

OpenStack Study: test_agent_netns_cleanup.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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import mock

from neutron.agent.linux import interface

from neutron.agent import netns_cleanup_util as util

from neutron.tests import base

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestNetnsCleanup(base.BaseTestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_setup_conf(self):

        expected_opts = interface.OPTS

        conf = util.setup_conf()

        self.assertTrue(all([opt.name in conf for opt in expected_opts]))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_kill_dhcp(self, dhcp_active=True):

        conf = mock.Mock()

        conf.AGENT.root_helper = 'sudo',

        conf.dhcp_driver = 'driver'

        method_to_patch = 'neutron.openstack.common.importutils.import_object'

        with mock.patch(method_to_patch) as import_object:

            driver = mock.Mock()

            driver.active = dhcp_active

            import_object.return_value = driver

            util.kill_dhcp(conf, 'ns')

            expected_params = {'conf': conf, 'network': mock.ANY,

                               'root_helper': conf.AGENT.root_helper,

                               'plugin': mock.ANY}

            import_object.assert_called_once_with('driver', **expected_params)

            if dhcp_active:




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_kill_dhcp_no_active(self):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_eligible_for_deletion_ns_not_uuid(self):

        ns = 'not_a_uuid'

        self.assertFalse(util.eligible_for_deletion(mock.Mock(), ns))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _test_eligible_for_deletion_helper(self, prefix, force, is_empty,


        ns = prefix + '6e322ac7-ab50-4f53-9cdc-d1d3c1164b6d'

        conf = mock.Mock()

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper') as ip_wrap:

            ip_wrap.return_value.namespace_is_empty.return_value = is_empty

            self.assertEqual(util.eligible_for_deletion(conf, ns, force),


            expected_calls = [mock.call(conf.AGENT.root_helper, ns)]

            if not force:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_eligible_for_deletion_empty(self):

        self._test_eligible_for_deletion_helper('qrouter-', False, True, True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_eligible_for_deletion_not_empty(self):

        self._test_eligible_for_deletion_helper('qdhcp-', False, False, False)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_eligible_for_deletion_not_empty_forced(self):

        self._test_eligible_for_deletion_helper('qdhcp-', True, False, True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_unplug_device_regular_device(self):

        conf = mock.Mock()

        device = mock.Mock()

        util.unplug_device(conf, device)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_unplug_device_ovs_port(self):

        conf = mock.Mock()

        conf.ovs_integration_bridge = 'br-int'

        device = mock.Mock()

        device.name = 'tap1'

        device.link.delete.side_effect = RuntimeError

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ovs_lib.OVSBridge') as ovs_br_cls:

            br_patch = mock.patch(


            with br_patch as mock_get_bridge_for_iface:

                mock_get_bridge_for_iface.return_value = 'br-int'

                ovs_bridge = mock.Mock()

                ovs_br_cls.return_value = ovs_bridge

                util.unplug_device(conf, device)


                    conf.AGENT.root_helper, 'tap1')





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_unplug_device_cannot_determine_bridge_port(self):

        conf = mock.Mock()

        conf.ovs_integration_bridge = 'br-int'

        device = mock.Mock()

        device.name = 'tap1'

        device.link.delete.side_effect = RuntimeError

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ovs_lib.OVSBridge') as ovs_br_cls:

            br_patch = mock.patch(


            with br_patch as mock_get_bridge_for_iface:

                with mock.patch.object(util.LOG, 'debug') as debug:

                    mock_get_bridge_for_iface.return_value = None

                    ovs_bridge = mock.Mock()

                    ovs_br_cls.return_value = ovs_bridge

                    util.unplug_device(conf, device)


                        conf.AGENT.root_helper, 'tap1')

                    self.assertEqual(ovs_br_cls.mock_calls, [])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _test_destroy_namespace_helper(self, force, num_devices):

        ns = 'qrouter-6e322ac7-ab50-4f53-9cdc-d1d3c1164b6d'

        conf = mock.Mock()

#        conf.AGENT.root_helper = 'sudo'

        lo_device = mock.Mock()

        lo_device.name = 'lo'

        devices = [lo_device]

        while num_devices:

            dev = mock.Mock()

            dev.name = 'tap%d' % num_devices


            num_devices -= 1

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper') as ip_wrap:

            ip_wrap.return_value.get_devices.return_value = devices

            ip_wrap.return_value.netns.exists.return_value = True

            with mock.patch.object(util, 'unplug_device') as unplug:

                with mock.patch.object(util, 'kill_dhcp') as kill_dhcp:

                    util.destroy_namespace(conf, ns, force)

                    expected = [mock.call(conf.AGENT.root_helper, ns)]

                    if force:






                            [mock.call(conf, d) for d in




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_destroy_namespace_empty(self):

        self._test_destroy_namespace_helper(False, 0)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_destroy_namespace_not_empty(self):

        self._test_destroy_namespace_helper(False, 1)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_destroy_namespace_not_empty_forced(self):

        self._test_destroy_namespace_helper(True, 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_destroy_namespace_exception(self):

        ns = 'qrouter-6e322ac7-ab50-4f53-9cdc-d1d3c1164b6d'

        conf = mock.Mock()

        conf.AGENT.root_helper = 'sudo'

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper') as ip_wrap:

            ip_wrap.side_effect = Exception()

            util.destroy_namespace(conf, ns)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_main(self):

        namespaces = ['ns1', 'ns2']

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper') as ip_wrap:

            ip_wrap.get_namespaces.return_value = namespaces

            with mock.patch('eventlet.sleep') as eventlet_sleep:

                conf = mock.Mock()

                conf.force = False

                methods_to_mock = dict(




                with mock.patch.multiple(util, **methods_to_mock) as mocks:

                    mocks['eligible_for_deletion'].return_value = True

                    mocks['setup_conf'].return_value = conf

                    with mock.patch('neutron.common.config.setup_logging'):



                            [mock.call(conf, 'ns1', False),

                             mock.call(conf, 'ns2', False)])


                            [mock.call(conf, 'ns1', False),

                             mock.call(conf, 'ns2', False)])




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_main_no_candidates(self):

        namespaces = ['ns1', 'ns2']

        with mock.patch('neutron.agent.linux.ip_lib.IPWrapper') as ip_wrap:

            ip_wrap.get_namespaces.return_value = namespaces

            with mock.patch('eventlet.sleep') as eventlet_sleep:

                conf = mock.Mock()

                conf.force = False

                methods_to_mock = dict(




                with mock.patch.multiple(util, **methods_to_mock) as mocks:

                    mocks['eligible_for_deletion'].return_value = False

                    mocks['setup_conf'].return_value = conf

                    with mock.patch('neutron.common.config.setup_logging'):





                            [mock.call(conf, 'ns1', False),

                             mock.call(conf, 'ns2', False)])

