver gets `:UPDATES: START` and begins routing the

               subrequests to the object server.

            3. Sender sends `:UPDATES: END`.

            4. Receiver gets `:UPDATES: END` and sends `:UPDATES:

               START` and `:UPDATES: END` (assuming no errors).

            5. Sender gets `:UPDATES: START` and `:UPDATES: END`.

        If too many subrequests fail, as configured by

        replication_failure_threshold and replication_failure_ratio,

        the receiver will hang up the request early so as to not

        waste any more time.

        At step 4, the receiver will send back an error if there were

        any failures (that didn't cause a hangup due to the above

        thresholds) so the sender knows the whole was not entirely a

        success. This is so the sender knows if it can remove an out

        of place partition, for example.


        with exceptions.MessageTimeout(

                self.app.client_timeout, 'updates start'):

            line = self.fp.readline(self.app.network_chunk_size)

        if line.strip() != ':UPDATES: START':

            raise Exception('Looking for :UPDATES: START got %r' % line[:1024])

        successes = 0

        failures = 0

        while True:

            with exceptions.MessageTimeout(

                    self.app.client_timeout, 'updates line'):

                line = self.fp.readline(self.app.network_chunk_size)

            if not line or line.strip() == ':UPDATES: END':


            # Read first line METHOD PATH of subrequest.

            method, path = line.strip().split(' ', 1)

            subreq = swob.Request.blank(

                '/%s/%s%s' % (self.device, self.partition, path),

                environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': method})

            # Read header lines.

            content_length = None

            replication_headers = []

            while True:

                with exceptions.MessageTimeout(self.app.client_timeout):

                    line = self.fp.readline(self.app.network_chunk_size)

                if not line:

                    raise Exception(

                        'Got no headers for %s %s' % (method, path))

                line = line.strip()

                if not line:


                header, value = line.split(':', 1)

                header = header.strip().lower()

                value = value.strip()

                subreq.headers[header] = value


                if header == 'content-length':

                    content_length = int(value)

            # Establish subrequest body, if needed.

            if method == 'DELETE':

                if content_length not in (None, 0):

                    raise Exception(

                        'DELETE subrequest with content-length %s' % path)

            elif method == 'PUT':

                if content_length is None:

                    raise Exception(

                        'No content-length sent for %s %s' % (method, path))

                def subreq_iter():

                    left = content_length

                    while left > 0:

                        with exceptions.MessageTimeout(


                                'updates content'):

                            chunk = self.fp.read(

                                min(left, self.app.network_chunk_size))

                        if not chunk:

                            raise Exception(

                                'Early termination for %s %s' % (method, path))

                        left -= len(chunk)

                        yield chunk

                subreq.environ['wsgi.input'] = utils.FileLikeIter(



                raise Exception('Invalid subrequest method %s' % method)

            subreq.headers['X-Backend-Replication'] = 'True'

            if replication_headers:

                subreq.headers['X-Backend-Replication-Headers'] = \

                    ' '.join(replication_headers)

            # Route subrequest and translate response.

            resp = subreq.get_response(self.app)

            if http.is_success(resp.status_int) or \

                    resp.status_int == http.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:

                successes += 1


                failures += 1

            if failures >= self.app.replication_failure_threshold and (

                    not successes or

                    float(failures) / successes >


                raise Exception(

                    'Too many %d failures to %d successes' %

                    (failures, successes))

            # The subreq may have failed, but we want to read the rest of the

            # body from the remote side so we can continue on with the next

            # subreq.

            for junk in subreq.environ['wsgi.input']:


        if failures:

            raise swob.HTTPInternalServerError(

                'ERROR: With :UPDATES: %d failures to %d successes' %

                (failures, successes))

        yield ':UPDATES: START\r\n'

        yield ':UPDATES: END\r\n'

        for data in self._ensure_flush():

            yield data