

OpenStack Study: diskfile.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.


Disk File Interface for the Swift Object Server

The `DiskFile`, `DiskFileWriter` and `DiskFileReader` classes combined define

the on-disk abstraction layer for supporting the object server REST API

interfaces (excluding `REPLICATE`). Other implementations wishing to provide

an alternative backend for the object server must implement the three

classes. An example alternative implementation can be found in the

`mem_server.py` and `mem_diskfile.py` modules along size this one.

The `DiskFileManager` is a reference implemenation specific class and is not

part of the backend API.

The remaining methods in this module are considered implementation specifc and

are also not considered part of the backend API.


import cPickle as pickle

import errno

import os

import time

import uuid

import hashlib

import logging

import traceback

from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, getmtime, join

from random import shuffle

from tempfile import mkstemp

from contextlib import contextmanager

from collections import defaultdict

from xattr import getxattr, setxattr

from eventlet import Timeout

from swift import gettext_ as _

from swift.common.constraints import check_mount

from swift.common.utils import mkdirs, normalize_timestamp, \

storage_directory, hash_path, renamer, fallocate, fsync, \

fdatasync, drop_buffer_cache, ThreadPool, lock_path, write_pickle, \

config_true_value, listdir, split_path, ismount, remove_file

from swift.common.exceptions import DiskFileQuarantined, DiskFileNotExist, \

DiskFileCollision, DiskFileNoSpace, DiskFileDeviceUnavailable, \

DiskFileDeleted, DiskFileError, DiskFileNotOpen, PathNotDir, \

ReplicationLockTimeout, DiskFileExpired

from swift.common.swob import multi_range_iterator


ONE_WEEK = 604800

HASH_FILE = 'hashes.pkl'

METADATA_KEY = 'user.swift.metadata'

# These are system-set metadata keys that cannot be changed with a POST.

# They should be lowercase.

DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META = set('content-length content-type deleted etag'.split())

DATADIR = 'objects'

ASYNCDIR = 'async_pending'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def read_metadata(fd):


    Helper function to read the pickled metadata from an object file.

    :param fd: file descriptor or filename to load the metadata from

    :returns: dictionary of metadata


    metadata = ''

    key = 0


        while True:

            metadata += getxattr(fd, '%s%s' % (METADATA_KEY, (key or '')))

            key += 1

    except IOError:


    return pickle.loads(metadata)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def write_metadata(fd, metadata):


    Helper function to write pickled metadata for an object file.

    :param fd: file descriptor or filename to write the metadata

    :param metadata: metadata to write


    metastr = pickle.dumps(metadata, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)

    key = 0

    while metastr:

        setxattr(fd, '%s%s' % (METADATA_KEY, key or ''), metastr[:254])

        metastr = metastr[254:]

        key += 1

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def quarantine_renamer(device_path, corrupted_file_path):


    In the case that a file is corrupted, move it to a quarantined

    area to allow replication to fix it.

    :params device_path: The path to the device the corrupted file is on.

    :params corrupted_file_path: The path to the file you want quarantined.

    :returns: path (str) of directory the file was moved to

    :raises OSError: re-raises non errno.EEXIST / errno.ENOTEMPTY

                     exceptions from rename


    from_dir = dirname(corrupted_file_path)

    to_dir = join(device_path, 'quarantined', 'objects', basename(from_dir))



        renamer(from_dir, to_dir)

    except OSError as e:

        if e.errno not in (errno.EEXIST, errno.ENOTEMPTY):


        to_dir = "%s-%s" % (to_dir, uuid.uuid4().hex)

        renamer(from_dir, to_dir)

    return to_dir

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_ondisk_files(files, datadir):


    Given a simple list of files names, determine the files to use.

    :params files: simple set of files as a python list

    :params datadir: directory name files are from for convenience

    :returns: a tuple of data, meta and ts (tombstone) files, in one of

              two states:

    * ts_file is not None, data_file is None, meta_file is None

      object is considered deleted

    * data_file is not None, ts_file is None

      object exists, and optionally has fast-POST metadata



    data_file = meta_file = ts_file = None

    for afile in files:

        assert ts_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \

            " continuing after tombstone, %s, encountered" % ts_file

        assert data_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \

            " continuing after data file, %s, encountered" % data_file

        if afile.endswith('.ts'):

            meta_file = None

            ts_file = join(datadir, afile)


        if afile.endswith('.meta') and not meta_file:

            meta_file = join(datadir, afile)

            # NOTE: this does not exit this loop, since a fast-POST

            # operation just updates metadata, writing one or more

            # .meta files, the data file will have an older timestamp,

            # so we keep looking.


        if afile.endswith('.data'):

            data_file = join(datadir, afile)


    assert ((data_file is None and meta_file is None and ts_file is None)

            or (ts_file is not None and data_file is None

                and meta_file is None)

            or (data_file is not None and ts_file is None)), \

        "On-disk file search algorithm contract is broken: data_file:" \

        " %s, meta_file: %s, ts_file: %s" % (data_file, meta_file, ts_file)

    return data_file, meta_file, ts_file

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def hash_cleanup_listdir(hsh_path, reclaim_age=ONE_WEEK):


    List contents of a hash directory and clean up any old files.

