

OpenStack Study: generic.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

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"""Provides generic XML views

This modules defines several basic views for serializing

data to XML. Submodels that have already been serialized

as XML may have their string values marked with `__is_xml__

= True` using :class:`openstack.common.report.utils.StringWithAttrs`

(each of the classes within this module does this automatically,

and non-naive serializers check for this attribute and handle

such strings specially)


import collections as col

import copy

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import six

import nova.openstack.common.report.utils as utils

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class KeyValueView(object):

"""A Key-Value XML View

This view performs advanced serialization of a data model

into XML. It first deserializes any values marked as XML so

that they can be properly reserialized later. It then follows

the following rules to perform serialization:

key : text/xml

The tag name is the key name, and the contents are the text or xml

key : Sequence

A wrapper tag is created with the key name, and each item is placed

in an 'item' tag

key : Mapping

A wrapper tag is created with the key name, and the serialize is called

on each key-value pair (such that each key gets its own tag)

:param str wrapper_name: the name of the top-level element


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    def __init__(self, wrapper_name="model"):

        self.wrapper_name = wrapper_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, model):

        # this part deals with subviews that were already serialized

        cpy = copy.deepcopy(model)

        for key, valstr in model.items():

            if getattr(valstr, '__is_xml__', False):

                cpy[key] = ET.fromstring(valstr)

        def serialize(rootmodel, rootkeyname):

            res = ET.Element(rootkeyname)

            if isinstance(rootmodel, col.Mapping):

                for key in rootmodel:

                    res.append(serialize(rootmodel[key], key))

            elif (isinstance(rootmodel, col.Sequence)

                    and not isinstance(rootmodel, six.string_types)):

                for val in rootmodel:

                    res.append(serialize(val, 'item'))

            elif ET.iselement(rootmodel):



                res.text = str(rootmodel)

            return res

        res = utils.StringWithAttrs(ET.tostring(serialize(cpy,


        res.__is_xml__ = True

        return res

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def serialize(rootmodel, rootkeyname):

            res = ET.Element(rootkeyname)

            if isinstance(rootmodel, col.Mapping):

                for key in rootmodel:

                    res.append(serialize(rootmodel[key], key))

            elif (isinstance(rootmodel, col.Sequence)

                    and not isinstance(rootmodel, six.string_types)):

                for val in rootmodel:

                    res.append(serialize(val, 'item'))

            elif ET.iselement(rootmodel):



                res.text = str(rootmodel)

            return res

        res = utils.StringWithAttrs(ET.tostring(serialize(cpy,


        res.__is_xml__ = True

        return res