

OpenStack Study: test_netscaler_driver.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2014 Citrix Systems


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import contextlib

import mock

from neutron.common import exceptions

from neutron import context

from neutron.db.loadbalancer import loadbalancer_db

from neutron import manager

from neutron.plugins.common import constants

from neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.netscaler import ncc_client

from neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.netscaler import netscaler_driver

from neutron.tests.unit.db.loadbalancer import test_db_loadbalancer

LBAAS_DRIVER_CLASS = ('neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers'



NCC_CLIENT_CLASS = ('neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers'






#Test data

TESTVIP_ID = '52ab5d71-6bb2-457f-8414-22a4ba55efec'

TESTPOOL_ID = 'da477c13-24cd-4c9f-8c19-757a61ef3b9d'

TESTMEMBER_ID = '84dea8bc-3416-4fb0-83f9-2ca6e7173bee'

TESTMONITOR_ID = '9b9245a2-0413-4f15-87ef-9a41ef66048c'

TESTVIP_PORT_ID = '327d9662-ade9-4c74-aaf6-c76f145c1180'

TESTPOOL_PORT_ID = '132c1dbb-d3d8-45aa-96e3-71f2ea51651e'




'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': TESTPOOL_SNATIP_ADDRESS}]




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestLoadBalancerPluginBase(test_db_loadbalancer .LoadBalancerPluginDbTestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestLoadBalancerPluginBase, self).setUp(


        loaded_plugins = manager.NeutronManager().get_service_plugins()

        self.plugin_instance = loaded_plugins[constants.LOADBALANCER]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestNetScalerPluginDriver(TestLoadBalancerPluginBase):

"""Unit tests for the NetScaler LBaaS driver module."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        mock.patch.object(netscaler_driver, 'LOG').start()

        # mock the NSClient class (REST client)

        client_mock_cls = mock.patch(NCC_CLIENT_CLASS).start()

        #mock the REST methods of the NSClient class

        self.client_mock_instance = client_mock_cls.return_value

        self.create_resource_mock = self.client_mock_instance.create_resource

        self.create_resource_mock.side_effect = mock_create_resource_func

        self.update_resource_mock = self.client_mock_instance.update_resource

        self.update_resource_mock.side_effect = mock_update_resource_func

        self.retrieve_resource_mock = (self.client_mock_instance


        self.retrieve_resource_mock.side_effect = mock_retrieve_resource_func

        self.remove_resource_mock = self.client_mock_instance.remove_resource

        self.remove_resource_mock.side_effect = mock_remove_resource_func

        super(TestNetScalerPluginDriver, self).setUp()

        self.plugin_instance.drivers[LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME] = (


        self.driver = self.plugin_instance.drivers[LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME]

        self.context = context.get_admin_context()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_vip(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                testvip = self._build_testvip_contents(subnet['subnet'],


                expectedvip = self._build_expectedvip_contents(



                # mock the LBaaS plugin update_status().


                # reset the create_resource() mock


                # execute the method under test

                self.driver.create_vip(self.context, testvip)

                # First, assert that create_resource was called once

                # with expected params.






                #Finally, assert that the vip object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_vip_without_connection(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                testvip = self._build_testvip_contents(subnet['subnet'],


                expectedvip = self._build_expectedvip_contents(



                errorcode = ncc_client.NCCException.CONNECTION_ERROR

                self.create_resource_mock.side_effect = (


                # mock the plugin's update_status()


                # reset the create_resource() mock


                # execute the method under test.

                self.driver.create_vip(self.context, testvip)

                # First, assert that update_resource was called once

                # with expected params.






                #Finally, assert that the vip object is in ERROR state






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_vip(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with self.vip(pool=pool, subnet=subnet) as vip:

                    updated_vip = self._build_updated_testvip_contents(




                    expectedvip = self._build_updated_expectedvip_contents(




                    # mock the plugin's update_status()


                    # reset the update_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test

                    self.driver.update_vip(self.context, updated_vip,


                    vip_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                    # First, assert that update_resource was called once

                    # with expected params.







                    #Finally, assert that the vip object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_vip(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with contextlib.nested(

                    self.vip(pool=pool, subnet=subnet),

                    mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin, '_delete_db_vip')

