

OpenStack Study: test_nsx_sync.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc.

# All Rights Reserved


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.


import contextlib

import time

import mock

from oslo.config import cfg

from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr

from neutron.common import config

from neutron.common import constants

from neutron import context

from neutron.openstack.common import jsonutils as json

from neutron.openstack.common import log

from neutron.plugins.vmware.api_client import client

from neutron.plugins.vmware.api_client import exception as api_exc

from neutron.plugins.vmware.api_client import version

from neutron.plugins.vmware.common import sync

from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import db

from neutron.plugins.vmware import nsx_cluster as cluster

from neutron.plugins.vmware import nsxlib

from neutron.plugins.vmware import plugin

from neutron.tests import base

from neutron.tests.unit import test_api_v2

from neutron.tests.unit.vmware.apiclient import fake

from neutron.tests.unit.vmware import get_fake_conf

from neutron.tests.unit.vmware import NSXAPI_NAME

from neutron.tests.unit.vmware import STUBS_PATH

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

_uuid = test_api_v2._uuid

LSWITCHES = [{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'ls-1'},

{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'ls-2'}]

LSWITCHPORTS = [{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'lp-1'},

{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'lp-2'}]

LROUTERS = [{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'lr-1'},

{'uuid': _uuid(), 'name': 'lr-2'}]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class CacheTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):

"""Test suite providing coverage for the Cache class."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        self.nsx_cache = sync.NsxCache()

        for lswitch in LSWITCHES:

            self.nsx_cache._uuid_dict_mappings[lswitch['uuid']] = (


            self.nsx_cache._lswitches[lswitch['uuid']] = (

                {'data': lswitch,

                 'hash': hash(json.dumps(lswitch))})

        for lswitchport in LSWITCHPORTS:

            self.nsx_cache._uuid_dict_mappings[lswitchport['uuid']] = (


            self.nsx_cache._lswitchports[lswitchport['uuid']] = (

                {'data': lswitchport,

                 'hash': hash(json.dumps(lswitchport))})

        for lrouter in LROUTERS:

            self.nsx_cache._uuid_dict_mappings[lrouter['uuid']] = (


            self.nsx_cache._lrouters[lrouter['uuid']] = (

                {'data': lrouter,

                 'hash': hash(json.dumps(lrouter))})

        super(CacheTestCase, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lswitches(self):

        ls_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lswitches()


                         set([ls['uuid'] for ls in LSWITCHES]))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lswitchports(self):

        lp_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lswitchports()


                         set([lp['uuid'] for lp in LSWITCHPORTS]))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lrouters(self):

        lr_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lrouters()


                         set([lr['uuid'] for lr in LROUTERS]))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lswitches_changed_only(self):

        ls_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lswitches(changed_only=True)

        self.assertEqual(0, len(ls_uuids))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lswitchports_changed_only(self):

        lp_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lswitchports(changed_only=True)

        self.assertEqual(0, len(lp_uuids))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_lrouters_changed_only(self):

        lr_uuids = self.nsx_cache.get_lrouters(changed_only=True)

        self.assertEqual(0, len(lr_uuids))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _verify_update(self, new_resource, changed=True, hit=True):

        cached_resource = self.nsx_cache[new_resource['uuid']]

        self.assertEqual(new_resource, cached_resource['data'])

        self.assertEqual(hit, cached_resource.get('hit', False))


                         cached_resource.get('changed', False))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lswitch_new_item(self):

        new_switch_uuid = _uuid()

        new_switch = {'uuid': new_switch_uuid, 'name': 'new_switch'}


        self.assertIn(new_switch_uuid, self.nsx_cache._lswitches.keys())


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lswitch_existing_item(self):

        switch = LSWITCHES[0]

        switch['name'] = 'new_name'


        self.assertIn(switch['uuid'], self.nsx_cache._lswitches.keys())


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lswitchport_new_item(self):

        new_switchport_uuid = _uuid()

        new_switchport = {'uuid': new_switchport_uuid,

                          'name': 'new_switchport'}





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lswitchport_existing_item(self):

        switchport = LSWITCHPORTS[0]

        switchport['name'] = 'new_name'





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lrouter_new_item(self):

        new_router_uuid = _uuid()

        new_router = {'uuid': new_router_uuid,

                      'name': 'new_router'}





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_lrouter_existing_item(self):

        router = LROUTERS[0]

        router['name'] = 'new_name'





