

OpenStack Study: cloud.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the

# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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Cloud Controller: Implementation of EC2 REST API calls, which are

dispatched to other nodes via AMQP RPC. State is via distributed



import base64

import time

from oslo.config import cfg

from nova.api.ec2 import ec2utils

from nova.api.ec2 import inst_state

from nova.api.metadata import password

from nova.api.openstack import extensions

from nova.api import validator

from nova import availability_zones

from nova import block_device

from nova.cloudpipe import pipelib

from nova import compute

from nova.compute import api as compute_api

from nova.compute import vm_states

from nova import db

from nova import exception

from nova.image import s3

from nova import network

from nova.network.security_group import neutron_driver

from nova.objects import base as obj_base

from nova.objects import flavor as flavor_obj

from nova.objects import instance as instance_obj

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.openstack.common import log as logging

from nova.openstack.common import timeutils

from nova import quota

from nova import servicegroup

from nova import utils

from nova import volume

ec2_opts = [



help='The IP address of the EC2 API server'),



help='The internal IP address of the EC2 API server'),



help='The port of the EC2 API server'),



help='The protocol to use when connecting to the EC2 API '

'server (http, https)'),



help='The path prefix used to call the ec2 API server'),



help='List of region=fqdn pairs separated by commas'),




CONF.import_opt('my_ip', 'nova.netconf')

CONF.import_opt('vpn_key_suffix', 'nova.cloudpipe.pipelib')



LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def validate_ec2_id(val):

    if not validator.validate_str()(val):

        raise exception.InvalidInstanceIDMalformed(val=val)



    except exception.InvalidEc2Id:

        raise exception.InvalidInstanceIDMalformed(val=val)

# EC2 API can return the following values as documented in the EC2 API

# http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/

#    ApiReference-ItemType-InstanceStateType.html

# pending 0 | running 16 | shutting-down 32 | terminated 48 | stopping 64 |

# stopped 80


    None: inst_state.PENDING,

    vm_states.ACTIVE: inst_state.RUNNING,

    vm_states.BUILDING: inst_state.PENDING,

    vm_states.DELETED: inst_state.TERMINATED,

    vm_states.SOFT_DELETED: inst_state.TERMINATED,

    vm_states.STOPPED: inst_state.STOPPED,

    vm_states.PAUSED: inst_state.PAUSE,

    vm_states.SUSPENDED: inst_state.SUSPEND,

    vm_states.RESCUED: inst_state.RESCUE,

    vm_states.RESIZED: inst_state.RESIZE,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _state_description(vm_state, _shutdown_terminate):

    """Map the vm state to the server status string."""

    # Note(maoy): We do not provide EC2 compatibility

    # in shutdown_terminate flag behavior. So we ignore

    # it here.

    name = _STATE_DESCRIPTION_MAP.get(vm_state, vm_state)

    return {'code': inst_state.name_to_code(name),

            'name': name}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _parse_block_device_mapping(bdm):

    """Parse BlockDeviceMappingItemType into flat hash







    => remove .Ebs and allow volume id in SnapshotId


    ebs = bdm.pop('ebs', None)

    if ebs:

        ec2_id = ebs.pop('snapshot_id', None)

        if ec2_id:

            if ec2_id.startswith('snap-'):

                bdm['snapshot_id'] = ec2utils.ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(ec2_id)

            elif ec2_id.startswith('vol-'):

                bdm['volume_id'] = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(ec2_id)

            ebs.setdefault('delete_on_termination', True)


    return bdm

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _properties_get_mappings(properties):

    return block_device.mappings_prepend_dev(properties.get('mappings', []))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _format_block_device_mapping(bdm):

    """Construct BlockDeviceMappingItemType

    {'device_name': '...', 'snapshot_id': , ...}

    => BlockDeviceMappingItemType


    keys = (('deviceName', 'device_name'),

             ('virtualName', 'virtual_name'))

    item = {}

    for name, k in keys:

        if k in bdm:

            item[name] = bdm[k]

    if bdm.get('no_device'):

        item['noDevice'] = True

    if ('snapshot_id' in bdm) or ('volume_id' in bdm):

        ebs_keys = (('snapshotId', 'snapshot_id'),

                    ('snapshotId', 'volume_id'),        # snapshotId is abused

                    ('volumeSize', 'volume_size'),

                    ('deleteOnTermination', 'delete_on_termination'))

        ebs = {}

        for name, k in ebs_keys:

            if k in bdm:

                if k == 'snapshot_id':

                    ebs[name] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_snap_id(bdm[k])

                elif k == 'volume_id':

                    ebs[name] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(bdm[k])


                    ebs[name] = bdm[k]

        assert 'snapshotId' in ebs

        item['ebs'] = ebs

    return item

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _format_mappings(properties, result):

    """Format multiple BlockDeviceMappingItemType."""

    mappings = [{'virtualName': m['virtual'], 'deviceName': m['device']}

                for m in _properties_get_mappings(properties)

                if block_device.is_swap_or_ephemeral(m['virtual'])]

    block_device_mapping = [_format_block_device_mapping(bdm) for bdm in

                            properties.get('block_device_mapping', [])]

    # NOTE(yamahata): overwrite mappings with block_device_mapping

    for bdm in block_device_mapping:

        for i in range(len(mappings)):

            if bdm['deviceName'] == mappings[i]['deviceName']:

                del mappings[i]



    # NOTE(yamahata): trim ebs.no_device == true. Is this necessary?

    mappings = [bdm for bdm in mappings if not (bdm.get('noDevice', False))]

    if mappings:

        result['blockDeviceMapping'] = mappings

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class CloudController(object):

"""CloudController provides the critical dispatch between

inbound API calls through the endpoint and messages

sent to the other nodes.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        self.image_service = s3.S3ImageService()

        self.network_api = network.API()

        self.volume_api = volume.API()

        self.security_group_api = get_cloud_security_group_api()

        self.compute_api = compute.API(network_api=self.network_api,



        self.keypair_api = compute_api.KeypairAPI()

        self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __str__(self):

        return 'CloudController'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _enforce_valid_instance_ids(self, context, instance_ids):

        # NOTE(mikal): Amazon's implementation of the EC2 API requires that

        # _all_ instance ids passed in be valid.

        instances = {}

        if instance_ids:

            for ec2_id in instance_ids:

                instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

                instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)

                instances[ec2_id] = instance

        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_image_state(self, image):

        # NOTE(vish): fallback status if image_state isn't set

        state = image.get('status')

        if state == 'active':

            state = 'available'

        return image['properties'].get('image_state', state)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_availability_zones(self, context, **kwargs):

        if ('zone_name' in kwargs and

            'verbose' in kwargs['zone_name'] and


            return self._describe_availability_zones_verbose(context,



            return self._describe_availability_zones(context, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _describe_availability_zones(self, context, **kwargs):

        ctxt = context.elevated()

        available_zones, not_available_zones = \


        result = []

        for zone in available_zones:

