

OpenStack Study: vm_util.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_refs_cache_reset():

    global _VM_REFS_CACHE

    _VM_REFS_CACHE = {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_ref_cache_delete(id):

    _VM_REFS_CACHE.pop(id, None)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_ref_cache_update(id, vm_ref):

    _VM_REFS_CACHE[id] = vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_ref_cache_get(id):

    return _VM_REFS_CACHE.get(id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _vm_ref_cache(id, func, session, data):

    vm_ref = vm_ref_cache_get(id)

    if not vm_ref:

        vm_ref = func(session, data)

        vm_ref_cache_update(id, vm_ref)

    return vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_ref_cache_from_instance(func):


    def wrapper(session, instance):

        id = instance['uuid']

        return _vm_ref_cache(id, func, session, instance)

    return wrapper

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def vm_ref_cache_from_name(func):


    def wrapper(session, name):

        id = name

        return _vm_ref_cache(id, func, session, name)

    return wrapper

# the config key which stores the VNC port

VNC_CONFIG_KEY = 'config.extraConfig["RemoteDisplay.vnc.port"]'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_create_spec(client_factory, instance, name, data_store_name,

                       vif_infos, os_type="otherGuest"):

    """Builds the VM Create spec."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    config_spec.name = name

    config_spec.guestId = os_type

    # The name is the unique identifier for the VM. This will either be the

    # instance UUID or the instance UUID with suffix '-rescue' for VM's that

    # are in rescue mode

    config_spec.instanceUuid = name

    # Allow nested ESX instances to host 64 bit VMs.

    if os_type == "vmkernel5Guest":

        config_spec.nestedHVEnabled = "True"

    vm_file_info = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineFileInfo')

    vm_file_info.vmPathName = "[" + data_store_name + "]"

    config_spec.files = vm_file_info

    tools_info = client_factory.create('ns0:ToolsConfigInfo')

    tools_info.afterPowerOn = True

    tools_info.afterResume = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestStandby = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestShutdown = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestReboot = True

    config_spec.tools = tools_info

    config_spec.numCPUs = int(instance['vcpus'])

    config_spec.memoryMB = int(instance['memory_mb'])

    vif_spec_list = []

    for vif_info in vif_infos:

        vif_spec = create_network_spec(client_factory, vif_info)


    device_config_spec = vif_spec_list

    config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec

    # add vm-uuid and iface-id.x values for Neutron

    extra_config = []

    opt = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

    opt.key = "nvp.vm-uuid"

    opt.value = instance['uuid']


    i = 0

    for vif_info in vif_infos:

        if vif_info['iface_id']:

            opt = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

            opt.key = "nvp.iface-id.%d" % i

            opt.value = vif_info['iface_id']


            i += 1

    config_spec.extraConfig = extra_config

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_resize_spec(client_factory, instance):

    """Provides updates for a VM spec."""

    resize_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    resize_spec.numCPUs = int(instance['vcpus'])

    resize_spec.memoryMB = int(instance['memory_mb'])

    return resize_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_controller_spec(client_factory, key, adapter_type="lsiLogic"):

    """Builds a Config Spec for the LSI or Bus Logic Controller's addition

    which acts as the controller for the virtual hard disk to be attached

    to the VM.


    # Create a controller for the Virtual Hard Disk

    virtual_device_config = client_factory.create(


    virtual_device_config.operation = "add"

    if adapter_type == "busLogic":

        virtual_controller = client_factory.create(


    elif adapter_type == "lsiLogicsas":

        virtual_controller = client_factory.create(



        virtual_controller = client_factory.create(


    virtual_controller.key = key

    virtual_controller.busNumber = 0

    virtual_controller.sharedBus = "noSharing"

    virtual_device_config.device = virtual_controller

    return virtual_device_config

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_network_spec(client_factory, vif_info):

    """Builds a config spec for the addition of a new network

    adapter to the VM.


    network_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConfigSpec')

    network_spec.operation = "add"

    # Keep compatible with other Hyper vif model parameter.

    if vif_info['vif_model'] == "e1000":

        vif_info['vif_model'] = "VirtualE1000"

    vif = 'ns0:' + vif_info['vif_model']

    net_device = client_factory.create(vif)

    # NOTE(asomya): Only works on ESXi if the portgroup binding is set to

    # ephemeral. Invalid configuration if set to static and the NIC does

    # not come up on boot if set to dynamic.

    network_ref = vif_info['network_ref']

    network_name = vif_info['network_name']

    mac_address = vif_info['mac_address']

    backing = None

    if network_ref and network_ref['type'] == 'OpaqueNetwork':

        backing_name = ''.join(['ns0:VirtualEthernetCard',


        backing = client_factory.create(backing_name)

        backing.opaqueNetworkId = network_ref['network-id']

        backing.opaqueNetworkType = network_ref['network-type']

    elif (network_ref and

            network_ref['type'] == "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"):

        backing_name = ''.join(['ns0:VirtualEthernetCardDistributed',


        backing = client_factory.create(backing_name)

