

OpenStack Study: server.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# implied.

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.

""" Object Server for Swift """

import cPickle as pickle

import os

import multiprocessing

import time

import traceback

import socket

import math

from datetime import datetime

from swift import gettext_ as _

from hashlib import md5

from eventlet import sleep, Timeout

from swift.common.utils import public, get_logger, \

config_true_value, timing_stats, replication, normalize_delete_at_timestamp

from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect

from swift.common.constraints import check_object_creation, \

check_float, check_utf8

from swift.common.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout, DiskFileQuarantined, \

DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileCollision, DiskFileNoSpace, DiskFileDeleted, \

DiskFileDeviceUnavailable, DiskFileExpired, ChunkReadTimeout

from swift.obj import ssync_receiver

from swift.common.http import is_success

from swift.common.request_helpers import split_and_validate_path, is_user_meta

from swift.common.swob import HTTPAccepted, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPCreated, \

HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNoContent, HTTPNotFound, HTTPNotModified, \

HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPRequestTimeout, HTTPUnprocessableEntity, \

HTTPClientDisconnect, HTTPMethodNotAllowed, Request, Response, UTC, \

HTTPInsufficientStorage, HTTPForbidden, HTTPException, HeaderKeyDict, \


from swift.obj.diskfile import DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META, DiskFileManager

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ObjectController(object):

"""Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):


        Creates a new WSGI application for the Swift Object Server. An

        example configuration is given at

        /etc/object-server.conf-sample or



        self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-server')

        self.node_timeout = int(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))

        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))

        self.client_timeout = int(conf.get('client_timeout', 60))

        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))

        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))

        self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))

        self.max_upload_time = int(conf.get('max_upload_time', 86400))

        self.slow = int(conf.get('slow', 0))

        self.keep_cache_private = \

            config_true_value(conf.get('keep_cache_private', 'false'))

        replication_server = conf.get('replication_server', None)

        if replication_server is not None:

            replication_server = config_true_value(replication_server)

        self.replication_server = replication_server

        default_allowed_headers = '''







        extra_allowed_headers = [

            header.strip().lower() for header in conf.get(

                'allowed_headers', default_allowed_headers).split(',')

            if header.strip()


        self.allowed_headers = set()

        for header in extra_allowed_headers:

            if header not in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META:


        self.expiring_objects_account = \

            (conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix') or '.') + \

            (conf.get('expiring_objects_account_name') or 'expiring_objects')

        self.expiring_objects_container_divisor = \

            int(conf.get('expiring_objects_container_divisor') or 86400)

        # Initialization was successful, so now apply the network chunk size

        # parameter as the default read / write buffer size for the network

        # sockets.


        # NOTE WELL: This is a class setting, so until we get set this on a

        # per-connection basis, this affects reading and writing on ALL

        # sockets, those between the proxy servers and external clients, and

        # those between the proxy servers and the other internal servers.


        # ** Because the primary motivation for this is to optimize how data

        # is written back to the proxy server, we could use the value from the

        # disk_chunk_size parameter. However, it affects all created sockets

        # using this class so we have chosen to tie it to the

        # network_chunk_size parameter value instead.

        socket._fileobject.default_bufsize = self.network_chunk_size

        # Provide further setup sepecific to an object server implemenation.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup(self, conf):


        Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end

        by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify

        existing attributes or add its own attributes.

        :param conf: WSGI configuration parameter


        # Common on-disk hierarchy shared across account, container and object

        # servers.

        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)

        # This is populated by global_conf_callback way below as the semaphore

        # is shared by all workers.

        if 'replication_semaphore' in conf:

            # The value was put in a list so it could get past paste

            self.replication_semaphore = conf['replication_semaphore'][0]


            self.replication_semaphore = None

        self.replication_failure_threshold = int(

            conf.get('replication_failure_threshold') or 100)

        self.replication_failure_ratio = float(

            conf.get('replication_failure_ratio') or 1.0)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,



        Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given

        REST API.