            # Hide internal_service_availability_zone

            if zone == CONF.internal_service_availability_zone:


            result.append({'zoneName': zone,

                           'zoneState': "available"})

        for zone in not_available_zones:

            result.append({'zoneName': zone,

                           'zoneState': "not available"})

        return {'availabilityZoneInfo': result}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _describe_availability_zones_verbose(self, context, **kwargs):

        ctxt = context.elevated()

        available_zones, not_available_zones = \


        # Available services

        enabled_services = db.service_get_all(context, False)

        enabled_services = availability_zones.set_availability_zones(context,


        zone_hosts = {}

        host_services = {}

        for service in enabled_services:

            zone_hosts.setdefault(service['availability_zone'], [])

            if service['host'] not in zone_hosts[service['availability_zone']]:



            host_services.setdefault(service['availability_zone'] +

                    service['host'], [])

            host_services[service['availability_zone'] + service['host']].\


        result = []

        for zone in available_zones:

            result.append({'zoneName': zone,

                           'zoneState': "available"})

            for host in zone_hosts[zone]:

                result.append({'zoneName': '|- %s' % host,

                               'zoneState': ''})

                for service in host_services[zone + host]:

                    alive = self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service)

                    art = (alive and ":-)") or "XXX"

                    active = 'enabled'

                    if service['disabled']:

                        active = 'disabled'

                    result.append({'zoneName': '| |- %s' % service['binary'],

                                   'zoneState': ('%s %s %s'

                                                 % (active, art,


        for zone in not_available_zones:

            result.append({'zoneName': zone,

                           'zoneState': "not available"})

        return {'availabilityZoneInfo': result}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_regions(self, context, region_name=None, **kwargs):

        if CONF.region_list:

            regions = []

            for region in CONF.region_list:

                name, _sep, host = region.partition('=')

                endpoint = '%s://%s:%s%s' % (CONF.ec2_scheme,




                regions.append({'regionName': name,

                                'regionEndpoint': endpoint})


            regions = [{'regionName': 'nova',

                        'regionEndpoint': '%s://%s:%s%s' % (CONF.ec2_scheme,




        return {'regionInfo': regions}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_snapshots(self,






        if snapshot_id:

            snapshots = []

            for ec2_id in snapshot_id:

                internal_id = ec2utils.ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(ec2_id)

                snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot(





            snapshots = self.volume_api.get_all_snapshots(context)

        formatted_snapshots = []

        for s in snapshots:

            formatted = self._format_snapshot(context, s)

            if formatted:


        return {'snapshotSet': formatted_snapshots}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_snapshot(self, context, snapshot):

        # NOTE(mikal): this is just a set of strings in cinder. If they

        # implement an enum, then we should move this code to use it. The

        # valid ec2 statuses are "pending", "completed", and "error".

        status_map = {'new': 'pending',

                      'creating': 'pending',

                      'available': 'completed',

                      'active': 'completed',

                      'deleting': 'pending',

                      'deleted': None,

                      'error': 'error'}

        mapped_status = status_map.get(snapshot['status'], snapshot['status'])

        if not mapped_status:

            return None

        s = {}

        s['snapshotId'] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_snap_id(snapshot['id'])

        s['volumeId'] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(snapshot['volume_id'])

        s['status'] = mapped_status

        s['startTime'] = snapshot['created_at']

        s['progress'] = snapshot['progress']

        s['ownerId'] = snapshot['project_id']

        s['volumeSize'] = snapshot['volume_size']

        s['description'] = snapshot['display_description']

        return s

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_snapshot(self, context, volume_id, **kwargs):


        LOG.audit(_("Create snapshot of volume %s"), volume_id,


        volume_id = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(volume_id)

        args = (context, volume_id, kwargs.get('name'),


        if kwargs.get('force', False):

            snapshot = self.volume_api.create_snapshot_force(*args)


            snapshot = self.volume_api.create_snapshot(*args)

        db.ec2_snapshot_create(context, snapshot['id'])

        return self._format_snapshot(context, snapshot)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id, **kwargs):

        snapshot_id = ec2utils.ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(snapshot_id)

        self.volume_api.delete_snapshot(context, snapshot_id)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_key_pairs(self, context, key_name=None, **kwargs):

        key_pairs = self.keypair_api.get_key_pairs(context, context.user_id)

        if key_name is not None:

            key_pairs = [x for x in key_pairs if x['name'] in key_name]

        #If looking for non existent key pair

        if key_name is not None and not key_pairs:

            msg = _('Could not find key pair(s): %s') % ','.join(key_name)

            raise exception.KeypairNotFound(message=msg)

        result = []

        for key_pair in key_pairs:

            # filter out the vpn keys

            suffix = CONF.vpn_key_suffix

            if context.is_admin or not key_pair['name'].endswith(suffix):


                    'keyName': key_pair['name'],

                    'keyFingerprint': key_pair['fingerprint'],


        return {'keySet': result}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_key_pair(self, context, key_name, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("Create key pair %s"), key_name, context=context)

        keypair, private_key = self.keypair_api.create_key_pair(

            context, context.user_id, key_name)

        return {'keyName': key_name,

                'keyFingerprint': keypair['fingerprint'],

                'keyMaterial': private_key}

        # TODO(vish): when context is no longer an object, pass it here

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def import_key_pair(self, context, key_name, public_key_material,


        LOG.audit(_("Import key %s"), key_name, context=context)

        public_key = base64.b64decode(public_key_material)

        keypair = self.keypair_api.import_key_pair(context,




        return {'keyName': key_name,

                'keyFingerprint': keypair['fingerprint']}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_key_pair(self, context, key_name, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("Delete key pair %s"), key_name, context=context)


            self.keypair_api.delete_key_pair(context, context.user_id,


        except exception.NotFound:

            # aws returns true even if the key doesn't exist


        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_security_groups(self, context, group_name=None, group_id=None,


        search_opts = ec2utils.search_opts_from_filters(kwargs.get('filter'))

        raw_groups = self.security_group_api.list(context,





        groups = [self._format_security_group(context, g) for g in raw_groups]

        return {'securityGroupInfo':


                            key=lambda k: (k['ownerId'], k['groupName'])))}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_security_group(self, context, group):

        g = {}

        g['groupDescription'] = group['description']

        g['groupName'] = group['name']

        g['ownerId'] = group['project_id']

        g['ipPermissions'] = []

        for rule in group['rules']:

            r = {}

            r['groups'] = []

            r['ipRanges'] = []

            if rule['group_id']:

                if rule.get('grantee_group'):

                    source_group = rule['grantee_group']

                    r['groups'] += [{'groupName': source_group['name'],

                                     'userId': source_group['project_id']}]


                    # rule is not always joined with grantee_group

                    # for example when using neutron driver.

                    source_group = self.security_group_api.get(

                        context, id=rule['group_id'])

                    r['groups'] += [{'groupName': source_group.get('name'),

                                     'userId': source_group.get('project_id')}]

                if rule['protocol']:

                    r['ipProtocol'] = rule['protocol'].lower()

                    r['fromPort'] = rule['from_port']

                    r['toPort'] = rule['to_port']

                    g['ipPermissions'] += [dict(r)]


                    for protocol, min_port, max_port in (('icmp', -1, -1),

                                                         ('tcp', 1, 65535),

                                                         ('udp', 1, 65535)):