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_updates_initial(self):

        # Clear cache content to simulate first-time filling




        self.nsx_cache.process_updates(LSWITCHES, LROUTERS, LSWITCHPORTS)

        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_updates_no_change(self):

        self.nsx_cache.process_updates(LSWITCHES, LROUTERS, LSWITCHPORTS)

        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:

            self._verify_update(resource, changed=False)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_updates_with_changes(self):

        LSWITCHES[0]['name'] = 'altered'

        self.nsx_cache.process_updates(LSWITCHES, LROUTERS, LSWITCHPORTS)

        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:

            changed = (True if resource['uuid'] == LSWITCHES[0]['uuid']

                       else False)

            self._verify_update(resource, changed=changed)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _test_process_updates_with_removals(self):

        lswitches = LSWITCHES[:]

        lswitch = lswitches.pop()

        self.nsx_cache.process_updates(lswitches, LROUTERS, LSWITCHPORTS)

        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:

            hit = (False if resource['uuid'] == lswitch['uuid']

                   else True)

            self._verify_update(resource, changed=False, hit=hit)

        return (lswitch, lswitches)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_updates_with_removals(self):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_updates_cleanup_after_delete(self):

        deleted_lswitch, lswitches = self._test_process_updates_with_removals()


        self.nsx_cache.process_updates(lswitches, LROUTERS, LSWITCHPORTS)

        self.assertNotIn(deleted_lswitch['uuid'], self.nsx_cache._lswitches)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _verify_delete(self, resource, deleted=True, hit=True):

        cached_resource = self.nsx_cache[resource['uuid']]

        data_field = 'data_bk' if deleted else 'data'

        self.assertEqual(resource, cached_resource[data_field])

        self.assertEqual(hit, cached_resource.get('hit', False))


                         cached_resource.get('changed', False))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _set_hit(self, resources, uuid_to_delete=None):

        for resource in resources:

            if resource['data']['uuid'] != uuid_to_delete:

                resource['hit'] = True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_deletes_no_change(self):

        # Mark all resources as hit





        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:

            self._verify_delete(resource, hit=False, deleted=False)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_process_deletes_with_removals(self):

        # Mark all resources but one as hit

        uuid_to_delete = LSWITCHPORTS[0]['uuid']








        for resource in LSWITCHES + LROUTERS + LSWITCHPORTS:

            deleted = resource['uuid'] == uuid_to_delete

            self._verify_delete(resource, hit=False, deleted=deleted)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SyncLoopingCallTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_looping_calls(self):

        # Avoid runs of the synchronization process - just start

        # the looping call

        with mock.patch.object(

            sync.NsxSynchronizer, '_synchronize_state', return_value=0.01):

            synchronizer = sync.NsxSynchronizer(mock.ANY, mock.ANY,

                                                100, 0, 0)


            # stop looping call before asserting


            # Just verify the looping call has been called, trying

            # to assess the exact number of calls would be unreliable


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SyncTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        # mock api client

        self.fc = fake.FakeClient(STUBS_PATH)

        mock_api = mock.patch(NSXAPI_NAME, autospec=True)

        # Avoid runs of the synchronizer looping call

        # These unit tests will excplicitly invoke synchronization

        patch_sync = mock.patch.object(sync, '_start_loopingcall')

        self.mock_api = mock_api.start()


        self.mock_api.return_value.login.return_value = "the_cookie"

        # Emulate tests against NSX 3.x

        self.mock_api.return_value.get_version.return_value = (


        self.mock_api.return_value.request.side_effect = self.fc.fake_request

        self.fake_cluster = cluster.NSXCluster(

            name='fake-cluster', nsx_controllers=[''],

            default_tz_uuid=_uuid(), nsx_user='foo', nsx_password='bar')

        self.fake_cluster.api_client = client.NsxApiClient(

            ('', '999', True),

            self.fake_cluster.nsx_user, self.fake_cluster.nsx_password,





        # Instantiate Neutron plugin

        # and setup needed config variables

        args = ['--config-file', get_fake_conf('neutron.conf.test'),

                '--config-file', get_fake_conf('nsx.ini.test')]


        cfg.CONF.set_override('allow_overlapping_ips', True)

        self._plugin = plugin.NsxPlugin()

        # Mock neutron manager plugin load functions to speed up tests

        mock_nm_get_plugin = mock.patch('neutron.manager.NeutronManager.'


