

OpenStack Study: vmops.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc.

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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# under the License.


Management class for VM-related functions (spawn, reboot, etc).


import base64

import functools

import time

import zlib

from eventlet import greenthread

import netaddr

from oslo.config import cfg

from nova import block_device

from nova import compute

from nova.compute import flavors

from nova.compute import power_state

from nova.compute import task_states

from nova.compute import vm_mode

from nova.compute import vm_states

from nova import context as nova_context

from nova import exception

from nova.objects import aggregate as aggregate_obj

from nova.openstack.common import excutils

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.openstack.common import importutils

from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils

from nova.openstack.common import log as logging

from nova.openstack.common import strutils

from nova.openstack.common import timeutils

from nova.openstack.common import units

from nova.pci import pci_manager

from nova import utils

from nova.virt import configdrive

from nova.virt import driver as virt_driver

from nova.virt import firewall

from nova.virt.xenapi import agent as xapi_agent

from nova.virt.xenapi import pool_states

from nova.virt.xenapi import vm_utils

from nova.virt.xenapi import volume_utils

from nova.virt.xenapi import volumeops

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

xenapi_vmops_opts = [





help='Number of seconds to wait for instance '

'to go to running state'),





help='The XenAPI VIF driver using XenServer Network APIs.'),





help='Dom0 plugin driver used to handle image uploads.'),



# xenapi_vmops options in the DEFAULT group were deprecated in Icehouse

CONF.register_opts(xenapi_vmops_opts, 'xenserver')

CONF.import_opt('host', 'nova.netconf')

CONF.import_opt('vncserver_proxyclient_address', 'nova.vnc')









# Note(johngarbutt) HVM guests only support four devices

# until the PV tools activate, when others before available

# As such, ephemeral disk only available once PV tools load

# Note(johngarbutt) When very large ephemeral storage is required,

# multiple disks may be added. In this case the device id below

# is the used for the first disk. The second disk will be given

# next device id, i.e. 5, and so on, until enough space is added.


# Note(johngarbutt) Currently don't support ISO boot during rescue

# and we must have the ISO visible before the PV drivers start


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def make_step_decorator(context, instance, update_instance_progress,


    """Factory to create a decorator that records instance progress as a series

    of discrete steps.

    Each time the decorator is invoked we bump the total-step-count, so after::


        def step1():



        def step2():


    we have a total-step-count of 2.

    Each time the step-function (not the step-decorator!) is invoked, we bump

    the current-step-count by 1, so after::


    the current-step-count would be 1 giving a progress of ``1 / 2 *

    100`` or 50%.


    step_info = dict(total=total_offset, current=0)

    def bump_progress():

        step_info['current'] += 1

        update_instance_progress(context, instance,

                                 step_info['current'], step_info['total'])

    def step_decorator(f):

        step_info['total'] += 1


        def inner(*args, **kwargs):

            rv = f(*args, **kwargs)


            return rv

        return inner

    return step_decorator

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def bump_progress():

        step_info['current'] += 1

        update_instance_progress(context, instance,

                                 step_info['current'], step_info['total'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def step_decorator(f):

        step_info['total'] += 1


        def inner(*args, **kwargs):

            rv = f(*args, **kwargs)


            return rv

        return inner

    return step_decorator

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VMOps(object):

"""Management class for VM-related tasks."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, session, virtapi):

        self.compute_api = compute.API()

        self._session = session

        self._virtapi = virtapi

        self._volumeops = volumeops.VolumeOps(self._session)

        self.firewall_driver = firewall.load_driver(




        vif_impl = importutils.import_class(CONF.xenserver.vif_driver)

        self.vif_driver = vif_impl(xenapi_session=self._session)

        self.default_root_dev = '/dev/sda'

        LOG.debug(_("Importing image upload handler: %s"),


        self.image_upload_handler = importutils.import_object(


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def agent_enabled(self, instance):

        if CONF.xenserver.disable_agent:

            return False

        return xapi_agent.should_use_agent(instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_agent(self, instance, vm_ref):

        if self.agent_enabled(instance):

            return xapi_agent.XenAPIBasedAgent(self._session, self._virtapi,

                                               instance, vm_ref)

        raise exception.NovaException(_("Error: Agent is disabled"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def instance_exists(self, name_label):

        return vm_utils.lookup(self._session, name_label) is not None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def list_instances(self):

        """List VM instances."""

        # TODO(justinsb): Should we just always use the details method?

        #  Seems to be the same number of API calls..

        name_labels = []

        for vm_ref, vm_rec in vm_utils.list_vms(self._session):


        return name_labels

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def list_instance_uuids(self):

        """Get the list of nova instance uuids for VMs found on the



        nova_uuids = []

        for vm_ref, vm_rec in vm_utils.list_vms(self._session):

            other_config = vm_rec['other_config']

            nova_uuid = other_config.get('nova_uuid')

            if nova_uuid:


        return nova_uuids

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def confirm_migration(self, migration, instance, network_info):

        self._destroy_orig_vm(instance, network_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _destroy_orig_vm(self, instance, network_info):

        name_label = self._get_orig_vm_name_label(instance)

        vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, name_label)

        return self._destroy(instance, vm_ref, network_info=network_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _attach_mapped_block_devices(self, instance, block_device_info):

        # We are attaching these volumes before start (no hotplugging)

        # because some guests (windows) don't load PV drivers quickly

        block_device_mapping = virt_driver.block_device_info_get_mapping(


        for vol in block_device_mapping:

            connection_info = vol['connection_info']

            mount_device = vol['mount_device'].rpartition("/")[2]





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def finish_revert_migration(self, context, instance,



        self._restore_orig_vm_and_cleanup_orphan(instance, block_device_info,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _restore_orig_vm_and_cleanup_orphan(self, instance,



        # NOTE(sirp): the original vm was suffixed with '-orig'; find it using

        # the old suffix, remove the suffix, then power it back on.

        name_label = self._get_orig_vm_name_label(instance)

        vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, name_label)

        # NOTE(danms): if we're reverting migration in the failure case,

        # make sure we don't have a conflicting vm still running here,

        # as might be the case in a failed migrate-to-same-host situation

        new_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'])

        if vm_ref is not None:

            if new_ref is not None:

                self._destroy(instance, new_ref)

            # Remove the '-orig' suffix (which was added in case the

            # resized VM ends up on the source host, common during

            # testing)

            name_label = instance['name']

            vm_utils.set_vm_name_label(self._session, vm_ref, name_label)

            self._attach_mapped_block_devices(instance, block_device_info)

        elif new_ref is not None:

            # We crashed before the -orig backup was made

            vm_ref = new_ref

        if power_on and vm_utils.is_vm_shutdown(self._session, vm_ref):

            self._start(instance, vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def finish_migration(self, context, migration, instance, disk_info,

                         network_info, image_meta, resize_instance,

                         block_device_info=None, power_on=True):

        def null_step_decorator(f):

            return f

        def create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            #TODO(johngarbutt) clean up if this is not run

            vdis = vm_utils.import_all_migrated_disks(self._session,


            def undo_create_disks():

                eph_vdis = vdis['ephemerals']

                root_vdi = vdis['root']

                vdi_refs = [vdi['ref'] for vdi in eph_vdis.values()]


                vm_utils.safe_destroy_vdis(self._session, vdi_refs)


            return vdis

        def completed_callback():

            self._update_instance_progress(context, instance,



        self._spawn(context, instance, image_meta, null_step_decorator,

                    create_disks_step, first_boot=False, injected_files=None,

                    admin_password=None, network_info=network_info,

                    block_device_info=block_device_info, name_label=None,

                    rescue=False, power_on=power_on, resize=resize_instance,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def null_step_decorator(f):

            return f

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            #TODO(johngarbutt) clean up if this is not run

            vdis = vm_utils.import_all_migrated_disks(self._session,


            def undo_create_disks():

                eph_vdis = vdis['ephemerals']

                root_vdi = vdis['root']

                vdi_refs = [vdi['ref'] for vdi in eph_vdis.values()]


                vm_utils.safe_destroy_vdis(self._session, vdi_refs)


            return vdis

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def completed_callback():

            self._update_instance_progress(context, instance,



        self._spawn(context, instance, image_meta, null_step_decorator,

                    create_disks_step, first_boot=False, injected_files=None,

                    admin_password=None, network_info=network_info,

                    block_device_info=block_device_info, name_label=None,

                    rescue=False, power_on=power_on, resize=resize_instance,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _start(self, instance, vm_ref=None, bad_volumes_callback=None):

        """Power on a VM instance."""

        vm_ref = vm_ref or self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        LOG.debug(_("Starting instance"), instance=instance)

        # Attached volumes that have become non-responsive will prevent a VM

        # from starting, so scan for these before attempting to start


        # In order to make sure this detach is consistent (virt, BDM, cinder),

        # we only detach in the virt-layer if a callback is provided.

        if bad_volumes_callback:

            bad_devices = self._volumeops.find_bad_volumes(vm_ref)

            for device_name in bad_devices:


                        None, instance['name'], device_name)

        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.start_on', vm_ref,


                                  False, False)

        # Allow higher-layers a chance to detach bad-volumes as well (in order

        # to cleanup BDM entries and detach in Cinder)

        if bad_volumes_callback and bad_devices:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def spawn(self, context, instance, image_meta, injected_files,

              admin_password, network_info=None, block_device_info=None,

              name_label=None, rescue=False):

        if block_device_info:

            LOG.debug(_("Block device information present: %s"),

                      block_device_info, instance=instance)

        if block_device_info and not block_device_info['root_device_name']:

            block_device_info['root_device_name'] = self.default_root_dev

        step = make_step_decorator(context, instance,



        def create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            vdis = vm_utils.get_vdis_for_instance(context, self._session,

                        instance, name_label, image_meta.get('id'),

                        disk_image_type, block_device_info=block_device_info)

            def undo_create_disks():

                vdi_refs = [vdi['ref'] for vdi in vdis.values()