                        r['ipProtocol'] = protocol

                        r['fromPort'] = min_port

                        r['toPort'] = max_port

                        g['ipPermissions'] += [dict(r)]


                r['ipProtocol'] = rule['protocol']

                r['fromPort'] = rule['from_port']

                r['toPort'] = rule['to_port']

                r['ipRanges'] += [{'cidrIp': rule['cidr']}]

                g['ipPermissions'] += [r]

        return g

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _rule_args_to_dict(self, context, kwargs):

        rules = []

        if 'groups' not in kwargs and 'ip_ranges' not in kwargs:

            rule = self._rule_dict_last_step(context, **kwargs)

            if rule:


            return rules

        if 'ip_ranges' in kwargs:

            rules = self._cidr_args_split(kwargs)


            rules = [kwargs]

        finalset = []

        for rule in rules:

            if 'groups' in rule:

                groups_values = self._groups_args_split(rule)

                for groups_value in groups_values:

                    final = self._rule_dict_last_step(context, **groups_value)



                final = self._rule_dict_last_step(context, **rule)


        return finalset

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _cidr_args_split(self, kwargs):

        cidr_args_split = []

        cidrs = kwargs['ip_ranges']

        for key, cidr in cidrs.iteritems():

            mykwargs = kwargs.copy()

            del mykwargs['ip_ranges']

            mykwargs['cidr_ip'] = cidr['cidr_ip']


        return cidr_args_split

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _groups_args_split(self, kwargs):

        groups_args_split = []

        groups = kwargs['groups']

        for key, group in groups.iteritems():

            mykwargs = kwargs.copy()

            del mykwargs['groups']

            if 'group_name' in group:

                mykwargs['source_security_group_name'] = group['group_name']

            if 'user_id' in group:

                mykwargs['source_security_group_owner_id'] = group['user_id']

            if 'group_id' in group:

                mykwargs['source_security_group_id'] = group['group_id']


        return groups_args_split

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _rule_dict_last_step(self, context, to_port=None, from_port=None,

                                  ip_protocol=None, cidr_ip=None, user_id=None,



        if source_security_group_name:

            source_project_id = self._get_source_project_id(context,


            source_security_group = db.security_group_get_by_name(




            notfound = exception.SecurityGroupNotFound

            if not source_security_group:

                raise notfound(security_group_id=source_security_group_name)

            group_id = source_security_group['id']

            return self.security_group_api.new_group_ingress_rule(

                                    group_id, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port)


            cidr = self.security_group_api.parse_cidr(cidr_ip)

            return self.security_group_api.new_cidr_ingress_rule(

                                        cidr, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_group_identifier(self, group_name, group_id):

        if not group_name and not group_id:

            err = _("need group_name or group_id")

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=err)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_rulevalues(self, rulesvalues):

        if not rulesvalues:

            err = _("can't build a valid rule")

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=err)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_security_group_protocol(self, values):

        validprotocols = ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', '6', '17', '1']

        if 'ip_protocol' in values and \

                values['ip_protocol'] not in validprotocols:

            protocol = values['ip_protocol']

            err = _("Invalid IP protocol %(protocol)s") % \

                  {'protocol': protocol}

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=err)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def revoke_security_group_ingress(self, context, group_name=None,

                                      group_id=None, **kwargs):

        self._validate_group_identifier(group_name, group_id)

        security_group = self.security_group_api.get(context, group_name,


        extensions.check_compute_policy(context, 'security_groups',

                                        security_group, 'compute_extension')

        prevalues = kwargs.get('ip_permissions', [kwargs])

        rule_ids = []

        for values in prevalues:

            rulesvalues = self._rule_args_to_dict(context, values)


            for values_for_rule in rulesvalues:

                values_for_rule['parent_group_id'] = security_group['id']


                                             security_group, values_for_rule))

        rule_ids = [id for id in rule_ids if id]

        if rule_ids:

            self.security_group_api.remove_rules(context, security_group,


            return True

        msg = _("No rule for the specified parameters.")

        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

    # TODO(soren): This has only been tested with Boto as the client.

    #              Unfortunately, it seems Boto is using an old API

    #              for these operations, so support for newer API versions

    #              is sketchy.

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def authorize_security_group_ingress(self, context, group_name=None,

                                         group_id=None, **kwargs):

        self._validate_group_identifier(group_name, group_id)

        security_group = self.security_group_api.get(context, group_name,


        extensions.check_compute_policy(context, 'security_groups',

                                        security_group, 'compute_extension')

        prevalues = kwargs.get('ip_permissions', [kwargs])

        postvalues = []

        for values in prevalues:


            rulesvalues = self._rule_args_to_dict(context, values)


            for values_for_rule in rulesvalues:

                values_for_rule['parent_group_id'] = security_group['id']

                if self.security_group_api.rule_exists(security_group,


                    raise exception.SecurityGroupRuleExists(



        if postvalues:

            self.security_group_api.add_rules(context, security_group['id'],

                                           security_group['name'], postvalues)

            return True

        msg = _("No rule for the specified parameters.")

        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_source_project_id(self, context, source_security_group_owner_id):

        if source_security_group_owner_id:

        # Parse user:project for source group.

            source_parts = source_security_group_owner_id.split(':')

            # If no project name specified, assume it's same as user name.

            # Since we're looking up by project name, the user name is not

            # used here.  It's only read for EC2 API compatibility.

            if len(source_parts) == 2:

                source_project_id = source_parts[1]


                source_project_id = source_parts[0]


            source_project_id = context.project_id

        return source_project_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_security_group(self, context, group_name, group_description):

        if isinstance(group_name, unicode):

            group_name = utils.utf8(group_name)

        if CONF.ec2_strict_validation:

            # EC2 specification gives constraints for name and description:

            # Accepts alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores

            allowed = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_\- ]+$'

            self.security_group_api.validate_property(group_name, 'name',



                                                      'description', allowed)


            # Amazon accepts more symbols.

            # So, allow POSIX [:print:] characters.

            allowed = r'^[\x20-\x7E]+$'

            self.security_group_api.validate_property(group_name, 'name',


        group_ref = self.security_group_api.create_security_group(

            context, group_name, group_description)

        return {'securityGroupSet': [self._format_security_group(context,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_security_group(self, context, group_name=None, group_id=None,


        if not group_name and not group_id:

            err = _("need group_name or group_id")

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=err)

        security_group = self.security_group_api.get(context, group_name,


        extensions.check_compute_policy(context, 'security_groups',

                                        security_group, 'compute_extension')

        self.security_group_api.destroy(context, security_group)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_password_data(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        # instance_id may be passed in as a list of instances

        if isinstance(instance_id, list):

            ec2_id = instance_id[0]


            ec2_id = instance_id


        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)

        output = password.extract_password(instance)

        # NOTE(vish): this should be timestamp from the metadata fields

        #             but it isn't important enough to implement properly

        now = timeutils.utcnow()

        return {"InstanceId": ec2_id,

                "Timestamp": now,

                "passwordData": output}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_console_output(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("Get console output for instance %s"), instance_id,


        # instance_id may be passed in as a list of instances

        if isinstance(instance_id, list):

            ec2_id = instance_id[0]


            ec2_id = instance_id


        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)

        output = self.compute_api.get_console_output(context, instance)

        now = timeutils.utcnow()

        return {"InstanceId": ec2_id,

                "Timestamp": now,

                "output": base64.b64encode(output)}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_volumes(self, context, volume_id=None, **kwargs):

        if volume_id:

            volumes = []

            for ec2_id in volume_id:


                internal_id = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(ec2_id)

                volume = self.volume_api.get(context, internal_id)



            volumes = self.volume_api.get_all(context)

        volumes = [self._format_volume(context, v) for v in volumes]

        return {'volumeSet': volumes}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_volume(self, context, volume):

        valid_ec2_api_volume_status_map = {

            'attaching': 'in-use',

            'detaching': 'in-use'}

        instance_ec2_id = None

        if volume.get('instance_uuid', None):

            instance_uuid = volume['instance_uuid']

            instance = db.instance_get_by_uuid(context.elevated(),


            instance_ec2_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(instance_uuid)

        v = {}

        v['volumeId'] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume['id'])

        v['status'] = valid_ec2_api_volume_status_map.get(volume['status'],


        v['size'] = volume['size']

        v['availabilityZone'] = volume['availability_zone']

        v['createTime'] = volume['created_at']

        if volume['attach_status'] == 'attached':

            v['attachmentSet'] = [{'attachTime': volume['attach_time'],

                                   'deleteOnTermination': False,

                                   'device': volume['mountpoint'],

                                   'instanceId': instance_ec2_id,

                                   'status': 'attached',

                                   'volumeId': v['volumeId']}]


            v['attachmentSet'] = [{}]

        if volume.get('snapshot_id') is not None:

            v['snapshotId'] = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_snap_id(volume['snapshot_id'])


            v['snapshotId'] = None

        return v

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_volume(self, context, **kwargs):

        snapshot_ec2id = kwargs.get('snapshot_id', None)

        if snapshot_ec2id is not None:

            snapshot_id = ec2utils.ec2_snap_id_to_uuid(kwargs['snapshot_id'])

            snapshot = self.volume_api.get_snapshot(context, snapshot_id)

