**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Instance Metadata information."""
import base64
import json
import os
import posixpath
from oslo.config import cfg
from nova.api.ec2 import ec2utils
from nova.api.metadata import password
from nova import block_device
from nova.compute import flavors
from nova import conductor
from nova import context
from nova import network
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
from nova.objects import block_device as block_device_obj
from nova.objects import instance as instance_obj
from nova.objects import security_group as secgroup_obj
from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from nova.openstack.common import importutils
from nova.openstack.common import log as logging
from nova.openstack.common import timeutils
from nova import utils
from nova.virt import netutils
metadata_opts = [
default=('1.0 2007-01-19 2007-03-01 2007-08-29 2007-10-10 '
'2007-12-15 2008-02-01 2008-09-01'),
help=('List of metadata versions to skip placing into the '
'config drive')),
help='Driver to use for vendor data'),
CONF.import_opt('dhcp_domain', 'nova.network.manager')
FOLSOM = '2012-08-10'
GRIZZLY = '2013-04-04'
HAVANA = '2013-10-17'
VERSION = "version"
CONTENT = "content"
CONTENT_DIR = "content"
MD_JSON_NAME = "meta_data.json"
VD_JSON_NAME = "vendor_data.json"
UD_NAME = "user_data"
PASS_NAME = "password"
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class InvalidMetadataVersion(Exception):
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class InvalidMetadataPath(Exception):
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class InstanceMetadata():
"""Instance metadata."""
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def __init__(self, instance, address=None, content=None, extra_md=None,
conductor_api=None, network_info=None, vd_driver=None):
"""Creation of this object should basically cover all time consuming
collection. Methods after that should not cause time delays due to
network operations or lengthy cpu operations.
The user should then get a single instance and make multiple method
calls on it.
if not content:
content = []
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
# NOTE(danms): This should be removed after bp:compute-manager-objects
if not isinstance(instance, instance_obj.Instance):
instance = instance_obj.Instance._from_db_object(
ctxt, instance_obj.Instance(), instance,
expected_attrs=['metadata', 'system_metadata'])
self.instance = instance
self.extra_md = extra_md
if conductor_api:
capi = conductor_api
capi = conductor.API()
self.availability_zone = ec2utils.get_availability_zone_by_host(
instance['host'], capi)
self.security_groups = secgroup_obj.SecurityGroupList.get_by_instance(
ctxt, instance)
self.mappings = _format_instance_mapping(ctxt, instance)
if instance.get('user_data', None) is not None:
self.userdata_raw = base64.b64decode(instance['user_data'])
self.userdata_raw = None
self.ec2_ids = capi.get_ec2_ids(ctxt,
self.address = address
# expose instance metadata.
self.launch_metadata = utils.instance_meta(instance)
self.password = password.extract_password(instance)
self.uuid = instance.get('uuid')
self.content = {}
self.files = []
# get network info, and the rendered network template
if network_info is None:
network_info = network.API().get_instance_nw_info(ctxt,
self.ip_info = \
self.network_config = None
cfg = netutils.get_injected_network_template(network_info)
if cfg:
key = "%04i" % len(self.content)
self.content[key] = cfg
self.network_config = {"name": "network_config",
'content_path': "/%s/%s" % (CONTENT_DIR, key)}
# 'content' is passed in from the configdrive code in
# nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py. Thats how we get the injected files
# (personalities) in. AFAIK they're not stored in the db at all,
# so are not available later (web service metadata time).
for (path, contents) in content:
key = "%04i" % len(self.content)
self.files.append({'path': path,
'content_path': "/%s/%s" % (CONTENT_DIR, key)})
self.content[key] = contents
if vd_driver is None:
vdclass = importutils.import_class(CONF.vendordata_driver)
vdclass = vd_driver
self.vddriver = vdclass(instance=instance, address=address,
extra_md=extra_md, network_info=network_info)
self.route_configuration = None
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def _route_configuration(self):
if self.route_configuration:
return self.route_configuration
path_handlers = {UD_NAME: self._user_data,
PASS_NAME: self._password,
VD_JSON_NAME: self._vendor_data,
MD_JSON_NAME: self._metadata_as_json,
VERSION: self._handle_version,
CONTENT: self._handle_content}
self.route_configuration = RouteConfiguration(path_handlers)
return self.route_configuration
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_ec2_metadata(self, version):
if version == "latest":
version = VERSIONS[-1]
if version not in VERSIONS:
raise InvalidMetadataVersion(version)
hostname = self._get_hostname()
floating_ips = self.ip_info['floating_ips']
floating_ip = floating_ips and floating_ips[0] or ''
fixed_ips = self.ip_info['fixed_ips']
fixed_ip = fixed_ips and fixed_ips[0] or ''
fmt_sgroups = [x['name'] for x in self.security_groups]