        mock_nm_get_service_plugins = mock.patch(


        self.mock_nm_get_plugin = mock_nm_get_plugin.start()

        self.mock_nm_get_plugin.return_value = self._plugin


        super(SyncTestCase, self).setUp()







**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_data(self, ctx, net_size=2, port_size=2, router_size=2):

        def network(idx):

            return {'network': {'name': 'net-%s' % idx,

                                'admin_state_up': True,

                                'shared': False,

                                'port_security_enabled': True,

                                'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

        def subnet(idx, net_id):

            return {'subnet':

                    {'cidr': '10.10.%s.0/24' % idx,

                     'name': 'sub-%s' % idx,

                     'gateway_ip': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'allocation_pools': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'ip_version': 4,

                     'dns_nameservers': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'host_routes': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'enable_dhcp': True,

                     'network_id': net_id,

                     'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

        def port(idx, net_id):

            return {'port': {'network_id': net_id,

                             'name': 'port-%s' % idx,

                             'admin_state_up': True,

                             'device_id': 'miao',

                             'device_owner': 'bau',

                             'fixed_ips': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                             'mac_address': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                             'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

        def router(idx):

            # Use random uuids as names

            return {'router': {'name': 'rtr-%s' % idx,

                               'admin_state_up': True,

                               'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

        networks = []

        ports = []

        routers = []

        for i in range(net_size):

            net = self._plugin.create_network(ctx, network(i))


            self._plugin.create_subnet(ctx, subnet(i, net['id']))

            for j in range(port_size):


                    ctx, port("%s-%s" % (i, j), net['id'])))

        for i in range(router_size):

            routers.append(self._plugin.create_router(ctx, router(i)))

        # Do not return anything as the user does need the actual

        # data created


        # Remove everything

        for router in routers:

            self._plugin.delete_router(ctx, router['id'])

        for port in ports:

            self._plugin.delete_port(ctx, port['id'])

        # This will remove networks and subnets

        for network in networks:

            self._plugin.delete_network(ctx, network['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def network(idx):

            return {'network': {'name': 'net-%s' % idx,

                                'admin_state_up': True,

                                'shared': False,

                                'port_security_enabled': True,

                                'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def subnet(idx, net_id):

            return {'subnet':

                    {'cidr': '10.10.%s.0/24' % idx,

                     'name': 'sub-%s' % idx,

                     'gateway_ip': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'allocation_pools': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'ip_version': 4,

                     'dns_nameservers': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'host_routes': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                     'enable_dhcp': True,

                     'network_id': net_id,

                     'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def port(idx, net_id):

            return {'port': {'network_id': net_id,

                             'name': 'port-%s' % idx,

                             'admin_state_up': True,

                             'device_id': 'miao',

                             'device_owner': 'bau',

                             'fixed_ips': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                             'mac_address': attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,

                             'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def router(idx):

            # Use random uuids as names

            return {'router': {'name': 'rtr-%s' % idx,

                               'admin_state_up': True,

                               'tenant_id': 'foo'}}

        networks = []

        ports = []

        routers = []

        for i in range(net_size):

            net = self._plugin.create_network(ctx, network(i))


            self._plugin.create_subnet(ctx, subnet(i, net['id']))

            for j in range(port_size):


                    ctx, port("%s-%s" % (i, j), net['id'])))

        for i in range(router_size):

            routers.append(self._plugin.create_router(ctx, router(i)))

        # Do not return anything as the user does need the actual

        # data created


        # Remove everything

        for router in routers:

            self._plugin.delete_router(ctx, router['id'])

        for port in ports:

            self._plugin.delete_port(ctx, port['id'])

        # This will remove networks and subnets

        for network in networks:

            self._plugin.delete_network(ctx, network['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_tag_dict(self, tags):

        return dict((tag['scope'], tag['tag']) for tag in tags)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _test_sync(self, exp_net_status,

                   exp_port_status, exp_router_status,

                   action_callback=None, sp=None):

        ls_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.keys()[0]

        neutron_net_id = self._get_tag_dict(


        lp_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.keys()[0]

        neutron_port_id = self._get_tag_dict(


        lr_uuid = self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.keys()[0]

        neutron_rtr_id = self._get_tag_dict(


        if action_callback:

            action_callback(ls_uuid, lp_uuid, lr_uuid)