            LOG.audit(_("Create volume from snapshot %s"), snapshot_ec2id,



            snapshot = None

            LOG.audit(_("Create volume of %s GB"),



        create_kwargs = dict(snapshot=snapshot,




        volume = self.volume_api.create(context,





        db.ec2_volume_create(context, volume['id'])

        # TODO(vish): Instance should be None at db layer instead of

        #             trying to lazy load, but for now we turn it into

        #             a dict to avoid an error.

        return self._format_volume(context, dict(volume))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_volume(self, context, volume_id, **kwargs):


        volume_id = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(volume_id)

        self.volume_api.delete(context, volume_id)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_volume(self, context,



                      device, **kwargs):



        volume_id = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(volume_id)

        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, instance_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


        LOG.audit(_('Attach volume %(volume_id)s to instance %(instance_id)s '

                    'at %(device)s'),

                  {'volume_id': volume_id,

                   'instance_id': instance_id,

                   'device': device},


        self.compute_api.attach_volume(context, instance, volume_id, device)

        volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)

        return {'attachTime': volume['attach_time'],

                'device': volume['mountpoint'],

                'instanceId': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(instance_uuid),

                'requestId': context.request_id,

                'status': volume['attach_status'],

                'volumeId': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume_id)}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_instance_from_volume(self, context, volume):

        if volume['instance_uuid']:


                return db.instance_get_by_uuid(context,


            except exception.InstanceNotFound:


        raise exception.VolumeUnattached(volume_id=volume['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_volume(self, context, volume_id, **kwargs):


        volume_id = ec2utils.ec2_vol_id_to_uuid(volume_id)

        LOG.audit(_("Detach volume %s"), volume_id, context=context)

        volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)

        instance = self._get_instance_from_volume(context, volume)

        self.compute_api.detach_volume(context, instance, volume)

        return {'attachTime': volume['attach_time'],

                'device': volume['mountpoint'],

                'instanceId': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(


                'requestId': context.request_id,

                'status': volume['attach_status'],

                'volumeId': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume_id)}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_kernel_id(self, context, instance_ref, result, key):

        kernel_uuid = instance_ref['kernel_id']

        if kernel_uuid is None or kernel_uuid == '':


        result[key] = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, kernel_uuid, 'aki')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_ramdisk_id(self, context, instance_ref, result, key):

        ramdisk_uuid = instance_ref['ramdisk_id']

        if ramdisk_uuid is None or ramdisk_uuid == '':


        result[key] = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, ramdisk_uuid,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_instance_attribute(self, context, instance_id, attribute,


        def _unsupported_attribute(instance, result):

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)

        def _format_attr_block_device_mapping(instance, result):

            tmp = {}

            self._format_instance_root_device_name(instance, tmp)

            self._format_instance_bdm(context, instance['uuid'],

                                      tmp['rootDeviceName'], result)

        def _format_attr_disable_api_termination(instance, result):

            result['disableApiTermination'] = instance['disable_terminate']

        def _format_attr_group_set(instance, result):

            CloudController._format_group_set(instance, result)

        def _format_attr_instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior(instance,


            if instance['shutdown_terminate']:

                result['instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = 'terminate'


                result['instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = 'stop'

        def _format_attr_instance_type(instance, result):

            self._format_instance_type(instance, result)

        def _format_attr_kernel(instance, result):

            self._format_kernel_id(context, instance, result, 'kernel')

        def _format_attr_ramdisk(instance, result):

            self._format_ramdisk_id(context, instance, result, 'ramdisk')

        def _format_attr_root_device_name(instance, result):

            self._format_instance_root_device_name(instance, result)

        def _format_attr_source_dest_check(instance, result):

            _unsupported_attribute(instance, result)

        def _format_attr_user_data(instance, result):

            result['userData'] = base64.b64decode(instance['user_data'])

        attribute_formatter = {

            'blockDeviceMapping': _format_attr_block_device_mapping,

            'disableApiTermination': _format_attr_disable_api_termination,

            'groupSet': _format_attr_group_set,



            'instanceType': _format_attr_instance_type,

            'kernel': _format_attr_kernel,

            'ramdisk': _format_attr_ramdisk,

            'rootDeviceName': _format_attr_root_device_name,

            'sourceDestCheck': _format_attr_source_dest_check,

            'userData': _format_attr_user_data,


        fn = attribute_formatter.get(attribute)

        if fn is None:

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)


        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, instance_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


        result = {'instance_id': instance_id}

        fn(instance, result)

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _unsupported_attribute(instance, result):

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_block_device_mapping(instance, result):

            tmp = {}

            self._format_instance_root_device_name(instance, tmp)

            self._format_instance_bdm(context, instance['uuid'],

                                      tmp['rootDeviceName'], result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_disable_api_termination(instance, result):

            result['disableApiTermination'] = instance['disable_terminate']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_group_set(instance, result):

            CloudController._format_group_set(instance, result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior(instance,


            if instance['shutdown_terminate']:

                result['instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = 'terminate'


                result['instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = 'stop'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_instance_type(instance, result):

            self._format_instance_type(instance, result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_kernel(instance, result):

            self._format_kernel_id(context, instance, result, 'kernel')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_ramdisk(instance, result):

            self._format_ramdisk_id(context, instance, result, 'ramdisk')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_root_device_name(instance, result):

            self._format_instance_root_device_name(instance, result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_source_dest_check(instance, result):

            _unsupported_attribute(instance, result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _format_attr_user_data(instance, result):

            result['userData'] = base64.b64decode(instance['user_data'])

        attribute_formatter = {

            'blockDeviceMapping': _format_attr_block_device_mapping,

            'disableApiTermination': _format_attr_disable_api_termination,

            'groupSet': _format_attr_group_set,



            'instanceType': _format_attr_instance_type,

            'kernel': _format_attr_kernel,

            'ramdisk': _format_attr_ramdisk,

            'rootDeviceName': _format_attr_root_device_name,

            'sourceDestCheck': _format_attr_source_dest_check,

            'userData': _format_attr_user_data,


        fn = attribute_formatter.get(attribute)

        if fn is None:

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)


        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, instance_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


        result = {'instance_id': instance_id}

        fn(instance, result)

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_instances(self, context, **kwargs):

        # Optional DescribeInstances argument

        instance_id = kwargs.get('instance_id', None)

        filters = kwargs.get('filter', None)

        instances = self._enforce_valid_instance_ids(context, instance_id)

        return self._format_describe_instances(context,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_instances_v6(self, context, **kwargs):