                        if not vdi.get('osvol')]

                vm_utils.safe_destroy_vdis(self._session, vdi_refs)


            return vdis

        self._spawn(context, instance, image_meta, step, create_disks_step,

                    True, injected_files, admin_password,

                    network_info, block_device_info, name_label, rescue)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            vdis = vm_utils.get_vdis_for_instance(context, self._session,

                        instance, name_label, image_meta.get('id'),

                        disk_image_type, block_device_info=block_device_info)

            def undo_create_disks():

                vdi_refs = [vdi['ref'] for vdi in vdis.values()

                        if not vdi.get('osvol')]

                vm_utils.safe_destroy_vdis(self._session, vdi_refs)


            return vdis

        self._spawn(context, instance, image_meta, step, create_disks_step,

                    True, injected_files, admin_password,

                    network_info, block_device_info, name_label, rescue)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _spawn(self, context, instance, image_meta, step, create_disks_step,

               first_boot, injected_files=None, admin_password=None,

               network_info=None, block_device_info=None,

               name_label=None, rescue=False, power_on=True, resize=True,


        if name_label is None:

            name_label = instance['name']



        def attach_disks(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type):


                ipxe_boot = strutils.bool_from_string(


            except KeyError:

                ipxe_boot = False

            if ipxe_boot:

                if 'iso' in vdis:


                        self._session, instance, vdis['iso'], network_info)


                    LOG.warning(_('ipxe_boot is True but no ISO image found'),


            if resize:

                self._resize_up_vdis(instance, vdis)

            self._attach_disks(instance, vm_ref, name_label, vdis,

                               disk_image_type, network_info, admin_password,


            if not first_boot:



        def attach_pci_devices(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            dev_to_passthrough = ""

            devices = pci_manager.get_instance_pci_devs(instance)

            for d in devices:

                pci_address = d["address"]

                if pci_address.count(":") == 1:

                    pci_address = "0000:" + pci_address

                dev_to_passthrough += ",0/" + pci_address

            # Remove the first comma if string is not empty.

            # Note(guillaume-thouvenin): If dev_to_passthrough is empty, we

            #                            don't need to update other_config.

            if dev_to_passthrough:





        def determine_disk_image_type_step(undo_mgr):

            return vm_utils.determine_disk_image_type(image_meta)


        def create_kernel_ramdisk_step(undo_mgr):

            kernel_file, ramdisk_file = vm_utils.create_kernel_and_ramdisk(

                    context, self._session, instance, name_label)

            def undo_create_kernel_ramdisk():

                vm_utils.destroy_kernel_ramdisk(self._session, instance,

                        kernel_file, ramdisk_file)


            return kernel_file, ramdisk_file


        def create_vm_record_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type,

                                  kernel_file, ramdisk_file):

            vm_ref = self._create_vm_record(context, instance, name_label,

                                            disk_image_type, kernel_file,

                                            ramdisk_file, image_meta)

            def undo_create_vm():

                self._destroy(instance, vm_ref, network_info=network_info)


            return vm_ref


        def attach_devices_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type):

            attach_disks(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type)

            attach_pci_devices(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

        if rescue:

            # NOTE(johannes): Attach root disk to rescue VM now, before

            # booting the VM, since we can't hotplug block devices

            # on non-PV guests


            def attach_root_disk_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

                vbd_ref = self._attach_orig_disk_for_rescue(instance, vm_ref)

                def undo_attach_root_disk():

                    # destroy the vbd in preparation to re-attach the VDI

                    # to its original VM.  (does not delete VDI)

                    vm_utils.destroy_vbd(self._session, vbd_ref)



        def inject_instance_data_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis):

            self._inject_instance_metadata(instance, vm_ref)

            self._inject_auto_disk_config(instance, vm_ref)

            # NOTE: We add the hostname here so windows PV tools

            # can pick it up during booting

            if first_boot:

                self._inject_hostname(instance, vm_ref, rescue)

            self._file_inject_vm_settings(instance, vm_ref, vdis, network_info)

            self.inject_network_info(instance, network_info, vm_ref)


        def setup_network_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            self._create_vifs(instance, vm_ref, network_info)

            self._prepare_instance_filter(instance, network_info)


        def boot_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            if power_on:

                self._start(instance, vm_ref)

                self._wait_for_instance_to_start(instance, vm_ref)


        def configure_booted_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            if first_boot:

                self._configure_new_instance_with_agent(instance, vm_ref,

                        injected_files, admin_password)

                self._remove_hostname(instance, vm_ref)


        def apply_security_group_filters_step(undo_mgr):

            self.firewall_driver.apply_instance_filter(instance, network_info)

        undo_mgr = utils.UndoManager()


            # NOTE(sirp): The create_disks() step will potentially take a

            # *very* long time to complete since it has to fetch the image

            # over the network and images can be several gigs in size. To

            # avoid progress remaining at 0% for too long, make sure the

            # first step is something that completes rather quickly.

            disk_image_type = determine_disk_image_type_step(undo_mgr)

            vdis = create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            kernel_file, ramdisk_file = create_kernel_ramdisk_step(undo_mgr)

            vm_ref = create_vm_record_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type,

                    kernel_file, ramdisk_file)

            attach_devices_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type)

            inject_instance_data_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis)

            setup_network_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            if rescue:

                attach_root_disk_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            boot_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            configure_booted_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)


            if completed_callback:


        except Exception:

            msg = _("Failed to spawn, rolling back")

            undo_mgr.rollback_and_reraise(msg=msg, instance=instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def attach_disks(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type):


                ipxe_boot = strutils.bool_from_string(


            except KeyError:

                ipxe_boot = False

            if ipxe_boot:

                if 'iso' in vdis:


                        self._session, instance, vdis['iso'], network_info)


                    LOG.warning(_('ipxe_boot is True but no ISO image found'),


            if resize:

                self._resize_up_vdis(instance, vdis)

            self._attach_disks(instance, vm_ref, name_label, vdis,

                               disk_image_type, network_info, admin_password,


            if not first_boot:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def attach_pci_devices(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            dev_to_passthrough = ""

            devices = pci_manager.get_instance_pci_devs(instance)

            for d in devices:

                pci_address = d["address"]

                if pci_address.count(":") == 1:

                    pci_address = "0000:" + pci_address

                dev_to_passthrough += ",0/" + pci_address

            # Remove the first comma if string is not empty.

            # Note(guillaume-thouvenin): If dev_to_passthrough is empty, we

            #                            don't need to update other_config.

            if dev_to_passthrough:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def determine_disk_image_type_step(undo_mgr):

            return vm_utils.determine_disk_image_type(image_meta)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_kernel_ramdisk_step(undo_mgr):

            kernel_file, ramdisk_file = vm_utils.create_kernel_and_ramdisk(

                    context, self._session, instance, name_label)

            def undo_create_kernel_ramdisk():

                vm_utils.destroy_kernel_ramdisk(self._session, instance,

                        kernel_file, ramdisk_file)


            return kernel_file, ramdisk_file


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_vm_record_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type,

                                  kernel_file, ramdisk_file):

            vm_ref = self._create_vm_record(context, instance, name_label,

                                            disk_image_type, kernel_file,

                                            ramdisk_file, image_meta)

            def undo_create_vm():

                self._destroy(instance, vm_ref, network_info=network_info)


            return vm_ref


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def attach_devices_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type):

            attach_disks(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type)

            attach_pci_devices(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

        if rescue:

            # NOTE(johannes): Attach root disk to rescue VM now, before

            # booting the VM, since we can't hotplug block devices

            # on non-PV guests


            def attach_root_disk_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

                vbd_ref = self._attach_orig_disk_for_rescue(instance, vm_ref)

                def undo_attach_root_disk():

                    # destroy the vbd in preparation to re-attach the VDI

                    # to its original VM.  (does not delete VDI)

                    vm_utils.destroy_vbd(self._session, vbd_ref)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def inject_instance_data_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis):

            self._inject_instance_metadata(instance, vm_ref)

            self._inject_auto_disk_config(instance, vm_ref)

            # NOTE: We add the hostname here so windows PV tools

            # can pick it up during booting

            if first_boot:

                self._inject_hostname(instance, vm_ref, rescue)

            self._file_inject_vm_settings(instance, vm_ref, vdis, network_info)

            self.inject_network_info(instance, network_info, vm_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def setup_network_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            self._create_vifs(instance, vm_ref, network_info)

            self._prepare_instance_filter(instance, network_info)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def boot_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            if power_on:

                self._start(instance, vm_ref)

                self._wait_for_instance_to_start(instance, vm_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def configure_booted_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref):

            if first_boot:

                self._configure_new_instance_with_agent(instance, vm_ref,

                        injected_files, admin_password)

                self._remove_hostname(instance, vm_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def apply_security_group_filters_step(undo_mgr):

            self.firewall_driver.apply_instance_filter(instance, network_info)

        undo_mgr = utils.UndoManager()


            # NOTE(sirp): The create_disks() step will potentially take a

            # *very* long time to complete since it has to fetch the image

            # over the network and images can be several gigs in size. To

            # avoid progress remaining at 0% for too long, make sure the

            # first step is something that completes rather quickly.

            disk_image_type = determine_disk_image_type_step(undo_mgr)

            vdis = create_disks_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type, image_meta,


            kernel_file, ramdisk_file = create_kernel_ramdisk_step(undo_mgr)

            vm_ref = create_vm_record_step(undo_mgr, disk_image_type,

                    kernel_file, ramdisk_file)

            attach_devices_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis, disk_image_type)

            inject_instance_data_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref, vdis)

            setup_network_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            if rescue:

                attach_root_disk_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            boot_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)

            configure_booted_instance_step(undo_mgr, vm_ref)


            if completed_callback:


        except Exception:

            msg = _("Failed to spawn, rolling back")

            undo_mgr.rollback_and_reraise(msg=msg, instance=instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _attach_orig_disk_for_rescue(self, instance, vm_ref):

        orig_vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'])

        vdi_ref = self._find_root_vdi_ref(orig_vm_ref)

        return vm_utils.create_vbd(self._session, vm_ref, vdi_ref,

                                   DEVICE_RESCUE, bootable=False)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _file_inject_vm_settings(self, instance, vm_ref, vdis, network_info):

        if CONF.flat_injected:

            vm_utils.preconfigure_instance(self._session, instance,

                                           vdis['root']['ref'], network_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_instance_name_unique(self, name_label):

        vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, name_label)

        if vm_ref is not None:

            raise exception.InstanceExists(name=name_label)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_enough_free_mem(self, instance):

        if not vm_utils.is_enough_free_mem(self._session, instance):

            raise exception.InsufficientFreeMemory(uuid=instance['uuid'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_vm_record(self, context, instance, name_label, disk_image_type,

