**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
# Copyright (c) 2010 Cloud.com, Inc
# Copyright 2012 Cloudbase Solutions Srl / Pedro Navarro Perez
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
Utility class for VM related operations on Hyper-V.
import sys
import time
import uuid
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import wmi
from oslo.config import cfg
from nova import exception
from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova.virt.hyperv import constants
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO(alexpilotti): Move the exceptions to a separate module
# TODO(alexpilotti): Add more domain exceptions
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class HyperVException(exception.NovaException):
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def __init__(self, message=None):
super(HyperVException, self).__init__(message)
# TODO(alexpilotti): Add a storage exception base class
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class VHDResizeException(HyperVException):
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def __init__(self, message=None):
super(HyperVException, self).__init__(message)
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class HyperVAuthorizationException(HyperVException):
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def __init__(self, message=None):
super(HyperVException, self).__init__(message)
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class UnsupportedConfigDriveFormatException(HyperVException):
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def __init__(self, message=None):
super(HyperVException, self).__init__(message)
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class VMUtils(object):
# These constants can be overridden by inherited classes
_PHYS_DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Physical Disk Drive'
_DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Synthetic Disk Drive'
_DVD_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Synthetic DVD Drive'
_IDE_DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk'
_IDE_DVD_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Virtual CD/DVD Disk'
_IDE_CTRL_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Emulated IDE Controller'
_SCSI_CTRL_RES_SUB_TYPE = 'Microsoft Synthetic SCSI Controller'
_SETTINGS_DEFINE_STATE_CLASS = 'Msvm_SettingsDefineState'
_VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_SETTING_DATA_CLASS = 'Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData'
_RESOURCE_ALLOC_SETTING_DATA_CLASS = 'Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData'
_PROCESSOR_SETTING_DATA_CLASS = 'Msvm_ProcessorSettingData'
_MEMORY_SETTING_DATA_CLASS = 'Msvm_MemorySettingData'
_AFFECTED_JOB_ELEMENT_CLASS = "Msvm_AffectedJobElement"
_vm_power_states_map = {constants.HYPERV_VM_STATE_ENABLED: 2,
constants.HYPERV_VM_STATE_PAUSED: 32768,
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def __init__(self, host='.'):
self._enabled_states_map = dict((v, k) for k, v in
if sys.platform == 'win32':
self._conn_cimv2 = wmi.WMI(moniker='//%s/root/cimv2' % host)
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def _init_hyperv_wmi_conn(self, host):
self._conn = wmi.WMI(moniker='//%s/root/virtualization' % host)
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def list_instances(self):
"""Return the names of all the instances known to Hyper-V."""
vm_names = [v.ElementName for v in
Caption="Virtual Machine")]
return vm_names
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def get_vm_summary_info(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
vmsettings = vm.associators(
settings_paths = [v.path_() for v in vmsettings]
#See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc160706%28VS.85%29.aspx
(ret_val, summary_info) = vs_man_svc.GetSummaryInformation(
if ret_val:
raise HyperVException(_('Cannot get VM summary data for: %s')
% vm_name)
si = summary_info[0]
memory_usage = None
if si.MemoryUsage is not None:
memory_usage = long(si.MemoryUsage)
up_time = None
if si.UpTime is not None:
up_time = long(si.UpTime)
enabled_state = self._enabled_states_map[si.EnabledState]
summary_info_dict = {'NumberOfProcessors': si.NumberOfProcessors,
'EnabledState': enabled_state,
'MemoryUsage': memory_usage,
'UpTime': up_time}
return summary_info_dict
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def _lookup_vm_check(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm(vm_name)
if not vm:
raise exception.NotFound(_('VM not found: %s') % vm_name)
return vm
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def _lookup_vm(self, vm_name):
vms = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name)
n = len(vms)
if n == 0:
return None
elif n > 1:
raise HyperVException(_('Duplicate VM name found: %s') % vm_name)
return vms[0]
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def vm_exists(self, vm_name):
return self._lookup_vm(vm_name) is not None
