

OpenStack Study: replicator.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# implied.

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.

import os

from os.path import isdir, isfile, join

import random

import shutil

import time

import itertools

import cPickle as pickle

from swift import gettext_ as _

import eventlet

from eventlet import GreenPool, tpool, Timeout, sleep, hubs

from eventlet.green import subprocess

from eventlet.support.greenlets import GreenletExit

from swift.common.ring import Ring

from swift.common.utils import whataremyips, unlink_older_than, \

compute_eta, get_logger, dump_recon_cache, ismount, \

rsync_ip, mkdirs, config_true_value, list_from_csv, get_hub, \

tpool_reraise, config_auto_int_value

from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect

from swift.common.daemon import Daemon

from swift.common.http import HTTP_OK, HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE

from swift.obj import ssync_sender

from swift.obj.diskfile import DiskFileManager, get_hashes


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ObjectReplicator(Daemon):


Replicate objects.

Encapsulates most logic and data needed by the object replication process.

Each call to .replicate() performs one replication pass. It's up to the

caller to do this in a loop.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, conf):


        :param conf: configuration object obtained from ConfigParser

        :param logger: logging object


        self.conf = conf

        self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route='object-replicator')

        self.devices_dir = conf.get('devices', '/srv/node')

        self.mount_check = config_true_value(conf.get('mount_check', 'true'))

        self.vm_test_mode = config_true_value(conf.get('vm_test_mode', 'no'))

        self.swift_dir = conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift')

        self.port = int(conf.get('bind_port', 6000))

        self.concurrency = int(conf.get('concurrency', 1))

        self.stats_interval = int(conf.get('stats_interval', '300'))

        self.object_ring = Ring(self.swift_dir, ring_name='object')

        self.ring_check_interval = int(conf.get('ring_check_interval', 15))

        self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval

        self.reclaim_age = int(conf.get('reclaim_age', 86400 * 7))

        self.partition_times = []

        self.run_pause = int(conf.get('run_pause', 30))

        self.rsync_timeout = int(conf.get('rsync_timeout', 900))

        self.rsync_io_timeout = conf.get('rsync_io_timeout', '30')

        self.rsync_bwlimit = conf.get('rsync_bwlimit', '0')

        self.http_timeout = int(conf.get('http_timeout', 60))

        self.lockup_timeout = int(conf.get('lockup_timeout', 1800))

        self.recon_cache_path = conf.get('recon_cache_path',


        self.rcache = os.path.join(self.recon_cache_path, "object.recon")

        self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))

        self.node_timeout = float(conf.get('node_timeout', 10))

        self.sync_method = getattr(self, conf.get('sync_method') or 'rsync')

        self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))

        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))

        self.headers = {

            'Content-Length': '0',

            'user-agent': 'obj-replicator %s' % os.getpid()}

        self.rsync_error_log_line_length = \

            int(conf.get('rsync_error_log_line_length', 0))

        self.handoffs_first = config_true_value(conf.get('handoffs_first',


        self.handoff_delete = config_auto_int_value(

            conf.get('handoff_delete', 'auto'), 0)

        self._diskfile_mgr = DiskFileManager(conf, self.logger)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def sync(self, node, job, suffixes):  # Just exists for doc anchor point


        Synchronize local suffix directories from a partition with a remote


        :param node: the "dev" entry for the remote node to sync with

        :param job: information about the partition being synced

        :param suffixes: a list of suffixes which need to be pushed

        :returns: boolean indicating success or failure


        return self.sync_method(node, job, suffixes)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _rsync(self, args):


        Execute the rsync binary to replicate a partition.

