**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_network_with_the_name(session, network_name="vmnet0", cluster=None):
"""Gets reference to the network whose name is passed as the
host = vm_util.get_host_ref(session, cluster)
if cluster is not None:
vm_networks_ret = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", cluster,
vm_networks_ret = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", host,
"HostSystem", "network")
# Meaning there are no networks on the host. suds responds with a ""
# in the parent property field rather than a [] in the
# ManagedObjectReference property field of the parent
if not vm_networks_ret:
LOG.debug(_("No networks configured on host!"))
vm_networks = vm_networks_ret.ManagedObjectReference
network_obj = {}
LOG.debug(_("Configured networks: %s"), vm_networks)
for network in vm_networks:
# Get network properties
if network._type == 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup':
props = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", network,
"DistributedVirtualPortgroup", "config")
# NOTE(asomya): This only works on ESXi if the port binding is
# set to ephemeral
if props.name == network_name:
network_obj['type'] = 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup'
network_obj['dvpg'] = props.key
dvs_props = session._call_method(vim_util,
"VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch", "uuid")
network_obj['dvsw'] = dvs_props
props = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", network,
"Network", "summary.name")
if props == network_name:
network_obj['type'] = 'Network'
network_obj['name'] = network_name
if (len(network_obj) > 0):
return network_obj
LOG.debug(_("Network %s not found on host!"), network_name)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_vswitch_for_vlan_interface(session, vlan_interface, cluster=None):
"""Gets the vswitch associated with the physical network adapter
with the name supplied.
# Get the list of vSwicthes on the Host System
host_mor = vm_util.get_host_ref(session, cluster)
vswitches_ret = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", host_mor,
"HostSystem", "config.network.vswitch")
# Meaning there are no vSwitches on the host. Shouldn't be the case,
# but just doing code check
if not vswitches_ret:
vswitches = vswitches_ret.HostVirtualSwitch
# Get the vSwitch associated with the network adapter
for elem in vswitches:
for nic_elem in elem.pnic:
if str(nic_elem).split('-')[-1].find(vlan_interface) != -1:
return elem.name
# Catching Attribute error as a vSwitch may not be associated with a
# physical NIC.
except AttributeError:
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def check_if_vlan_interface_exists(session, vlan_interface, cluster=None):
"""Checks if the vlan_interface exists on the esx host."""
host_mor = vm_util.get_host_ref(session, cluster)
physical_nics_ret = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", host_mor,
"HostSystem", "config.network.pnic")
# Meaning there are no physical nics on the host
if not physical_nics_ret:
return False
physical_nics = physical_nics_ret.PhysicalNic
for pnic in physical_nics:
if vlan_interface == pnic.device:
return True
return False
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_vlanid_and_vswitch_for_portgroup(session, pg_name, cluster=None):
"""Get the vlan id and vswicth associated with the port group."""
host_mor = vm_util.get_host_ref(session, cluster)
port_grps_on_host_ret = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", host_mor,
"HostSystem", "config.network.portgroup")
if not port_grps_on_host_ret:
msg = _("ESX SOAP server returned an empty port group "
"for the host system in its response")
raise exception.NovaException(msg)
port_grps_on_host = port_grps_on_host_ret.HostPortGroup
for p_gp in port_grps_on_host:
if p_gp.spec.name == pg_name:
p_grp_vswitch_name = p_gp.vswitch.split("-")[-1]
return p_gp.spec.vlanId, p_grp_vswitch_name
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_port_group(session, pg_name, vswitch_name, vlan_id=0, cluster=None):
"""Creates a port group on the host system with the vlan tags
supplied. VLAN id 0 means no vlan id association.
client_factory = session._get_vim().client.factory
add_prt_grp_spec = vm_util.get_add_vswitch_port_group_spec(
host_mor = vm_util.get_host_ref(session, cluster)
network_system_mor = session._call_method(vim_util,
"get_dynamic_property", host_mor,
"HostSystem", "configManager.networkSystem")
LOG.debug(_("Creating Port Group with name %s on "
"the ESX host") % pg_name)
"AddPortGroup", network_system_mor,
except error_util.AlreadyExistsException:
# There can be a race condition when two instances try
# adding port groups at the same time. One succeeds, then
# the other one will get an exception. Since we are
# concerned with the port group being created, which is done
# by the other call, we can ignore the exception.
LOG.debug(_("Port Group %s already exists."), pg_name)
LOG.debug(_("Created Port Group with name %s on "
"the ESX host") % pg_name)