        # Optional DescribeInstancesV6 argument

        instance_id = kwargs.get('instance_id', None)

        filters = kwargs.get('filter', None)

        instances = self._enforce_valid_instance_ids(context, instance_id)

        return self._format_describe_instances(context,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_describe_instances(self, context, **kwargs):

        return {'reservationSet': self._format_instances(context, **kwargs)}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_run_instances(self, context, reservation_id):

        i = self._format_instances(context, reservation_id=reservation_id)

        assert len(i) == 1

        return i[0]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_terminate_instances(self, context, instance_id,


        instances_set = []

        for (ec2_id, previous_state) in zip(instance_id, previous_states):

            i = {}

            i['instanceId'] = ec2_id

            i['previousState'] = _state_description(previous_state['vm_state'],



                instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

                instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)

                i['currentState'] = _state_description(instance['vm_state'],


            except exception.NotFound:

                i['currentState'] = _state_description(vm_states.DELETED,



        return {'instancesSet': instances_set}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_instance_bdm(self, context, instance_uuid, root_device_name,


        """Format InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseItemType."""

        root_device_type = 'instance-store'

        mapping = []

        for bdm in block_device.legacy_mapping(



            volume_id = bdm['volume_id']

            if (volume_id is None or bdm['no_device']):


            if (bdm['device_name'] == root_device_name and

                    (bdm['snapshot_id'] or bdm['volume_id'])):

                assert not bdm['virtual_name']

                root_device_type = 'ebs'

            vol = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)

            LOG.debug(_("vol = %s\n"), vol)

            # TODO(yamahata): volume attach time

            ebs = {'volumeId': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_vol_id(volume_id),

                   'deleteOnTermination': bdm['delete_on_termination'],

                   'attachTime': vol['attach_time'] or '',

                   'status': vol['attach_status'], }

            res = {'deviceName': bdm['device_name'],

                   'ebs': ebs, }


        if mapping:

            result['blockDeviceMapping'] = mapping

        result['rootDeviceType'] = root_device_type


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_instance_root_device_name(instance, result):

        result['rootDeviceName'] = (instance.get('root_device_name') or



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_instance_type(instance, result):

        flavor = instance.get_flavor()

        result['instanceType'] = flavor.name


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_group_set(instance, result):

        security_group_names = []

        if instance.get('security_groups'):

            for security_group in instance['security_groups']:


        result['groupSet'] = utils.convert_to_list_dict(

            security_group_names, 'groupId')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_instances(self, context, instance_id=None, use_v6=False,

            instances_cache=None, **search_opts):

        # TODO(termie): this method is poorly named as its name does not imply

        #               that it will be making a variety of database calls

        #               rather than simply formatting a bunch of instances that

        #               were handed to it

        reservations = {}

        if not instances_cache:

            instances_cache = {}

        # NOTE(vish): instance_id is an optional list of ids to filter by

        if instance_id:

            instances = []

            for ec2_id in instance_id:

                if ec2_id in instances_cache:




                        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context,


                        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


                    except exception.NotFound:





                # always filter out deleted instances

                search_opts['deleted'] = False

                instances = self.compute_api.get_all(context,




            except exception.NotFound:

                instances = []

        for instance in instances:

            if not context.is_admin:

                if pipelib.is_vpn_image(instance['image_ref']):


            i = {}

            instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

            ec2_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(instance_uuid)

            i['instanceId'] = ec2_id

            image_uuid = instance['image_ref']

            i['imageId'] = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, image_uuid)

            self._format_kernel_id(context, instance, i, 'kernelId')

            self._format_ramdisk_id(context, instance, i, 'ramdiskId')

            i['instanceState'] = _state_description(

                instance['vm_state'], instance['shutdown_terminate'])

            fixed_ip = None

            floating_ip = None

            ip_info = ec2utils.get_ip_info_for_instance(context, instance)

            if ip_info['fixed_ips']:

                fixed_ip = ip_info['fixed_ips'][0]

            if ip_info['floating_ips']:

                floating_ip = ip_info['floating_ips'][0]

            if ip_info['fixed_ip6s']:

                i['dnsNameV6'] = ip_info['fixed_ip6s'][0]

            if CONF.ec2_private_dns_show_ip:

                i['privateDnsName'] = fixed_ip


                i['privateDnsName'] = instance['hostname']

            i['privateIpAddress'] = fixed_ip

            if floating_ip is not None:

                i['ipAddress'] = floating_ip

            i['dnsName'] = floating_ip

            i['keyName'] = instance['key_name']

            i['tagSet'] = []

            for k, v in utils.instance_meta(instance).iteritems():

                i['tagSet'].append({'key': k, 'value': v})

            client_token = self._get_client_token(context, instance_uuid)

            if client_token:

                i['clientToken'] = client_token

            if context.is_admin:

                i['keyName'] = '%s (%s, %s)' % (i['keyName'],



            i['productCodesSet'] = utils.convert_to_list_dict([],


            self._format_instance_type(instance, i)

            i['launchTime'] = instance['created_at']

            i['amiLaunchIndex'] = instance['launch_index']

            self._format_instance_root_device_name(instance, i)

            self._format_instance_bdm(context, instance['uuid'],

                                      i['rootDeviceName'], i)

            host = instance['host']

            zone = ec2utils.get_availability_zone_by_host(host)

            i['placement'] = {'availabilityZone': zone}

            if instance['reservation_id'] not in reservations:

                r = {}

                r['reservationId'] = instance['reservation_id']

                r['ownerId'] = instance['project_id']

                self._format_group_set(instance, r)

                r['instancesSet'] = []

                reservations[instance['reservation_id']] = r


        return list(reservations.values())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_addresses(self, context, public_ip=None, **kwargs):

        if public_ip:

            floatings = []

            for address in public_ip:

                floating = self.network_api.get_floating_ip_by_address(context,




            floatings = self.network_api.get_floating_ips_by_project(context)

        addresses = [self._format_address(context, f) for f in floatings]

        return {'addressesSet': addresses}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_address(self, context, floating_ip):

        ec2_id = None

        if floating_ip['fixed_ip_id']:

            fixed_id = floating_ip['fixed_ip_id']

            fixed = self.network_api.get_fixed_ip(context, fixed_id)

            if fixed['instance_uuid'] is not None:

                ec2_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(fixed['instance_uuid'])

        address = {'public_ip': floating_ip['address'],

                   'instance_id': ec2_id}

        if context.is_admin:

            details = "%s (%s)" % (address['instance_id'],


            address['instance_id'] = details

        return address

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def allocate_address(self, context, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("Allocate address"), context=context)

        public_ip = self.network_api.allocate_floating_ip(context)

        return {'publicIp': public_ip}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def release_address(self, context, public_ip, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_('Release address %s'), public_ip, context=context)

        self.network_api.release_floating_ip(context, address=public_ip)

        return {'return': "true"}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def associate_address(self, context, instance_id, public_ip, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("Associate address %(public_ip)s to instance "


                  {'public_ip': public_ip, 'instance_id': instance_id},


        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, instance_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)

        cached_ipinfo = ec2utils.get_ip_info_for_instance(context, instance)

        fixed_ips = cached_ipinfo['fixed_ips'] + cached_ipinfo['fixed_ip6s']

        if not fixed_ips:

            msg = _('Unable to associate IP Address, no fixed_ips.')

            raise exception.NoMoreFixedIps(message=msg)

        # TODO(tr3buchet): this will associate the floating IP with the

        # first fixed_ip an instance has. This should be

        # changed to support specifying a particular fixed_ip if

        # multiple exist but this may not apply to ec2..

        if len(fixed_ips) > 1:

            msg = _('multiple fixed_ips exist, using the first: %s')