        # Make chunk big enough to read everything

        if not sp:

            sp = sync.SyncParameters(100)


        # Verify element is in expected status

        # TODO(salv-orlando): Verify status for all elements

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        neutron_net = self._plugin.get_network(ctx, neutron_net_id)

        neutron_port = self._plugin.get_port(ctx, neutron_port_id)

        neutron_rtr = self._plugin.get_router(ctx, neutron_rtr_id)

        self.assertEqual(exp_net_status, neutron_net['status'])

        self.assertEqual(exp_port_status, neutron_port['status'])

        self.assertEqual(exp_router_status, neutron_rtr['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _action_callback_status_down(self, ls_uuid, lp_uuid, lr_uuid):

        self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

        self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict[lp_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

        self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initial_sync(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initial_sync_with_resources_down(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):


                constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN,

                constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, self._action_callback_status_down)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_resync_with_resources_down(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            sp = sync.SyncParameters(100)


            # Ensure the synchronizer performs a resync

            sp.init_sync_performed = True


                constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN,

                constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, self._action_callback_status_down,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _action_callback_del_resource(self, ls_uuid, lp_uuid, lr_uuid):

        del self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]

        del self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict[lp_uuid]

        del self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initial_sync_with_resources_removed(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):


                constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR, constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR,

                constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR, self._action_callback_del_resource)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_resync_with_resources_removed(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            sp = sync.SyncParameters(100)


            # Ensure the synchronizer performs a resync

            sp.init_sync_performed = True


                constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR, constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR,

                constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR, self._action_callback_del_resource,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _test_sync_with_chunk_larger_maxpagesize(

        self, net_size, port_size, router_size, chunk_size, exp_calls):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        real_func = nsxlib.get_single_query_page

        sp = sync.SyncParameters(chunk_size)

        with self._populate_data(ctx, net_size=net_size,



            with mock.patch.object(sync, 'MAX_PAGE_SIZE', 15):

                # The following mock is just for counting calls,

                # but we will still run the actual function

                with mock.patch.object(

                    nsxlib, 'get_single_query_page',

                    side_effect=real_func) as mock_get_page:






            # As each resource type does not exceed the maximum page size,

            # the method should be called once for each resource type

            self.assertEqual(exp_calls, mock_get_page.call_count)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_sync_chunk_larger_maxpagesize_no_multiple_requests(self):

        # total resource size = 20

        # total size for each resource does not exceed max page size (15)


            net_size=5, port_size=2, router_size=5,

            chunk_size=20, exp_calls=3)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_sync_chunk_larger_maxpagesize_triggers_multiple_requests(self):

        # total resource size = 48

        # total size for each resource does exceed max page size (15)


            net_size=16, port_size=1, router_size=16,

            chunk_size=48, exp_calls=6)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_sync_multi_chunk(self):

        # The fake NSX API client cannot be used for this test

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        # Generate 4 networks, 1 port per network, and 4 routers

        with self._populate_data(ctx, net_size=4, port_size=1, router_size=4):

            fake_lswitches = json.loads(


            fake_lrouters = json.loads(


            fake_lswitchports = json.loads(


            return_values = [

                # Chunk 0 - lswitches

                (fake_lswitches, None, 4),

                # Chunk 0 - lrouters

                (fake_lrouters[:2], 'xxx', 4),

                # Chunk 0 - lports (size only)

                ([], 'start', 4),

                # Chunk 1 - lrouters (2 more) (lswitches are skipped)

                (fake_lrouters[2:], None, None),

                # Chunk 1 - lports

                (fake_lswitchports, None, 4)]

            def fake_fetch_data(*args, **kwargs):

                return return_values.pop(0)

            # 2 Chunks, with 6 resources each.

            # 1st chunk lswitches and lrouters

            # 2nd chunk lrouters and lports

            # Mock _fetch_data

            with mock.patch.object(

                self._plugin._synchronizer, '_fetch_data',


                sp = sync.SyncParameters(6)

                def do_chunk(chunk_idx, ls_cursor, lr_cursor, lp_cursor):


                    self.assertEqual(chunk_idx, sp.current_chunk)

                    self.assertEqual(ls_cursor, sp.ls_cursor)

                    self.assertEqual(lr_cursor, sp.lr_cursor)

                    self.assertEqual(lp_cursor, sp.lp_cursor)

                # check 1st chunk

                do_chunk(1, None, 'xxx', 'start')