        portgroup = client_factory.create(


        portgroup.switchUuid = network_ref['dvsw']

        portgroup.portgroupKey = network_ref['dvpg']

        backing.port = portgroup


        backing = client_factory.create(


        backing.deviceName = network_name

    connectable_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConnectInfo')

    connectable_spec.startConnected = True

    connectable_spec.allowGuestControl = True

    connectable_spec.connected = True

    net_device.connectable = connectable_spec

    net_device.backing = backing

    # The Server assigns a Key to the device. Here we pass a -ve temporary key.

    # -ve because actual keys are +ve numbers and we don't

    # want a clash with the key that server might associate with the device

    net_device.key = -47

    net_device.addressType = "manual"

    net_device.macAddress = mac_address

    net_device.wakeOnLanEnabled = True

    network_spec.device = net_device

    return network_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_attach_config_spec(client_factory,








    """Builds the vmdk attach config spec."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    device_config_spec = []

    virtual_device_config_spec = create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory,

                                controller_key, disk_type, file_path,

                                disk_size, linked_clone,

                                unit_number, device_name)


    config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_cdrom_attach_config_spec(client_factory,





    """Builds and returns the cdrom attach config spec."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    device_config_spec = []

    virtual_device_config_spec = create_virtual_cdrom_spec(client_factory,






    config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_detach_config_spec(client_factory, device,


    """Builds the vmdk detach config spec."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    device_config_spec = []

    virtual_device_config_spec = detach_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory,




    config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_extra_config_spec(client_factory, extra_opts):

    """Builds extra spec fields from a dictionary."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    # add the key value pairs

    extra_config = []

    for key, value in extra_opts.iteritems():

        opt = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

        opt.key = key

        opt.value = value


        config_spec.extraConfig = extra_config

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_path_and_adapter_type(hardware_devices, uuid=None):

    """Gets the vmdk file path and the storage adapter type."""

    if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

    vmdk_file_path = None

    vmdk_controller_key = None

    disk_type = None

    adapter_type_dict = {}

    for device in hardware_devices:

        if device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk":

            if device.backing.__class__.__name__ == \


                if uuid:

                    if uuid in device.backing.fileName:

                        vmdk_file_path = device.backing.fileName


                    vmdk_file_path = device.backing.fileName

                vmdk_controller_key = device.controllerKey

                if getattr(device.backing, 'thinProvisioned', False):

                    disk_type = "thin"


                    if getattr(device.backing, 'eagerlyScrub', False):

                        disk_type = "eagerZeroedThick"


                        disk_type = "preallocated"

        elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualLsiLogicController":

            adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "lsiLogic"

        elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualBusLogicController":

            adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "busLogic"

        elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualIDEController":

            adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "ide"

        elif device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualLsiLogicSASController":

            adapter_type_dict[device.key] = "lsiLogicsas"

    adapter_type = adapter_type_dict.get(vmdk_controller_key, "")

    return (vmdk_file_path, adapter_type, disk_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _find_controller_slot(controller_keys, taken, max_unit_number):

    for controller_key in controller_keys:

        for unit_number in range(max_unit_number):

            if not unit_number in taken.get(controller_key, []):

                return controller_key, unit_number

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _is_ide_controller(device):

    return device.__class__.__name__ == 'VirtualIDEController'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _is_scsi_controller(device):

    return device.__class__.__name__ in ['VirtualLsiLogicController',



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _find_allocated_slots(devices):

    """Return dictionary which maps controller_key to list of allocated unit

    numbers for that controller_key.


    taken = {}

    for device in devices:

        if hasattr(device, 'controllerKey') and hasattr(device, 'unitNumber'):

            unit_numbers = taken.setdefault(device.controllerKey, [])


        if _is_scsi_controller(device):

            # the SCSI controller sits on its own bus

            unit_numbers = taken.setdefault(device.key, [])


    return taken

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def allocate_controller_key_and_unit_number(client_factory, devices,


    """This function inspects the current set of hardware devices and returns

    controller_key and unit_number that can be used for attaching a new virtual

    disk to adapter with the given adapter_type.


    if devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        devices = devices.VirtualDevice

    taken = _find_allocated_slots(devices)

    ret = None

    if adapter_type == 'ide':

        ide_keys = [dev.key for dev in devices if _is_ide_controller(dev)]

        ret = _find_controller_slot(ide_keys, taken, 2)

    elif adapter_type in ['lsiLogic', 'lsiLogicsas', 'busLogic']:

        scsi_keys = [dev.key for dev in devices if _is_scsi_controller(dev)]

        ret = _find_controller_slot(scsi_keys, taken, 16)

    if ret:

        return ret[0], ret[1], None

    # create new controller with the specified type and return its spec

    controller_key = -101

    controller_spec = create_controller_spec(client_factory, controller_key,


    return controller_key, 0, controller_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_rdm_disk(hardware_devices, uuid):

    """Gets the RDM disk key."""