            LOG.warning(msg, fixed_ips[0])

        self.network_api.associate_floating_ip(context, instance,



        return {'return': 'true'}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def disassociate_address(self, context, public_ip, **kwargs):

        instance_id = self.network_api.get_instance_id_by_floating_address(

                                                         context, public_ip)

        if instance_id:

            instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_id)

            LOG.audit(_("Disassociate address %s"), public_ip, context=context)

            self.network_api.disassociate_floating_ip(context, instance,


        return {'return': "true"}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def run_instances(self, context, **kwargs):

        min_count = int(kwargs.get('min_count', 1))

        max_count = int(kwargs.get('max_count', min_count))


            min_count = utils.validate_integer(

                min_count, "min_count", min_value=1)

            max_count = utils.validate_integer(

                max_count, "max_count", min_value=1)

        except exception.InvalidInput as e:

            raise exception.InvalidInput(message=e.format_message())

        if min_count > max_count:

            msg = _('min_count must be <= max_count')

            raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

        client_token = kwargs.get('client_token')

        if client_token:

            resv_id = self._resv_id_from_token(context, client_token)

            if resv_id:

                # since this client_token already corresponds to a reservation

                # id, this returns a proper response without creating a new

                # instance

                return self._format_run_instances(context, resv_id)

        if kwargs.get('kernel_id'):

            kernel = self._get_image(context, kwargs['kernel_id'])

            kwargs['kernel_id'] = ec2utils.id_to_glance_id(context,


        if kwargs.get('ramdisk_id'):

            ramdisk = self._get_image(context, kwargs['ramdisk_id'])

            kwargs['ramdisk_id'] = ec2utils.id_to_glance_id(context,


        for bdm in kwargs.get('block_device_mapping', []):


        image = self._get_image(context, kwargs['image_id'])

        image_uuid = ec2utils.id_to_glance_id(context, image['id'])

        if image:

            image_state = self._get_image_state(image)


            raise exception.ImageNotFoundEC2(image_id=kwargs['image_id'])

        if image_state != 'available':

            msg = _('Image must be available')

            raise exception.ImageNotActive(message=msg)

        flavor = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_by_name(context,



        (instances, resv_id) = self.compute_api.create(context,



            max_count=int(kwargs.get('max_count', min_count)),







            availability_zone=kwargs.get('placement', {}).get(


            block_device_mapping=kwargs.get('block_device_mapping', {}))

        instances = self._format_run_instances(context, resv_id)

        if instances:

            instance_ids = [i['instanceId'] for i in instances['instancesSet']]

            self._add_client_token(context, client_token, instance_ids)

        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _add_client_token(self, context, client_token, instance_ids):

        """Add client token to reservation ID mapping."""

        if client_token:

            for ec2_id in instance_ids:

                instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)


                    context, instance_uuid, {'EC2_client_token': client_token},


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_client_token(self, context, instance_uuid):

        """Get client token for a given instance."""

        sys_meta = db.instance_system_metadata_get(context, instance_uuid)

        return sys_meta.get('EC2_client_token')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _remove_client_token(self, context, instance_ids):

        """Remove client token to reservation ID mapping."""

        for ec2_id in instance_ids:

            instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

            sys_meta = db.instance_system_metadata_get(context, instance_uuid)

            if 'EC2_client_token' in sys_meta:

                del sys_meta['EC2_client_token']

            db.instance_system_metadata_update(context, instance_uuid,

                                               sys_meta, delete=True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _resv_id_from_token(self, context, client_token):

        """Get reservation ID from db."""

        resv_id = None

        sys_metas = self.compute_api.get_all_system_metadata(

            context, search_filts=[{'key': ['EC2_client_token']},

                                   {'value': [client_token]}])

        for sys_meta in sys_metas:

            if sys_meta and sys_meta.get('value') == client_token:

                instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_uuid(

                    context, sys_meta['instance_id'], expected_attrs=None)

                resv_id = instance.get('reservation_id')


        return resv_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ec2_ids_to_instances(self, context, instance_id, objects=False):

        """Get all instances first, to prevent partial executions."""

        instances = []

        extra = ['system_metadata', 'metadata']

        for ec2_id in instance_id:


            instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

            if objects:

                instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_uuid(

                    context, instance_uuid, expected_attrs=extra)


                instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid)


        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def terminate_instances(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        """Terminate each instance in instance_id, which is a list of ec2 ids.

        instance_id is a kwarg so its name cannot be modified.


        previous_states = self._ec2_ids_to_instances(context, instance_id,


        self._remove_client_token(context, instance_id)

        LOG.debug(_("Going to start terminating instances"))

        for instance in previous_states:

            self.compute_api.delete(context, instance)

        return self._format_terminate_instances(context,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reboot_instances(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        """instance_id is a list of instance ids."""

        instances = self._ec2_ids_to_instances(context, instance_id,


        LOG.audit(_("Reboot instance %r"), instance_id, context=context)

        for instance in instances:

            self.compute_api.reboot(context, instance, 'HARD')

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def stop_instances(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        """Stop each instances in instance_id.

        Here instance_id is a list of instance ids


        instances = self._ec2_ids_to_instances(context, instance_id, True)

        LOG.debug(_("Going to stop instances"))

        for instance in instances:

            extensions.check_compute_policy(context, 'stop', instance)

            self.compute_api.stop(context, instance)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start_instances(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        """Start each instances in instance_id.

        Here instance_id is a list of instance ids


        instances = self._ec2_ids_to_instances(context, instance_id, True)

        LOG.debug(_("Going to start instances"))

        for instance in instances:

            extensions.check_compute_policy(context, 'start', instance)

            self.compute_api.start(context, instance)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_image(self, context, ec2_id):


            internal_id = ec2utils.ec2_id_to_id(ec2_id)

            image = self.image_service.show(context, internal_id)

        except (exception.InvalidEc2Id, exception.ImageNotFound):

            filters = {'name': ec2_id}

            images = self.image_service.detail(context, filters=filters)


                return images[0]

            except IndexError:

                raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=ec2_id)

        image_type = ec2_id.split('-')[0]

        if ec2utils.image_type(image.get('container_format')) != image_type:

            raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=ec2_id)

        return image

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _format_image(self, image):

        """Convert from format defined by GlanceImageService to S3 format."""

        i = {}

        image_type = ec2utils.image_type(image.get('container_format'))

        ec2_id = ec2utils.image_ec2_id(image.get('id'), image_type)

        name = image.get('name')

        i['imageId'] = ec2_id

        kernel_id = image['properties'].get('kernel_id')

        if kernel_id:

            i['kernelId'] = ec2utils.image_ec2_id(kernel_id, 'aki')

        ramdisk_id = image['properties'].get('ramdisk_id')

        if ramdisk_id:

            i['ramdiskId'] = ec2utils.image_ec2_id(ramdisk_id, 'ari')

        i['imageOwnerId'] = image.get('owner')

        img_loc = image['properties'].get('image_location')

        if img_loc:

            i['imageLocation'] = img_loc


            i['imageLocation'] = "%s (%s)" % (img_loc, name)

        i['name'] = name

        if not name and img_loc:

            # This should only occur for images registered with ec2 api

            # prior to that api populating the glance name

            i['name'] = img_loc

        i['imageState'] = self._get_image_state(image)

        i['description'] = image.get('description')

        display_mapping = {'aki': 'kernel',

                           'ari': 'ramdisk',

                           'ami': 'machine'}

        i['imageType'] = display_mapping.get(image_type)

        i['isPublic'] = not not image.get('is_public')

        i['architecture'] = image['properties'].get('architecture')

        properties = image['properties']

        root_device_name = block_device.properties_root_device_name(properties)

        root_device_type = 'instance-store'

        for bdm in properties.get('block_device_mapping', []):

            if (block_device.strip_dev(bdm.get('device_name')) ==

                block_device.strip_dev(root_device_name) and

                ('snapshot_id' in bdm or 'volume_id' in bdm) and

                    not bdm.get('no_device')):

                root_device_type = 'ebs'

        i['rootDeviceName'] = (root_device_name or


        i['rootDeviceType'] = root_device_type

        _format_mappings(properties, i)

        return i

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_images(self, context, image_id=None, **kwargs):

        # NOTE: image_id is a list!

        if image_id:

            images = []

            for ec2_id in image_id:


                    image = self._get_image(context, ec2_id)

                except exception.NotFound:

                    raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=ec2_id)



            images = self.image_service.detail(context)

        images = [self._format_image(i) for i in images]

        return {'imagesSet': images}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def deregister_image(self, context, image_id, **kwargs):

        LOG.audit(_("De-registering image %s"), image_id, context=context)

        image = self._get_image(context, image_id)

        internal_id = image['id']

        self.image_service.delete(context, internal_id)

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _register_image(self, context, metadata):

        image = self.image_service.create(context, metadata)

        image_type = ec2utils.image_type(image.get('container_format'))

        image_id = ec2utils.image_ec2_id(image['id'], image_type)

        return image_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def register_image(self, context, image_location=None, **kwargs):

        if image_location is None and kwargs.get('name'):

            image_location = kwargs['name']

        if image_location is None:

            msg = _('imageLocation is required')

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=msg)

        metadata = {'properties': {'image_location': image_location}}

        if kwargs.get('name'):

            metadata['name'] = kwargs['name']


            metadata['name'] = image_location

        if 'root_device_name' in kwargs:

            metadata['properties']['root_device_name'] = kwargs.get(


        mappings = [_parse_block_device_mapping(bdm) for bdm in

                    kwargs.get('block_device_mapping', [])]

        if mappings:

            metadata['properties']['block_device_mapping'] = mappings

        image_id = self._register_image(context, metadata)

        LOG.audit(_('Registered image %(image_location)s with id '


                  {'image_location': image_location, 'image_id': image_id},


        return {'imageId': image_id}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def describe_image_attribute(self, context, image_id, attribute, **kwargs):

        def _block_device_mapping_attribute(image, result):

            _format_mappings(image['properties'], result)

        def _launch_permission_attribute(image, result):

            result['launchPermission'] = []

            if image['is_public']:

                result['launchPermission'].append({'group': 'all'})

        def _root_device_name_attribute(image, result):

            _prop_root_dev_name = block_device.properties_root_device_name

            result['rootDeviceName'] = _prop_root_dev_name(image['properties'])

            if result['rootDeviceName'] is None:

                result['rootDeviceName'] = block_device.DEFAULT_ROOT_DEV_NAME

        def _kernel_attribute(image, result):

            kernel_id = image['properties'].get('kernel_id')

            if kernel_id:

                result['kernel'] = {

                    'value': ec2utils.image_ec2_id(kernel_id, 'aki')


        def _ramdisk_attribute(image, result):

            ramdisk_id = image['properties'].get('ramdisk_id')

            if ramdisk_id:

                result['ramdisk'] = {

                    'value': ec2utils.image_ec2_id(ramdisk_id, 'ari')


        supported_attributes = {

            'blockDeviceMapping': _block_device_mapping_attribute,

            'launchPermission': _launch_permission_attribute,

            'rootDeviceName': _root_device_name_attribute,

            'kernel': _kernel_attribute,

            'ramdisk': _ramdisk_attribute,


        fn = supported_attributes.get(attribute)

        if fn is None:

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)


            image = self._get_image(context, image_id)

        except exception.NotFound:

            raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id)

        result = {'imageId': image_id}

        fn(image, result)

        return result

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        def _block_device_mapping_attribute(image, result):

            _format_mappings(image['properties'], result)

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        def _launch_permission_attribute(image, result):

            result['launchPermission'] = []

            if image['is_public']:

                result['launchPermission'].append({'group': 'all'})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _root_device_name_attribute(image, result):

            _prop_root_dev_name = block_device.properties_root_device_name

            result['rootDeviceName'] = _prop_root_dev_name(image['properties'])

            if result['rootDeviceName'] is None:

                result['rootDeviceName'] = block_device.DEFAULT_ROOT_DEV_NAME

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _kernel_attribute(image, result):

            kernel_id = image['properties'].get('kernel_id')

            if kernel_id:

                result['kernel'] = {

                    'value': ec2utils.image_ec2_id(kernel_id, 'aki')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _ramdisk_attribute(image, result):

            ramdisk_id = image['properties'].get('ramdisk_id')

            if ramdisk_id:

                result['ramdisk'] = {

                    'value': ec2utils.image_ec2_id(ramdisk_id, 'ari')


        supported_attributes = {

            'blockDeviceMapping': _block_device_mapping_attribute,

            'launchPermission': _launch_permission_attribute,

            'rootDeviceName': _root_device_name_attribute,

            'kernel': _kernel_attribute,

            'ramdisk': _ramdisk_attribute,


        fn = supported_attributes.get(attribute)

        if fn is None:

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)


            image = self._get_image(context, image_id)

        except exception.NotFound:

            raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id)

        result = {'imageId': image_id}

        fn(image, result)

        return result

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    def modify_image_attribute(self, context, image_id, attribute,

                               operation_type, **kwargs):

        # TODO(devcamcar): Support users and groups other than 'all'.

        if attribute != 'launchPermission':

            raise exception.InvalidAttribute(attr=attribute)

        if 'user_group' not in kwargs:

            msg = _('user or group not specified')

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=msg)

        if len(kwargs['user_group']) != 1 and kwargs['user_group'][0] != 'all':

            msg = _('only group "all" is supported')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        if operation_type not in ['add', 'remove']:

            msg = _('operation_type must be add or remove')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        LOG.audit(_("Updating image %s publicity"), image_id, context=context)


            image = self._get_image(context, image_id)

        except exception.NotFound:

            raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_id=image_id)

        internal_id = image['id']


        image['is_public'] = (operation_type == 'add')


            return self.image_service.update(context, internal_id, image)

        except exception.ImageNotAuthorized:

            msg = _('Not allowed to modify attributes for image %s') % image_id

            raise exception.NotAuthorized(message=msg)

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    def update_image(self, context, image_id, **kwargs):

        internal_id = ec2utils.ec2_id_to_id(image_id)

        result = self.image_service.update(context, internal_id, dict(kwargs))

        return result

    # TODO(yamahata): race condition

    # At the moment there is no way to prevent others from

    # manipulating instances/volumes/snapshots.

    # As other code doesn't take it into consideration, here we don't

    # care of it for now. Ostrich algorithm

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    def create_image(self, context, instance_id, **kwargs):

        # NOTE(yamahata): name/description are ignored by register_image(),

        #                 do so here

        no_reboot = kwargs.get('no_reboot', False)

        name = kwargs.get('name')


        ec2_instance_id = instance_id

        instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_instance_id)

        instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


        # CreateImage only supported for the analogue of EBS-backed instances

        if not self.compute_api.is_volume_backed_instance(context, instance):

            msg = _("Invalid value '%(ec2_instance_id)s' for instanceId. "

