

OpenStack Study: hypervisors.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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"""The hypervisors admin extension."""

import webob.exc

from nova.api.openstack import extensions

from nova import compute

from nova import exception

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

ALIAS = "os-hypervisors"

authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'v3:' + ALIAS)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HypervisorsController(object):

"""The Hypervisors API controller for the OpenStack API."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        self.host_api = compute.HostAPI()

        super(HypervisorsController, self).__init__()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _view_hypervisor(self, hypervisor, detail, servers=None, **kwargs):

        hyp_dict = {

            'id': hypervisor['id'],

            'hypervisor_hostname': hypervisor['hypervisor_hostname'],


        if detail and not servers:

            for field in ('vcpus', 'memory_mb', 'local_gb', 'vcpus_used',

                          'memory_mb_used', 'local_gb_used',

                          'hypervisor_type', 'hypervisor_version',

                          'free_ram_mb', 'free_disk_gb', 'current_workload',

                          'running_vms', 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least',


                hyp_dict[field] = hypervisor[field]

            hyp_dict['service'] = {

                'id': hypervisor['service_id'],

                'host': hypervisor['service']['host'],


        if servers != None:

            hyp_dict['servers'] = [dict(name=serv['name'], id=serv['uuid'])

                                   for serv in servers]

        # Add any additional info

        if kwargs:


        return hyp_dict


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def index(self, req):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']


        compute_nodes = self.host_api.compute_node_get_all(context)


        return dict(hypervisors=[self._view_hypervisor(hyp, False)

                                 for hyp in compute_nodes])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detail(self, req):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']


        compute_nodes = self.host_api.compute_node_get_all(context)


        return dict(hypervisors=[self._view_hypervisor(hyp, True)

                                 for hyp in compute_nodes])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def show(self, req, id):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']



            hyp = self.host_api.compute_node_get(context, id)


        except (ValueError, exception.ComputeHostNotFound):

            msg = _("Hypervisor with ID '%s' could not be found.") % id

            raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

        return dict(hypervisor=self._view_hypervisor(hyp, True))

    @extensions.expected_errors((404, 501))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def uptime(self, req, id):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']



            hyp = self.host_api.compute_node_get(context, id)


        except (ValueError, exception.ComputeHostNotFound):

            msg = _("Hypervisor with ID '%s' could not be found.") % id

            raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

        # Get the uptime


            host = hyp['service']['host']

            uptime = self.host_api.get_host_uptime(context, host)

        except NotImplementedError:

            msg = _("Virt driver does not implement uptime function.")

            raise webob.exc.HTTPNotImplemented(explanation=msg)

        return dict(hypervisor=self._view_hypervisor(hyp, False,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def search(self, req):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']


        query = req.GET.get('query', None)

        if not query:

            msg = _("Need parameter 'query' to specify "

                    "which hypervisor to filter on")

            raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        hypervisors = self.host_api.compute_node_search_by_hypervisor(

            context, query)

        return dict(hypervisors=[self._view_hypervisor(hyp, False)

                                 for hyp in hypervisors])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def servers(self, req, id):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']



            compute_node = self.host_api.compute_node_get(context, id)

        except (ValueError, exception.ComputeHostNotFound):

            msg = _("Hypervisor with ID '%s' could not be found.") % id

            raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg)

        instances = self.host_api.instance_get_all_by_host(context,


        return dict(hypervisor=self._view_hypervisor(compute_node, False,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def statistics(self, req):

        context = req.environ['nova.context']


        stats = self.host_api.compute_node_statistics(context)

        return dict(hypervisor_statistics=stats)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Hypervisors(extensions.V3APIExtensionBase):

"""Admin-only hypervisor administration."""

name = "Hypervisors"

alias = ALIAS

version = 1

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_resources(self):

        resources = [extensions.ResourceExtension(ALIAS,


                collection_actions={'detail': 'GET',

                                    'search': 'GET',

                                    'statistics': 'GET'},

                member_actions={'uptime': 'GET',

                                'servers': 'GET'})]

        return resources

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_controller_extensions(self):

        return []