    if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

    for device in hardware_devices:

        if (device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk" and

            device.backing.__class__.__name__ ==

                "VirtualDiskRawDiskMappingVer1BackingInfo" and

                device.backing.lunUuid == uuid):

            return device

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_copy_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, adapter_type="lsiLogic",


    """Builds the Virtual Disk copy spec."""

    dest_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDiskSpec')

    dest_spec.adapterType = get_vmdk_adapter_type(adapter_type)

    dest_spec.diskType = disk_type

    return dest_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_create_spec(client_factory, size_in_kb, adapter_type="lsiLogic",


    """Builds the virtual disk create spec."""

    create_vmdk_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec')

    create_vmdk_spec.adapterType = get_vmdk_adapter_type(adapter_type)

    create_vmdk_spec.diskType = disk_type

    create_vmdk_spec.capacityKb = size_in_kb

    return create_vmdk_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_rdm_create_spec(client_factory, device, adapter_type="lsiLogic",


    """Builds the RDM virtual disk create spec."""

    create_vmdk_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:DeviceBackedVirtualDiskSpec')

    create_vmdk_spec.adapterType = get_vmdk_adapter_type(adapter_type)

    create_vmdk_spec.diskType = disk_type

    create_vmdk_spec.device = device

    return create_vmdk_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_virtual_cdrom_spec(client_factory,





    """Builds spec for the creation of a new Virtual CDROM to the VM."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create(


    config_spec.operation = "add"

    cdrom = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualCdrom')

    cdrom_device_backing = client_factory.create(


    cdrom_device_backing.datastore = datastore

    cdrom_device_backing.fileName = file_path

    cdrom.backing = cdrom_device_backing

    cdrom.controllerKey = controller_key

    cdrom.unitNumber = cdrom_unit_number

    cdrom.key = -1

    connectable_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConnectInfo')

    connectable_spec.startConnected = True

    connectable_spec.allowGuestControl = False

    connectable_spec.connected = True

    cdrom.connectable = connectable_spec

    config_spec.device = cdrom

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, controller_key,







    """Builds spec for the creation of a new/ attaching of an already existing

    Virtual Disk to the VM.


    virtual_device_config = client_factory.create(


    virtual_device_config.operation = "add"

    if (file_path is None) or linked_clone:

        virtual_device_config.fileOperation = "create"

    virtual_disk = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDisk')

    if disk_type == "rdm" or disk_type == "rdmp":

        disk_file_backing = client_factory.create(


        disk_file_backing.compatibilityMode = "virtualMode" \

            if disk_type == "rdm" else "physicalMode"

        disk_file_backing.diskMode = "independent_persistent"

        disk_file_backing.deviceName = device_name or ""


        disk_file_backing = client_factory.create(


        disk_file_backing.diskMode = "persistent"

        if disk_type == "thin":

            disk_file_backing.thinProvisioned = True


            if disk_type == "eagerZeroedThick":

                disk_file_backing.eagerlyScrub = True

    disk_file_backing.fileName = file_path or ""

    connectable_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConnectInfo')

    connectable_spec.startConnected = True

    connectable_spec.allowGuestControl = False

    connectable_spec.connected = True

    if not linked_clone:

        virtual_disk.backing = disk_file_backing


        virtual_disk.backing = copy.copy(disk_file_backing)

        virtual_disk.backing.fileName = ""

        virtual_disk.backing.parent = disk_file_backing

    virtual_disk.connectable = connectable_spec

    # The Server assigns a Key to the device. Here we pass a -ve random key.

    # -ve because actual keys are +ve numbers and we don't

    # want a clash with the key that server might associate with the device

    virtual_disk.key = -100

    virtual_disk.controllerKey = controller_key

    virtual_disk.unitNumber = unit_number or 0

    virtual_disk.capacityInKB = disk_size or 0

    virtual_device_config.device = virtual_disk

    return virtual_device_config

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def detach_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, device, destroy_disk=False):

    """Builds spec for the detach of an already existing Virtual Disk from VM.


    virtual_device_config = client_factory.create(


    virtual_device_config.operation = "remove"

    if destroy_disk:

        virtual_device_config.fileOperation = "destroy"

    virtual_device_config.device = device

    return virtual_device_config

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def clone_vm_spec(client_factory, location,

                  power_on=False, snapshot=None, template=False, config=None):

    """Builds the VM clone spec."""

    clone_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineCloneSpec')

    clone_spec.location = location

    clone_spec.powerOn = power_on

    if snapshot:

        clone_spec.snapshot = snapshot

    if config is not None:

        clone_spec.config = config

    clone_spec.template = template

    return clone_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def relocate_vm_spec(client_factory, datastore=None, host=None,


    """Builds the VM relocation spec."""

    rel_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineRelocateSpec')

    rel_spec.datastore = datastore

    rel_spec.diskMoveType = disk_move_type

    if host:

        rel_spec.host = host

    return rel_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_dummy_vm_create_spec(client_factory, name, data_store_name):

