

OpenStack Study: instance_actions.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

from webob import exc

from nova.api.openstack import common

from nova.api.openstack import extensions

from nova.api.openstack import wsgi

from nova import compute

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

ALIAS = "os-instance-actions"

authorize_actions = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute',

'v3:' + ALIAS)

authorize_events = extensions.soft_extension_authorizer('compute',

'v3:' + ALIAS + ':events')

ACTION_KEYS = ['action', 'instance_uuid', 'request_id', 'user_id',

'project_id', 'start_time', 'message']

EVENT_KEYS = ['event', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'result', 'traceback']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InstanceActionsController(wsgi.Controller):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        super(InstanceActionsController, self).__init__()

        self.compute_api = compute.API()

        self.action_api = compute.InstanceActionAPI()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_action(self, action_raw):

        action = {}

        for key in ACTION_KEYS:

            action[key] = action_raw.get(key)

        return action

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_event(self, event_raw):

        event = {}

        for key in EVENT_KEYS:

            event[key] = event_raw.get(key)

        return event


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def index(self, req, server_id):

        """Returns the list of actions recorded for a given instance."""

        context = req.environ["nova.context"]

        instance = common.get_instance(self.compute_api, context, server_id)

        authorize_actions(context, target=instance)

        actions_raw = self.action_api.actions_get(context, instance)

        actions = [self._format_action(action) for action in actions_raw]

        return {'instance_actions': actions}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def show(self, req, server_id, id):

        """Return data about the given instance action."""

        context = req.environ['nova.context']

        instance = common.get_instance(self.compute_api, context, server_id)

        authorize_actions(context, target=instance)

        action = self.action_api.action_get_by_request_id(context, instance,


        if action is None:

            msg = _("Action %s not found") % id

            raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

        action_id = action['id']

        action = self._format_action(action)

        if authorize_events(context):

            events_raw = self.action_api.action_events_get(context, instance,


            action['events'] = [self._format_event(evt) for evt in events_raw]

        return {'instance_action': action}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InstanceActions(extensions.V3APIExtensionBase):

"""View a log of actions and events taken on an instance."""

name = "InstanceActions"

alias = ALIAS

version = 1

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    def get_resources(self):

        ext = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-instance-actions',





        return [ext]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_controller_extensions(self):

        """It's an abstract function V3APIExtensionBase and the extension

        will not be loaded without it.


        return []