                          kernel_file, ramdisk_file, image_meta):

        """Create the VM record in Xen, making sure that we do not create

        a duplicate name-label.  Also do a rough sanity check on memory

        to try to short-circuit a potential failure later.  (The memory

        check only accounts for running VMs, so it can miss other builds

        that are in progress.)


        mode = vm_utils.determine_vm_mode(instance, disk_image_type)

        if instance['vm_mode'] != mode:

            # Update database with normalized (or determined) value


                                          instance['uuid'], {'vm_mode': mode})

        image_properties = image_meta.get("properties")

        device_id = vm_utils.get_vm_device_id(self._session, image_properties)

        use_pv_kernel = (mode == vm_mode.XEN)

        LOG.debug(_("Using PV kernel: %s"), use_pv_kernel, instance=instance)

        vm_ref = vm_utils.create_vm(self._session, instance, name_label,

                                    kernel_file, ramdisk_file,

                                    use_pv_kernel, device_id)

        return vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _attach_disks(self, instance, vm_ref, name_label, vdis,

                      disk_image_type, network_info,

                      admin_password=None, files=None):

        flavor = flavors.extract_flavor(instance)

        # Attach (required) root disk

        if disk_image_type == vm_utils.ImageType.DISK_ISO:

            # DISK_ISO needs two VBDs: the ISO disk and a blank RW disk

            root_disk_size = flavor['root_gb']

            if root_disk_size > 0:

                vm_utils.generate_iso_blank_root_disk(self._session, instance,

                    vm_ref, DEVICE_ROOT, name_label, root_disk_size)

            cd_vdi = vdis.pop('iso')

            vm_utils.attach_cd(self._session, vm_ref, cd_vdi['ref'],



            root_vdi = vdis['root']

            if instance['auto_disk_config']:

                LOG.debug(_("Auto configuring disk, attempting to "

                            "resize root disk..."), instance=instance)




            vm_utils.create_vbd(self._session, vm_ref, root_vdi['ref'],

                                DEVICE_ROOT, bootable=True,


        # Attach (optional) additional block-devices

        for type_, vdi_info in vdis.items():

            # Additional block-devices for boot use their device-name as the

            # type.

            if not type_.startswith('/dev'):


            # Convert device name to userdevice number, e.g. /dev/xvdb -> 1

            userdevice = ord(block_device.strip_prefix(type_)) - ord('a')

            vm_utils.create_vbd(self._session, vm_ref, vdi_info['ref'],

                                userdevice, bootable=False,


        # Attach (optional) swap disk

        swap_mb = flavor['swap']

        if swap_mb:

            vm_utils.generate_swap(self._session, instance, vm_ref,

                                   DEVICE_SWAP, name_label, swap_mb)

        ephemeral_gb = flavor['ephemeral_gb']

        if ephemeral_gb:

            ephemeral_vdis = vdis.get('ephemerals')

            if ephemeral_vdis:

                # attach existing (migrated) ephemeral disks

                for userdevice, ephemeral_vdi in ephemeral_vdis.iteritems():

                    vm_utils.create_vbd(self._session, vm_ref,


                                        userdevice, bootable=False)


                # create specified ephemeral disks

                vm_utils.generate_ephemeral(self._session, instance, vm_ref,

                                            DEVICE_EPHEMERAL, name_label,


        # Attach (optional) configdrive v2 disk

        if configdrive.required_by(instance):

            vm_utils.generate_configdrive(self._session, instance, vm_ref,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _wait_for_instance_to_start(self, instance, vm_ref):

        LOG.debug(_('Waiting for instance state to become running'),


        expiration = time.time() + CONF.xenserver.running_timeout

        while time.time() < expiration:

            state = vm_utils.get_power_state(self._session, vm_ref)

            if state == power_state.RUNNING:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _configure_new_instance_with_agent(self, instance, vm_ref,

                                           injected_files, admin_password):

        if not self.agent_enabled(instance):

            LOG.debug(_("Skip agent setup, not enabled."), instance=instance)


        agent = self._get_agent(instance, vm_ref)

        version = agent.get_version()

        if not version:

            LOG.debug(_("Skip agent setup, unable to contact agent."),



        LOG.debug(_('Detected agent version: %s'), version, instance=instance)

        # NOTE(johngarbutt) the agent object allows all of

        # the following steps to silently fail


        if injected_files:


        if admin_password:




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _prepare_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info):



                    instance, network_info)

        except NotImplementedError:

            # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): setup_basic_filtering might be

            # empty or not implemented at all, as basic filter could

            # be implemented with VIF rules created by xapi plugin




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_vm_opaque_ref(self, instance, check_rescue=False):

        """Get xapi OpaqueRef from a db record.

        :param check_rescue: if True will return the 'name'-rescue vm if it

                             exists, instead of just 'name'


        vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'], check_rescue)

        if vm_ref is None:

            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])

        return vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _acquire_bootlock(self, vm):

        """Prevent an instance from booting."""




            {"start": ""})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _release_bootlock(self, vm):

        """Allow an instance to boot."""





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def snapshot(self, context, instance, image_id, update_task_state):

        """Create snapshot from a running VM instance.

        :param context: request context

        :param instance: instance to be snapshotted

        :param image_id: id of image to upload to

        Steps involved in a XenServer snapshot:

        1. XAPI-Snapshot: Snapshotting the instance using XenAPI. This

           creates: Snapshot (Template) VM, Snapshot VBD, Snapshot VDI,

           Snapshot VHD

        2. Wait-for-coalesce: The Snapshot VDI and Instance VDI both point to

           a 'base-copy' VDI.  The base_copy is immutable and may be chained

           with other base_copies.  If chained, the base_copies

           coalesce together, so, we must wait for this coalescing to occur to

           get a stable representation of the data on disk.

        3. Push-to-data-store: Once coalesced, we call

           'image_upload_handler' to upload the images.


        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        label = "%s-snapshot" % instance['name']

        with vm_utils.snapshot_attached_here(

                self._session, instance, vm_ref, label,

                post_snapshot_callback=update_task_state) as vdi_uuids:








        LOG.debug(_("Finished snapshot and upload for VM"),


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_orig_vm_name_label(self, instance):

        return instance['name'] + '-orig'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_instance_progress(self, context, instance, step, total_steps):

        """Update instance progress percent to reflect current step number


        # FIXME(sirp): for now we're taking a KISS approach to instance

        # progress:

        # Divide the action's workflow into discrete steps and "bump" the

        # instance's progress field as each step is completed.


        # For a first cut this should be fine, however, for large VM images,

        # the get_vdis_for_instance step begins to dominate the equation. A

        # better approximation would use the percentage of the VM image that

        # has been streamed to the destination host.

        progress = round(float(step) / total_steps * 100)

        LOG.debug(_("Updating progress to %d"), progress,


        self._virtapi.instance_update(context, instance['uuid'],

                                      {'progress': progress})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _resize_ensure_vm_is_shutdown(self, instance, vm_ref):

        if vm_utils.is_vm_shutdown(self._session, vm_ref):

            LOG.debug(_("VM was already shutdown."), instance=instance)


        if not vm_utils.clean_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref):

            LOG.debug(_("Clean shutdown did not complete successfully, "

                        "trying hard shutdown."), instance=instance)

            if not vm_utils.hard_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref):

                raise exception.ResizeError(

                    reason=_("Unable to terminate instance."))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _migrate_disk_resizing_down(self, context, instance, dest,

                                    flavor, vm_ref, sr_path):

        step = make_step_decorator(context, instance,




        def fake_step_to_match_resizing_up():



        def rename_and_power_off_vm(undo_mgr):

            self._resize_ensure_vm_is_shutdown(instance, vm_ref)

            self._apply_orig_vm_name_label(instance, vm_ref)

            def restore_orig_vm():

                # Do not need to restore block devices, not yet been removed




        def create_copy_vdi_and_resize(undo_mgr, old_vdi_ref):

            new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid = vm_utils.resize_disk(self._session,

                instance, old_vdi_ref, flavor)

            def cleanup_vdi_copy():

                vm_utils.destroy_vdi(self._session, new_vdi_ref)


            return new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid


        def transfer_vhd_to_dest(new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid):

            vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, new_vdi_uuid,

                                 dest, sr_path, 0)

            # Clean up VDI now that it's been copied

            vm_utils.destroy_vdi(self._session, new_vdi_ref)

        undo_mgr = utils.UndoManager()




            old_vdi_ref, _ignore = vm_utils.get_vdi_for_vm_safely(

                self._session, vm_ref)

            new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid = create_copy_vdi_and_resize(

                undo_mgr, old_vdi_ref)

            transfer_vhd_to_dest(new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid)

        except Exception as error:

            LOG.exception(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_down failed. "

                            "Restoring orig vm due_to: %s."), error,



            raise exception.InstanceFaultRollback(error)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fake_step_to_match_resizing_up():



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def rename_and_power_off_vm(undo_mgr):

            self._resize_ensure_vm_is_shutdown(instance, vm_ref)

            self._apply_orig_vm_name_label(instance, vm_ref)

            def restore_orig_vm():

                # Do not need to restore block devices, not yet been removed




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_copy_vdi_and_resize(undo_mgr, old_vdi_ref):

            new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid = vm_utils.resize_disk(self._session,

                instance, old_vdi_ref, flavor)

            def cleanup_vdi_copy():

                vm_utils.destroy_vdi(self._session, new_vdi_ref)


            return new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def transfer_vhd_to_dest(new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid):

            vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, new_vdi_uuid,

                                 dest, sr_path, 0)

            # Clean up VDI now that it's been copied

            vm_utils.destroy_vdi(self._session, new_vdi_ref)

        undo_mgr = utils.UndoManager()




            old_vdi_ref, _ignore = vm_utils.get_vdi_for_vm_safely(

                self._session, vm_ref)

            new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid = create_copy_vdi_and_resize(

                undo_mgr, old_vdi_ref)

            transfer_vhd_to_dest(new_vdi_ref, new_vdi_uuid)

        except Exception as error:

            LOG.exception(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_down failed. "

                            "Restoring orig vm due_to: %s."), error,



            raise exception.InstanceFaultRollback(error)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _migrate_disk_resizing_up(self, context, instance, dest, vm_ref,


        step = make_step_decorator(context,





        NOTE(johngarbutt) Understanding how resize up works.