meta_data = {
'ami-id': self.ec2_ids['ami-id'],
'ami-launch-index': self.instance['launch_index'],
'ami-manifest-path': 'FIXME',
'instance-id': self.ec2_ids['instance-id'],
'hostname': hostname,
'local-ipv4': self.address or fixed_ip,
'reservation-id': self.instance['reservation_id'],
'security-groups': fmt_sgroups}
# public keys are strangely rendered in ec2 metadata service
# meta-data/public-keys/ returns '0=keyname' (with no trailing /)
# and only if there is a public key given.
# '0=keyname' means there is a normally rendered dict at
# meta-data/public-keys/0
# meta-data/public-keys/ : '0=%s' % keyname
# meta-data/public-keys/0/ : 'openssh-key'
# meta-data/public-keys/0/openssh-key : '%s' % publickey
if self.instance['key_name']:
meta_data['public-keys'] = {
'0': {'_name': "0=" + self.instance['key_name'],
'openssh-key': self.instance['key_data']}}
if self._check_version('2007-01-19', version):
meta_data['local-hostname'] = hostname
meta_data['public-hostname'] = hostname
meta_data['public-ipv4'] = floating_ip
if False and self._check_version('2007-03-01', version):
# TODO(vish): store product codes
meta_data['product-codes'] = []
if self._check_version('2007-08-29', version):
instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor(self.instance)
meta_data['instance-type'] = instance_type['name']
if False and self._check_version('2007-10-10', version):
# TODO(vish): store ancestor ids
meta_data['ancestor-ami-ids'] = []
if self._check_version('2007-12-15', version):
meta_data['block-device-mapping'] = self.mappings
if 'kernel-id' in self.ec2_ids:
meta_data['kernel-id'] = self.ec2_ids['kernel-id']
if 'ramdisk-id' in self.ec2_ids:
meta_data['ramdisk-id'] = self.ec2_ids['ramdisk-id']
if self._check_version('2008-02-01', version):
meta_data['placement'] = {'availability-zone':
if self._check_version('2008-09-01', version):
meta_data['instance-action'] = 'none'
data = {'meta-data': meta_data}
if self.userdata_raw is not None:
data['user-data'] = self.userdata_raw
return data
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_ec2_item(self, path_tokens):
# get_ec2_metadata returns dict without top level version
data = self.get_ec2_metadata(path_tokens[0])
return find_path_in_tree(data, path_tokens[1:])
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_openstack_item(self, path_tokens):
if path_tokens[0] == CONTENT_DIR:
return self._handle_content(path_tokens)
return self._route_configuration().handle_path(path_tokens)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _metadata_as_json(self, version, path):
metadata = {'uuid': self.uuid}
if self.launch_metadata:
metadata['meta'] = self.launch_metadata
if self.files:
metadata['files'] = self.files
if self.extra_md:
if self.network_config:
metadata['network_config'] = self.network_config
if self.instance['key_name']:
metadata['public_keys'] = {
self.instance['key_name']: self.instance['key_data']
metadata['hostname'] = self._get_hostname()
metadata['name'] = self.instance['display_name']
metadata['launch_index'] = self.instance['launch_index']
metadata['availability_zone'] = self.availability_zone
if self._check_os_version(GRIZZLY, version):
metadata['random_seed'] = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(512))
return json.dumps(metadata)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _handle_content(self, path_tokens):
if len(path_tokens) == 1:
raise KeyError("no listing for %s" % "/".join(path_tokens))
if len(path_tokens) != 2:
raise KeyError("Too many tokens for /%s" % CONTENT_DIR)
return self.content[path_tokens[1]]
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _handle_version(self, version, path):
# request for /version, give a list of what is available
ret = [MD_JSON_NAME]
if self.userdata_raw is not None:
if self._check_os_version(GRIZZLY, version):
if self._check_os_version(HAVANA, version):
return ret
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def _user_data(self, version, path):
if self.userdata_raw is None:
raise KeyError(path)
return self.userdata_raw
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def _password(self, version, path):
if self._check_os_version(GRIZZLY, version):
return password.handle_password
raise KeyError(path)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _vendor_data(self, version, path):
if self._check_os_version(HAVANA, version):
return json.dumps(self.vddriver.get())
raise KeyError(path)
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def _check_version(self, required, requested, versions=VERSIONS):
return versions.index(requested) >= versions.index(required)
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def _check_os_version(self, required, requested):
return self._check_version(required, requested, OPENSTACK_VERSIONS)
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def _get_hostname(self):
return "%s%s%s" % (self.instance['hostname'],
'.' if CONF.dhcp_domain else '',
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def lookup(self, path):
if path == "" or path[0] != "/":
path = posixpath.normpath("/" + path)
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
# fix up requests, prepending /ec2 to anything that does not match
path_tokens = path.split('/')[1:]
if path_tokens[0] not in ("ec2", "openstack"):
if path_tokens[0] == "":
# request for /
path_tokens = ["ec2"]
path_tokens = ["ec2"] + path_tokens
path = "/" + "/".join(path_tokens)
# all values of 'path' input starts with '/' and have no trailing /
# specifically handle the top level request
if len(path_tokens) == 1:
if path_tokens[0] == "openstack":
# NOTE(vish): don't show versions that are in the future
today = timeutils.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
versions = [v for v in OPENSTACK_VERSIONS if v <= today]
if OPENSTACK_VERSIONS != versions:
LOG.debug(_("future versions %s hidden in version list"),
if v not in versions])
versions += ["latest"]
versions = VERSIONS + ["latest"]
return versions
if path_tokens[0] == "openstack":
data = self.get_openstack_item(path_tokens[1:])
data = self.get_ec2_item(path_tokens[1:])
except (InvalidMetadataVersion, KeyError):
raise InvalidMetadataPath(path)
return data
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def metadata_for_config_drive(self):
"""Yields (path, value) tuples for metadata elements."""
