

OpenStack Study: pool.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc.

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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Management class for Pool-related functions (join, eject, etc).


from oslo.config import cfg

import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse

from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi

from nova import exception

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils

from nova.openstack.common import log as logging

from nova.virt.xenapi import pool_states

from nova.virt.xenapi import vm_utils

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

xenapi_pool_opts = [


#Deprecated in Icehouse




help='To use for hosts with different CPUs'),



CONF.register_opts(xenapi_pool_opts, 'xenserver')

CONF.import_opt('host', 'nova.netconf')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ResourcePool(object):

"""Implements resource pool operations."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, session, virtapi):

        host_rec = session.host.get_record(session.host_ref)

        self._host_name = host_rec['hostname']

        self._host_addr = host_rec['address']

        self._host_uuid = host_rec['uuid']

        self._session = session

        self._virtapi = virtapi

        self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def undo_aggregate_operation(self, context, op, aggregate,

                                  host, set_error):

        """Undo aggregate operation when pool error raised."""


            if set_error:

                metadata = {pool_states.KEY: pool_states.ERROR}


            op(context, aggregate, host)

        except Exception:

            LOG.exception(_('Aggregate %(aggregate_id)s: unrecoverable state '

                            'during operation on %(host)s'),

                          {'aggregate_id': aggregate['id'], 'host': host})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_to_aggregate(self, context, aggregate, host, slave_info=None):

        """Add a compute host to an aggregate."""

        if not pool_states.is_hv_pool(aggregate['metadata']):


        invalid = {pool_states.CHANGING: 'setup in progress',

                   pool_states.DISMISSED: 'aggregate deleted',

                   pool_states.ERROR: 'aggregate in error'}

        if (aggregate['metadata'][pool_states.KEY] in invalid.keys()):

            raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(

                    action='add host',



        if (aggregate['metadata'][pool_states.KEY] == pool_states.CREATED):

            aggregate.update_metadata({pool_states.KEY: pool_states.CHANGING})

        if len(aggregate['hosts']) == 1:

            # this is the first host of the pool -> make it master

            self._init_pool(aggregate['id'], aggregate['name'])

            # save metadata so that we can find the master again

            metadata = {'master_compute': host,

                        host: self._host_uuid,

                        pool_states.KEY: pool_states.ACTIVE}



            # the pool is already up and running, we need to figure out

            # whether we can serve the request from this host or not.

            master_compute = aggregate['metadata']['master_compute']

            if master_compute == CONF.host and master_compute != host:

                # this is the master ->  do a pool-join

                # To this aim, nova compute on the slave has to go down.

                # NOTE: it is assumed that ONLY nova compute is running now

                self._join_slave(aggregate['id'], host,


                                 slave_info.get('url'), slave_info.get('user'),


                metadata = {host: slave_info.get('xenhost_uuid'), }


            elif master_compute and master_compute != host:

                # send rpc cast to master, asking to add the following

                # host with specified credentials.

                slave_info = self._create_slave_info()


                    context, aggregate, host, master_compute, slave_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_from_aggregate(self, context, aggregate, host, slave_info=None):

        """Remove a compute host from an aggregate."""

        slave_info = slave_info or dict()

        if not pool_states.is_hv_pool(aggregate['metadata']):


        invalid = {pool_states.CREATED: 'no hosts to remove',

                   pool_states.CHANGING: 'setup in progress',

                   pool_states.DISMISSED: 'aggregate deleted', }

        if aggregate['metadata'][pool_states.KEY] in invalid.keys():

            raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(

                    action='remove host',



        master_compute = aggregate['metadata']['master_compute']

        if master_compute == CONF.host and master_compute != host:

            # this is the master -> instruct it to eject a host from the pool

            host_uuid = aggregate['metadata'][host]


                              slave_info.get('compute_uuid'), host_uuid)

            aggregate.update_metadata({host: None})

        elif master_compute == host:

            # Remove master from its own pool -> destroy pool only if the

            # master is on its own, otherwise raise fault. Destroying a

            # pool made only by master is fictional

            if len(aggregate['hosts']) > 1:

                # NOTE: this could be avoided by doing a master

                # re-election, but this is simpler for now.

                raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(



                                    reason=_('Unable to eject %s '

                                             'from the pool; pool not empty')

                                             % host)


            aggregate.update_metadata({'master_compute': None, host: None})

        elif master_compute and master_compute != host:

            # A master exists -> forward pool-eject request to master

            slave_info = self._create_slave_info()


                context, aggregate['id'], host, master_compute, slave_info)


            # this shouldn't have happened

            raise exception.AggregateError(aggregate_id=aggregate['id'],


                                           reason=_('Unable to eject %s '

                                           'from the pool; No master found')

                                           % host)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _join_slave(self, aggregate_id, host, compute_uuid, url, user, passwd):

        """Joins a slave into a XenServer resource pool."""


            args = {'compute_uuid': compute_uuid,

                    'url': url,

                    'user': user,

                    'password': passwd,

                    'force': jsonutils.dumps(CONF.xenserver.use_join_force),

                    'master_addr': self._host_addr,

                    'master_user': CONF.xenserver.connection_username,

                    'master_pass': CONF.xenserver.connection_password, }

            self._session.call_plugin('xenhost', 'host_join', args)

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as e:

            LOG.error(_("Pool-Join failed: %s"), e)

            raise exception.AggregateError(aggregate_id=aggregate_id,


                                           reason=_('Unable to join %s '

                                                  'in the pool') % host)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _eject_slave(self, aggregate_id, compute_uuid, host_uuid):

        """Eject a slave from a XenServer resource pool."""


            # shutdown nova-compute; if there are other VMs running, e.g.

            # guest instances, the eject will fail. That's a precaution

            # to deal with the fact that the admin should evacuate the host

            # first. The eject wipes out the host completely.

            vm_ref = self._session.VM.get_by_uuid(compute_uuid)


            host_ref = self._session.host.get_by_uuid(host_uuid)


        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as e:

            LOG.error(_("Pool-eject failed: %s"), e)

            raise exception.AggregateError(aggregate_id=aggregate_id,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _init_pool(self, aggregate_id, aggregate_name):

        """Set the name label of a XenServer pool."""


            pool_ref = self._session.pool.get_all()[0]

            self._session.pool.set_name_label(pool_ref, aggregate_name)

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as e:

            LOG.error(_("Unable to set up pool: %s."), e)

            raise exception.AggregateError(aggregate_id=aggregate_id,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _clear_pool(self, aggregate_id):

        """Clear the name label of a XenServer pool."""


            pool_ref = self._session.pool.get_all()[0]

            self._session.pool.set_name_label(pool_ref, '')

        except self._session.XenAPI.Failure as e:

            LOG.error(_("Pool-set_name_label failed: %s"), e)

            raise exception.AggregateError(aggregate_id=aggregate_id,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_slave_info(self):

        """XenServer specific info needed to join the hypervisor pool."""

        # replace the address from the xenapi connection url

        # because this might be, i.e. xenapi

        # NOTE: password in clear is not great, but it'll do for now

        sender_url = swap_xapi_host(

            CONF.xenserver.connection_url, self._host_addr)

        return {

            "url": sender_url,

            "user": CONF.xenserver.connection_username,

            "passwd": CONF.xenserver.connection_password,

            "compute_uuid": vm_utils.get_this_vm_uuid(None),

            "xenhost_uuid": self._host_uuid,


def swap_xapi_host(url, host_addr):

    """Replace the XenServer address present in 'url' with 'host_addr'."""

    temp_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)

    _netloc, sep, port = temp_url.netloc.partition(':')

    return url.replace(temp_url.netloc, '%s%s%s' % (host_addr, sep, port))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def swap_xapi_host(url, host_addr):

    """Replace the XenServer address present in 'url' with 'host_addr'."""

    temp_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)

    _netloc, sep, port = temp_url.netloc.partition(':')

    return url.replace(temp_url.netloc, '%s%s%s' % (host_addr, sep, port))