

OpenStack Study: ec2utils.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def memoize(func):


    def memoizer(context, reqid):

        global _CACHE

        if not _CACHE:

            _CACHE = memorycache.get_client()

        key = "%s:%s" % (func.__name__, reqid)

        key = str(key)

        value = _CACHE.get(key)

        if value is None:

            value = func(context, reqid)

            _CACHE.set(key, value, time=_CACHE_TIME)

        return value

    return memoizer

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def reset_cache():

    global _CACHE

    _CACHE = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_type(image_type):

    """Converts to a three letter image type.

    aki, kernel => aki

    ari, ramdisk => ari

    anything else => ami


    if image_type == 'kernel':

        return 'aki'

    if image_type == 'ramdisk':

        return 'ari'

    if image_type not in ['aki', 'ari']:

        return 'ami'

    return image_type

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def resource_type_from_id(context, resource_id):

    """Get resource type by ID

    Returns a string representation of the Amazon resource type, if known.

    Returns None on failure.

    :param context: context under which the method is called

    :param resource_id: resource_id to evaluate


    known_types = {

        'i': 'instance',

        'r': 'reservation',

        'vol': 'volume',

        'snap': 'snapshot',

        'ami': 'image',

        'aki': 'image',

        'ari': 'image'


    type_marker = resource_id.split('-')[0]

    return known_types.get(type_marker)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def id_to_glance_id(context, image_id):

    """Convert an internal (db) id to a glance id."""

    return db.s3_image_get(context, image_id)['uuid']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def glance_id_to_id(context, glance_id):

    """Convert a glance id to an internal (db) id."""

    if glance_id is None:



        return db.s3_image_get_by_uuid(context, glance_id)['id']

    except exception.NotFound:

        return db.s3_image_create(context, glance_id)['id']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def ec2_id_to_glance_id(context, ec2_id):

    image_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)

    return id_to_glance_id(context, image_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, glance_id, image_type='ami'):

    image_id = glance_id_to_id(context, glance_id)

    return image_ec2_id(image_id, image_type=image_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id):

    """Convert an ec2 ID (i-[base 16 number]) to an instance id (int)."""


        return int(ec2_id.split('-')[-1], 16)

    except ValueError:

        raise exception.InvalidEc2Id(ec2_id=ec2_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_ec2_id(image_id, image_type='ami'):

    """Returns image ec2_id using id and three letter type."""

    template = image_type + '-%08x'

    return id_to_ec2_id(image_id, template=template)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_ip_info_for_instance_from_nw_info(nw_info):

    if not isinstance(nw_info, network_model.NetworkInfo):

        nw_info = network_model.NetworkInfo.hydrate(nw_info)

    ip_info = {}

    fixed_ips = nw_info.fixed_ips()

    ip_info['fixed_ips'] = [ip['address'] for ip in fixed_ips

                                          if ip['version'] == 4]

    ip_info['fixed_ip6s'] = [ip['address'] for ip in fixed_ips

                                           if ip['version'] == 6]

    ip_info['floating_ips'] = [ip['address'] for ip in nw_info.floating_ips()]

    return ip_info

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_ip_info_for_instance(context, instance):

    """Return a dictionary of IP information for an instance."""

    if isinstance(instance, instance_obj.Instance):

        nw_info = instance.info_cache.network_info


        # FIXME(comstud): Temporary as we transition to objects.

        info_cache = instance['info_cache'] or {}

        nw_info = info_cache.get('network_info')

    # Make sure empty response is turned into the model

    if not nw_info:

        nw_info = []

    return get_ip_info_for_instance_from_nw_info(nw_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_availability_zone_by_host(host, conductor_api=None):

    return availability_zones.get_host_availability_zone(

        context.get_admin_context(), host, conductor_api)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def id_to_ec2_id(instance_id, template='i-%08x'):

    """Convert an instance ID (int) to an ec2 ID (i-[base 16 number])."""

    return template % int(instance_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def id_to_ec2_inst_id(instance_id):

    """Get or create an ec2 instance ID (i-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""

    if instance_id is None:

        return None

    elif uuidutils.is_uuid_like(instance_id):

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        int_id = get_int_id_from_instance_uuid(ctxt, instance_id)

        return id_to_ec2_id(int_id)


        return id_to_ec2_id(instance_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id):

    """"Convert an instance id to uuid."""

    int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)

    return get_instance_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_instance_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):

    return db.get_instance_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def id_to_ec2_snap_id(snapshot_id):

    """Get or create an ec2 volume ID (vol-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""

    if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(snapshot_id):

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        int_id = get_int_id_from_snapshot_uuid(ctxt, snapshot_id)

        return id_to_ec2_id(int_id, 'snap-%08x')


        return id_to_ec2_id(snapshot_id, 'snap-%08x')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume_id):

    """Get or create an ec2 volume ID (vol-[base 16 number]) from uuid."""

    if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(volume_id):

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        int_id = get_int_id_from_volume_uuid(ctxt, volume_id)

        return id_to_ec2_id(int_id, 'vol-%08x')


        return id_to_ec2_id(volume_id, 'vol-%08x')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(ec2_id):

    """Get the corresponding UUID for the given ec2-id."""

    ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

    # NOTE(jgriffith) first strip prefix to get just the numeric

    int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)

    return get_volume_uuid_from_int_id(ctxt, int_id)

_ms_time_regex = re.compile('^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3,6}Z$')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def is_ec2_timestamp_expired(request, expires=None):

    """Checks the timestamp or expiry time included in an EC2 request

    and returns true if the request is expired


    query_time = None

    timestamp = request.get('Timestamp')

    expiry_time = request.get('Expires')

    def parse_strtime(strtime):

        if _ms_time_regex.match(strtime):

            # NOTE(MotoKen): time format for aws-sdk-java contains millisecond

            time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"


            time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

        return timeutils.parse_strtime(strtime, time_format)


        if timestamp and expiry_time:

            msg = _("Request must include either Timestamp or Expires,"

                    " but cannot contain both")


            raise exception.InvalidRequest(msg)

        elif expiry_time:

            query_time = parse_strtime(expiry_time)

            return timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, -1)

        elif timestamp:

            query_time = parse_strtime(timestamp)

            # Check if the difference between the timestamp in the request

            # and the time on our servers is larger than 5 minutes, the

            # request is too old (or too new).

            if query_time and expires:

                return timeutils.is_older_than(query_time, expires) or \

                       timeutils.is_newer_than(query_time, expires)

        return False

    except ValueError:

        LOG.audit(_("Timestamp is invalid."))

        return True


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_int_id_from_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid):

    if instance_uuid is None:



        return db.get_ec2_instance_id_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid)

    except exception.NotFound:

        return db.ec2_instance_create(context, instance_uuid)['id']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_int_id_from_volume_uuid(context, volume_uuid):

    if volume_uuid is None:



        return db.get_ec2_volume_id_by_uuid(context, volume_uuid)

    except exception.NotFound:

        return db.ec2_volume_create(context, volume_uuid)['id']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_volume_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):

    return db.get_volume_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(ec2_id):

    """Get the corresponding UUID for the given ec2-id."""

    ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

    # NOTE(jgriffith) first strip prefix to get just the numeric

    int_id = ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)

    return get_snapshot_uuid_from_int_id(ctxt, int_id)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_int_id_from_snapshot_uuid(context, snapshot_uuid):

    if snapshot_uuid is None:



        return db.get_ec2_snapshot_id_by_uuid(context, snapshot_uuid)

    except exception.NotFound:

        return db.ec2_snapshot_create(context, snapshot_uuid)['id']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_snapshot_uuid_from_int_id(context, int_id):

    return db.get_snapshot_uuid_by_ec2_id(context, int_id)

_c2u = re.compile('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def camelcase_to_underscore(str):

    return _c2u.sub(r'_\1', str).lower().strip('_')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _try_convert(value):

    """Return a non-string from a string or unicode, if possible.

    ============= =====================================================

    When value is returns

    ============= =====================================================

    zero-length   ''

    'None'        None

    'True'        True case insensitive

    'False'       False case insensitive

    '0', '-0'     0

    0xN, -0xN     int from hex (positive) (N is any number)

    0bN, -0bN     int from binary (positive) (N is any number)

    *             try conversion to int, float, complex, fallback value


    def _negative_zero(value):

        epsilon = 1e-7

        return 0 if abs(value) < epsilon else value

    if len(value) == 0:

        return ''

    if value == 'None':

        return None

    lowered_value = value.lower()

    if lowered_value == 'true':

        return True

    if lowered_value == 'false':

        return False

    for prefix, base in [('0x', 16), ('0b', 2), ('0', 8), ('', 10)]:


            if lowered_value.startswith((prefix, "-" + prefix)):

                return int(lowered_value, base)

        except ValueError:



        return _negative_zero(float(value))

    except ValueError:

        return value

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def dict_from_dotted_str(items):

    """parse multi dot-separated argument into dict.

    EBS boot uses multi dot-separated arguments like


    Convert the above into

    {'block_device_mapping': {'1': {'device_name': snap-id}}}


    args = {}

    for key, value in items:

        parts = key.split(".")

        key = str(camelcase_to_underscore(parts[0]))

        if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):

            # NOTE(vish): Automatically convert strings back

            #             into their respective values

            value = _try_convert(value)

            if len(parts) > 1:

                d = args.get(key, {})

                args[key] = d

                for k in parts[1:-1]:

                    k = camelcase_to_underscore(k)

                    v = d.get(k, {})

                    d[k] = v

                    d = v

                d[camelcase_to_underscore(parts[-1])] = value


                args[key] = value

    return args

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def search_opts_from_filters(filters):

    return dict((f['name'].replace('-', '_'), f['value']['1'])

                for f in filters if f['value']['1']) if filters else {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def regex_from_ec2_regex(ec2_re):

    """Converts an EC2-style regex to a python regex.

    Approach is based on python fnmatch.


    iter_ec2_re = iter(ec2_re)

    py_re = ''

    for char in iter_ec2_re:

        if char == '*':

            py_re += '.*'

        elif char == '?':

            py_re += '.'

        elif char == '\\':


                next_char = iter_ec2_re.next()

            except StopIteration:

                next_char = ''

            if next_char == '*' or next_char == '?':

                py_re += '[%s]' % next_char


                py_re += '\\\\' + next_char


            py_re += re.escape(char)

    return '\A%s\Z(?s)' % py_re