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def get_vm_id(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
return vm.Name
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def _get_vm_setting_data(self, vm):
vmsettings = vm.associators(
# Avoid snapshots
return [s for s in vmsettings if s.SettingType == 3][0]
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def _set_vm_memory(self, vm, vmsetting, memory_mb, dynamic_memory_ratio):
mem_settings = vmsetting.associators(
max_mem = long(memory_mb)
mem_settings.Limit = max_mem
if dynamic_memory_ratio > 1:
mem_settings.DynamicMemoryEnabled = True
# Must be a multiple of 2
reserved_mem = min(
long(max_mem / dynamic_memory_ratio) >> 1 << 1,
mem_settings.DynamicMemoryEnabled = False
reserved_mem = max_mem
mem_settings.Reservation = reserved_mem
# Start with the minimum memory
mem_settings.VirtualQuantity = reserved_mem
self._modify_virt_resource(mem_settings, vm.path_())
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def _set_vm_vcpus(self, vm, vmsetting, vcpus_num, limit_cpu_features):
procsetting = vmsetting.associators(
vcpus = long(vcpus_num)
procsetting.VirtualQuantity = vcpus
procsetting.Reservation = vcpus
procsetting.Limit = 100000 # static assignment to 100%
procsetting.LimitProcessorFeatures = limit_cpu_features
self._modify_virt_resource(procsetting, vm.path_())
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def update_vm(self, vm_name, memory_mb, vcpus_num, limit_cpu_features,
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
vmsetting = self._get_vm_setting_data(vm)
self._set_vm_memory(vm, vmsetting, memory_mb, dynamic_memory_ratio)
self._set_vm_vcpus(vm, vmsetting, vcpus_num, limit_cpu_features)
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def check_admin_permissions(self):
if not self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService():
msg = _("The Windows account running nova-compute on this Hyper-V"
" host doesn't have the required permissions to create or"
" operate the virtual machine.")
raise HyperVAuthorizationException(msg)
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def create_vm(self, vm_name, memory_mb, vcpus_num, limit_cpu_features,
"""Creates a VM."""
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
LOG.debug(_('Creating VM %s'), vm_name)
vm = self._create_vm_obj(vs_man_svc, vm_name)
vmsetting = self._get_vm_setting_data(vm)
LOG.debug(_('Setting memory for vm %s'), vm_name)
self._set_vm_memory(vm, vmsetting, memory_mb, dynamic_memory_ratio)
LOG.debug(_('Set vCPUs for vm %s'), vm_name)
self._set_vm_vcpus(vm, vmsetting, vcpus_num, limit_cpu_features)
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def _create_vm_obj(self, vs_man_svc, vm_name):
vs_gs_data = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemGlobalSettingData.new()
vs_gs_data.ElementName = vm_name
ret_val) = vs_man_svc.DefineVirtualSystem([], None,
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
return self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
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def get_vm_scsi_controller(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
vmsettings = vm.associators(
rasds = vmsettings[0].associators(
res = [r for r in rasds
if r.ResourceSubType == self._SCSI_CTRL_RES_SUB_TYPE][0]
return res.path_()
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_vm_ide_controller(self, vm, ctrller_addr):
vmsettings = vm.associators(
rasds = vmsettings[0].associators(
return [r for r in rasds
if r.ResourceSubType == self._IDE_CTRL_RES_SUB_TYPE
and r.Address == str(ctrller_addr)][0].path_()
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def get_vm_ide_controller(self, vm_name, ctrller_addr):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
return self._get_vm_ide_controller(vm, ctrller_addr)
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def get_attached_disks_count(self, scsi_controller_path):
volumes = self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM %(class_name)s "
"WHERE ResourceSubType = "
"'%(res_sub_type)s' AND "
"Parent = '%(parent)s'" %
scsi_controller_path.replace("'", "''")})
return len(volumes)
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def _get_new_setting_data(self, class_name):
return self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE InstanceID "
"LIKE '%%\\Default'" % class_name)[0]
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def _get_new_resource_setting_data(self, resource_sub_type,
if class_name is None:
return self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM %(class_name)s "
"WHERE ResourceSubType = "
"'%(res_sub_type)s' AND "
"InstanceID LIKE '%%\\Default'" %
{"class_name": class_name,
"res_sub_type": resource_sub_type})[0]
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def attach_ide_drive(self, vm_name, path, ctrller_addr, drive_addr,
"""Create an IDE drive and attach it to the vm."""