    """Builds the dummy VM create spec."""

    config_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

    config_spec.name = name

    config_spec.guestId = "otherGuest"

    vm_file_info = client_factory.create('ns0:VirtualMachineFileInfo')

    vm_file_info.vmPathName = "[" + data_store_name + "]"

    config_spec.files = vm_file_info

    tools_info = client_factory.create('ns0:ToolsConfigInfo')

    tools_info.afterPowerOn = True

    tools_info.afterResume = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestStandby = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestShutdown = True

    tools_info.beforeGuestReboot = True

    config_spec.tools = tools_info

    config_spec.numCPUs = 1

    config_spec.memoryMB = 4

    controller_key = -101

    controller_spec = create_controller_spec(client_factory, controller_key)

    disk_spec = create_virtual_disk_spec(client_factory, 1024, controller_key)

    device_config_spec = [controller_spec, disk_spec]

    config_spec.deviceChange = device_config_spec

    return config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_machine_id_change_spec(client_factory, machine_id_str):

    """Builds the machine id change config spec."""

    virtual_machine_config_spec = client_factory.create(


    opt = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

    opt.key = "machine.id"

    opt.value = machine_id_str

    virtual_machine_config_spec.extraConfig = [opt]

    return virtual_machine_config_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_add_vswitch_port_group_spec(client_factory, vswitch_name,

                                    port_group_name, vlan_id):

    """Builds the virtual switch port group add spec."""

    vswitch_port_group_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:HostPortGroupSpec')

    vswitch_port_group_spec.name = port_group_name

    vswitch_port_group_spec.vswitchName = vswitch_name

    # VLAN ID of 0 means that VLAN tagging is not to be done for the network.

    vswitch_port_group_spec.vlanId = int(vlan_id)

    policy = client_factory.create('ns0:HostNetworkPolicy')

    nicteaming = client_factory.create('ns0:HostNicTeamingPolicy')

    nicteaming.notifySwitches = True

    policy.nicTeaming = nicteaming

    vswitch_port_group_spec.policy = policy

    return vswitch_port_group_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vnc_config_spec(client_factory, port):

    """Builds the vnc config spec."""

    virtual_machine_config_spec = client_factory.create(


    opt_enabled = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

    opt_enabled.key = "RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled"

    opt_enabled.value = "true"

    opt_port = client_factory.create('ns0:OptionValue')

    opt_port.key = "RemoteDisplay.vnc.port"

    opt_port.value = port

    extras = [opt_enabled, opt_port]

    virtual_machine_config_spec.extraConfig = extras

    return virtual_machine_config_spec


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vnc_port(session):

    """Return VNC port for an VM or None if there is no available port."""

    min_port = CONF.vmware.vnc_port

    port_total = CONF.vmware.vnc_port_total

    allocated_ports = _get_allocated_vnc_ports(session)

    max_port = min_port + port_total

    for port in range(min_port, max_port):

        if port not in allocated_ports:

            return port

    raise exception.ConsolePortRangeExhausted(min_port=min_port,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_allocated_vnc_ports(session):

    """Return an integer set of all allocated VNC ports."""

    # TODO(rgerganov): bug #1256944

    # The VNC port should be unique per host, not per vCenter

    vnc_ports = set()

    result = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                                  "VirtualMachine", [VNC_CONFIG_KEY])

    while result:

        for obj in result.objects:

            if not hasattr(obj, 'propSet'):


            dynamic_prop = obj.propSet[0]

            option_value = dynamic_prop.val

            vnc_port = option_value.value


        token = _get_token(result)

        if token:

            result = session._call_method(vim_util,





    return vnc_ports

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def search_datastore_spec(client_factory, file_name):

    """Builds the datastore search spec."""

    search_spec = client_factory.create('ns0:HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec')

    search_spec.matchPattern = [file_name]

    return search_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_token(results):

    """Get the token from the property results."""

    return getattr(results, 'token', None)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_reference_for_value(results, value):

    for object in results.objects:

        if object.obj.value == value:

            return object

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_object_for_value(results, value):

    for object in results.objects:

        if object.propSet[0].val == value:

            return object.obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_object_for_optionvalue(results, value):

    for object in results.objects:

        if hasattr(object, "propSet") and object.propSet:

            if object.propSet[0].val.value == value:

                return object.obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_object_from_results(session, results, value, func):

    while results:

        token = _get_token(results)

        object = func(results, value)

        if object:

            if token:




            return object

        if token:

            results = session._call_method(vim_util,




            return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _cancel_retrieve_if_necessary(session, results):

    token = _get_token(results)

    if token:

        results = session._call_method(vim_util,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_vm_ref_from_name(session, vm_name):

    """Get reference to the VM with the name specified."""

    vms = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                "VirtualMachine", ["name"])

    return _get_object_from_results(session, vms, vm_name,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_ref_from_name(session, vm_name):

    return (_get_vm_ref_from_vm_uuid(session, vm_name) or

            _get_vm_ref_from_name(session, vm_name))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_vm_ref_from_uuid(session, instance_uuid):

    """Get reference to the VM with the uuid specified.