    :param hsh_path: object hash path

    :param reclaim_age: age in seconds at which to remove tombstones

    :returns: list of files remaining in the directory, reverse sorted


    files = listdir(hsh_path)

    if len(files) == 1:

        if files[0].endswith('.ts'):

            # remove tombstones older than reclaim_age

            ts = files[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]

            if (time.time() - float(ts)) > reclaim_age:

                remove_file(join(hsh_path, files[0]))


    elif files:


        data_file, meta_file, ts_file = get_ondisk_files(files, '')

        newest_file = data_file or ts_file

        for filename in list(files):

            if ((filename < newest_file)

                    or (meta_file

                        and filename.endswith('.meta')

                        and filename < meta_file)):

                remove_file(join(hsh_path, filename))


    return files

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def hash_suffix(path, reclaim_age):


    Performs reclamation and returns an md5 of all (remaining) files.

    :param reclaim_age: age in seconds at which to remove tombstones

    :raises PathNotDir: if given path is not a valid directory

    :raises OSError: for non-ENOTDIR errors


    md5 = hashlib.md5()


        path_contents = sorted(os.listdir(path))

    except OSError as err:

        if err.errno in (errno.ENOTDIR, errno.ENOENT):

            raise PathNotDir()


    for hsh in path_contents:

        hsh_path = join(path, hsh)


            files = hash_cleanup_listdir(hsh_path, reclaim_age)

        except OSError as err:

            if err.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:

                partition_path = dirname(path)

                objects_path = dirname(partition_path)

                device_path = dirname(objects_path)

                quar_path = quarantine_renamer(device_path, hsh_path)


                    _('Quarantined %s to %s because it is not a directory') %

                    (hsh_path, quar_path))



        if not files:



            except OSError:


        for filename in files:




    except OSError:


    return md5.hexdigest()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def invalidate_hash(suffix_dir):


    Invalidates the hash for a suffix_dir in the partition's hashes file.

    :param suffix_dir: absolute path to suffix dir whose hash needs



    suffix = basename(suffix_dir)

    partition_dir = dirname(suffix_dir)

    hashes_file = join(partition_dir, HASH_FILE)

    with lock_path(partition_dir):


            with open(hashes_file, 'rb') as fp:

                hashes = pickle.load(fp)

            if suffix in hashes and not hashes[suffix]:


        except Exception:


        hashes[suffix] = None

        write_pickle(hashes, hashes_file, partition_dir, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_hashes(partition_dir, recalculate=None, do_listdir=False,



    Get a list of hashes for the suffix dir.  do_listdir causes it to mistrust

    the hash cache for suffix existence at the (unexpectedly high) cost of a

    listdir.  reclaim_age is just passed on to hash_suffix.

    :param partition_dir: absolute path of partition to get hashes for

    :param recalculate: list of suffixes which should be recalculated when got

    :param do_listdir: force existence check for all hashes in the partition

    :param reclaim_age: age at which to remove tombstones

    :returns: tuple of (number of suffix dirs hashed, dictionary of hashes)


    hashed = 0

    hashes_file = join(partition_dir, HASH_FILE)

    modified = False

    force_rewrite = False

    hashes = {}

    mtime = -1

    if recalculate is None:

        recalculate = []


        with open(hashes_file, 'rb') as fp:

            hashes = pickle.load(fp)

        mtime = getmtime(hashes_file)

    except Exception:

        do_listdir = True

        force_rewrite = True

    if do_listdir:

        for suff in os.listdir(partition_dir):

            if len(suff) == 3:

                hashes.setdefault(suff, None)

        modified = True

    hashes.update((hash_, None) for hash_ in recalculate)

    for suffix, hash_ in hashes.items():

        if not hash_:

            suffix_dir = join(partition_dir, suffix)


                hashes[suffix] = hash_suffix(suffix_dir, reclaim_age)

                hashed += 1

            except PathNotDir:

                del hashes[suffix]

            except OSError:

                logging.exception(_('Error hashing suffix'))

            modified = True

    if modified:

        with lock_path(partition_dir):

            if force_rewrite or not exists(hashes_file) or \

                    getmtime(hashes_file) == mtime:


                    hashes, hashes_file, partition_dir, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)

                return hashed, hashes

        return get_hashes(partition_dir, recalculate, do_listdir,



        return hashed, hashes

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class AuditLocation(object):


Represents an object location to be audited.

Other than being a bucket of data, the only useful thing this does is

stringify to a filesystem path so the auditor's logs look okay.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, path, device, partition):

        self.path, self.device, self.partition = path, device, partition

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __str__(self):

        return str(self.path)

def object_audit_location_generator(devices, mount_check=True, logger=None,



    Given a devices path (e.g. "/srv/node"), yield an AuditLocation for all

    objects stored under that directory if device_dirs isn't set.  If

    device_dirs is set, only yield AuditLocation for the objects under the

    entries in device_dirs. The AuditLocation only knows the path to the hash

    directory, not to the .data file therein (if any). This is to avoid a

    double listdir(hash_dir); the DiskFile object will always do one, so

    we don't.