                    "Instance does not have a volume attached at root "

                    "(%(root)s)") % {'root': instance['root_device_name'],

                                     'ec2_instance_id': ec2_instance_id}

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        # stop the instance if necessary

        restart_instance = False

        if not no_reboot:

            vm_state = instance['vm_state']

            # if the instance is in subtle state, refuse to proceed.

            if vm_state not in (vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED):

                raise exception.InstanceNotRunning(instance_id=ec2_instance_id)

            if vm_state == vm_states.ACTIVE:

                restart_instance = True

                self.compute_api.stop(context, instance)

            # wait instance for really stopped

            start_time = time.time()

            while vm_state != vm_states.STOPPED:


                instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


                vm_state = instance['vm_state']

                # NOTE(yamahata): timeout and error. 1 hour for now for safety.

                #                 Is it too short/long?

                #                 Or is there any better way?

                timeout = 1 * 60 * 60

                if time.time() > start_time + timeout:

                    err = _("Couldn't stop instance within %d sec") % timeout

                    raise exception.InternalError(message=err)

        glance_uuid = instance['image_ref']

        ec2_image_id = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, glance_uuid)

        src_image = self._get_image(context, ec2_image_id)

        image_meta = dict(src_image)

        def _unmap_id_property(properties, name):

            if properties[name]:

                properties[name] = ec2utils.id_to_glance_id(context,


        # ensure the ID properties are unmapped back to the glance UUID

        _unmap_id_property(image_meta['properties'], 'kernel_id')

        _unmap_id_property(image_meta['properties'], 'ramdisk_id')

        # meaningful image name

        name_map = dict(instance=instance['uuid'], now=timeutils.isotime())

        name = name or _('image of %(instance)s at %(now)s') % name_map

        new_image = self.compute_api.snapshot_volume_backed(context,




        ec2_id = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, new_image['id'])

        if restart_instance:

            self.compute_api.start(context, instance)

        return {'imageId': ec2_id}

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        def _unmap_id_property(properties, name):

            if properties[name]:

                properties[name] = ec2utils.id_to_glance_id(context,


        # ensure the ID properties are unmapped back to the glance UUID

        _unmap_id_property(image_meta['properties'], 'kernel_id')

        _unmap_id_property(image_meta['properties'], 'ramdisk_id')

        # meaningful image name

        name_map = dict(instance=instance['uuid'], now=timeutils.isotime())

        name = name or _('image of %(instance)s at %(now)s') % name_map

        new_image = self.compute_api.snapshot_volume_backed(context,




        ec2_id = ec2utils.glance_id_to_ec2_id(context, new_image['id'])

        if restart_instance:

            self.compute_api.start(context, instance)

        return {'imageId': ec2_id}

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    def create_tags(self, context, **kwargs):

        """Add tags to a resource

        Returns True on success, error on failure.

        :param context: context under which the method is called


        resources = kwargs.get('resource_id', None)

        tags = kwargs.get('tag', None)

        if resources is None or tags is None:

            msg = _('resource_id and tag are required')

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=msg)

        if not isinstance(resources, (tuple, list, set)):

            msg = _('Expecting a list of resources')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        for r in resources:

            if ec2utils.resource_type_from_id(context, r) != 'instance':

                msg = _('Only instances implemented')

                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        if not isinstance(tags, (tuple, list, set)):

            msg = _('Expecting a list of tagSets')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        metadata = {}

        for tag in tags:

            if not isinstance(tag, dict):

                err = _('Expecting tagSet to be key/value pairs')

                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=err)

            key = tag.get('key', None)

            val = tag.get('value', None)

            if key is None or val is None:

                err = _('Expecting both key and value to be set')

                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=err)

            metadata[key] = val

        for ec2_id in resources:

            instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

            instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,



                instance, metadata)

        return True

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    def delete_tags(self, context, **kwargs):

        """Delete tags

        Returns True on success, error on failure.

        :param context: context under which the method is called


        resources = kwargs.get('resource_id', None)

        tags = kwargs.get('tag', None)

        if resources is None or tags is None:

            msg = _('resource_id and tag are required')

            raise exception.MissingParameter(reason=msg)

        if not isinstance(resources, (tuple, list, set)):

            msg = _('Expecting a list of resources')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        for r in resources:

            if ec2utils.resource_type_from_id(context, r) != 'instance':

                msg = _('Only instances implemented')

                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        if not isinstance(tags, (tuple, list, set)):

            msg = _('Expecting a list of tagSets')

            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

        for ec2_id in resources:

            instance_uuid = ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, ec2_id)

            instance = self.compute_api.get(context, instance_uuid,


            for tag in tags:

                if not isinstance(tag, dict):

                    msg = _('Expecting tagSet to be key/value pairs')

                    raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)

                key = tag.get('key', None)

                if key is None:

                    msg = _('Expecting key to be set')

                    raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)


                        instance, key)

        return True

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    def describe_tags(self, context, **kwargs):

        """List tags

        Returns a dict with a single key 'tagSet' on success, error on failure.

        :param context: context under which the method is called


        filters = kwargs.get('filter', None)

        search_filts = []

        if filters:

            for filter_block in filters:

                key_name = filter_block.get('name', None)

                val = filter_block.get('value', None)

                if val:

                    if isinstance(val, dict):

                        val = val.values()

                    if not isinstance(val, (tuple, list, set)):

                        val = (val,)

                if key_name:

                    search_block = {}

                    if key_name in ('resource_id', 'resource-id'):

                        search_block['resource_id'] = []

                        for res_id in val:


                                ec2utils.ec2_inst_id_to_uuid(context, res_id))

                    elif key_name in ['key', 'value']:

                        search_block[key_name] = \

                            [ec2utils.regex_from_ec2_regex(v) for v in val]

                    elif key_name in ('resource_type', 'resource-type'):

                        for res_type in val:

                            if res_type != 'instance':

                                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(

                                    message=_('Only instances implemented'))

                            search_block[key_name] = 'instance'

                    if len(search_block.keys()) > 0:


        ts = []

        for tag in self.compute_api.get_all_instance_metadata(context,



                'resource_id': ec2utils.id_to_ec2_inst_id(tag['instance_id']),

                'resource_type': 'instance',

                'key': tag['key'],

                'value': tag['value']


        return {"tagSet": ts}

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class EC2SecurityGroupExceptions(object):


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    def raise_invalid_property(msg):

        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=msg)


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    def raise_group_already_exists(msg):

        raise exception.SecurityGroupExists(message=msg)


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    def raise_invalid_group(msg):

        raise exception.InvalidGroup(reason=msg)


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    def raise_invalid_cidr(cidr, decoding_exception=None):

        if decoding_exception:

            raise decoding_exception


            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message=_("Invalid CIDR"))


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    def raise_over_quota(msg):

        raise exception.SecurityGroupLimitExceeded(msg)


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    def raise_not_found(msg):


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class CloudSecurityGroupNovaAPI(EC2SecurityGroupExceptions, compute_api.SecurityGroupAPI):


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class CloudSecurityGroupNeutronAPI(EC2SecurityGroupExceptions, neutron_driver.SecurityGroupAPI):


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def get_cloud_security_group_api():

    if cfg.CONF.security_group_api.lower() == 'nova':

        return CloudSecurityGroupNovaAPI()

    elif cfg.CONF.security_group_api.lower() in ('neutron', 'quantum'):

        return CloudSecurityGroupNeutronAPI()


        raise NotImplementedError()