    This method reads all of the names of the VM's that are running

    on the backend, then it filters locally the matching

    instance_uuid. It is far more optimal to use



    vms = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                "VirtualMachine", ["name"])

    return _get_object_from_results(session, vms, instance_uuid,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_vm_ref_from_vm_uuid(session, instance_uuid):

    """Get reference to the VM.

    The method will make use of FindAllByUuid to get the VM reference.

    This method finds all VM's on the backend that match the

    instance_uuid, more specifically all VM's on the backend that have

    'config_spec.instanceUuid' set to 'instance_uuid'.


    vm_refs = session._call_method(







    if vm_refs:

        return vm_refs[0]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_vm_ref_from_extraconfig(session, instance_uuid):

    """Get reference to the VM with the uuid specified."""

    vms = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                "VirtualMachine", ['config.extraConfig["nvp.vm-uuid"]'])

    return _get_object_from_results(session, vms, instance_uuid,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_ref(session, instance):

    """Get reference to the VM through uuid or vm name."""

    uuid = instance['uuid']

    vm_ref = (search_vm_ref_by_identifier(session, uuid) or

              _get_vm_ref_from_name(session, instance['name']))

    if vm_ref is None:

        raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=uuid)

    return vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def search_vm_ref_by_identifier(session, identifier):

    """Searches VM reference using the identifier.

    This method is primarily meant to separate out part of the logic for

    vm_ref search that could be use directly in the special case of

    migrating the instance. For querying VM linked to an instance always

    use get_vm_ref instead.


    vm_ref = (_get_vm_ref_from_vm_uuid(session, identifier) or

              _get_vm_ref_from_extraconfig(session, identifier) or

              _get_vm_ref_from_uuid(session, identifier))

    return vm_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_ref_from_id(session, host_id, property_list=None):

    """Get a host reference object for a host_id string."""

    if property_list is None:

        property_list = ['name']

    host_refs = session._call_method(

                    vim_util, "get_objects",

                    "HostSystem", property_list)

    return _get_object_from_results(session, host_refs, host_id,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_id_from_vm_ref(session, vm_ref):

    """This method allows you to find the managed object

    ID of the host running a VM. Since vMotion can

    change the value, you should not presume that this

    is a value that you can cache for very long and

    should be prepared to allow for it to change.

    :param session: a vSphere API connection

    :param vm_ref: a reference object to the running VM

    :return: the host_id running the virtual machine


    # to prevent typographical errors below

    property_name = 'runtime.host'

    # a property collector in VMware vSphere Management API

    # is a set of local representations of remote values.

    # property_set here, is a local representation of the

    # properties we are querying for.

    property_set = session._call_method(

            vim_util, "get_object_properties",

            None, vm_ref, vm_ref._type, [property_name])

    prop = property_from_property_set(

        property_name, property_set)

    if prop is not None:

        prop = prop.val.value


        # reaching here represents an impossible state

        raise RuntimeError(

            "Virtual Machine %s exists without a runtime.host!"

            % (vm_ref))

    return prop

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def property_from_property_set(property_name, property_set):

    '''Use this method to filter property collector results.

    Because network traffic is expensive, multiple

    VMwareAPI calls will sometimes pile-up properties

    to be collected. That means results may contain

    many different values for multiple purposes.

    This helper will filter a list for a single result

    and filter the properties of that result to find

    the single value of whatever type resides in that

    result. This could be a ManagedObjectReference ID

    or a complex value.

    :param property_name: name of property you want

    :param property_set: all results from query

    :return: the value of the property.


    for prop in property_set.objects:

        p = _property_from_propSet(prop.propSet, property_name)

        if p is not None:

            return p

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _property_from_propSet(propSet, name='name'):

    for p in propSet:

        if p.name == name:

            return p

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_ref_for_vm(session, instance, props):

    """Get the ESXi host running a VM by its name."""

    vm_ref = get_vm_ref(session, instance)

    host_id = get_host_id_from_vm_ref(session, vm_ref)

    return get_host_ref_from_id(session, host_id, props)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_name_for_vm(session, instance):

    """Get the ESXi host running a VM by its name."""

    host_ref = get_host_ref_for_vm(session, instance, ['name'])

    return get_host_name_from_host_ref(host_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_name_from_host_ref(host_ref):

    p = _property_from_propSet(host_ref.propSet)

    if p is not None:

        return p.val

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vm_state_from_name(session, vm_name):

    vm_ref = get_vm_ref_from_name(session, vm_name)

    vm_state = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_property",

                vm_ref, "VirtualMachine", "runtime.powerState")

    return vm_state

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_stats_from_cluster(session, cluster):

    """Get the aggregate resource stats of a cluster."""