    :param devices: parent directory of the devices to be audited

    :param mount_check: flag to check if a mount check should be performed

                        on devices

    :param logger: a logger object

    :device_dirs: a list of directories under devices to traverse


    if not device_dirs:

        device_dirs = listdir(devices)


        # remove bogus devices and duplicates from device_dirs

        device_dirs = list(


    # randomize devices in case of process restart before sweep completed


    for device in device_dirs:

        if mount_check and not \

                ismount(os.path.join(devices, device)):

            if logger:


                    _('Skipping %s as it is not mounted'), device)


        datadir_path = os.path.join(devices, device, DATADIR)

        partitions = listdir(datadir_path)

        for partition in partitions:

            part_path = os.path.join(datadir_path, partition)


                suffixes = listdir(part_path)

            except OSError as e:

                if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR:



            for asuffix in suffixes:

                suff_path = os.path.join(part_path, asuffix)


                    hashes = listdir(suff_path)

                except OSError as e:

                    if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR:



                for hsh in hashes:

                    hsh_path = os.path.join(suff_path, hsh)

                    yield AuditLocation(hsh_path, device, partition)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def object_audit_location_generator(devices, mount_check=True, logger=None,



    Given a devices path (e.g. "/srv/node"), yield an AuditLocation for all

    objects stored under that directory if device_dirs isn't set.  If

    device_dirs is set, only yield AuditLocation for the objects under the

    entries in device_dirs. The AuditLocation only knows the path to the hash

    directory, not to the .data file therein (if any). This is to avoid a

    double listdir(hash_dir); the DiskFile object will always do one, so

    we don't.

    :param devices: parent directory of the devices to be audited

    :param mount_check: flag to check if a mount check should be performed

                        on devices

    :param logger: a logger object

    :device_dirs: a list of directories under devices to traverse


    if not device_dirs:

        device_dirs = listdir(devices)


        # remove bogus devices and duplicates from device_dirs

        device_dirs = list(


    # randomize devices in case of process restart before sweep completed


    for device in device_dirs:

        if mount_check and not \

                ismount(os.path.join(devices, device)):

            if logger:


                    _('Skipping %s as it is not mounted'), device)


        datadir_path = os.path.join(devices, device, DATADIR)

        partitions = listdir(datadir_path)

        for partition in partitions:

            part_path = os.path.join(datadir_path, partition)


                suffixes = listdir(part_path)

            except OSError as e:

                if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR:



            for asuffix in suffixes:

                suff_path = os.path.join(part_path, asuffix)


                    hashes = listdir(suff_path)

                except OSError as e:

                    if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR:



                for hsh in hashes:

                    hsh_path = os.path.join(suff_path, hsh)

                    yield AuditLocation(hsh_path, device, partition)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class DiskFileManager(object):


Management class for devices, providing common place for shared parameters

and methods not provided by the DiskFile class (which primarily services

the object server REST API layer).

The `get_diskfile()` method is how this implementation creates a `DiskFile`


.. note::

This class is reference implementation specific and not part of the

pluggable on-disk backend API.

.. note::

TODO(portante): Not sure what the right name to recommend here, as

"manager" seemed generic enough, though suggestions are welcome.

:param conf: caller provided configuration object

:param logger: caller provided logger


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, conf, logger):

        self.logger = logger

        self.devices = conf.get('devices', '/srv/node')

        self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))

        self.keep_cache_size = int(conf.get('keep_cache_size', 5242880))

        self.bytes_per_sync = int(conf.get('mb_per_sync', 512)) * 1024 * 1024

        self.mount_check = config_true_value(conf.get('mount_check', 'true'))

        self.reclaim_age = int(conf.get('reclaim_age', ONE_WEEK))

        self.replication_one_per_device = config_true_value(

            conf.get('replication_one_per_device', 'true'))

        self.replication_lock_timeout = int(conf.get(

            'replication_lock_timeout', 15))

        threads_per_disk = int(conf.get('threads_per_disk', '0'))

        self.threadpools = defaultdict(

            lambda: ThreadPool(nthreads=threads_per_disk))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def construct_dev_path(self, device):


        Construct the path to a device without checking if it is mounted.

        :param device: name of target device

        :returns: full path to the device


        return os.path.join(self.devices, device)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_dev_path(self, device, mount_check=None):


        Return the path to a device, checking to see that it is a proper mount

        point based on a configuration parameter.

        :param device: name of target device

        :param mount_check: whether or not to check mountedness of device.

                            Defaults to bool(self.mount_check).