        For resize up, we attempt to minimize the amount of downtime

        for users by copying snapshots of their disks, while their

        VM is still running.

        It is worth noting, that migrating the snapshot, means migrating

        the whole VHD chain up to, but not including, the leaf VHD the VM

        is still writing to.

        Once the snapshots have been migrated, we power down the VM

        and migrate all the disk changes since the snapshots were taken.

        In addition, the snapshots are taken at the latest possible point,

        to help minimize the time it takes to migrate the disk changes

        after the VM has been turned off.

        Before starting to migrate any of the disks, we rename the VM,

        to -orig, in case we attempt to migrate the VM

        back onto this host, and so once we have completed the migration

        of the disk, confirm/rollback migrate can work in the usual way.

        If there is a failure at any point, we need to rollback to the

        position we were in before starting to migrate. In particular,

        we need to delete and snapshot VDIs that may have been created,

        and restore the VM back to its original name.



        def fake_step_to_show_snapshot_complete():



        def transfer_immutable_vhds(root_vdi_uuids):

            active_root_vdi_uuid = root_vdi_uuids[0]

            immutable_root_vdi_uuids = root_vdi_uuids[1:]

            for vhd_num, vdi_uuid in enumerate(immutable_root_vdi_uuids,


                vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, vdi_uuid, dest,

                                     sr_path, vhd_num)

            LOG.debug(_("Migrated root base vhds"), instance=instance)

            return active_root_vdi_uuid

        def _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(ephemeral_chains,


            # This method is called several times, recursively.

            # The first phase snapshots the ephemeral disks, and

            # migrates the read only VHD files.

            # The final call into this method calls

            # power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds

            # to turn off the VM and copy the rest of the VHDs.

            number_of_chains = len(ephemeral_chains)

            if number_of_chains == 0:

                # If we get here, we have snapshotted and migrated

                # all the ephemeral disks, so its time to power down

                # and complete the migration of the diffs since the snapshot

                LOG.debug(_("Migrated all base vhds."), instance=instance)

                return power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds(



            remaining_chains = []

            if number_of_chains > 1:

                remaining_chains = ephemeral_chains[1:]

            ephemeral_disk_index = len(active_vdi_uuids)

            userdevice = int(DEVICE_EPHEMERAL) + ephemeral_disk_index

            # Here we take a snapshot of the ephemeral disk,

            # and migrate all VHDs in the chain that are not being written to

            # Once that is completed, we call back into this method to either:

            # - migrate any remaining ephemeral disks

            # - or, if all disks are migrated, we power down and complete

            #   the migration but copying the diffs since all the snapshots

            #   were taken

            with vm_utils.snapshot_attached_here(self._session, instance,

                    vm_ref, label, str(userdevice)) as chain_vdi_uuids:

                # remember active vdi, we will migrate these later


                # migrate inactive vhds

                inactive_vdi_uuids = chain_vdi_uuids[1:]

                ephemeral_disk_number = ephemeral_disk_index + 1

                for seq_num, vdi_uuid in enumerate(inactive_vdi_uuids,


                    vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, vdi_uuid,

                                         dest, sr_path, seq_num,


                LOG.debug(_("Read-only migrated for disk: %s"), userdevice,


                # This is recursive to simplify the taking and cleaning up

                # of all the ephemeral disk snapshots

                return _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(remaining_chains,



        def transfer_ephemeral_disks_then_all_leaf_vdis():

            ephemeral_chains = vm_utils.get_all_vdi_uuids_for_vm(

                    self._session, vm_ref,


            if ephemeral_chains:

                ephemeral_chains = list(ephemeral_chains)


                ephemeral_chains = []

            _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(ephemeral_chains, [])


        def power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds(root_vdi_uuid,


            self._resize_ensure_vm_is_shutdown(instance, vm_ref)

            vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, root_vdi_uuid,

                                 dest, sr_path, 0)

            if ephemeral_vdi_uuids:

                for ephemeral_disk_number, ephemeral_vdi_uuid in enumerate(

                            ephemeral_vdi_uuids, start=1):

                    vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance,

                                         ephemeral_vdi_uuid, dest,

                                         sr_path, 0, ephemeral_disk_number)

        self._apply_orig_vm_name_label(instance, vm_ref)


            label = "%s-snapshot" % instance['name']

            with vm_utils.snapshot_attached_here(

                    self._session, instance, vm_ref, label) as root_vdi_uuids:

                # NOTE(johngarbutt) snapshot attached here will delete

                # the snapshot if an error occurs


                # transfer all the non-active VHDs in the root disk chain

                active_root_vdi_uuid = transfer_immutable_vhds(root_vdi_uuids)

                # snapshot and transfer all ephemeral disks

                # then power down and transfer any diffs since

                # the snapshots were taken


        except Exception as error:

            LOG.exception(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_up failed. "

                            "Restoring orig vm due_to: %s."), error,




                #TODO(johngarbutt) should also cleanup VHDs at destination

            except Exception as rollback_error:

                LOG.warn(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_up failed to "

                           "rollback: %s"), rollback_error,


            raise exception.InstanceFaultRollback(error)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fake_step_to_show_snapshot_complete():



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def transfer_immutable_vhds(root_vdi_uuids):

            active_root_vdi_uuid = root_vdi_uuids[0]

            immutable_root_vdi_uuids = root_vdi_uuids[1:]

            for vhd_num, vdi_uuid in enumerate(immutable_root_vdi_uuids,


                vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, vdi_uuid, dest,

                                     sr_path, vhd_num)

            LOG.debug(_("Migrated root base vhds"), instance=instance)

            return active_root_vdi_uuid

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(ephemeral_chains,


            # This method is called several times, recursively.

            # The first phase snapshots the ephemeral disks, and

            # migrates the read only VHD files.

            # The final call into this method calls

            # power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds

            # to turn off the VM and copy the rest of the VHDs.

            number_of_chains = len(ephemeral_chains)

            if number_of_chains == 0:

                # If we get here, we have snapshotted and migrated

                # all the ephemeral disks, so its time to power down

                # and complete the migration of the diffs since the snapshot

                LOG.debug(_("Migrated all base vhds."), instance=instance)

                return power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds(



            remaining_chains = []

            if number_of_chains > 1:

                remaining_chains = ephemeral_chains[1:]

            ephemeral_disk_index = len(active_vdi_uuids)

            userdevice = int(DEVICE_EPHEMERAL) + ephemeral_disk_index

            # Here we take a snapshot of the ephemeral disk,

            # and migrate all VHDs in the chain that are not being written to

            # Once that is completed, we call back into this method to either:

            # - migrate any remaining ephemeral disks

            # - or, if all disks are migrated, we power down and complete

            #   the migration but copying the diffs since all the snapshots

            #   were taken

            with vm_utils.snapshot_attached_here(self._session, instance,

                    vm_ref, label, str(userdevice)) as chain_vdi_uuids:

                # remember active vdi, we will migrate these later


                # migrate inactive vhds

                inactive_vdi_uuids = chain_vdi_uuids[1:]

                ephemeral_disk_number = ephemeral_disk_index + 1

                for seq_num, vdi_uuid in enumerate(inactive_vdi_uuids,


                    vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, vdi_uuid,

                                         dest, sr_path, seq_num,


                LOG.debug(_("Read-only migrated for disk: %s"), userdevice,


                # This is recursive to simplify the taking and cleaning up

                # of all the ephemeral disk snapshots

                return _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(remaining_chains,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def transfer_ephemeral_disks_then_all_leaf_vdis():

            ephemeral_chains = vm_utils.get_all_vdi_uuids_for_vm(

                    self._session, vm_ref,


            if ephemeral_chains:

                ephemeral_chains = list(ephemeral_chains)


                ephemeral_chains = []

            _process_ephemeral_chain_recursive(ephemeral_chains, [])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def power_down_and_transfer_leaf_vhds(root_vdi_uuid,


            self._resize_ensure_vm_is_shutdown(instance, vm_ref)

            vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance, root_vdi_uuid,

                                 dest, sr_path, 0)

            if ephemeral_vdi_uuids:

                for ephemeral_disk_number, ephemeral_vdi_uuid in enumerate(

                            ephemeral_vdi_uuids, start=1):

                    vm_utils.migrate_vhd(self._session, instance,

                                         ephemeral_vdi_uuid, dest,

                                         sr_path, 0, ephemeral_disk_number)

        self._apply_orig_vm_name_label(instance, vm_ref)


            label = "%s-snapshot" % instance['name']

            with vm_utils.snapshot_attached_here(

                    self._session, instance, vm_ref, label) as root_vdi_uuids:

                # NOTE(johngarbutt) snapshot attached here will delete

                # the snapshot if an error occurs


                # transfer all the non-active VHDs in the root disk chain

                active_root_vdi_uuid = transfer_immutable_vhds(root_vdi_uuids)

                # snapshot and transfer all ephemeral disks

                # then power down and transfer any diffs since

                # the snapshots were taken


        except Exception as error:

            LOG.exception(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_up failed. "

                            "Restoring orig vm due_to: %s."), error,




                #TODO(johngarbutt) should also cleanup VHDs at destination

            except Exception as rollback_error:

                LOG.warn(_("_migrate_disk_resizing_up failed to "

                           "rollback: %s"), rollback_error,


            raise exception.InstanceFaultRollback(error)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _apply_orig_vm_name_label(self, instance, vm_ref):

        # NOTE(sirp): in case we're resizing to the same host (for dev

        # purposes), apply a suffix to name-label so the two VM records

        # extant until a confirm_resize don't collide.

        name_label = self._get_orig_vm_name_label(instance)

        vm_utils.set_vm_name_label(self._session, vm_ref, name_label)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_not_resize_down_ephemeral(self, instance, flavor):

        old_gb = instance["ephemeral_gb"]

        new_gb = flavor["ephemeral_gb"]

        if old_gb > new_gb:

            reason = _("Can't resize down ephemeral disks.")

            raise exception.ResizeError(reason)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def migrate_disk_and_power_off(self, context, instance, dest,

                                   flavor, block_device_info):

        """Copies a VHD from one host machine to another, possibly

        resizing filesystem before hand.