    cpu_info = {'vcpus': 0, 'cores': 0, 'vendor': [], 'model': []}

    mem_info = {'total': 0, 'free': 0}

    # Get the Host and Resource Pool Managed Object Refs

    prop_dict = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_properties",

                                     cluster, "ClusterComputeResource",

                                     ["host", "resourcePool"])

    if prop_dict:

        host_ret = prop_dict.get('host')

        if host_ret:

            host_mors = host_ret.ManagedObjectReference

            result = session._call_method(vim_util,


                         "HostSystem", host_mors,

                         ["summary.hardware", "summary.runtime"])

            for obj in result.objects:

                hardware_summary = obj.propSet[0].val

                runtime_summary = obj.propSet[1].val

                if runtime_summary.connectionState == "connected":

                    # Total vcpus is the sum of all pCPUs of individual hosts

                    # The overcommitment ratio is factored in by the scheduler

                    cpu_info['vcpus'] += hardware_summary.numCpuThreads

                    cpu_info['cores'] += hardware_summary.numCpuCores



        res_mor = prop_dict.get('resourcePool')

        if res_mor:

            res_usage = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_property",

                            res_mor, "ResourcePool", "summary.runtime.memory")

            if res_usage:

                # maxUsage is the memory limit of the cluster available to VM's

                mem_info['total'] = int(res_usage.maxUsage / units.Mi)

                # overallUsage is the hypervisor's view of memory usage by VM's

                consumed = int(res_usage.overallUsage / units.Mi)

                mem_info['free'] = mem_info['total'] - consumed

    stats = {'cpu': cpu_info, 'mem': mem_info}

    return stats

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_cluster_ref_from_name(session, cluster_name):

    """Get reference to the cluster with the name specified."""

    cls = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                               "ClusterComputeResource", ["name"])

    return _get_object_from_results(session, cls, cluster_name,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_host_ref(session, cluster=None):

    """Get reference to a host within the cluster specified."""

    if cluster is None:

        results = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",


        _cancel_retrieve_if_necessary(session, results)

        host_mor = results.objects[0].obj


        host_ret = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_property",

                                        cluster, "ClusterComputeResource",


        if not host_ret or not host_ret.ManagedObjectReference:

            msg = _('No host available on cluster')

            raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg)

        host_mor = host_ret.ManagedObjectReference[0]

    return host_mor

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def propset_dict(propset):

    """Turn a propset list into a dictionary

    PropSet is an optional attribute on ObjectContent objects

    that are returned by the VMware API.

    You can read more about these at:




    :param propset: a property "set" from ObjectContent

    :return: dictionary representing property set


    if propset is None:

        return {}

    #TODO(hartsocks): once support for Python 2.6 is dropped

    # change to {[(prop.name, prop.val) for prop in propset]}

    return dict([(prop.name, prop.val) for prop in propset])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _select_datastore(data_stores, best_match, datastore_regex=None):

    """Find the most preferable datastore in a given RetrieveResult object.

    :param data_stores: a RetrieveResult object from vSphere API call

    :param best_match: the current best match for datastore

    :param datastore_regex: an optional regular expression to match names

    :return: datastore_ref, datastore_name, capacity, freespace


    # data_stores is actually a RetrieveResult object from vSphere API call

    for obj_content in data_stores.objects:

        # the propset attribute "need not be set" by returning API

        if not hasattr(obj_content, 'propSet'):


        propdict = propset_dict(obj_content.propSet)

        # Local storage identifier vSphere doesn't support CIFS or

        # vfat for datastores, therefore filtered

        ds_type = propdict['summary.type']

        ds_name = propdict['summary.name']

        if ((ds_type == 'VMFS' or ds_type == 'NFS') and


            if datastore_regex is None or datastore_regex.match(ds_name):

                new_ds = DSRecord(





                # favor datastores with more free space

                if new_ds.freespace > best_match.freespace:

                    best_match = new_ds

    return best_match

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_datastore_ref_and_name(session, cluster=None, host=None,


    """Get the datastore list and choose the most preferable one."""

    if cluster is None and host is None:

        data_stores = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                    "Datastore", ["summary.type", "summary.name",

                                  "summary.capacity", "summary.freeSpace",



        if cluster is not None:

            datastore_ret = session._call_method(


                                        "get_dynamic_property", cluster,

                                        "ClusterComputeResource", "datastore")


            datastore_ret = session._call_method(


                                        "get_dynamic_property", host,

                                        "HostSystem", "datastore")

        if not datastore_ret:

            raise exception.DatastoreNotFound()

        data_store_mors = datastore_ret.ManagedObjectReference

        data_stores = session._call_method(vim_util,


                                "Datastore", data_store_mors,

                                ["summary.type", "summary.name",

                                 "summary.capacity", "summary.freeSpace",


    best_match = DSRecord(datastore=None, name=None,

                          capacity=None, freespace=0)

    while data_stores:

        best_match = _select_datastore(data_stores, best_match,


        token = _get_token(data_stores)

        if not token:


        data_stores = session._call_method(vim_util,



    if best_match.datastore:

        return best_match

    if datastore_regex:

        raise exception.DatastoreNotFound(

            _("Datastore regex %s did not match any datastores")