        :returns: return code of rsync process. 0 is successful


        start_time = time.time()

        ret_val = None


            with Timeout(self.rsync_timeout):

                proc = subprocess.Popen(args,



                results = proc.stdout.read()

                ret_val = proc.wait()

        except Timeout:

            self.logger.error(_("Killing long-running rsync: %s"), str(args))


            return 1  # failure response code

        total_time = time.time() - start_time

        for result in results.split('\n'):

            if result == '':


            if result.startswith('cd+'):


            if not ret_val:




        if ret_val:

            error_line = _('Bad rsync return code: %(ret)d <- %(args)s') % \

                {'args': str(args), 'ret': ret_val}

            if self.rsync_error_log_line_length:

                error_line = error_line[:self.rsync_error_log_line_length]


        elif results:


                _("Successful rsync of %(src)s at %(dst)s (%(time).03f)"),

                {'src': args[-2], 'dst': args[-1], 'time': total_time})



                _("Successful rsync of %(src)s at %(dst)s (%(time).03f)"),

                {'src': args[-2], 'dst': args[-1], 'time': total_time})

        return ret_val

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def rsync(self, node, job, suffixes):


        Uses rsync to implement the sync method. This was the first

        sync method in Swift.


        if not os.path.exists(job['path']):

            return False

        args = [








            '--timeout=%s' % self.rsync_io_timeout,

            '--contimeout=%s' % self.rsync_io_timeout,

            '--bwlimit=%s' % self.rsync_bwlimit,


        node_ip = rsync_ip(node['replication_ip'])

        if self.vm_test_mode:

            rsync_module = '%s::object%s' % (node_ip, node['replication_port'])


            rsync_module = '%s::object' % node_ip

        had_any = False

        for suffix in suffixes:

            spath = join(job['path'], suffix)

            if os.path.exists(spath):


                had_any = True

        if not had_any:

            return False

        args.append(join(rsync_module, node['device'],

                    'objects', job['partition']))

        return self._rsync(args) == 0

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ssync(self, node, job, suffixes):

        return ssync_sender.Sender(self, node, job, suffixes)()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_ring(self):


        Check to see if the ring has been updated

        :returns: boolean indicating whether or not the ring has changed


        if time.time() > self.next_check:

            self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval

            if self.object_ring.has_changed():

                return False

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_deleted(self, job):


        High-level method that replicates a single partition that doesn't

        belong on this node.

        :param job: a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated


        def tpool_get_suffixes(path):

            return [suff for suff in os.listdir(path)

                    if len(suff) == 3 and isdir(join(path, suff))]

        self.replication_count += 1

        self.logger.increment('partition.delete.count.%s' % (job['device'],))

        begin = time.time()


            responses = []

            suffixes = tpool.execute(tpool_get_suffixes, job['path'])

            if suffixes:

                for node in job['nodes']:

                    success = self.sync(node, job, suffixes)

                    if success:

                        with Timeout(self.http_timeout):

                            conn = http_connect(



                                node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE',

                                '/' + '-'.join(suffixes), headers=self.headers)



            if self.handoff_delete:

                # delete handoff if we have had handoff_delete successes

                delete_handoff = len([resp for resp in responses if resp]) >= \



                # delete handoff if all syncs were successful

                delete_handoff = len(responses) == len(job['nodes']) and \


            if not suffixes or delete_handoff:

                self.logger.info(_("Removing partition: %s"), job['path'])

                tpool.execute(shutil.rmtree, job['path'], ignore_errors=True)

        except (Exception, Timeout):

            self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing handoff partition"))


            self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin)

            self.logger.timing_since('partition.delete.timing', begin)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def tpool_get_suffixes(path):

            return [suff for suff in os.listdir(path)

                    if len(suff) == 3 and isdir(join(path, suff))]

        self.replication_count += 1

        self.logger.increment('partition.delete.count.%s' % (job['device'],))

        begin = time.time()


            responses = []

            suffixes = tpool.execute(tpool_get_suffixes, job['path'])

            if suffixes:

                for node in job['nodes']:

                    success = self.sync(node, job, suffixes)

                    if success:

                        with Timeout(self.http_timeout):

                            conn = http_connect(



                                node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE',

                                '/' + '-'.join(suffixes), headers=self.headers)



            if self.handoff_delete:

                # delete handoff if we have had handoff_delete successes

                delete_handoff = len([resp for resp in responses if resp]) >= \



                # delete handoff if all syncs were successful

                delete_handoff = len(responses) == len(job['nodes']) and \


            if not suffixes or delete_handoff:

                self.logger.info(_("Removing partition: %s"), job['path'])

                tpool.execute(shutil.rmtree, job['path'], ignore_errors=True)

        except (Exception, Timeout):

            self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing handoff partition"))


            self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin)

            self.logger.timing_since('partition.delete.timing', begin)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update(self, job):


        High-level method that replicates a single partition.