        :param instance: the instance that owns the VHD in question.

        :param dest: the destination host machine.

        :param flavor: flavor to resize to


        self._ensure_not_resize_down_ephemeral(instance, flavor)

        # 0. Zero out the progress to begin

        self._update_instance_progress(context, instance,



        old_gb = instance['root_gb']

        new_gb = flavor['root_gb']

        resize_down = old_gb > new_gb

        if new_gb == 0 and old_gb != 0:

            reason = _("Can't resize a disk to 0 GB.")

            raise exception.ResizeError(reason=reason)

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        sr_path = vm_utils.get_sr_path(self._session)

        if resize_down:


                    context, instance, dest, flavor, vm_ref, sr_path)



                    context, instance, dest, vm_ref, sr_path)

        self._detach_block_devices_from_orig_vm(instance, block_device_info)

        # NOTE(sirp): disk_info isn't used by the xenapi driver, instead it

        # uses a staging-area (/images/instance) and sequence-numbered

        # VHDs to figure out how to reconstruct the VDI chain after syncing

        disk_info = {}

        return disk_info

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _detach_block_devices_from_orig_vm(self, instance, block_device_info):

        block_device_mapping = virt_driver.block_device_info_get_mapping(


        name_label = self._get_orig_vm_name_label(instance)

        for vol in block_device_mapping:

            connection_info = vol['connection_info']

            mount_device = vol['mount_device'].rpartition("/")[2]

            self._volumeops.detach_volume(connection_info, name_label,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _resize_up_vdis(self, instance, vdis):

        new_root_gb = instance['root_gb']

        root_vdi = vdis.get('root')

        if new_root_gb and root_vdi:

            vdi_ref = root_vdi['ref']

            vm_utils.update_vdi_virtual_size(self._session, instance,

                                             vdi_ref, new_root_gb)

        ephemeral_vdis = vdis.get('ephemerals')

        if not ephemeral_vdis:

            # NOTE(johngarbutt) no existing (migrated) ephemeral disks

            # to resize, so nothing more to do here.


        total_ephemeral_gb = instance['ephemeral_gb']

        if total_ephemeral_gb:

            sizes = vm_utils.get_ephemeral_disk_sizes(total_ephemeral_gb)

            # resize existing (migrated) ephemeral disks,

            # and add any extra disks if required due to a

            # larger total_ephemeral_gb (resize down is not supported).

            for userdevice, new_size in enumerate(sizes,


                vdi = ephemeral_vdis.get(str(userdevice))

                if vdi:

                    vdi_ref = vdi['ref']

                    vm_utils.update_vdi_virtual_size(self._session, instance,

                                                     vdi_ref, new_size)


                    LOG.debug("Generating new ephemeral vdi %d during resize",

                              userdevice, instance=instance)

                    # NOTE(johngarbutt) we generate but don't attach

                    # the new disk to make up any additional ephemeral space

                    vdi_ref = vm_utils.generate_single_ephemeral(

                        self._session, instance, None, userdevice, new_size)

                    vdis[str(userdevice)] = {'ref': vdi_ref, 'generated': True}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reboot(self, instance, reboot_type, bad_volumes_callback=None):

        """Reboot VM instance."""

        # Note (salvatore-orlando): security group rules are not re-enforced

        # upon reboot, since this action on the XenAPI drivers does not

        # remove existing filters

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance, check_rescue=True)


            if reboot_type == "HARD":

                self._session.call_xenapi('VM.hard_reboot', vm_ref)


                self._session.call_xenapi('VM.clean_reboot', vm_ref)

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as exc:

            details = exc.details

            if (details[0] == 'VM_BAD_POWER_STATE' and

                    details[-1] == 'halted'):

                LOG.info(_("Starting halted instance found during reboot"),


                self._start(instance, vm_ref=vm_ref,



            elif details[0] == 'SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_46':

                LOG.warn(_("Reboot failed due to bad volumes, detaching bad"

                           " volumes and starting halted instance"),


                self._start(instance, vm_ref=vm_ref,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def set_admin_password(self, instance, new_pass):

        """Set the root/admin password on the VM instance."""

        if self.agent_enabled(instance):

            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

            agent = self._get_agent(instance, vm_ref)



            raise NotImplementedError()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def inject_file(self, instance, path, contents):

        """Write a file to the VM instance."""

        if self.agent_enabled(instance):

            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

            agent = self._get_agent(instance, vm_ref)

            agent.inject_file(path, contents)


            raise NotImplementedError()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _sanitize_xenstore_key(key):

        """Xenstore only allows the following characters as keys:




        So convert the others to _

        Also convert / to _, because that is somewhat like a path



        allowed_chars = ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"



        return ''.join([x in allowed_chars and x or '_' for x in key])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _inject_instance_metadata(self, instance, vm_ref):

        """Inject instance metadata into xenstore."""

        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def store_meta(topdir, data_dict):

            for key, value in data_dict.items():

                key = self._sanitize_xenstore_key(key)

                value = value or ''

                self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, '%s/%s' % (topdir, key),


        # Store user metadata

        store_meta('vm-data/user-metadata', utils.instance_meta(instance))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def store_meta(topdir, data_dict):

            for key, value in data_dict.items():

                key = self._sanitize_xenstore_key(key)

                value = value or ''

                self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, '%s/%s' % (topdir, key),


        # Store user metadata

        store_meta('vm-data/user-metadata', utils.instance_meta(instance))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _inject_auto_disk_config(self, instance, vm_ref):

        """Inject instance's auto_disk_config attribute into xenstore."""

        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def store_auto_disk_config(key, value):

            value = value and True or False

            self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, key, str(value))



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def store_auto_disk_config(key, value):

            value = value and True or False

            self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, key, str(value))



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def change_instance_metadata(self, instance, diff):

        """Apply changes to instance metadata to xenstore."""


            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        except exception.NotFound:

            # NOTE(johngarbutt) race conditions mean we can still get here

            # during operations where the VM is not present, like resize.

            # Skip the update when not possible, as the updated metadata will

            # get added when the VM is being booted up at the end of the

            # resize or rebuild.

            LOG.warn(_("Unable to update metadata, VM not found."),

                     instance=instance, exc_info=True)


        def process_change(location, change):

            if change[0] == '-':

                self._remove_from_param_xenstore(vm_ref, location)


                    self._delete_from_xenstore(instance, location,


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running then no need to update

                    # the live xenstore - the param xenstore will be

                    # used next time the VM is booted


            elif change[0] == '+':

                self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, location,



                    self._write_to_xenstore(instance, location, change[1],


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running then no need to update

                    # the live xenstore


        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def update_meta():

            for key, change in diff.items():

                key = self._sanitize_xenstore_key(key)

                location = 'vm-data/user-metadata/%s' % key

                process_change(location, change)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def process_change(location, change):

            if change[0] == '-':

                self._remove_from_param_xenstore(vm_ref, location)


                    self._delete_from_xenstore(instance, location,


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running then no need to update

                    # the live xenstore - the param xenstore will be

                    # used next time the VM is booted


            elif change[0] == '+':

                self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, location,



                    self._write_to_xenstore(instance, location, change[1],


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running then no need to update

                    # the live xenstore


        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def update_meta():

            for key, change in diff.items():

                key = self._sanitize_xenstore_key(key)

                location = 'vm-data/user-metadata/%s' % key

                process_change(location, change)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _find_root_vdi_ref(self, vm_ref):

        """Find and return the root vdi ref for a VM."""

        if not vm_ref:

            return None

        vbd_refs = self._session.call_xenapi("VM.get_VBDs", vm_ref)

        for vbd_uuid in vbd_refs:

            vbd = self._session.call_xenapi("VBD.get_record", vbd_uuid)

            if vbd["userdevice"] == DEVICE_ROOT:

                return vbd["VDI"]

        raise exception.NotFound(_("Unable to find root VBD/VDI for VM"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _destroy_vdis(self, instance, vm_ref):

        """Destroys all VDIs associated with a VM."""