                # check 2nd chunk

                do_chunk(0, None, None, None)

                # Chunk size should have stayed the same

                self.assertEqual(sp.chunk_size, 6)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_network(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a network down to verify synchronization

            ls_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.keys()[0]

            q_net_id = self._get_tag_dict(


            self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

            q_net_data = self._plugin._get_network(ctx, q_net_id)

            self._plugin._synchronizer.synchronize_network(ctx, q_net_data)

            # Reload from db

            q_nets = self._plugin.get_networks(ctx)

            for q_net in q_nets:

                if q_net['id'] == q_net_id:

                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN


                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE

                self.assertEqual(exp_status, q_net['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_network_on_get(self):

        cfg.CONF.set_override('always_read_status', True, 'NSX_SYNC')

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a network down to verify punctual synchronization

            ls_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict.keys()[0]

            q_net_id = self._get_tag_dict(


            self.fc._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

            q_net_data = self._plugin.get_network(ctx, q_net_id)

            self.assertEqual(constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, q_net_data['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_port(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a port down to verify synchronization

            lp_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.keys()[0]

            lport = self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict[lp_uuid]

            q_port_id = self._get_tag_dict(lport['tags'])['q_port_id']

            lport['status'] = 'true'

            q_port_data = self._plugin._get_port(ctx, q_port_id)

            self._plugin._synchronizer.synchronize_port(ctx, q_port_data)

            # Reload from db

            q_ports = self._plugin.get_ports(ctx)

            for q_port in q_ports:

                if q_port['id'] == q_port_id:

                    exp_status = constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE


                    exp_status = constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN

                self.assertEqual(exp_status, q_port['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_port_on_get(self):

        cfg.CONF.set_override('always_read_status', True, 'NSX_SYNC')

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a port down to verify punctual synchronization

            lp_uuid = self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict.keys()[0]

            lport = self.fc._fake_lswitch_lport_dict[lp_uuid]

            q_port_id = self._get_tag_dict(lport['tags'])['q_port_id']

            lport['status'] = 'false'

            q_port_data = self._plugin.get_port(ctx, q_port_id)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_router(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a router down to verify synchronization

            lr_uuid = self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.keys()[0]

            q_rtr_id = self._get_tag_dict(


            self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

            q_rtr_data = self._plugin._get_router(ctx, q_rtr_id)

            self._plugin._synchronizer.synchronize_router(ctx, q_rtr_data)

            # Reload from db

            q_routers = self._plugin.get_routers(ctx)

            for q_rtr in q_routers:

                if q_rtr['id'] == q_rtr_id:

                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN


                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE

                self.assertEqual(exp_status, q_rtr['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_router_nsx_mapping_not_found(self):

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a router down to verify synchronization

            lr_uuid = self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.keys()[0]

            q_rtr_id = self._get_tag_dict(


            self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

            q_rtr_data = self._plugin._get_router(ctx, q_rtr_id)

            # delete router mapping from db.

            db.delete_neutron_nsx_router_mapping(ctx.session, q_rtr_id)

            # pop router from fake nsx client

            router_data = self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.pop(lr_uuid)

            self._plugin._synchronizer.synchronize_router(ctx, q_rtr_data)

            # Reload from db

            q_routers = self._plugin.get_routers(ctx)

            for q_rtr in q_routers:

                if q_rtr['id'] == q_rtr_id:

                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR


                    exp_status = constants.NET_STATUS_ACTIVE

                self.assertEqual(exp_status, q_rtr['status'])

            # put the router database since we don't handle missing

            # router data in the fake nsx api_client

            self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid] = router_data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_synchronize_router_on_get(self):

        cfg.CONF.set_override('always_read_status', True, 'NSX_SYNC')

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self._populate_data(ctx):

            # Put a router down to verify punctual synchronization

            lr_uuid = self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict.keys()[0]

            q_rtr_id = self._get_tag_dict(


            self.fc._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]['status'] = 'false'

            q_rtr_data = self._plugin.get_router(ctx, q_rtr_id)

            self.assertEqual(constants.NET_STATUS_DOWN, q_rtr_data['status'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_sync_nsx_failure_backoff(self):

        self.mock_api.return_value.request.side_effect = api_exc.RequestTimeout

        # chunk size won't matter here

        sp = sync.SyncParameters(999)

        for i in range(10):


                min(64, 2 ** i),