        :returns: full path to the device, None if the path to the device is

                  not a proper mount point.


        should_check = self.mount_check if mount_check is None else mount_check

        if should_check and not check_mount(self.devices, device):

            dev_path = None


            dev_path = os.path.join(self.devices, device)

        return dev_path


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def replication_lock(self, device):


        A context manager that will lock on the device given, if

        configured to do so.

        :raises ReplicationLockTimeout: If the lock on the device

            cannot be granted within the configured timeout.


        if self.replication_one_per_device:

            dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

            with lock_path(




                yield True


            yield True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def pickle_async_update(self, device, account, container, obj, data,


        device_path = self.construct_dev_path(device)

        async_dir = os.path.join(device_path, ASYNCDIR)

        ohash = hash_path(account, container, obj)




            os.path.join(async_dir, ohash[-3:], ohash + '-' +


            os.path.join(device_path, 'tmp'))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_diskfile(self, device, partition, account, container, obj,


        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

        if not dev_path:

            raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()

        return DiskFile(self, dev_path, self.threadpools[device],

                        partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def object_audit_location_generator(self, device_dirs=None):

        return object_audit_location_generator(self.devices, self.mount_check,

                                               self.logger, device_dirs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_diskfile_from_audit_location(self, audit_location):

        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(audit_location.device, mount_check=False)

        return DiskFile.from_hash_dir(

            self, audit_location.path, dev_path,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_diskfile_from_hash(self, device, partition, object_hash, **kwargs):


        Returns a DiskFile instance for an object at the given

        object_hash. Just in case someone thinks of refactoring, be

        sure DiskFileDeleted is *not* raised, but the DiskFile

        instance representing the tombstoned object is returned


        :raises DiskFileNotExist: if the object does not exist


        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

        if not dev_path:

            raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()

        object_path = os.path.join(

            dev_path, DATADIR, partition, object_hash[-3:], object_hash)


            filenames = hash_cleanup_listdir(object_path, self.reclaim_age)

        except OSError as err:

            if err.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:

                quar_path = quarantine_renamer(dev_path, object_path)


                    _('Quarantined %s to %s because it is not a '

                      'directory') % (object_path, quar_path))

                raise DiskFileNotExist()

            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:


            raise DiskFileNotExist()

        if not filenames:

            raise DiskFileNotExist()


            metadata = read_metadata(os.path.join(object_path, filenames[-1]))

        except EOFError:

            raise DiskFileNotExist()


            account, container, obj = split_path(

                metadata.get('name', ''), 3, 3, True)

        except ValueError:

            raise DiskFileNotExist()

        return DiskFile(self, dev_path, self.threadpools[device],

                        partition, account, container, obj, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_hashes(self, device, partition, suffix):

        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

        if not dev_path:

            raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()

        partition_path = os.path.join(dev_path, DATADIR, partition)

        if not os.path.exists(partition_path):


        suffixes = suffix.split('-') if suffix else []

        _junk, hashes = self.threadpools[device].force_run_in_thread(

            get_hashes, partition_path, recalculate=suffixes)

        return hashes

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _listdir(self, path):


            return os.listdir(path)

        except OSError as err:

            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:


                    'ERROR: Skipping %r due to error with listdir attempt: %s',

                    path, err)

        return []

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def yield_suffixes(self, device, partition):


        Yields tuples of (full_path, suffix_only) for suffixes stored

        on the given device and partition.


        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

        if not dev_path:

            raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()

        partition_path = os.path.join(dev_path, DATADIR, partition)

        for suffix in self._listdir(partition_path):

            if len(suffix) != 3:



                int(suffix, 16)

            except ValueError:


            yield (os.path.join(partition_path, suffix), suffix)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def yield_hashes(self, device, partition, suffixes=None):


        Yields tuples of (full_path, hash_only, timestamp) for object

        information stored for the given device, partition, and

        (optionally) suffixes. If suffixes is None, all stored

        suffixes will be searched for object hashes. Note that if

        suffixes is not None but empty, such as [], then nothing will

        be yielded.


        dev_path = self.get_dev_path(device)

        if not dev_path:

            raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()

        if suffixes is None:

            suffixes = self.yield_suffixes(device, partition)


            partition_path = os.path.join(dev_path, DATADIR, partition)

            suffixes = (

                (os.path.join(partition_path, suffix), suffix)

                for suffix in suffixes)

        for suffix_path, suffix in suffixes:

            for object_hash in self._listdir(suffix_path):

                object_path = os.path.join(suffix_path, object_hash)

                for name in hash_cleanup_listdir(

                        object_path, self.reclaim_age):

                    ts, ext = name.rsplit('.', 1)

                    yield (object_path, object_hash, ts)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class DiskFileWriter(object):


Encapsulation of the write context for servicing PUT REST API

requests. Serves as the context manager object for the

:class:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile` class's

:func:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.create` method.

.. note::

It is the responsibility of the

:func:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.create` method context manager to

close the open file descriptor.