        LOG.debug(_("Destroying VDIs"), instance=instance)

        vdi_refs = vm_utils.lookup_vm_vdis(self._session, vm_ref)

        if not vdi_refs:


        for vdi_ref in vdi_refs:


                vm_utils.destroy_vdi(self._session, vdi_ref)

            except volume_utils.StorageError as exc:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _destroy_kernel_ramdisk(self, instance, vm_ref):

        """Three situations can occur:

            1. We have neither a ramdisk nor a kernel, in which case we are a

               RAW image and can omit this step

            2. We have one or the other, in which case, we should flag as an


            3. We have both, in which case we safely remove both the kernel

               and the ramdisk.


        instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

        if not instance['kernel_id'] and not instance['ramdisk_id']:

            # 1. No kernel or ramdisk

            LOG.debug(_("Using RAW or VHD, skipping kernel and ramdisk "

                        "deletion"), instance=instance)


        if not (instance['kernel_id'] and instance['ramdisk_id']):

            # 2. We only have kernel xor ramdisk

            raise exception.InstanceUnacceptable(instance_id=instance_uuid,

               reason=_("instance has a kernel or ramdisk but not both"))

        # 3. We have both kernel and ramdisk

        (kernel, ramdisk) = vm_utils.lookup_kernel_ramdisk(self._session,


        if kernel or ramdisk:

            vm_utils.destroy_kernel_ramdisk(self._session, instance,

                                            kernel, ramdisk)

            LOG.debug(_("kernel/ramdisk files removed"), instance=instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _destroy_rescue_instance(self, rescue_vm_ref, original_vm_ref):

        """Destroy a rescue instance."""

        # Shutdown Rescue VM

        state = vm_utils.get_power_state(self._session, rescue_vm_ref)

        if state != power_state.SHUTDOWN:

            self._session.call_xenapi("VM.hard_shutdown", rescue_vm_ref)

        # Destroy Rescue VDIs

        vdi_refs = vm_utils.lookup_vm_vdis(self._session, rescue_vm_ref)

        root_vdi_ref = self._find_root_vdi_ref(original_vm_ref)

        vdi_refs = [vdi_ref for vdi_ref in vdi_refs if vdi_ref != root_vdi_ref]

        vm_utils.safe_destroy_vdis(self._session, vdi_refs)

        # Destroy Rescue VM

        self._session.call_xenapi("VM.destroy", rescue_vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def destroy(self, instance, network_info, block_device_info=None,


        """Destroy VM instance.

        This is the method exposed by xenapi_conn.destroy(). The rest of the

        destroy_* methods are internal.


        LOG.info(_("Destroying VM"), instance=instance)

        # We don't use _get_vm_opaque_ref because the instance may

        # truly not exist because of a failure during build. A valid

        # vm_ref is checked correctly where necessary.

        vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'])

        rescue_vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session,

                                        "%s-rescue" % instance['name'])

        if rescue_vm_ref:

            self._destroy_rescue_instance(rescue_vm_ref, vm_ref)

        # NOTE(sirp): `block_device_info` is not used, information about which

        # volumes should be detached is determined by the

        # VBD.other_config['osvol'] attribute

        return self._destroy(instance, vm_ref, network_info=network_info,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _destroy(self, instance, vm_ref, network_info=None,


        """Destroys VM instance by performing:

            1. A shutdown

            2. Destroying associated VDIs.

            3. Destroying kernel and ramdisk files (if necessary).

            4. Destroying that actual VM record.


        if vm_ref is None:

            LOG.warning(_("VM is not present, skipping destroy..."),



        vm_utils.hard_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref)

        if destroy_disks:


            self._destroy_vdis(instance, vm_ref)

            self._destroy_kernel_ramdisk(instance, vm_ref)

        vm_utils.destroy_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref)

        self.unplug_vifs(instance, network_info)


                instance, network_info=network_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def pause(self, instance):

        """Pause VM instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.pause', vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unpause(self, instance):

        """Unpause VM instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.unpause', vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def suspend(self, instance):

        """Suspend the specified instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)


        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.suspend', vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def resume(self, instance):

        """Resume the specified instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)


        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.resume', vm_ref, False, True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def rescue(self, context, instance, network_info, image_meta,


        """Rescue the specified instance.

            - shutdown the instance VM.

            - set 'bootlock' to prevent the instance from starting in rescue.

            - spawn a rescue VM (the vm name-label will be instance-N-rescue).


        rescue_name_label = '%s-rescue' % instance['name']

        rescue_vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, rescue_name_label)

        if rescue_vm_ref:

            raise RuntimeError(_("Instance is already in Rescue Mode: %s")

                               % instance['name'])

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        vm_utils.hard_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref)


        self.spawn(context, instance, image_meta, [], rescue_password,

                   network_info, name_label=rescue_name_label, rescue=True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def set_bootable(self, instance, is_bootable):

        """Set the ability to power on/off an instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        if is_bootable:




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unrescue(self, instance):

        """Unrescue the specified instance.

            - unplug the instance VM's disk from the rescue VM.

            - teardown the rescue VM.

            - release the bootlock to allow the instance VM to start.


        rescue_vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session,

                                        "%s-rescue" % instance['name'])

        if not rescue_vm_ref:

            raise exception.InstanceNotInRescueMode(


        original_vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        self._destroy_rescue_instance(rescue_vm_ref, original_vm_ref)


        self._start(instance, original_vm_ref)

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    def soft_delete(self, instance):

        """Soft delete the specified instance."""


            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        except exception.NotFound:

            LOG.warning(_("VM is not present, skipping soft delete..."),



            vm_utils.hard_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref)


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    def restore(self, instance):

        """Restore the specified instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)


        self._start(instance, vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def power_off(self, instance):

        """Power off the specified instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        vm_utils.hard_shutdown_vm(self._session, instance, vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def power_on(self, instance):

        """Power on the specified instance."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        self._start(instance, vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _cancel_stale_tasks(self, timeout, task):

        """Cancel the given tasks that are older than the given timeout."""

        task_refs = self._session.call_xenapi("task.get_by_name_label", task)

        for task_ref in task_refs:

            task_rec = self._session.call_xenapi("task.get_record", task_ref)

            task_created = timeutils.parse_strtime(task_rec["created"].value,


            if timeutils.is_older_than(task_created, timeout):

                self._session.call_xenapi("task.cancel", task_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def poll_rebooting_instances(self, timeout, instances):

        """Look for expirable rebooting instances.

            - issue a "hard" reboot to any instance that has been stuck in a

              reboot state for >= the given timeout


        # NOTE(jk0): All existing clean_reboot tasks must be cancelled before

        # we can kick off the hard_reboot tasks.

        self._cancel_stale_tasks(timeout, 'VM.clean_reboot')

        ctxt = nova_context.get_admin_context()

        instances_info = dict(instance_count=len(instances),


        if instances_info["instance_count"] > 0:

            LOG.info(_("Found %(instance_count)d hung reboots "

                       "older than %(timeout)d seconds") % instances_info)

        for instance in instances:

            LOG.info(_("Automatically hard rebooting"), instance=instance)

            self.compute_api.reboot(ctxt, instance, "HARD")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_info(self, instance, vm_ref=None):

        """Return data about VM instance."""

        vm_ref = vm_ref or self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        return vm_utils.compile_info(self._session, vm_ref)

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    def get_diagnostics(self, instance):

        """Return data about VM diagnostics."""

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        vm_rec = self._session.call_xenapi("VM.get_record", vm_ref)

        return vm_utils.compile_diagnostics(vm_rec)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_vif_device_map(self, vm_rec):

        vif_map = {}

        for vif in [self._session.call_xenapi("VIF.get_record", vrec)

                    for vrec in vm_rec['VIFs']]:

            vif_map[vif['device']] = vif['MAC']

        return vif_map

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_bw_counters(self):

        """Return running bandwidth counter for each interface on each

           running VM.


        counters = vm_utils.fetch_bandwidth(self._session)

        bw = {}

        for vm_ref, vm_rec in vm_utils.list_vms(self._session):

            vif_map = self._get_vif_device_map(vm_rec)

            name = vm_rec['name_label']

            if 'nova_uuid' not in vm_rec['other_config']:


            dom = vm_rec.get('domid')

            if dom is None or dom not in counters:


            vifs_bw = bw.setdefault(name, {})

            for vif_num, vif_data in counters[dom].iteritems():

                mac = vif_map[vif_num]

                vif_data['mac_address'] = mac

                vifs_bw[mac] = vif_data

        return bw

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_console_output(self, instance):

        """Return last few lines of instance console."""

        dom_id = self._get_dom_id(instance, check_rescue=True)


            raw_console_data = self._session.call_plugin('console',

                    'get_console_log', {'dom_id': dom_id})

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as exc:


            msg = _("Guest does not have a console available")

            raise exception.NovaException(msg)

        return zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(raw_console_data))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vnc_console(self, instance):

        """Return connection info for a vnc console."""

        if instance.vm_state == vm_states.RESCUED:

            name = '%s-rescue' % instance.name

            vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, name)

            if vm_ref is None:

                # The rescue instance might not be ready at this point.

                raise exception.InstanceNotReady(instance_id=instance.uuid)


            vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance.name)

            if vm_ref is None:

                # The compute manager expects InstanceNotFound for this case.

                raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance.uuid)

        session_id = self._session.get_session_id()

        path = "/console?ref=%s&session_id=%s" % (str(vm_ref), session_id)

        # NOTE: XS5.6sp2+ use http over port 80 for xenapi com

        return {'host': CONF.vncserver_proxyclient_address, 'port': 80,

                'internal_access_path': path}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _vif_xenstore_data(self, vif):

        """convert a network info vif to injectable instance data."""

        def get_ip(ip):

            if not ip:

                return None

            return ip['address']

        def fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet):

            if ip['version'] == 4:

                netmask = str(subnet.as_netaddr().netmask)


                netmask = subnet.as_netaddr()._prefixlen

            return {'ip': ip['address'],

                    'enabled': '1',

                    'netmask': netmask,

                    'gateway': get_ip(subnet['gateway'])}

        def convert_route(route):

            return {'route': str(netaddr.IPNetwork(route['cidr']).network),

                    'netmask': str(netaddr.IPNetwork(route['cidr']).netmask),

                    'gateway': get_ip(route['gateway'])}

        network = vif['network']

        v4_subnets = [subnet for subnet in network['subnets']

