**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_client(token=None):
params = {
'endpoint_url': CONF.neutron_url,
'timeout': CONF.neutron_url_timeout,
'insecure': CONF.neutron_api_insecure,
'ca_cert': CONF.neutron_ca_certificates_file,
if token:
params['token'] = token
params['auth_strategy'] = None
params['username'] = CONF.neutron_admin_username
if CONF.neutron_admin_tenant_id:
params['tenant_id'] = CONF.neutron_admin_tenant_id
params['tenant_name'] = CONF.neutron_admin_tenant_name
params['password'] = CONF.neutron_admin_password
params['auth_url'] = CONF.neutron_admin_auth_url
params['auth_strategy'] = CONF.neutron_auth_strategy
return clientv20.Client(**params)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_client(context, admin=False):
# NOTE(dprince): In the case where no auth_token is present
# we allow use of neutron admin tenant credentials if
# it is an admin context.
# This is to support some services (metadata API) where
# an admin context is used without an auth token.
if admin or (context.is_admin and not context.auth_token):
# NOTE(dims): We need to use admin token, let us cache a
# thread local copy for re-using this client
# multiple times and to avoid excessive calls
# to neutron to fetch tokens. Some of the hackiness in this code
# will go away once BP auth-plugins is implemented.
# That blue print will ensure that tokens can be shared
# across clients as well
if not hasattr(local.strong_store, 'neutron_client'):
local.strong_store.neutron_client = _get_client(token=None)
return local.strong_store.neutron_client
# We got a user token that we can use that as-is
if context.auth_token:
token = context.auth_token
return _get_client(token=token)
# We did not get a user token and we should not be using
# an admin token so log an error
raise exceptions.Unauthorized()