

OpenStack Study: vif.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation

# Copyright (C) 2011 Nicira, Inc

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

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"""VIF drivers for XenAPI."""

from oslo.config import cfg

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.virt.xenapi import network_utils

from nova.virt.xenapi import vm_utils

xenapi_ovs_integration_bridge_opt = cfg.StrOpt('ovs_integration_bridge',


#Deprecated in Icehouse



help='Name of Integration Bridge used by Open vSwitch')


CONF.register_opt(xenapi_ovs_integration_bridge_opt, 'xenserver')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class XenVIFDriver(object):

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    def __init__(self, xenapi_session):

        self._session = xenapi_session

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class XenAPIBridgeDriver(XenVIFDriver):

"""VIF Driver for XenAPI that uses XenAPI to create Networks."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def plug(self, instance, vif, vm_ref=None, device=None):

        if not vm_ref:

            vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'])

        if not device:

            device = 0

        if vif['network'].get_meta('should_create_vlan'):

            network_ref = self._ensure_vlan_bridge(vif['network'])


            network_ref = network_utils.find_network_with_bridge(

                    self._session, vif['network']['bridge'])

        vif_rec = {}

        vif_rec['device'] = str(device)

        vif_rec['network'] = network_ref

        vif_rec['VM'] = vm_ref

        vif_rec['MAC'] = vif['address']

        vif_rec['MTU'] = '1500'

        vif_rec['other_config'] = {}

        if vif.get_meta('rxtx_cap'):

            vif_rec['qos_algorithm_type'] = 'ratelimit'

            vif_rec['qos_algorithm_params'] = {'kbps':

                         str(int(vif.get_meta('rxtx_cap')) * 1024)}


            vif_rec['qos_algorithm_type'] = ''

            vif_rec['qos_algorithm_params'] = {}

        return vif_rec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_vlan_bridge(self, network):

        """Ensure that a VLAN bridge exists."""

        vlan_num = network.get_meta('vlan')

        bridge = network['bridge']

        bridge_interface = (CONF.vlan_interface or


        # Check whether bridge already exists

        # Retrieve network whose name_label is "bridge"

        network_ref = network_utils.find_network_with_name_label(

                                        self._session, bridge)

        if network_ref is None:

            # If bridge does not exists

            # 1 - create network

            description = 'network for nova bridge %s' % bridge

            network_rec = {'name_label': bridge,

                           'name_description': description,

                           'other_config': {}}

            network_ref = self._session.call_xenapi('network.create',


            # 2 - find PIF for VLAN NOTE(salvatore-orlando): using double

            # quotes inside single quotes as xapi filter only support

            # tokens in double quotes

            expr = ('field "device" = "%s" and field "VLAN" = "-1"' %


            pifs = self._session.call_xenapi('PIF.get_all_records_where',


            pif_ref = None

            # Multiple PIF are ok: we are dealing with a pool

            if len(pifs) == 0:

                raise Exception(_('Found no PIF for device %s') %


            for pif_ref in pifs.keys():






            # Check VLAN tag is appropriate

            network_rec = self._session.call_xenapi('network.get_record',


            # Retrieve PIFs from network

            for pif_ref in network_rec['PIFs']:

                # Retrieve VLAN from PIF

                pif_rec = self._session.call_xenapi('PIF.get_record',


                pif_vlan = int(pif_rec['VLAN'])

                # Raise an exception if VLAN != vlan_num

                if pif_vlan != vlan_num:

                    raise Exception(_("PIF %(pif_uuid)s for network "

                                      "%(bridge)s has VLAN id %(pif_vlan)d. "

                                      "Expected %(vlan_num)d"),

                                    {'pif_uuid': pif_rec['uuid'],

                                     'bridge': bridge,

                                     'pif_vlan': pif_vlan,

                                     'vlan_num': vlan_num})

        return network_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unplug(self, instance, vif):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class XenAPIOpenVswitchDriver(XenVIFDriver):

"""VIF driver for Open vSwitch with XenAPI."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def plug(self, instance, vif, vm_ref=None, device=None):

        if not vm_ref:

            vm_ref = vm_utils.lookup(self._session, instance['name'])

        if not device:

            device = 0

        # with OVS model, always plug into an OVS integration bridge

        # that is already created

        network_ref = network_utils.find_network_with_bridge(

                self._session, CONF.xenserver.ovs_integration_bridge)

        vif_rec = {}

        vif_rec['device'] = str(device)

        vif_rec['network'] = network_ref

        vif_rec['VM'] = vm_ref

        vif_rec['MAC'] = vif['address']

        vif_rec['MTU'] = '1500'

        vif_rec['qos_algorithm_type'] = ''

        vif_rec['qos_algorithm_params'] = {}

        # OVS on the hypervisor monitors this key and uses it to

        # set the iface-id attribute

        vif_rec['other_config'] = {'nicira-iface-id': vif['id']}

        return vif_rec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unplug(self, instance, vif):