                             if subnet['version'] == 4]

        v6_subnets = [subnet for subnet in network['subnets']

                             if subnet['version'] == 6]

        # NOTE(tr3buchet): routes and DNS come from all subnets

        routes = [convert_route(route) for subnet in network['subnets']

                                       for route in subnet['routes']]

        dns = [get_ip(ip) for subnet in network['subnets']

                          for ip in subnet['dns']]

        info_dict = {'label': network['label'],

                     'mac': vif['address']}

        if v4_subnets:

            # NOTE(tr3buchet): gateway and broadcast from first subnet

            #                  primary IP will be from first subnet

            #                  subnets are generally unordered :(

            info_dict['gateway'] = get_ip(v4_subnets[0]['gateway'])

            info_dict['broadcast'] = str(v4_subnets[0].as_netaddr().broadcast)

            info_dict['ips'] = [fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet)

                                for subnet in v4_subnets

                                for ip in subnet['ips']]

        if v6_subnets:

            # NOTE(tr3buchet): gateway from first subnet

            #                  primary IP will be from first subnet

            #                  subnets are generally unordered :(

            info_dict['gateway_v6'] = get_ip(v6_subnets[0]['gateway'])

            info_dict['ip6s'] = [fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet)

                                 for subnet in v6_subnets

                                 for ip in subnet['ips']]

        if routes:

            info_dict['routes'] = routes

        if dns:

            info_dict['dns'] = list(set(dns))

        return info_dict

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_ip(ip):

            if not ip:

                return None

            return ip['address']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet):

            if ip['version'] == 4:

                netmask = str(subnet.as_netaddr().netmask)


                netmask = subnet.as_netaddr()._prefixlen

            return {'ip': ip['address'],

                    'enabled': '1',

                    'netmask': netmask,

                    'gateway': get_ip(subnet['gateway'])}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def convert_route(route):

            return {'route': str(netaddr.IPNetwork(route['cidr']).network),

                    'netmask': str(netaddr.IPNetwork(route['cidr']).netmask),

                    'gateway': get_ip(route['gateway'])}

        network = vif['network']

        v4_subnets = [subnet for subnet in network['subnets']

                             if subnet['version'] == 4]

        v6_subnets = [subnet for subnet in network['subnets']

                             if subnet['version'] == 6]

        # NOTE(tr3buchet): routes and DNS come from all subnets

        routes = [convert_route(route) for subnet in network['subnets']

                                       for route in subnet['routes']]

        dns = [get_ip(ip) for subnet in network['subnets']

                          for ip in subnet['dns']]

        info_dict = {'label': network['label'],

                     'mac': vif['address']}

        if v4_subnets:

            # NOTE(tr3buchet): gateway and broadcast from first subnet

            #                  primary IP will be from first subnet

            #                  subnets are generally unordered :(

            info_dict['gateway'] = get_ip(v4_subnets[0]['gateway'])

            info_dict['broadcast'] = str(v4_subnets[0].as_netaddr().broadcast)

            info_dict['ips'] = [fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet)

                                for subnet in v4_subnets

                                for ip in subnet['ips']]

        if v6_subnets:

            # NOTE(tr3buchet): gateway from first subnet

            #                  primary IP will be from first subnet

            #                  subnets are generally unordered :(

            info_dict['gateway_v6'] = get_ip(v6_subnets[0]['gateway'])

            info_dict['ip6s'] = [fixed_ip_dict(ip, subnet)

                                 for subnet in v6_subnets

                                 for ip in subnet['ips']]

        if routes:

            info_dict['routes'] = routes

        if dns:

            info_dict['dns'] = list(set(dns))

        return info_dict

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def inject_network_info(self, instance, network_info, vm_ref=None):

        """Generate the network info and make calls to place it into the

        xenstore and the xenstore param list.

        vm_ref can be passed in because it will sometimes be different than

        what vm_utils.lookup(session, instance['name']) will find (ex: rescue)


        vm_ref = vm_ref or self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        LOG.debug(_("Injecting network info to xenstore"), instance=instance)

        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def update_nwinfo():

            for vif in network_info:

                xs_data = self._vif_xenstore_data(vif)

                location = ('vm-data/networking/%s' %

                            vif['address'].replace(':', ''))





                    self._write_to_xenstore(instance, location, xs_data,


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running, no need to update the

                    # live xenstore



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def update_nwinfo():

            for vif in network_info:

                xs_data = self._vif_xenstore_data(vif)

                location = ('vm-data/networking/%s' %

                            vif['address'].replace(':', ''))





                    self._write_to_xenstore(instance, location, xs_data,


                except exception.InstanceNotFound:

                    # If the VM is not running, no need to update the

                    # live xenstore



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_vifs(self, instance, vm_ref, network_info):

        """Creates vifs for an instance."""

        LOG.debug(_("Creating vifs"), instance=instance)

        # this function raises if vm_ref is not a vm_opaque_ref

        self._session.call_xenapi("VM.get_domid", vm_ref)

        for device, vif in enumerate(network_info):

            vif_rec = self.vif_driver.plug(instance, vif,

                                           vm_ref=vm_ref, device=device)

            network_ref = vif_rec['network']

            LOG.debug(_('Creating VIF for network %s'),

                      network_ref, instance=instance)

            vif_ref = self._session.call_xenapi('VIF.create', vif_rec)

            LOG.debug(_('Created VIF %(vif_ref)s, network %(network_ref)s'),

                      {'vif_ref': vif_ref, 'network_ref': network_ref},


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def plug_vifs(self, instance, network_info):

        """Set up VIF networking on the host."""

        for device, vif in enumerate(network_info):

            self.vif_driver.plug(instance, vif, device=device)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unplug_vifs(self, instance, network_info):

        if network_info:

            for vif in network_info:

                self.vif_driver.unplug(instance, vif)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reset_network(self, instance, rescue=False):

        """Calls resetnetwork method in agent."""

        if self.agent_enabled(instance):

            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

            agent = self._get_agent(instance, vm_ref)

            self._inject_hostname(instance, vm_ref, rescue)


            self._remove_hostname(instance, vm_ref)


            raise NotImplementedError()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _inject_hostname(self, instance, vm_ref, rescue):

        """Inject the hostname of the instance into the xenstore."""

        hostname = instance['hostname']

        if rescue:

            hostname = 'RESCUE-%s' % hostname

        if instance['os_type'] == "windows":

            # NOTE(jk0): Windows hostnames can only be <= 15 chars.

            hostname = hostname[:15]

        LOG.debug(_("Injecting hostname (%s) into xenstore"), hostname,


        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def update_hostname():

            self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, 'vm-data/hostname', hostname)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def update_hostname():

            self._add_to_param_xenstore(vm_ref, 'vm-data/hostname', hostname)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _remove_hostname(self, instance, vm_ref):

        LOG.debug(_("Removing hostname from xenstore"), instance=instance)

        @utils.synchronized('xenstore-' + instance['uuid'])

        def update_hostname():

            self._remove_from_param_xenstore(vm_ref, 'vm-data/hostname')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def update_hostname():

            self._remove_from_param_xenstore(vm_ref, 'vm-data/hostname')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _write_to_xenstore(self, instance, path, value, vm_ref=None):

        """Writes the passed value to the xenstore record for the given VM

        at the specified location. A XenAPIPlugin.PluginError will be raised

        if any error is encountered in the write process.


        return self._make_plugin_call('xenstore.py', 'write_record', instance,

                                      vm_ref=vm_ref, path=path,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _delete_from_xenstore(self, instance, path, vm_ref=None):

        """Deletes the value from the xenstore record for the given VM at

        the specified location.  A XenAPIPlugin.PluginError will be

        raised if any error is encountered in the delete process.


        return self._make_plugin_call('xenstore.py', 'delete_record', instance,

                                      vm_ref=vm_ref, path=path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _make_plugin_call(self, plugin, method, instance=None, vm_ref=None,


        """Abstracts out the process of calling a method of a xenapi plugin.

        Any errors raised by the plugin will in turn raise a RuntimeError here.


        args = {}

        if instance or vm_ref:

            args['dom_id'] = self._get_dom_id(instance, vm_ref)



            return self._session.call_plugin(plugin, method, args)

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as e:

            err_msg = e.details[-1].splitlines()[-1]

            if 'TIMEOUT:' in err_msg:

                LOG.error(_('TIMEOUT: The call to %(method)s timed out. '


                          {'method': method, 'args': args}, instance=instance)

                return {'returncode': 'timeout', 'message': err_msg}

            elif 'NOT IMPLEMENTED:' in err_msg:

                LOG.error(_('NOT IMPLEMENTED: The call to %(method)s is not'

                            ' supported by the agent. args=%(args)r'),

                          {'method': method, 'args': args}, instance=instance)

                return {'returncode': 'notimplemented', 'message': err_msg}


                LOG.error(_('The call to %(method)s returned an error: %(e)s. '


                          {'method': method, 'args': args, 'e': e},


                return {'returncode': 'error', 'message': err_msg}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_dom_id(self, instance=None, vm_ref=None, check_rescue=False):

        vm_ref = vm_ref or self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance, check_rescue)

        domid = self._session.call_xenapi("VM.get_domid", vm_ref)

        if not domid or domid == -1:

            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])

        return domid

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _add_to_param_xenstore(self, vm_ref, key, val):

        """Takes a key/value pair and adds it to the xenstore parameter

        record for the given vm instance. If the key exists in xenstore,

        it is overwritten


        self._remove_from_param_xenstore(vm_ref, key)

        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.add_to_xenstore_data', vm_ref, key, val)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _remove_from_param_xenstore(self, vm_ref, key):

        """Takes a single key and removes it from the xenstore parameter

        record data for the given VM.