        An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different

        DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that



        return self._diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile(

            device, partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def async_update(self, op, account, container, obj, host, partition,

                     contdevice, headers_out, objdevice):


        Sends or saves an async update.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')

        :param account: account name for the object

        :param container: container name for the object

        :param obj: object name

        :param host: host that the container is on

        :param partition: partition that the container is on

        :param contdevice: device name that the container is on

        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container


        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in


        headers_out['user-agent'] = 'obj-server %s' % os.getpid()

        full_path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj)

        if all([host, partition, contdevice]):


                with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):

                    ip, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)

                    conn = http_connect(ip, port, contdevice, partition, op,

                                        full_path, headers_out)

                with Timeout(self.node_timeout):

                    response = conn.getresponse()


                    if is_success(response.status):




                            'ERROR Container update failed '

                            '(saving for async update later): %(status)d '

                            'response from %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s'),

                            {'status': response.status, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,

                             'dev': contdevice})

            except (Exception, Timeout):


                    'ERROR container update failed with '

                    '%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(dev)s (saving for async update later)'),

                    {'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'dev': contdevice})

        data = {'op': op, 'account': account, 'container': container,

                'obj': obj, 'headers': headers_out}

        timestamp = headers_out['x-timestamp']

        self._diskfile_mgr.pickle_async_update(objdevice, account, container,

                                               obj, data, timestamp)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def container_update(self, op, account, container, obj, request,

                         headers_out, objdevice):


        Update the container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')

        :param account: account name for the object

        :param container: container name for the object

        :param obj: object name

        :param request: the original request object driving the update

        :param headers_out: dictionary of headers to send in the container


        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in


        headers_in = request.headers

        conthosts = [h.strip() for h in

                     headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', '').split(',')]

        contdevices = [d.strip() for d in

                       headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '').split(',')]

        contpartition = headers_in.get('X-Container-Partition', '')

        if len(conthosts) != len(contdevices):

            # This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,

            # but if there is, we want to know about it.

            self.logger.error(_('ERROR Container update failed: different  '

                                'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '

                                '"%s" vs "%s"') %

                               (headers_in.get('X-Container-Host', ''),

                                headers_in.get('X-Container-Device', '')))


        if contpartition:

            updates = zip(conthosts, contdevices)


            updates = []

        headers_out['x-trans-id'] = headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-')

        headers_out['referer'] = request.as_referer()

        for conthost, contdevice in updates:

            self.async_update(op, account, container, obj, conthost,

                              contpartition, contdevice, headers_out,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_at_update(self, op, delete_at, account, container, obj,

                         request, objdevice):


        Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

        :param op: operation performed (ex: 'PUT', or 'DELETE')

        :param delete_at: scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int

        :param account: account name for the object

        :param container: container name for the object

        :param obj: object name

        :param request: the original request driving the update

        :param objdevice: device name that the object is in


        if config_true_value(

                request.headers.get('x-backend-replication', 'f')):


        delete_at = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(delete_at)

        updates = [(None, None)]

        partition = None

        hosts = contdevices = [None]

        headers_in = request.headers

        headers_out = HeaderKeyDict({

            'x-timestamp': headers_in['x-timestamp'],

            'x-trans-id': headers_in.get('x-trans-id', '-'),

            'referer': request.as_referer()})

        if op != 'DELETE':

            delete_at_container = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Container', None)

            if not delete_at_container:


                    'X-Delete-At-Container header must be specified for '

                    'expiring objects background %s to work properly. Making '

                    'best guess as to the container name for now.' % op)

                # TODO(gholt): In a future release, change the above warning to

                # a raised exception and remove the guess code below.

                delete_at_container = (

                    int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *


            partition = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Partition', None)

            hosts = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Host', '')

            contdevices = headers_in.get('X-Delete-At-Device', '')

            updates = [upd for upd in

                       zip((h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',')),

                           (c.strip() for c in contdevices.split(',')))

                       if all(upd) and partition]

            if not updates:

                updates = [(None, None)]

            headers_out['x-size'] = '0'

            headers_out['x-content-type'] = 'text/plain'

            headers_out['x-etag'] = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'