        :param job: a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated


        self.replication_count += 1

        self.logger.increment('partition.update.count.%s' % (job['device'],))

        begin = time.time()


            hashed, local_hash = tpool_reraise(

                get_hashes, job['path'],

                do_listdir=(self.replication_count % 10) == 0,


            self.suffix_hash += hashed

            self.logger.update_stats('suffix.hashes', hashed)

            attempts_left = len(job['nodes'])

            nodes = itertools.chain(



            while attempts_left > 0:

                # If this throws StopIterator it will be caught way below

                node = next(nodes)

                attempts_left -= 1


                    with Timeout(self.http_timeout):

                        resp = http_connect(

                            node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'],

                            node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE',

                            '', headers=self.headers).getresponse()

                        if resp.status == HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE:

                            self.logger.error(_('%(ip)s/%(device)s responded'

                                                ' as unmounted'), node)

                            attempts_left += 1


                        if resp.status != HTTP_OK:

                            self.logger.error(_("Invalid response %(resp)s "

                                                "from %(ip)s"),

                                              {'resp': resp.status,

                                               'ip': node['replication_ip']})


                        remote_hash = pickle.loads(resp.read())

                        del resp

                    suffixes = [suffix for suffix in local_hash if

                                local_hash[suffix] !=

                                remote_hash.get(suffix, -1)]

                    if not suffixes:


                    hashed, recalc_hash = tpool_reraise(


                        job['path'], recalculate=suffixes,


                    self.logger.update_stats('suffix.hashes', hashed)

                    local_hash = recalc_hash

                    suffixes = [suffix for suffix in local_hash if

                                local_hash[suffix] !=

                                remote_hash.get(suffix, -1)]

                    self.sync(node, job, suffixes)

                    with Timeout(self.http_timeout):

                        conn = http_connect(

                            node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'],

                            node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE',

                            '/' + '-'.join(suffixes),



                    self.suffix_sync += len(suffixes)

                    self.logger.update_stats('suffix.syncs', len(suffixes))

                except (Exception, Timeout):

                    self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing with node: %s") %


            self.suffix_count += len(local_hash)

        except (Exception, Timeout):

            self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing partition"))


            self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin)

            self.logger.timing_since('partition.update.timing', begin)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def stats_line(self):


        Logs various stats for the currently running replication pass.


        if self.replication_count:

            elapsed = (time.time() - self.start) or 0.000001

            rate = self.replication_count / elapsed


                _("%(replicated)d/%(total)d (%(percentage).2f%%)"

                  " partitions replicated in %(time).2fs (%(rate).2f/sec, "

                  "%(remaining)s remaining)"),

                {'replicated': self.replication_count, 'total': self.job_count,

                 'percentage': self.replication_count * 100.0 / self.job_count,

                 'time': time.time() - self.start, 'rate': rate,

                 'remaining': '%d%s' % compute_eta(self.start,



            if self.suffix_count:


                    _("%(checked)d suffixes checked - "

                      "%(hashed).2f%% hashed, %(synced).2f%% synced"),

                    {'checked': self.suffix_count,

                     'hashed': (self.suffix_hash * 100.0) / self.suffix_count,

                     'synced': (self.suffix_sync * 100.0) / self.suffix_count})



                    _("Partition times: max %(max).4fs, "

                      "min %(min).4fs, med %(med).4fs"),

                    {'max': self.partition_times[-1],

                     'min': self.partition_times[0],

                     'med': self.partition_times[

                         len(self.partition_times) // 2]})



                _("Nothing replicated for %s seconds."),

                (time.time() - self.start))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def kill_coros(self):

        """Utility function that kills all coroutines currently running."""

        for coro in list(self.run_pool.coroutines_running):



            except GreenletExit:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def heartbeat(self):


        Loop that runs in the background during replication.  It periodically

        logs progress.


        while True:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detect_lockups(self):


        In testing, the pool.waitall() call very occasionally failed to return.