        If the key doesn't exist, the request is ignored.


        self._session.call_xenapi('VM.remove_from_xenstore_data', vm_ref, key)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def refresh_security_group_rules(self, security_group_id):

        """recreates security group rules for every instance."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id):

        """recreates security group rules for every instance."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def refresh_instance_security_rules(self, instance):

        """recreates security group rules for specified instance."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unfilter_instance(self, instance_ref, network_info):

        """Removes filters for each VIF of the specified instance."""



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_host_uuid_from_aggregate(self, context, hostname):

        current_aggregate = aggregate_obj.AggregateList.get_by_host(

            context, CONF.host, key=pool_states.POOL_FLAG)[0]

        if not current_aggregate:

            raise exception.AggregateHostNotFound(host=CONF.host)


            return current_aggregate.metadata[hostname]

        except KeyError:

            reason = _('Destination host:%s must be in the same '

                       'aggregate as the source server') % hostname

            raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=reason)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_host_in_aggregate(self, context, hostname):

        self._get_host_uuid_from_aggregate(context, hostname)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_host_opaque_ref(self, context, hostname):

        host_uuid = self._get_host_uuid_from_aggregate(context, hostname)

        return self._session.call_xenapi("host.get_by_uuid", host_uuid)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _migrate_receive(self, ctxt):

        destref = self._session.host_ref

        # Get the network to for migrate.

        # This is the one associated with the pif marked management. From cli:

        # uuid=`xe pif-list --minimal management=true`

        # xe pif-param-get param-name=network-uuid uuid=$uuid

        expr = 'field "management" = "true"'

        pifs = self._session.call_xenapi('PIF.get_all_records_where',


        if len(pifs) != 1:

            msg = _('No suitable network for migrate')

            raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=msg)

        pifkey = pifs.keys()[0]

        if not (utils.is_valid_ipv4(pifs[pifkey]['IP']) or


            msg = (_('PIF %s does not contain IP address')

                   % pifs[pifkey]['uuid'])

            raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=msg)

        nwref = pifs[pifs.keys()[0]]['network']


            options = {}

            migrate_data = self._session.call_xenapi("host.migrate_receive",




        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as exc:


            msg = _('Migrate Receive failed')

            raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=msg)

        return migrate_data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_iscsi_srs(self, ctxt, instance_ref):

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance_ref)

        vbd_refs = self._session.call_xenapi("VM.get_VBDs", vm_ref)

        iscsi_srs = []

        for vbd_ref in vbd_refs:

            vdi_ref = self._session.call_xenapi("VBD.get_VDI", vbd_ref)

            # Check if it's on an iSCSI SR

            sr_ref = self._session.call_xenapi("VDI.get_SR", vdi_ref)

            if self._session.call_xenapi("SR.get_type", sr_ref) == 'iscsi':


        return iscsi_srs

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_can_live_migrate_destination(self, ctxt, instance_ref,



        """Check if it is possible to execute live migration.

        :param context: security context

        :param instance_ref: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object

        :param block_migration: if true, prepare for block migration

        :param disk_over_commit: if true, allow disk over commit


        dest_check_data = {}

        if block_migration:

            migrate_send_data = self._migrate_receive(ctxt)

            destination_sr_ref = vm_utils.safe_find_sr(self._session)


                {"block_migration": block_migration,

                 "migrate_data": {"migrate_send_data": migrate_send_data,

                                  "destination_sr_ref": destination_sr_ref}})


            src = instance_ref['host']

            self._ensure_host_in_aggregate(ctxt, src)

            # TODO(johngarbutt) we currently assume

            # instance is on a SR shared with other destination

            # block migration work will be able to resolve this

        return dest_check_data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_xsm_sr_check_relaxed(self):


            return self.cached_xsm_sr_relaxed

        except AttributeError:

            config_value = None


                config_value = self._make_plugin_call('config_file',



            except Exception as exc:


            self.cached_xsm_sr_relaxed = config_value == "true"

            return self.cached_xsm_sr_relaxed

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_can_live_migrate_source(self, ctxt, instance_ref,


        """Check if it's possible to execute live migration on the source side.

        :param context: security context

        :param instance_ref: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object

        :param dest_check_data: data returned by the check on the

                                destination, includes block_migration flag


        if len(self._get_iscsi_srs(ctxt, instance_ref)) > 0:

            # XAPI must support the relaxed SR check for live migrating with

            # iSCSI VBDs

            if not self._is_xsm_sr_check_relaxed():

                raise exception.MigrationError(_('XAPI supporting '

                                'relax-xsm-sr-check=true required'))

        if 'migrate_data' in dest_check_data:

            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance_ref)

            migrate_data = dest_check_data['migrate_data']



                    "VM.assert_can_migrate", vm_ref, migrate_data)

            except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as exc:

                reason = exc.details[0]

                msg = _('assert_can_migrate failed because: %s') % reason

                LOG.debug(msg, exc_info=True)

                raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=msg)

        return dest_check_data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_vdi_map(self, destination_sr_ref, vm_ref, sr_ref=None):

        """generate a vdi_map for _call_live_migrate_command."""

        if sr_ref is None:

            sr_ref = vm_utils.safe_find_sr(self._session)

        vm_vdis = vm_utils.get_instance_vdis_for_sr(self._session,

                                                    vm_ref, sr_ref)

        return dict((vdi, destination_sr_ref) for vdi in vm_vdis)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _call_live_migrate_command(self, command_name, vm_ref, migrate_data):

        """unpack xapi specific parameters, and call a live migrate command."""

        destination_sr_ref = migrate_data['destination_sr_ref']

        migrate_send_data = migrate_data['migrate_send_data']

        vdi_map = self._generate_vdi_map(destination_sr_ref, vm_ref)

        # Add destination SR refs for all of the VDIs that we created

        # as part of the pre migration callback

        if 'pre_live_migration_result' in migrate_data:

            pre_migrate_data = migrate_data['pre_live_migration_result']

            sr_uuid_map = pre_migrate_data.get('sr_uuid_map', [])

            for sr_uuid in sr_uuid_map:

                # Source and destination SRs have the same UUID, so get the

                # reference for the local SR

                sr_ref = self._session.call_xenapi("SR.get_by_uuid", sr_uuid)



                        sr_uuid_map[sr_uuid], vm_ref, sr_ref))

        vif_map = {}

        options = {}

        self._session.call_xenapi(command_name, vm_ref,

                                  migrate_send_data, True,

                                  vdi_map, vif_map, options)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def live_migrate(self, context, instance, destination_hostname,

                     post_method, recover_method, block_migration,



            vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

            if migrate_data is not None:

                (kernel, ramdisk) = vm_utils.lookup_kernel_ramdisk(

                    self._session, vm_ref)

                migrate_data['kernel-file'] = kernel

                migrate_data['ramdisk-file'] = ramdisk

            if block_migration:

                if not migrate_data:

                    raise exception.InvalidParameterValue('Block Migration '

                                    'requires migrate data from destination')

                iscsi_srs = self._get_iscsi_srs(context, instance)



                        "VM.migrate_send", vm_ref, migrate_data)

                except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as exc:


                    raise exception.MigrationError(_('Migrate Send failed'))

                # Tidy up the iSCSI SRs

                for sr_ref in iscsi_srs:

                    volume_utils.forget_sr(self._session, sr_ref)


                host_ref = self._get_host_opaque_ref(context,


                self._session.call_xenapi("VM.pool_migrate", vm_ref,

                                          host_ref, {"live": "true"})

            post_method(context, instance, destination_hostname,

                        block_migration, migrate_data)

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                recover_method(context, instance, destination_hostname,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def post_live_migration(self, context, instance, migrate_data=None):

        if migrate_data is not None:

            vm_utils.destroy_kernel_ramdisk(self._session, instance,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def post_live_migration_at_destination(self, context, instance,

                                           network_info, block_migration,


        # FIXME(johngarbutt): we should block all traffic until we have

        # applied security groups, however this requires changes to XenServer

        self._prepare_instance_filter(instance, network_info)

        self.firewall_driver.apply_instance_filter(instance, network_info)

        vm_utils.create_kernel_and_ramdisk(context, self._session, instance,


        # NOTE(johngarbutt) workaround XenServer bug CA-98606

        vm_ref = self._get_vm_opaque_ref(instance)

        vm_utils.strip_base_mirror_from_vdis(self._session, vm_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_per_instance_usage(self):

        """Get usage info about each active instance."""

        usage = {}

        def _is_active(vm_rec):

            power_state = vm_rec['power_state'].lower()

            return power_state in ['running', 'paused']

        def _get_uuid(vm_rec):

            other_config = vm_rec['other_config']

            return other_config.get('nova_uuid', None)

        for vm_ref, vm_rec in vm_utils.list_vms(self._session):

            uuid = _get_uuid(vm_rec)

            if _is_active(vm_rec) and uuid is not None:

                memory_mb = int(vm_rec['memory_static_max']) / units.Mi

                usage[uuid] = {'memory_mb': memory_mb, 'uuid': uuid}

        return usage

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _is_active(vm_rec):

            power_state = vm_rec['power_state'].lower()

            return power_state in ['running', 'paused']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _get_uuid(vm_rec):

            other_config = vm_rec['other_config']

            return other_config.get('nova_uuid', None)

        for vm_ref, vm_rec in vm_utils.list_vms(self._session):

            uuid = _get_uuid(vm_rec)

            if _is_active(vm_rec) and uuid is not None:

                memory_mb = int(vm_rec['memory_static_max']) / units.Mi

                usage[uuid] = {'memory_mb': memory_mb, 'uuid': uuid}

        return usage

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_block_device_volumes(self, block_device_info):

        sr_uuid_map = {}


            if block_device_info is not None:

                for block_device_map in block_device_info[


                    sr_uuid, _ = self._volumeops.attach_volume(





                    sr_ref = self._session.call_xenapi('SR.get_by_uuid',


                    sr_uuid_map[sr_uuid] = sr_ref

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                # Disconnect the volumes we just connected

                for sr in sr_uuid_map:

                    volume_utils.forget_sr(self._session, sr_uuid_map[sr_ref])

        return sr_uuid_map