            # DELETEs of old expiration data have no way of knowing what the

            # old X-Delete-At-Container was at the time of the initial setting

            # of the data, so a best guess is made here.

            # Worst case is a DELETE is issued now for something that doesn't

            # exist there and the original data is left where it is, where

            # it will be ignored when the expirer eventually tries to issue the

            # object DELETE later since the X-Delete-At value won't match up.

            delete_at_container = str(

                int(delete_at) / self.expiring_objects_container_divisor *


        delete_at_container = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(


        for host, contdevice in updates:


                op, self.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container,

                '%s-%s/%s/%s' % (delete_at, account, container, obj),

                host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def POST(self, request):

        """Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server."""

        device, partition, account, container, obj = \

            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \

                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):

            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,


        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)

        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():

            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,



            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(

                device, partition, account, container, obj)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()

        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):

            return HTTPNotFound(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', '0')

        if orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:

            return HTTPConflict(request=request)

        metadata = {'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp']}

        metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()

                        if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))

        for header_key in self.allowed_headers:

            if header_key in request.headers:

                header_caps = header_key.title()

                metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]

        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)

        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:

            if new_delete_at:

                self.delete_at_update('PUT', new_delete_at, account, container,

                                      obj, request, device)

            if orig_delete_at:

                self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,

                                      container, obj, request, device)


        return HTTPAccepted(request=request)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def PUT(self, request):

        """Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server."""

        device, partition, account, container, obj = \

            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \

                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):

            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,


        error_response = check_object_creation(request, obj)

        if error_response:

            return error_response

        new_delete_at = int(request.headers.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)

        if new_delete_at and new_delete_at < time.time():

            return HTTPBadRequest(body='X-Delete-At in past', request=request,



            fsize = request.message_length()

        except ValueError as e:

            return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(e), request=request,



            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(

                device, partition, account, container, obj)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()

        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):

            orig_metadata = {}

        # Checks for If-None-Match

        if request.if_none_match is not None and orig_metadata:

            if '*' in request.if_none_match:

                # File exists already so return 412

                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

            if orig_metadata.get('ETag') in request.if_none_match:

                # The current ETag matches, so return 412

                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

        orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp')

        if orig_timestamp and orig_timestamp >= request.headers['x-timestamp']:

            return HTTPConflict(request=request)

        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)

        upload_expiration = time.time() + self.max_upload_time

        etag = md5()

        elapsed_time = 0


            with disk_file.create(size=fsize) as writer:

                upload_size = 0

                def timeout_reader():

                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.client_timeout):

                        return request.environ['wsgi.input'].read(



                    for chunk in iter(lambda: timeout_reader(), ''):

                        start_time = time.time()

                        if start_time > upload_expiration:


                            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)


                        upload_size = writer.write(chunk)

                        elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time

                except ChunkReadTimeout:

                    return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=request)

                if upload_size:


                        'PUT.' + device + '.timing', elapsed_time,


                if fsize is not None and fsize != upload_size:

                    return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=request)

                etag = etag.hexdigest()

                if 'etag' in request.headers and \

                        request.headers['etag'].lower() != etag:

                    return HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=request)

                metadata = {

                    'X-Timestamp': request.headers['x-timestamp'],

                    'Content-Type': request.headers['content-type'],

                    'ETag': etag,

                    'Content-Length': str(upload_size),


                metadata.update(val for val in request.headers.iteritems()

                                if is_user_meta('object', val[0]))

                for header_key in (

                        request.headers.get('X-Backend-Replication-Headers') or


                    if header_key in request.headers:

                        header_caps = header_key.title()

                        metadata[header_caps] = request.headers[header_key]


        except DiskFileNoSpace:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)

        if orig_delete_at != new_delete_at:

            if new_delete_at:


                    'PUT', new_delete_at, account, container, obj,

                    request, device)

            if orig_delete_at:


                    'DELETE', orig_delete_at, account, container, obj,

                    request, device)