        This is an attempt to make sure the replicator finishes its replication

        pass in some eventuality.


        while True:


            if self.replication_count == self.last_replication_count:

                self.logger.error(_("Lockup detected.. killing live coros."))


            self.last_replication_count = self.replication_count

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def collect_jobs(self):


        Returns a sorted list of jobs (dictionaries) that specify the

        partitions, nodes, etc to be synced.


        jobs = []

        ips = whataremyips()

        for local_dev in [dev for dev in self.object_ring.devs

                          if dev and dev['replication_ip'] in ips and

                          dev['replication_port'] == self.port]:

            dev_path = join(self.devices_dir, local_dev['device'])

            obj_path = join(dev_path, 'objects')

            tmp_path = join(dev_path, 'tmp')

            if self.mount_check and not ismount(dev_path):

                self.logger.warn(_('%s is not mounted'), local_dev['device'])


            unlink_older_than(tmp_path, time.time() - self.reclaim_age)

            if not os.path.exists(obj_path):



                except Exception:

                    self.logger.exception('ERROR creating %s' % obj_path)


            for partition in os.listdir(obj_path):


                    job_path = join(obj_path, partition)

                    if isfile(job_path):

                        # Clean up any (probably zero-byte) files where a

                        # partition should be.

                        self.logger.warning('Removing partition directory '

                                            'which was a file: %s', job_path)



                    part_nodes = \


                    nodes = [node for node in part_nodes

                             if node['id'] != local_dev['id']]





                             delete=len(nodes) > len(part_nodes) - 1,


                except (ValueError, OSError):



        if self.handoffs_first:

            # Move the handoff parts to the front of the list

            jobs.sort(key=lambda job: not job['delete'])

        self.job_count = len(jobs)

        return jobs

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def replicate(self, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None):

        """Run a replication pass"""

        self.start = time.time()

        self.suffix_count = 0

        self.suffix_sync = 0

        self.suffix_hash = 0

        self.replication_count = 0

        self.last_replication_count = -1

        self.partition_times = []

        if override_devices is None:

            override_devices = []

        if override_partitions is None:

            override_partitions = []

        stats = eventlet.spawn(self.heartbeat)

        lockup_detector = eventlet.spawn(self.detect_lockups)

        eventlet.sleep()  # Give spawns a cycle


            self.run_pool = GreenPool(size=self.concurrency)

            jobs = self.collect_jobs()

            for job in jobs:

                if override_devices and job['device'] not in override_devices:


                if override_partitions and \

                        job['partition'] not in override_partitions:


                dev_path = join(self.devices_dir, job['device'])

                if self.mount_check and not ismount(dev_path):

                    self.logger.warn(_('%s is not mounted'), job['device'])


                if not self.check_ring():

                    self.logger.info(_("Ring change detected. Aborting "

                                       "current replication pass."))


                if job['delete']:

                    self.run_pool.spawn(self.update_deleted, job)


                    self.run_pool.spawn(self.update, job)

            with Timeout(self.lockup_timeout):


        except (Exception, Timeout):

            self.logger.exception(_("Exception in top-level replication loop"))






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs):

        start = time.time()

        self.logger.info(_("Running object replicator in script mode."))

        override_devices = list_from_csv(kwargs.get('devices'))

        override_partitions = list_from_csv(kwargs.get('partitions'))




        total = (time.time() - start) / 60


            _("Object replication complete (once). (%.02f minutes)"), total)

        if not (override_partitions or override_devices):

            dump_recon_cache({'object_replication_time': total,

                              'object_replication_last': time.time()},

                             self.rcache, self.logger)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def run_forever(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.logger.info(_("Starting object replicator in daemon mode."))

        # Run the replicator continually

        while True:

            start = time.time()

            self.logger.info(_("Starting object replication pass."))

            # Run the replicator


            total = (time.time() - start) / 60


                _("Object replication complete. (%.02f minutes)"), total)

            dump_recon_cache({'object_replication_time': total,

                              'object_replication_last': time.time()},

                             self.rcache, self.logger)

            self.logger.debug(_('Replication sleeping for %s seconds.'),