            % datastore_regex.pattern)


        raise exception.DatastoreNotFound()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_allowed_datastores(data_stores, datastore_regex, allowed_types):

    allowed = []

    for obj_content in data_stores.objects:

        # the propset attribute "need not be set" by returning API

        if not hasattr(obj_content, 'propSet'):


        propdict = propset_dict(obj_content.propSet)

        # Local storage identifier vSphere doesn't support CIFS or

        # vfat for datastores, therefore filtered

        ds_type = propdict['summary.type']

        ds_name = propdict['summary.name']

        if (propdict['summary.accessible'] and ds_type in allowed_types):

            if datastore_regex is None or datastore_regex.match(ds_name):

                allowed.append({'ref': obj_content.obj, 'name': ds_name})

    return allowed

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_available_datastores(session, cluster=None, datastore_regex=None):

    """Get the datastore list and choose the first local storage."""

    if cluster:

        mobj = cluster

        type = "ClusterComputeResource"


        mobj = get_host_ref(session)

        type = "HostSystem"

    ds = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_property", mobj,

                              type, "datastore")

    if not ds:

        return []

    data_store_mors = ds.ManagedObjectReference

    # NOTE(garyk): use utility method to retrieve remote objects

    data_stores = session._call_method(vim_util,


            "Datastore", data_store_mors,

            ["summary.type", "summary.name", "summary.accessible"])

    allowed = []

    while data_stores:

        allowed.extend(_get_allowed_datastores(data_stores, datastore_regex,

                                               ['VMFS', 'NFS']))

        token = _get_token(data_stores)

        if not token:


        data_stores = session._call_method(vim_util,



    return allowed

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_backed_disk_uuid(hardware_devices, volume_uuid):

    if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

    for device in hardware_devices:

        if (device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk" and

                device.backing.__class__.__name__ ==

                "VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo" and

                volume_uuid in device.backing.fileName):

            return device.backing.uuid

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_backed_disk_device(hardware_devices, uuid):

    if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

    for device in hardware_devices:

        if (device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk" and

                device.backing.__class__.__name__ ==

                "VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo" and

                device.backing.uuid == uuid):

            return device

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_volume_disk(hardware_devices, path=None):

    if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

        hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

    for device in hardware_devices:

        if (device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk"):

            if not path or path == device.backing.fileName:

                return device

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_res_pool_ref(session, cluster, node_mo_id):

    """Get the resource pool."""

    if cluster is None:

        # With no cluster named, use the root resource pool.

        results = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",


        _cancel_retrieve_if_necessary(session, results)

        # The 0th resource pool is always the root resource pool on both ESX

        # and vCenter.

        res_pool_ref = results.objects[0].obj


        if cluster.value == node_mo_id:

            # Get the root resource pool of the cluster

            res_pool_ref = session._call_method(vim_util,





    return res_pool_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_all_cluster_mors(session):

    """Get all the clusters in the vCenter."""


        results = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",

                                        "ClusterComputeResource", ["name"])

        _cancel_retrieve_if_necessary(session, results)

        return results.objects

    except Exception as excep:

        LOG.warn(_("Failed to get cluster references %s") % excep)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_all_res_pool_mors(session):

    """Get all the resource pools in the vCenter."""


        results = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_objects",


        _cancel_retrieve_if_necessary(session, results)

        return results.objects

    except Exception as excep:

        LOG.warn(_("Failed to get resource pool references " "%s") % excep)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_dynamic_property_mor(session, mor_ref, attribute):

    """Get the value of an attribute for a given managed object."""

    return session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_property",

                                mor_ref, mor_ref._type, attribute)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def find_entity_mor(entity_list, entity_name):

    """Returns managed object ref for given cluster or resource pool name."""

    return [mor for mor in entity_list if (hasattr(mor, 'propSet') and

                                           mor.propSet[0].val == entity_name)]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_all_cluster_refs_by_name(session, path_list):

    """Get reference to the Cluster, ResourcePool with the path specified.

    The path is the display name. This can be the full path as well.

    The input will have the list of clusters and resource pool names


    cls = get_all_cluster_mors(session)

    if not cls:


    res = get_all_res_pool_mors(session)

    if not res:


    path_list = [path.strip() for path in path_list]

    list_obj = []

    for entity_path in path_list:

        # entity_path could be unique cluster and/or resource-pool name

        res_mor = find_entity_mor(res, entity_path)

        cls_mor = find_entity_mor(cls, entity_path)


        for mor in cls_mor:

            list_obj.append((mor.obj, mor.propSet[0].val))

    return get_dict_mor(session, list_obj)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_dict_mor(session, list_obj):

    """The input is a list of objects in the form


    The managed object will be in the form

    { value = "domain-1002", _type = "ClusterComputeResource" }

    Output data format:

    dict_mors = {

                  'respool-1001': { 'cluster_mor': clusterMor,

                                    'res_pool_mor': resourcePoolMor,

                                    'name': display_name },

                  'domain-1002': { 'cluster_mor': clusterMor,

                                    'res_pool_mor': resourcePoolMor,

                                    'name': display_name },



    dict_mors = {}

    for obj_ref, path in list_obj:

        if obj_ref._type == "ResourcePool":

