

OpenStack Study: volume_driver.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# coding=utf-8

# Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import re

from oslo.config import cfg

from nova import context as nova_context

from nova import exception

from nova import network

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.openstack.common import importutils

from nova.openstack.common import log as logging

from nova.openstack.common import processutils

from nova import utils

from nova.virt.baremetal import db as bmdb

from nova.virt import volumeutils

opts = [



help='Do not set this out of dev/test environments. '

'If a node does not have a fixed PXE IP address, '

'volumes are exported with globally opened ACL'),



help='The iSCSI IQN prefix used in baremetal volume '



baremetal_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='baremetal',

title='Baremetal Options')



CONF.register_opts(opts, baremetal_group)

CONF.import_opt('host', 'nova.netconf')

CONF.import_opt('use_ipv6', 'nova.netconf')

CONF.import_opt('volume_drivers', 'nova.virt.libvirt.driver', group='libvirt')

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_baremetal_node_by_instance_uuid(instance_uuid):

    context = nova_context.get_admin_context()

    return bmdb.bm_node_get_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _create_iscsi_export_tgtadm(path, tid, iqn):

    utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                  '--mode', 'target',

                  '--op', 'new',

                  '--tid', tid,

                  '--targetname', iqn,


    utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                  '--mode', 'logicalunit',

                  '--op', 'new',

                  '--tid', tid,

                  '--lun', '1',

                  '--backing-store', path,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _allow_iscsi_tgtadm(tid, address):

    utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                  '--mode', 'target',

                  '--op', 'bind',

                  '--tid', tid,

                  '--initiator-address', address,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _delete_iscsi_export_tgtadm(tid):


        utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                      '--mode', 'logicalunit',

                      '--op', 'delete',

                      '--tid', tid,

                      '--lun', '1',


    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:



        utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                      '--mode', 'target',

                      '--op', 'delete',

                      '--tid', tid,


    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:


    # Check if the tid is deleted, that is, check the tid no longer exists.

    # If the tid dose not exist, tgtadm returns with exit_code 22.

    # utils.execute() can check the exit_code if check_exit_code parameter is

    # passed. But, regardless of whether check_exit_code contains 0 or not,

    # if the exit_code is 0, the function dose not report errors. So we have to

    # catch a ProcessExecutionError and test its exit_code is 22.


        utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                      '--mode', 'target',

                      '--op', 'show',

                      '--tid', tid,


    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:

        if e.exit_code == 22:

            # OK, the tid is deleted



    raise exception.NovaException(_(

            'baremetal driver was unable to delete tid %s') % tid)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _show_tgtadm():

    out, _ = utils.execute('tgtadm', '--lld', 'iscsi',

                           '--mode', 'target',

                           '--op', 'show',


    return out

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _list_backingstore_path():

    out = _show_tgtadm()

    l = []

    for line in out.split('\n'):

        m = re.search(r'Backing store path: (.*)$', line)

        if m:

            if '/' in m.group(1):


    return l

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_next_tid():

    out = _show_tgtadm()

    last_tid = 0

    for line in out.split('\n'):

        m = re.search(r'^Target (\d+):', line)

        if m:

            tid = int(m.group(1))

            if last_tid < tid:

                last_tid = tid

    return last_tid + 1

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _find_tid(iqn):

    out = _show_tgtadm()

    pattern = r'^Target (\d+): *' + re.escape(iqn)

    for line in out.split('\n'):

        m = re.search(pattern, line)

        if m:

            return int(m.group(1))

    return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_iqn(instance_name, mountpoint):

    mp = mountpoint.replace('/', '-').strip('-')

    iqn = '%s:%s-%s' % (CONF.baremetal.iscsi_iqn_prefix,



    return iqn

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_fixed_ips(instance):

    context = nova_context.get_admin_context()

    nw_info = network.API().get_instance_nw_info(context, instance)

    ips = nw_info.fixed_ips()

    return ips

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VolumeDriver(object):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, virtapi):

        super(VolumeDriver, self).__init__()

        self.virtapi = virtapi

        self._initiator = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_volume_connector(self, instance):

        if not self._initiator:

            self._initiator = volumeutils.get_iscsi_initiator()

            if not self._initiator:

                LOG.warn(_('Could not determine iscsi initiator name'),


        return {

            'ip': CONF.my_ip,

            'initiator': self._initiator,

            'host': CONF.host,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_volume(self, connection_info, instance, mountpoint):

        raise NotImplementedError()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_volume(self, connection_info, instance, mountpoint):

        raise NotImplementedError()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LibvirtVolumeDriver(VolumeDriver):

"""The VolumeDriver delegates to nova.virt.libvirt.volume."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, virtapi):

        super(LibvirtVolumeDriver, self).__init__(virtapi)

        self.volume_drivers = {}

        for driver_str in CONF.libvirt.volume_drivers:

            driver_type, _sep, driver = driver_str.partition('=')

            driver_class = importutils.import_class(driver)

            self.volume_drivers[driver_type] = driver_class(self)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _volume_driver_method(self, method_name, connection_info,

                             *args, **kwargs):

        driver_type = connection_info.get('driver_volume_type')

        if driver_type not in self.volume_drivers:

            raise exception.VolumeDriverNotFound(driver_type=driver_type)

        driver = self.volume_drivers[driver_type]

        method = getattr(driver, method_name)

        return method(connection_info, *args, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_volume(self, connection_info, instance, mountpoint):

        fixed_ips = _get_fixed_ips(instance)

        if not fixed_ips:

            if not CONF.baremetal.use_unsafe_iscsi:

                raise exception.NovaException(_(

                    'No fixed PXE IP is associated to %s') % instance['uuid'])

        mount_device = mountpoint.rpartition("/")[2]

        disk_info = {

            'dev': mount_device,

            'bus': 'baremetal',

            'type': 'baremetal',


        conf = self._connect_volume(connection_info, disk_info)

        self._publish_iscsi(instance, mountpoint, fixed_ips,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _connect_volume(self, connection_info, disk_info):

        return self._volume_driver_method('connect_volume',



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _publish_iscsi(self, instance, mountpoint, fixed_ips, device_path):

        iqn = _get_iqn(instance['name'], mountpoint)

        tid = _get_next_tid()

        _create_iscsi_export_tgtadm(device_path, tid, iqn)

        if fixed_ips:

            for ip in fixed_ips:

                _allow_iscsi_tgtadm(tid, ip['address'])


            # NOTE(NTTdocomo): Since nova-compute does not know the

            # instance's initiator ip, it allows any initiators

            # to connect to the volume. This means other bare-metal

            # instances that are not attached the volume can connect

            # to the volume. Do not set CONF.baremetal.use_unsafe_iscsi

            # out of dev/test environments.

            # TODO(NTTdocomo): support CHAP

            _allow_iscsi_tgtadm(tid, 'ALL')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_volume(self, connection_info, instance, mountpoint):

        mount_device = mountpoint.rpartition("/")[2]


            self._depublish_iscsi(instance, mountpoint)


            self._disconnect_volume(connection_info, mount_device)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _disconnect_volume(self, connection_info, disk_dev):

        return self._volume_driver_method('disconnect_volume',



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _depublish_iscsi(self, instance, mountpoint):

        iqn = _get_iqn(instance['name'], mountpoint)

        tid = _find_tid(iqn)

        if tid is not None:



            LOG.warn(_('detach volume could not find tid for %s'), iqn,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_block_devices(self):

        """Return all block devices in use on this node."""

        return _list_backingstore_path()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_hypervisor_version(self):

        """A dummy method for LibvirtBaseVolumeDriver.connect_volume."""

        return 1