.. note::

The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation

specific. The API does not

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, name, datadir, fd, tmppath, bytes_per_sync, threadpool):

        # Parameter tracking

        self._name = name

        self._datadir = datadir

        self._fd = fd

        self._tmppath = tmppath

        self._bytes_per_sync = bytes_per_sync

        self._threadpool = threadpool

        # Internal attributes

        self._upload_size = 0

        self._last_sync = 0

        self._extension = '.data'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def write(self, chunk):


        Write a chunk of data to disk. All invocations of this method must

        come before invoking the :func:

        For this implementation, the data is written into a temporary file.

        :param chunk: the chunk of data to write as a string object

        :returns: the total number of bytes written to an object


        def _write_entire_chunk(chunk):

            while chunk:

                written = os.write(self._fd, chunk)

                self._upload_size += written

                chunk = chunk[written:]

        self._threadpool.run_in_thread(_write_entire_chunk, chunk)

        # For large files sync every 512MB (by default) written

        diff = self._upload_size - self._last_sync

        if diff >= self._bytes_per_sync:

            self._threadpool.force_run_in_thread(fdatasync, self._fd)

            drop_buffer_cache(self._fd, self._last_sync, diff)

            self._last_sync = self._upload_size

        return self._upload_size

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        def _write_entire_chunk(chunk):

            while chunk:

                written = os.write(self._fd, chunk)

                self._upload_size += written

                chunk = chunk[written:]

        self._threadpool.run_in_thread(_write_entire_chunk, chunk)

        # For large files sync every 512MB (by default) written

        diff = self._upload_size - self._last_sync

        if diff >= self._bytes_per_sync:

            self._threadpool.force_run_in_thread(fdatasync, self._fd)

            drop_buffer_cache(self._fd, self._last_sync, diff)

            self._last_sync = self._upload_size

        return self._upload_size

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    def _finalize_put(self, metadata, target_path):

        # Write the metadata before calling fsync() so that both data and

        # metadata are flushed to disk.

        write_metadata(self._fd, metadata)

        # We call fsync() before calling drop_cache() to lower the amount of

        # redundant work the drop cache code will perform on the pages (now

        # that after fsync the pages will be all clean).


        # From the Department of the Redundancy Department, make sure we call

        # drop_cache() after fsync() to avoid redundant work (pages all

        # clean).

        drop_buffer_cache(self._fd, 0, self._upload_size)


        # After the rename completes, this object will be available for other

        # requests to reference.

        renamer(self._tmppath, target_path)



        except OSError:

            logging.exception(_('Problem cleaning up %s'), self._datadir)

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    def put(self, metadata):


        Finalize writing the file on disk.

        For this implementation, this method is responsible for renaming the

        temporary file to the final name and directory location.  This method

        should be called after the final call to


        :param metadata: dictionary of metadata to be associated with the



        timestamp = normalize_timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])

        metadata['name'] = self._name

        target_path = join(self._datadir, timestamp + self._extension)


            self._finalize_put, metadata, target_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class DiskFileReader(object):


Encapsulation of the WSGI read context for servicing GET REST API

requests. Serves as the context manager object for the

:class:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile` class's

:func:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.reader` method.

.. note::

The quarantining behavior of this method is considered implementation

specific, and is not required of the API.

.. note::

The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation

specific. The API does not

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, fp, data_file, obj_size, etag, threadpool,

                 disk_chunk_size, keep_cache_size, device_path, logger,

                 quarantine_hook, keep_cache=False):

        # Parameter tracking

        self._fp = fp

        self._data_file = data_file

        self._obj_size = obj_size

        self._etag = etag

        self._threadpool = threadpool

        self._disk_chunk_size = disk_chunk_size

        self._device_path = device_path

        self._logger = logger

        self._quarantine_hook = quarantine_hook

        if keep_cache:

            # Caller suggests we keep this in cache, only do it if the

            # object's size is less than the maximum.

            self._keep_cache = obj_size < keep_cache_size


            self._keep_cache = False

        # Internal Attributes

        self._iter_etag = None

        self._bytes_read = 0

        self._started_at_0 = False

        self._read_to_eof = False

        self._suppress_file_closing = False

        self._quarantined_dir = None

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    def __iter__(self):

        """Returns an iterator over the data file."""


            dropped_cache = 0

            self._bytes_read = 0

            self._started_at_0 = False

            self._read_to_eof = False

            if self._fp.tell() == 0:

                self._started_at_0 = True

                self._iter_etag = hashlib.md5()

            while True:

                chunk = self._threadpool.run_in_thread(

                    self._fp.read, self._disk_chunk_size)

                if chunk:

                    if self._iter_etag:


                    self._bytes_read += len(chunk)

                    if self._bytes_read - dropped_cache > (1024 * 1024):

                        self._drop_cache(self._fp.fileno(), dropped_cache,

                                         self._bytes_read - dropped_cache)

                        dropped_cache = self._bytes_read

                    yield chunk


                    self._read_to_eof = True

                    self._drop_cache(self._fp.fileno(), dropped_cache,

                                     self._bytes_read - dropped_cache)



            if not self._suppress_file_closing:


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    def app_iter_range(self, start, stop):

        """Returns an iterator over the data file for range (start, stop)"""

        if start or start == 0:


        if stop is not None:

            length = stop - start


            length = None


            for chunk in self:

                if length is not None:

                    length -= len(chunk)

                    if length < 0:

                        # Chop off the extra:

                        yield chunk[:length]


                yield chunk


            if not self._suppress_file_closing:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def app_iter_ranges(self, ranges, content_type, boundary, size):

        """Returns an iterator over the data file for a set of ranges"""

        if not ranges:

            yield ''



                self._suppress_file_closing = True

                for chunk in multi_range_iterator(

                        ranges, content_type, boundary, size,


                    yield chunk


                self._suppress_file_closing = False


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _drop_cache(self, fd, offset, length):

        """Method for no-oping buffer cache drop method."""

        if not self._keep_cache:

            drop_buffer_cache(fd, offset, length)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _quarantine(self, msg):

        self._quarantined_dir = self._threadpool.run_in_thread(

            quarantine_renamer, self._device_path, self._data_file)

        self._logger.warn("Quarantined object %s: %s" % (

            self._data_file, msg))



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _handle_close_quarantine(self):

        """Check if file needs to be quarantined"""

        if self._bytes_read != self._obj_size:


                "Bytes read: %s, does not match metadata: %s" % (

                    self._bytes_read, self._obj_size))

        elif self._iter_etag and \

                self._etag != self._iter_etag.hexdigest():


                "ETag %s and file's md5 %s do not match" % (

                    self._etag, self._iter_etag.hexdigest()))

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    def close(self):


        Close the open file handle if present.

        For this specific implementation, this method will handle quarantining

        the file if necessary.


        if self._fp:


                if self._started_at_0 and self._read_to_eof:


            except DiskFileQuarantined:


            except (Exception, Timeout) as e:


                    'ERROR DiskFile %(data_file)s'

                    ' close failure: %(exc)s : %(stack)s'),

                    {'exc': e, 'stack': ''.join(traceback.format_stack()),

                     'data_file': self._data_file})


                fp, self._fp = self._fp, None


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class DiskFile(object):


Manage object files.

This specific implementation manages object files on a disk formatted with

a POSIX-compliant file system that supports extended attributes as

metadata on a file or directory.

.. note::

The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation

specific. The API does not

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, mgr, device_path, threadpool, partition,

                 account=None, container=None, obj=None, _datadir=None):

        self._mgr = mgr

        self._device_path = device_path

        self._threadpool = threadpool or ThreadPool(nthreads=0)

        self._logger = mgr.logger

        self._disk_chunk_size = mgr.disk_chunk_size

        self._bytes_per_sync = mgr.bytes_per_sync

        if account and container and obj:

            self._name = '/' + '/'.join((account, container, obj))

            self._account = account

            self._container = container

            self._obj = obj

            name_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)

            self._datadir = join(

                device_path, storage_directory(DATADIR, partition, name_hash))


            # gets populated when we read the metadata

            self._name = None

            self._account = None

            self._container = None

            self._obj = None

            self._datadir = None

        self._tmpdir = join(device_path, 'tmp')

        self._metadata = None

        self._data_file = None

        self._fp = None

        self._quarantined_dir = None

        self._content_length = None

        if _datadir:

            self._datadir = _datadir


            name_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)

            self._datadir = join(

                device_path, storage_directory(DATADIR, partition, name_hash))


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    def account(self):

        return self._account


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    def container(self):

        return self._container


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    def obj(self):

        return self._obj


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    def content_length(self):

        if self._metadata is None:

            raise DiskFileNotOpen()

        return self._content_length


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    def timestamp(self):

        if self._metadata is None:

            raise DiskFileNotOpen()

        return self._metadata.get('X-Timestamp')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def from_hash_dir(cls, mgr, hash_dir_path, device_path, partition):

        return cls(mgr, device_path, None, partition, _datadir=hash_dir_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def open(self):


        Open the object.

        This implementation opens the data file representing the object, reads

        the associated metadata in the extended attributes, additionally

        combining metadata from fast-POST `.meta` files.

        .. note::

            An implementation is allowed to raise any of the following

            exceptions, but is only required to raise `DiskFileNotExist` when

            the object representation does not exist.

        :raises DiskFileCollision: on name mis-match with metadata

        :raises DiskFileNotExist: if the object does not exist

        :raises DiskFileDeleted: if the object was previously deleted

        :raises DiskFileQuarantined: if while reading metadata of the file

                                     some data did pass cross checks

        :returns: itself for use as a context manager


        data_file, meta_file, ts_file = self._get_ondisk_file()

        if not data_file:

            raise self._construct_exception_from_ts_file(ts_file)

        self._fp = self._construct_from_data_file(

            data_file, meta_file)

        # This method must populate the internal _metadata attribute.

        self._metadata = self._metadata or {}

        self._data_file = data_file

        return self

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    def __enter__(self):


        Context enter.