            'PUT', account, container, obj, request,


                'x-size': metadata['Content-Length'],

                'x-content-type': metadata['Content-Type'],

                'x-timestamp': metadata['X-Timestamp'],

                'x-etag': metadata['ETag']}),


        return HTTPCreated(request=request, etag=etag)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def GET(self, request):

        """Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server."""

        device, partition, account, container, obj = \

            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        keep_cache = self.keep_cache_private or (

            'X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and

            'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers)


            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(

                device, partition, account, container, obj)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            with disk_file.open():

                metadata = disk_file.get_metadata()

                obj_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])

                file_x_ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']

                file_x_ts_flt = float(file_x_ts)

                file_x_ts_utc = datetime.fromtimestamp(file_x_ts_flt, UTC)

                if_unmodified_since = request.if_unmodified_since

                if if_unmodified_since and file_x_ts_utc > if_unmodified_since:

                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=request)

                if_modified_since = request.if_modified_since

                if if_modified_since and file_x_ts_utc <= if_modified_since:

                    return HTTPNotModified(request=request)

                keep_cache = (self.keep_cache_private or

                              ('X-Auth-Token' not in request.headers and

                               'X-Storage-Token' not in request.headers))

                response = Response(


                    request=request, conditional_response=True)

                response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(

                    'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')

                for key, value in metadata.iteritems():

                    if is_user_meta('object', key) or \

                            key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:

                        response.headers[key] = value

                response.etag = metadata['ETag']

                response.last_modified = math.ceil(file_x_ts_flt)

                response.content_length = obj_size


                    response.content_encoding = metadata[


                except KeyError:


                response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = file_x_ts

                resp = request.get_response(response)

        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):

            resp = HTTPNotFound(request=request, conditional_response=True)

        return resp



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def HEAD(self, request):

        """Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server."""

        device, partition, account, container, obj = \

            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)


            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(

                device, partition, account, container, obj)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()

        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):

            return HTTPNotFound(request=request, conditional_response=True)

        response = Response(request=request, conditional_response=True)

        response.headers['Content-Type'] = metadata.get(

            'Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')

        for key, value in metadata.iteritems():

            if is_user_meta('object', key) or \

                    key.lower() in self.allowed_headers:

                response.headers[key] = value

        response.etag = metadata['ETag']

        ts = metadata['X-Timestamp']

        response.last_modified = math.ceil(float(ts))

        # Needed for container sync feature

        response.headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts

        response.content_length = int(metadata['Content-Length'])


            response.content_encoding = metadata['Content-Encoding']

        except KeyError:


        return response



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def DELETE(self, request):

        """Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server."""

        device, partition, account, container, obj = \

            split_and_validate_path(request, 5, 5, True)

        if 'x-timestamp' not in request.headers or \

                not check_float(request.headers['x-timestamp']):

            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Missing timestamp', request=request,



            disk_file = self.get_diskfile(

                device, partition, account, container, obj)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            orig_metadata = disk_file.read_metadata()

        except DiskFileExpired as e:

            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp

            orig_metadata = e.metadata

            response_class = HTTPNotFound

        except DiskFileDeleted as e:

            orig_timestamp = e.timestamp

            orig_metadata = {}

            response_class = HTTPNotFound

        except (DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileQuarantined):

            orig_timestamp = 0

            orig_metadata = {}

            response_class = HTTPNotFound


            orig_timestamp = orig_metadata.get('X-Timestamp', 0)

            if orig_timestamp < request.headers['x-timestamp']:

                response_class = HTTPNoContent


                response_class = HTTPConflict

        orig_delete_at = int(orig_metadata.get('X-Delete-At') or 0)


            req_if_delete_at_val = request.headers['x-if-delete-at']

            req_if_delete_at = int(req_if_delete_at_val)

        except KeyError:


        except ValueError:

            return HTTPBadRequest(


                body='Bad X-If-Delete-At header value')


            if orig_delete_at != req_if_delete_at:

                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(


                    body='X-If-Delete-At and X-Delete-At do not match')

        if orig_delete_at:

            self.delete_at_update('DELETE', orig_delete_at, account,

                                  container, obj, request, device)

        req_timestamp = request.headers['X-Timestamp']

        if orig_timestamp < req_timestamp:



                'DELETE', account, container, obj, request,

                HeaderKeyDict({'x-timestamp': req_timestamp}),


        return response_class(request=request)




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def REPLICATE(self, request):


        Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server.  This is used

        by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.


        device, partition, suffix = split_and_validate_path(

            request, 2, 3, True)


            hashes = self._diskfile_mgr.get_hashes(device, partition, suffix)

        except DiskFileDeviceUnavailable:

            resp = HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=device, request=request)


            resp = Response(body=pickle.dumps(hashes))

        return resp




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def REPLICATION(self, request):

        return Response(app_iter=ssync_receiver.Receiver(self, request)())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, env, start_response):

        """WSGI Application entry point for the Swift Object Server."""

        start_time = time.time()

        req = Request(env)

        self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)

        if not check_utf8(req.path_info):

            res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')



                # disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'


                    method = getattr(self, req.method)

                    getattr(method, 'publicly_accessible')

                    replication_method = getattr(method, 'replication', False)

                    if (self.replication_server is not None and

                            self.replication_server != replication_method):

                        raise AttributeError('Not allowed method.')

                except AttributeError:

                    res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()


                    res = method(req)

            except DiskFileCollision:

                res = HTTPForbidden(request=req)

            except HTTPException as error_response:

                res = error_response

            except (Exception, Timeout):


                    'ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s'

                    ' %(path)s '), {'method': req.method, 'path': req.path})

                res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())

        trans_time = time.time() - start_time

        if self.log_requests:

            log_line = '%s - - [%s] "%s %s" %s %s "%s" "%s" "%s" %.4f' % (


                time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000',


                req.method, req.path, res.status.split()[0],

                res.content_length or '-', req.referer or '-',

                req.headers.get('x-trans-id', '-'),

                req.user_agent or '-',


            if req.method in ('REPLICATE', 'REPLICATION') or \

                    'X-Backend-Replication' in req.headers:




        if req.method in ('PUT', 'DELETE'):

            slow = self.slow - trans_time

            if slow > 0:


        return res(env, start_response)

def global_conf_callback(preloaded_app_conf, global_conf):


    Callback for swift.common.wsgi.run_wsgi during the global_conf

    creation so that we can add our replication_semaphore, used to

    limit the number of concurrent REPLICATION_REQUESTS across all


    :param preloaded_app_conf: The preloaded conf for the WSGI app.

                               This conf instance will go away, so

                               just read from it, don't write.

    :param global_conf: The global conf that will eventually be

                        passed to the app_factory function later.

                        This conf is created before the worker

                        subprocesses are forked, so can be useful to

                        set up semaphores, shared memory, etc.


    replication_concurrency = int(

        preloaded_app_conf.get('replication_concurrency') or 4)

    if replication_concurrency:

        # Have to put the value in a list so it can get past paste

        global_conf['replication_semaphore'] = [


def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):

    """paste.deploy app factory for creating WSGI object server apps"""

    conf = global_conf.copy()


    return ObjectController(conf)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def global_conf_callback(preloaded_app_conf, global_conf):


    Callback for swift.common.wsgi.run_wsgi during the global_conf

    creation so that we can add our replication_semaphore, used to

    limit the number of concurrent REPLICATION_REQUESTS across all


    :param preloaded_app_conf: The preloaded conf for the WSGI app.

                               This conf instance will go away, so

                               just read from it, don't write.

    :param global_conf: The global conf that will eventually be

                        passed to the app_factory function later.

                        This conf is created before the worker

                        subprocesses are forked, so can be useful to

                        set up semaphores, shared memory, etc.


    replication_concurrency = int(

        preloaded_app_conf.get('replication_concurrency') or 4)

    if replication_concurrency:

        # Have to put the value in a list so it can get past paste

        global_conf['replication_semaphore'] = [


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):

    """paste.deploy app factory for creating WSGI object server apps"""

    conf = global_conf.copy()


    return ObjectController(conf)