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
ctrller_path = self._get_vm_ide_controller(vm, ctrller_addr)
if drive_type == constants.IDE_DISK:
res_sub_type = self._DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE
elif drive_type == constants.IDE_DVD:
res_sub_type = self._DVD_RES_SUB_TYPE
drive = self._get_new_resource_setting_data(res_sub_type)
#Set the IDE ctrller as parent.
drive.Parent = ctrller_path
drive.Address = drive_addr
#Add the cloned disk drive object to the vm.
new_resources = self._add_virt_resource(drive, vm.path_())
drive_path = new_resources[0]
if drive_type == constants.IDE_DISK:
res_sub_type = self._IDE_DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE
elif drive_type == constants.IDE_DVD:
res_sub_type = self._IDE_DVD_RES_SUB_TYPE
res = self._get_new_resource_setting_data(res_sub_type)
#Set the new drive as the parent.
res.Parent = drive_path
res.Connection = [path]
#Add the new vhd object as a virtual hard disk to the vm.
self._add_virt_resource(res, vm.path_())
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_scsi_controller(self, vm_name):
"""Create an iscsi controller ready to mount volumes."""
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
scsicontrl = self._get_new_resource_setting_data(
scsicontrl.VirtualSystemIdentifiers = ['{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}']
self._add_virt_resource(scsicontrl, vm.path_())
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def attach_volume_to_controller(self, vm_name, controller_path, address,
"""Attach a volume to a controller."""
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
diskdrive = self._get_new_resource_setting_data(
diskdrive.Address = address
diskdrive.Parent = controller_path
diskdrive.HostResource = [mounted_disk_path]
self._add_virt_resource(diskdrive, vm.path_())
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def set_nic_connection(self, vm_name, nic_name, vswitch_conn_data):
nic_data = self._get_nic_data_by_name(nic_name)
nic_data.Connection = [vswitch_conn_data]
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
self._modify_virt_resource(nic_data, vm.path_())
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def _get_nic_data_by_name(self, name):
return self._conn.Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData(
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_nic(self, vm_name, nic_name, mac_address):
"""Create a (synthetic) nic and attach it to the vm."""
#Create a new nic
new_nic_data = self._get_new_setting_data(
#Configure the nic
new_nic_data.ElementName = nic_name
new_nic_data.Address = mac_address.replace(':', '')
new_nic_data.StaticMacAddress = 'True'
new_nic_data.VirtualSystemIdentifiers = ['{' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '}']
#Add the new nic to the vm
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
self._add_virt_resource(new_nic_data, vm.path_())
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def set_vm_state(self, vm_name, req_state):
"""Set the desired state of the VM."""
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
ret_val) = vm.RequestStateChange(self._vm_power_states_map[req_state])
#Invalid state for current operation (32775) typically means that
#the VM is already in the state requested
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path, [0, 32775])
LOG.debug(_("Successfully changed vm state of %(vm_name)s "
"to %(req_state)s"),
{'vm_name': vm_name, 'req_state': req_state})
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def _get_disk_resource_disk_path(self, disk_resource):
return disk_resource.Connection
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def get_vm_storage_paths(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
(disk_resources, volume_resources) = self._get_vm_disks(vm)
volume_drives = []
for volume_resource in volume_resources:
drive_path = volume_resource.HostResource[0]
disk_files = []
for disk_resource in disk_resources:
[c for c in self._get_disk_resource_disk_path(disk_resource)])
return (disk_files, volume_drives)
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def _get_vm_disks(self, vm):
vmsettings = vm.associators(
rasds = vmsettings[0].associators(
disk_resources = [r for r in rasds if
r.ResourceSubType in
volume_resources = [r for r in rasds if
r.ResourceSubType == self._PHYS_DISK_RES_SUB_TYPE]
return (disk_resources, volume_resources)
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def destroy_vm(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
#Remove the VM. Does not destroy disks.