        .. note::

            An implemenation shall raise `DiskFileNotOpen` when has not

            previously invoked the :func:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.open`



        if self._metadata is None:

            raise DiskFileNotOpen()

        return self

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):


        Context exit.

        .. note::

            This method will be invoked by the object server while servicing

            the REST API *before* the object has actually been read. It is the

            responsibility of the implementation to properly handle that.


        if self._fp is not None:

            fp, self._fp = self._fp, None


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _quarantine(self, data_file, msg):


        Quarantine a file; responsible for incrementing the associated logger's

        count of quarantines.

        :param data_file: full path of data file to quarantine

        :param msg: reason for quarantining to be included in the exception

        :returns: DiskFileQuarantined exception object


        self._quarantined_dir = self._threadpool.run_in_thread(

            quarantine_renamer, self._device_path, data_file)

        self._logger.warn("Quarantined object %s: %s" % (

            data_file, msg))


        return DiskFileQuarantined(msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_ondisk_file(self):


        Do the work to figure out if the data directory exists, and if so,

        determine the on-disk files to use.

        :returns: a tuple of data, meta and ts (tombstone) files, in one of

                  three states:

        * all three are None

          data directory does not exist, or there are no files in

          that directory

        * ts_file is not None, data_file is None, meta_file is None

          object is considered deleted

        * data_file is not None, ts_file is None

          object exists, and optionally has fast-POST metadata



            files = os.listdir(self._datadir)

        except OSError as err:

            if err.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:

                # If there's a file here instead of a directory, quarantine

                # it; something's gone wrong somewhere.

                raise self._quarantine(

                    # hack: quarantine_renamer actually renames the directory

                    # enclosing the filename you give it, but here we just

                    # want this one file and not its parent.

                    os.path.join(self._datadir, "made-up-filename"),

                    "Expected directory, found file at %s" % self._datadir)

            elif err.errno != errno.ENOENT:

                raise DiskFileError(

                    "Error listing directory %s: %s" % (self._datadir, err))

            # The data directory does not exist, so the object cannot exist.

            fileset = (None, None, None)


            fileset = get_ondisk_files(files, self._datadir)

        return fileset

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _construct_exception_from_ts_file(self, ts_file):


        If a tombstone is present it means the object is considered

        deleted. We just need to pull the metadata from the tombstone file

        which has the timestamp to construct the deleted exception. If there

        was no tombstone, just report it does not exist.

        :param ts_file: the tombstone file name found on disk

        :returns: DiskFileDeleted if the ts_file was provided, else



        if not ts_file:

            exc = DiskFileNotExist()



                metadata = self._failsafe_read_metadata(ts_file, ts_file)

            except DiskFileQuarantined:

                # If the tombstone's corrupted, quarantine it and pretend it

                # wasn't there

                exc = DiskFileNotExist()


                # All well and good that we have found a tombstone file, but

                # we don't have a data file so we are just going to raise an

                # exception that we could not find the object, providing the

                # tombstone's timestamp.

                exc = DiskFileDeleted(metadata=metadata)

        return exc

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    def _verify_name_matches_hash(self, data_file):

        hash_from_fs = os.path.basename(self._datadir)

        hash_from_name = hash_path(self._name.lstrip('/'))

        if hash_from_fs != hash_from_name:

            raise self._quarantine(


                "Hash of name in metadata does not match directory name")

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    def _verify_data_file(self, data_file, fp):


        Verify the metadata's name value matches what we think the object is


        :param data_file: data file name being consider, used when quarantines


        :param fp: open file pointer so that we can `fstat()` the file to

                   verify the on-disk size with Content-Length metadata value

        :raises DiskFileCollision: if the metadata stored name does not match

                                   the referenced name of the file

        :raises DiskFileExpired: if the object has expired

        :raises DiskFileQuarantined: if data inconsistencies were detected

                                     between the metadata and the file-system




            mname = self._metadata['name']

        except KeyError:

            raise self._quarantine(data_file, "missing name metadata")


            if mname != self._name:


                    _('Client path %(client)s does not match '

                      'path stored in object metadata %(meta)s'),

                    {'client': self._name, 'meta': mname})

                raise DiskFileCollision('Client path does not match path '

                                        'stored in object metadata')


            x_delete_at = int(self._metadata['X-Delete-At'])

        except KeyError:


        except ValueError:

            # Quarantine, the x-delete-at key is present but not an

            # integer.

            raise self._quarantine(

                data_file, "bad metadata x-delete-at value %s" % (



            if x_delete_at <= time.time():

                raise DiskFileExpired(metadata=self._metadata)


            metadata_size = int(self._metadata['Content-Length'])

        except KeyError:

            raise self._quarantine(

                data_file, "missing content-length in metadata")

        except ValueError:

            # Quarantine, the content-length key is present but not an

            # integer.

            raise self._quarantine(

                data_file, "bad metadata content-length value %s" % (


        fd = fp.fileno()


            statbuf = os.fstat(fd)

        except OSError as err:

            # Quarantine, we can't successfully stat the file.

            raise self._quarantine(data_file, "not stat-able: %s" % err)


            obj_size = statbuf.st_size

        if obj_size != metadata_size:

            raise self._quarantine(

                data_file, "metadata content-length %s does"

                " not match actual object size %s" % (

                    metadata_size, statbuf.st_size))

        self._content_length = obj_size

        return obj_size

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _failsafe_read_metadata(self, source, quarantine_filename=None):

        # Takes source and filename separately so we can read from an open

        # file if we have one


            return read_metadata(source)

        except Exception as err:

            raise self._quarantine(


                "Exception reading metadata: %s" % err)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _construct_from_data_file(self, data_file, meta_file):


        Open the `.data` file to fetch its metadata, and fetch the metadata

        from the fast-POST `.meta` file as well if it exists, merging them


        :param data_file: on-disk `.data` file being considered

        :param meta_file: on-disk fast-POST `.meta` file being considered

        :returns: an opened data file pointer

        :raises DiskFileError: various exceptions from



        fp = open(data_file, 'rb')

        datafile_metadata = self._failsafe_read_metadata(fp, data_file)

        if meta_file:

            self._metadata = self._failsafe_read_metadata(meta_file, meta_file)

            sys_metadata = dict(

                [(key, val) for key, val in datafile_metadata.iteritems()

                 if key.lower() in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META])



            self._metadata = datafile_metadata

        if self._name is None:

            # If we don't know our name, we were just given a hash dir at

            # instantiation, so we'd better validate that the name hashes back

            # to us

            self._name = self._metadata['name']


        self._verify_data_file(data_file, fp)

        return fp

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    def get_metadata(self):


        Provide the metadata for a previously opened object as a dictionary.

        :returns: object's metadata dictionary

        :raises DiskFileNotOpen: if the

            :func:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.open` method was not previously



        if self._metadata is None:

            raise DiskFileNotOpen()

        return self._metadata

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    def read_metadata(self):


        Return the metadata for an object without requiring the caller to open

        the object first.

        :returns: metadata dictionary for an object

        :raises DiskFileError: this implementation will raise the same

                            errors as the `open()` method.


        with self.open():

            return self.get_metadata()

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    def reader(self, keep_cache=False,

               _quarantine_hook=lambda m: None):


        Return a :class:`swift.common.swob.Response` class compatible

        "`app_iter`" object as defined by


        For this implementation, the responsibility of closing the open file

        is passed to the :class:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader` object.

        :param keep_cache: caller's preference for keeping data read in the

                           OS buffer cache

        :param _quarantine_hook: 1-arg callable called when obj quarantined;

                                 the arg is the reason for quarantine.

                                 Default is to ignore it.

                                 Not needed by the REST layer.

        :returns: a :class:`swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader` object


        dr = DiskFileReader(

            self._fp, self._data_file, int(self._metadata['Content-Length']),

            self._metadata['ETag'], self._threadpool, self._disk_chunk_size,

            self._mgr.keep_cache_size, self._device_path, self._logger,

            quarantine_hook=_quarantine_hook, keep_cache=keep_cache)

        # At this point the reader object is now responsible for closing

        # the file pointer.

        self._fp = None

        return dr


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    def create(self, size=None):


        Context manager to create a file. We create a temporary file first, and

        then return a DiskFileWriter object to encapsulate the state.

        .. note::

            An implementation is not required to perform on-disk

            preallocations even if the parameter is specified. But if it does

            and it fails, it must raise a `DiskFileNoSpace` exception.

        :param size: optional initial size of file to explicitly allocate on


        :raises DiskFileNoSpace: if a size is specified and allocation fails


        if not exists(self._tmpdir):


        fd, tmppath = mkstemp(dir=self._tmpdir)


            if size is not None and size > 0:


                    fallocate(fd, size)

                except OSError:

                    raise DiskFileNoSpace()

            yield DiskFileWriter(self._name, self._datadir, fd, tmppath,

                                 self._bytes_per_sync, self._threadpool)




            except OSError:




            except OSError:


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    def write_metadata(self, metadata):


        Write a block of metadata to an object without requiring the caller to

        create the object first. Supports fast-POST behavior semantics.

        :param metadata: dictionary of metadata to be associated with the


        :raises DiskFileError: this implementation will raise the same

                            errors as the `create()` method.


        with self.create() as writer:

            writer._extension = '.meta'


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    def delete(self, timestamp):


        Delete the object.

        This implementation creates a tombstone file using the given

        timestamp, and removes any older versions of the object file. Any

        file that has an older timestamp than timestamp will be deleted.

        .. note::

            An implementation is free to use or ignore the timestamp


        :param timestamp: timestamp to compare with each file

        :raises DiskFileError: this implementation will raise the same

                            errors as the `create()` method.


        timestamp = normalize_timestamp(timestamp)

        with self.create() as deleter:

            deleter._extension = '.ts'

            deleter.put({'X-Timestamp': timestamp})