# EC2 style metadata
for version in VERSIONS + ["latest"]:
if version in CONF.config_drive_skip_versions.split(' '):
data = self.get_ec2_metadata(version)
if 'user-data' in data:
filepath = os.path.join('ec2', version, 'user-data')
yield (filepath, data['user-data'])
del data['user-data']
del data['public-keys']['0']['_name']
except KeyError:
filepath = os.path.join('ec2', version, 'meta-data.json')
yield (filepath, json.dumps(data['meta-data']))
path = 'openstack/%s/%s' % (version, MD_JSON_NAME)
yield (path, self.lookup(path))
path = 'openstack/%s/%s' % (version, UD_NAME)
if self.userdata_raw is not None:
yield (path, self.lookup(path))
if self._check_version(HAVANA, version, ALL_OPENSTACK_VERSIONS):
path = 'openstack/%s/%s' % (version, VD_JSON_NAME)
yield (path, self.lookup(path))
for (cid, content) in self.content.iteritems():
yield ('%s/%s/%s' % ("openstack", CONTENT_DIR, cid), content)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class RouteConfiguration(object):
"""Routes metadata paths to request handlers."""
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def __init__(self, path_handler):
self.path_handlers = path_handler
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def _version(self, version):
if version == "latest":
if version not in OPENSTACK_VERSIONS:
raise InvalidMetadataVersion(version)
return version
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def handle_path(self, path_tokens):
version = self._version(path_tokens[0])
if len(path_tokens) == 1:
path = VERSION
path = '/'.join(path_tokens[1:])
path_handler = self.path_handlers[path]
if path_handler is None:
raise KeyError(path)
return path_handler(version, path)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class VendorDataDriver(object):
"""The base VendorData Drivers should inherit from."""
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Init method should do all expensive operations."""
self._data = {}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get(self):
"""Return a dictionary of primitives to be rendered in metadata
:return: A dictionary or primitives.
return self._data
def get_metadata_by_address(conductor_api, address):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
fixed_ip = network.API().get_fixed_ip_by_address(ctxt, address)
return get_metadata_by_instance_id(conductor_api,
def get_metadata_by_instance_id(conductor_api, instance_id, address,
ctxt = ctxt or context.get_admin_context()
instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_uuid(ctxt, instance_id)
return InstanceMetadata(instance, address)
def _format_instance_mapping(ctxt, instance):
bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(
ctxt, instance.uuid)
return block_device.instance_block_mapping(instance, bdms)
def ec2_md_print(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
output = ''
for key in sorted(data.keys()):
if key == '_name':
if isinstance(data[key], dict):
if '_name' in data[key]:
output += str(data[key]['_name'])
output += key + '/'
output += key
output += '\n'
return output[:-1]
elif isinstance(data, list):
return '\n'.join(data)
return str(data)
def find_path_in_tree(data, path_tokens):
# given a dict/list tree, and a path in that tree, return data found there.
for i in range(0, len(path_tokens)):
if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list):
if path_tokens[i] in data:
data = data[path_tokens[i]]
raise KeyError("/".join(path_tokens[0:i]))
if i != len(path_tokens) - 1:
raise KeyError("/".join(path_tokens[0:i]))
data = data[path_tokens[i]]
return data
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_metadata_by_address(conductor_api, address):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
fixed_ip = network.API().get_fixed_ip_by_address(ctxt, address)
return get_metadata_by_instance_id(conductor_api,
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_metadata_by_instance_id(conductor_api, instance_id, address,
ctxt = ctxt or context.get_admin_context()
instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_uuid(ctxt, instance_id)
return InstanceMetadata(instance, address)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _format_instance_mapping(ctxt, instance):
bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(
ctxt, instance.uuid)
return block_device.instance_block_mapping(instance, bdms)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def ec2_md_print(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
output = ''
for key in sorted(data.keys()):
if key == '_name':
if isinstance(data[key], dict):
if '_name' in data[key]:
output += str(data[key]['_name'])
output += key + '/'
output += key
output += '\n'
return output[:-1]
elif isinstance(data, list):
return '\n'.join(data)
return str(data)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def find_path_in_tree(data, path_tokens):
# given a dict/list tree, and a path in that tree, return data found there.
for i in range(0, len(path_tokens)):
if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list):
if path_tokens[i] in data:
data = data[path_tokens[i]]
raise KeyError("/".join(path_tokens[0:i]))
if i != len(path_tokens) - 1:
raise KeyError("/".join(path_tokens[0:i]))
data = data[path_tokens[i]]
return data