

OpenStack Study: security_groups.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation

# Copyright 2012 Justin Santa Barbara

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

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# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

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"""The security groups extension."""

import json

from nova.api.openstack import extensions

from nova.api.openstack import wsgi

from nova import compute

from nova.compute import api as compute_api

from nova import exception

from nova.network.security_group import neutron_driver

from nova.network.security_group import openstack_driver

ALIAS = 'os-security-groups'

ATTRIBUTE_NAME = '%s:security_groups' % ALIAS

authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'v3:' + ALIAS)

softauth = extensions.soft_extension_authorizer('compute', 'v3:' + ALIAS)

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def _authorize_context(req):

    context = req.environ['nova.context']


    return context

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class SecurityGroupsOutputController(wsgi.Controller):

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    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(SecurityGroupsOutputController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.compute_api = compute.API()

        self.security_group_api = (


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _extend_servers(self, req, servers):

        # TODO(arosen) this function should be refactored to reduce duplicate

        # code and use get_instance_security_groups instead of get_db_instance.

        if not len(servers):


        key = "security_groups"

        context = _authorize_context(req)

        if not openstack_driver.is_neutron_security_groups():

            for server in servers:

                instance = req.get_db_instance(server['id'])

                groups = instance.get(key)

                if groups:

                    server[ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = [{"name": group["name"]}

                                              for group in groups]


            # If method is a POST we get the security groups intended for an

            # instance from the request. The reason for this is if using

            # neutron security groups the requested security groups for the

            # instance are not in the db and have not been sent to neutron yet.

            if req.method != 'POST':

                sg_instance_bindings = (




                for server in servers:

                    groups = sg_instance_bindings.get(server['id'])

                    if groups:

                        server[ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = groups

            # In this section of code len(servers) == 1 as you can only POST

            # one server in an API request.


                # try converting to json

                req_obj = json.loads(req.body)

                # Add security group to server, if no security group was in

                # request add default since that is the group it is part of

                servers[0][ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = req_obj['server'].get(

                    ATTRIBUTE_NAME, [{'name': 'default'}])

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    def _show(self, req, resp_obj):

        if not softauth(req.environ['nova.context']):


        if 'server' in resp_obj.obj:

            self._extend_servers(req, [resp_obj.obj['server']])


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    def show(self, req, resp_obj, id):

        return self._show(req, resp_obj)


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    def create(self, req, resp_obj, body):

        return self._show(req, resp_obj)


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    def detail(self, req, resp_obj):

        if not softauth(req.environ['nova.context']):


        self._extend_servers(req, list(resp_obj.obj['servers']))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SecurityGroups(extensions.V3APIExtensionBase):

"""Security group support."""

name = "SecurityGroups"

alias = ALIAS

version = 1

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    def get_controller_extensions(self):

        controller = SecurityGroupsOutputController()

        output = extensions.ControllerExtension(self, 'servers', controller)

        return [output]

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    def get_resources(self):

        return []

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    def server_create(self, server_dict, create_kwargs):

        security_groups = server_dict.get(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)

        if security_groups is not None:

            create_kwargs['security_group'] = [

                sg['name'] for sg in security_groups if sg.get('name')]

            create_kwargs['security_group'] = list(


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class NativeSecurityGroupExceptions(object):


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    def raise_invalid_property(msg):

        raise exception.Invalid(msg)


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    def raise_group_already_exists(msg):

        raise exception.Invalid(msg)


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    def raise_invalid_group(msg):

        raise exception.Invalid(msg)


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    def raise_invalid_cidr(cidr, decoding_exception=None):

        raise exception.InvalidCidr(cidr=cidr)


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    def raise_over_quota(msg):

        raise exception.SecurityGroupLimitExceeded(msg)


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    def raise_not_found(msg):

        raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFound(msg)

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class NativeNovaSecurityGroupAPI(NativeSecurityGroupExceptions, compute_api.SecurityGroupAPI):


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class NativeNeutronSecurityGroupAPI(NativeSecurityGroupExceptions, neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI):