            # Get owner cluster-ref mor

            cluster_ref = get_dynamic_property_mor(session, obj_ref, "owner")

            dict_mors[obj_ref.value] = {'cluster_mor': cluster_ref,

                                        'res_pool_mor': obj_ref,

                                        'name': path,



            # Get default resource pool of the cluster

            res_pool_ref = get_dynamic_property_mor(session,

                                                    obj_ref, "resourcePool")

            dict_mors[obj_ref.value] = {'cluster_mor': obj_ref,

                                        'res_pool_mor': res_pool_ref,

                                        'name': path,


    return dict_mors

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_mo_id_from_instance(instance):

    """Return the managed object ID from the instance.

    The instance['node'] will have the hypervisor_hostname field of the

    compute node on which the instance exists or will be provisioned.

    This will be of the form




    return instance['node'].partition('(')[0]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_vmdk_adapter_type(adapter_type):

    """Return the adapter type to be used in vmdk descriptor.

    Adapter type in vmdk descriptor is same for LSI-SAS & LSILogic

    because Virtual Disk Manager API does not recognize the newer controller



    if adapter_type == "lsiLogicsas":

        vmdk_adapter_type = "lsiLogic"


        vmdk_adapter_type = adapter_type

    return vmdk_adapter_type

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def clone_vmref_for_instance(session, instance, vm_ref, host_ref, ds_ref,


    """Clone VM and link the cloned VM to the instance.

    Clones the passed vm_ref into a new VM and links the cloned vm to

    the passed instance.


    if vm_ref is None:

        LOG.warn(_("vmwareapi:vm_util:clone_vmref_for_instance, called "

                   "with vm_ref=None"))

        raise error_util.MissingParameter(param="vm_ref")

    # Get the clone vm spec

    client_factory = session._get_vim().client.factory

    rel_spec = relocate_vm_spec(client_factory, ds_ref, host_ref)

    extra_opts = {'nvp.vm-uuid': instance['uuid']}

    config_spec = get_vm_extra_config_spec(client_factory, extra_opts)

    config_spec.instanceUuid = instance['uuid']

    clone_spec = clone_vm_spec(client_factory, rel_spec, config=config_spec)

    # Clone VM on ESX host

    LOG.debug(_("Cloning VM for instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    vm_clone_task = session._call_method(session._get_vim(), "CloneVM_Task",

                                         vm_ref, folder=vmfolder_ref,




    LOG.debug(_("Cloned VM for instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    # Invalidate the cache, so that it is refetched the next time


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def disassociate_vmref_from_instance(session, instance, vm_ref=None,


    """Disassociates the VM linked to the instance.

    Disassociates the VM linked to the instance by performing the following

    1. Update the extraConfig property for nvp.vm-uuid to be replaced with


    2. Rename the VM to be instance[uuid]+suffix instead

    3. Reset the instanceUUID of the VM to a new generated value


    if vm_ref is None:

        vm_ref = get_vm_ref(session, instance)

    extra_opts = {'nvp.vm-uuid': instance['uuid'] + suffix}

    client_factory = session._get_vim().client.factory

    reconfig_spec = get_vm_extra_config_spec(client_factory, extra_opts)

    reconfig_spec.name = instance['uuid'] + suffix

    reconfig_spec.instanceUuid = ''

    LOG.debug(_("Disassociating VM from instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    reconfig_task = session._call_method(session._get_vim(), "ReconfigVM_Task",

                                         vm_ref, spec=reconfig_spec)


    LOG.debug(_("Disassociated VM from instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    # Invalidate the cache, so that it is refetched the next time


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def associate_vmref_for_instance(session, instance, vm_ref=None,


    """Associates the VM to the instance.

    Associates the VM to the instance by performing the following

    1. Update the extraConfig property for nvp.vm-uuid to be replaced with


    2. Rename the VM to be instance[uuid]

    3. Reset the instanceUUID of the VM to be instance[uuid]


    if vm_ref is None:

        vm_ref = search_vm_ref_by_identifier(session,

                                             instance['uuid'] + suffix)

        if vm_ref is None:

            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['uuid']

                                            + suffix)

    extra_opts = {'nvp.vm-uuid': instance['uuid']}

    client_factory = session._get_vim().client.factory

    reconfig_spec = get_vm_extra_config_spec(client_factory, extra_opts)

    reconfig_spec.name = instance['uuid']

    reconfig_spec.instanceUuid = instance['uuid']

    LOG.debug(_("Associating VM to instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    reconfig_task = session._call_method(session._get_vim(), "ReconfigVM_Task",

                                         vm_ref, spec=reconfig_spec)


    LOG.debug(_("Associated VM to instance %s"), instance['uuid'],


    # Invalidate the cache, so that it is refetched the next time