(job_path, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.DestroyVirtualSystem(vm.path_())
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
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def check_ret_val(self, ret_val, job_path, success_values=[0]):
if ret_val == constants.WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED:
return self._wait_for_job(job_path)
elif ret_val not in success_values:
raise HyperVException(_('Operation failed with return value: %s')
% ret_val)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _wait_for_job(self, job_path):
"""Poll WMI job state and wait for completion."""
job = self._get_wmi_obj(job_path)
while job.JobState == constants.WMI_JOB_STATE_RUNNING:
job = self._get_wmi_obj(job_path)
if job.JobState != constants.WMI_JOB_STATE_COMPLETED:
job_state = job.JobState
if job.path().Class == "Msvm_ConcreteJob":
err_sum_desc = job.ErrorSummaryDescription
err_desc = job.ErrorDescription
err_code = job.ErrorCode
raise HyperVException(_("WMI job failed with status "
"%(job_state)d. Error details: "
"%(err_sum_desc)s - %(err_desc)s - "
"Error code: %(err_code)d") %
{'job_state': job_state,
'err_sum_desc': err_sum_desc,
'err_desc': err_desc,
'err_code': err_code})
(error, ret_val) = job.GetError()
if not ret_val and error:
raise HyperVException(_("WMI job failed with status "
"%(job_state)d. Error details: "
"%(error)s") %
{'job_state': job_state,
'error': error})
raise HyperVException(_("WMI job failed with status "
"%d. No error "
"description available") %
desc = job.Description
elap = job.ElapsedTime
LOG.debug(_("WMI job succeeded: %(desc)s, Elapsed=%(elap)s"),
{'desc': desc, 'elap': elap})
return job
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def _get_wmi_obj(self, path):
return wmi.WMI(moniker=path.replace('\\', '/'))
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def _add_virt_resource(self, res_setting_data, vm_path):
"""Adds a new resource to the VM."""
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
res_xml = [res_setting_data.GetText_(1)]
ret_val) = vs_man_svc.AddVirtualSystemResources(res_xml, vm_path)
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
return new_resources
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _modify_virt_resource(self, res_setting_data, vm_path):
"""Updates a VM resource."""
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
(job_path, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.ModifyVirtualSystemResources(
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
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def _remove_virt_resource(self, res_setting_data, vm_path):
"""Removes a VM resource."""
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
res_path = [res_setting_data.path_()]
(job_path, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.RemoveVirtualSystemResources(res_path,
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
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def take_vm_snapshot(self, vm_name):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
(job_path, ret_val,
snp_setting_data) = vs_man_svc.CreateVirtualSystemSnapshot(vm.path_())
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
job_wmi_path = job_path.replace('\\', '/')
job = wmi.WMI(moniker=job_wmi_path)
snp_setting_data = job.associators(
return snp_setting_data.path_()
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def remove_vm_snapshot(self, snapshot_path):
vs_man_svc = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0]
(job_path, ret_val) = vs_man_svc.RemoveVirtualSystemSnapshot(
self.check_ret_val(ret_val, job_path)
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def detach_vm_disk(self, vm_name, disk_path):
vm = self._lookup_vm_check(vm_name)
physical_disk = self._get_mounted_disk_resource_from_path(disk_path)
if physical_disk:
self._remove_virt_resource(physical_disk, vm.path_())
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def _get_mounted_disk_resource_from_path(self, disk_path):
physical_disks = self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM %(class_name)s "
"WHERE ResourceSubType = '%(res_sub_type)s'" %
for physical_disk in physical_disks:
if physical_disk.HostResource:
if physical_disk.HostResource[0].lower() == disk_path.lower():
return physical_disk
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_mounted_disk_by_drive_number(self, device_number):
mounted_disks = self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM Msvm_DiskDrive "
"WHERE DriveNumber=" +
if len(mounted_disks):
return mounted_disks[0].path_()
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def get_controller_volume_paths(self, controller_path):
disks = self._conn.query("SELECT * FROM %(class_name)s "
"WHERE ResourceSubType = '%(res_sub_type)s' "
"AND Parent='%(parent)s'" %
disk_data = {}
for disk in disks:
if disk.HostResource:
disk_data[disk.path().RelPath] = disk.HostResource[0]
return disk_data
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def enable_vm_metrics_collection(self, vm_name):
raise NotImplementedError(_("Metrics collection is not supported on "
"this version of Hyper-V"))