                ) as (vip, mock_delete_db_vip):

                    mock_delete_db_vip.return_value = None

                    #reset the remove_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test

                    self.driver.delete_vip(self.context, vip['vip'])

                    vip_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                    # Assert that remove_resource() was called once

                    # with expected params.


                         .assert_called_once_with(None, vip_resource_path))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_pool(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_ports'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'create_port')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet, mock_get_ports, mock_create_port):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            mock_get_ports.return_value = None

            mock_create_port.return_value = TESTPOOL_SNAT_PORT

            testpool = self._build_testpool_contents(subnet['subnet'])

            expectedpool = self._build_expectedpool_contents(testpool,


            #reset the create_resource() mock


            # mock the plugin's update_status()


            # execute the method under test

            self.driver.create_pool(self.context, testpool)

            # First, assert that create_resource was called once

            # with expected params.






            #Finally, assert that the pool object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_pool_with_error(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_ports'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'create_port')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet, mock_get_ports, mock_create_port):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            mock_get_ports.return_value = None

            mock_create_port.return_value = TESTPOOL_SNAT_PORT

            errorcode = ncc_client.NCCException.CONNECTION_ERROR

            self.create_resource_mock.side_effect = (ncc_client


            testpool = self._build_testpool_contents(subnet['subnet'])

            expectedpool = self._build_expectedpool_contents(testpool,


            # mock the plugin's update_status()


            #reset the create_resource() mock


            # execute the method under test.

            self.driver.create_pool(self.context, testpool)

            # Also assert that create_resource was called once

            # with expected params.






            #Finally, assert that the pool object is in ERROR state






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_pool_with_snatportcreate_failure(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_ports'),

            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'create_port')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet, mock_get_ports, mock_create_port):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            mock_get_ports.return_value = None

            mock_create_port.side_effect = exceptions.NeutronException()

            testpool = self._build_testpool_contents(subnet['subnet'])

            #reset the create_resource() mock


            # execute the method under test.



                              self.context, testpool)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_pool(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                updated_pool = self._build_updated_testpool_contents(



                expectedpool = self._build_updated_expectedpool_contents(



                # mock the plugin's update_status()


                # reset the update_resource() mock


                # execute the method under test.

                self.driver.update_pool(self.context, pool['pool'],


                pool_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                # First, assert that update_resource was called once

                # with expected params.






                #Finally, assert that the pool object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_pool(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with contextlib.nested(










            ) as (pool, mock_delete_port, mock_get_ports, mock_get_pools,


                mock_delete_port.return_value = None

                mock_get_ports.return_value = [{'id': TESTPOOL_PORT_ID}]

                mock_get_pools.return_value = []

                mock_delete_db_pool.return_value = None

                #reset the remove_resource() mock


                # execute the method under test.

                self.driver.delete_pool(self.context, pool['pool'])

                pool_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                # Assert that delete_resource was called

                # once with expected params.


                     .assert_called_once_with(None, pool_resource_path))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_member(self):

        with contextlib.nested(




        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                testmember = self._build_testmember_contents(pool['pool'])

                expectedmember = self._build_expectedmember_contents(


                # mock the plugin's update_status()


                #reset the create_resource() mock


                # execute the method under test.

                self.driver.create_member(self.context, testmember)

                # First, assert that create_resource was called once

                # with expected params.







                #Finally, assert that the member object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_member(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with self.member(pool_id=pool['pool']['id']) as member:

                    updatedmember = (self._build_updated_testmember_contents(


                    expectedmember = (self



                    # mock the plugin's update_status()


                    # reset the update_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test




                    member_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                    # First, assert that update_resource was called once

                    # with expected params.







                    #Finally, assert that the member object is now ACTIVE






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_member(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with contextlib.nested(


                    mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin, '_delete_db_member')

                ) as (member, mock_delete_db_member):

                    mock_delete_db_member.return_value = None

                    # reset the remove_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test



                    member_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                    # Assert that delete_resource was called once

                    # with expected params.


                         .assert_called_once_with(None, member_resource_path))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_pool_health_monitor(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                testhealthmonitor = self._build_testhealthmonitor_contents(


                expectedhealthmonitor = (



                with mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin,

                                       'update_pool_health_monitor') as mhm:

                    # reset the create_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test.




                    # First, assert that create_resource was called once

                    # with expected params.

                    resource_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (










                    # Finally, assert that the healthmonitor object is

                    # now ACTIVE.





                        constants.ACTIVE, ""))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_pool_health_monitor(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with self.health_monitor(


                ) as (health_monitor):

                    updatedhealthmonitor = (



                    expectedhealthmonitor = (



                    with mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin,

                                           'update_pool_health_monitor')as mhm:

                        # reset the update_resource() mock


                        # execute the method under test.






                        monitor_resource_path = "%s/%s" % (



                        # First, assert that update_resource was called once

                        # with expected params.






                        #Finally, assert that the member object is now ACTIVE





                            constants.ACTIVE, ""))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_pool_health_monitor(self):

        with contextlib.nested(


            mock.patch.object(self.driver.plugin._core_plugin, 'get_subnet')

        ) as (subnet, mock_get_subnet):

            mock_get_subnet.return_value = subnet['subnet']

            with self.pool(provider=LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME) as pool:

                with contextlib.nested(




                ) as (health_monitor, mock_delete_db_monitor):

                    mock_delete_db_monitor.return_value = None

                    # reset the remove_resource() mock


                    # execute the method under test.





                    monitor_resource_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (





                    # Assert that delete_resource was called once

                    # with expected params.




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_testvip_contents(self, subnet, pool):

        vip_obj = dict(id=TESTVIP_ID,


                       description='a test vip',












        return vip_obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_expectedvip_contents(self, testvip, subnet):

        expectedvip = dict(id=testvip['id'],













        return expectedvip

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_testvip_contents(self, testvip, subnet, pool):

        #update some updateable fields of the vip

        testvip['name'] = 'udpated testvip'

        testvip['description'] = 'An updated version of test vip'

        testvip['connection_limit'] = 2000

        return testvip

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_expectedvip_contents(self, testvip, subnet, pool):

        expectedvip = dict(name=testvip['name'],





        return expectedvip

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_testpool_contents(self, subnet):

        pool_obj = dict(id=TESTPOOL_ID,


                        description='a test pool',













        return pool_obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_expectedpool_contents(self, testpool, subnet):

        expectedpool = dict(id=testpool['id'],












        return expectedpool

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_testpool_contents(self, testpool, subnet):

        updated_pool = dict(testpool.items())

        updated_pool['name'] = 'udpated testpool'

        updated_pool['description'] = 'An updated version of test pool'

        updated_pool['lb_method'] = 'LEAST_CONNECTIONS'

        updated_pool['admin_state_up'] = True

        updated_pool['provider'] = LBAAS_PROVIDER_NAME

        updated_pool['status'] = 'PENDING_UPDATE'

        updated_pool['status_description'] = ''

        updated_pool['members'] = []

        updated_pool["health_monitors"] = []

        updated_pool["health_monitors_status"] = None

        return updated_pool

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_expectedpool_contents(self, testpool, subnet):

        expectedpool = dict(name=testpool['name'],




        return expectedpool

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_testmember_contents(self, pool):

        member_obj = dict(










        return member_obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_expectedmember_contents(self, testmember):

        expectedmember = dict(








        return expectedmember

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_testmember_contents(self, testmember):

        updated_member = dict(testmember.items())







        return updated_member

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_expectedmember_contents(self, testmember):

        expectedmember = dict(weight=testmember['weight'],



        return expectedmember

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_testhealthmonitor_contents(self, pool):

        monitor_obj = dict(









        pool_obj = dict(status='PENDING_CREATE',




        return monitor_obj

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_expectedhealthmonitor_contents(self, testhealthmonitor):

        expectedmonitor = dict(id=testhealthmonitor['id'],








        return expectedmonitor

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_testhealthmonitor_contents(self, testmonitor):

        updated_monitor = dict(testmonitor.items())







        return updated_monitor

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_updated_expectedhealthmonitor_contents(self, testmonitor):

        expectedmonitor = dict(delay=testmonitor['delay'],




        return expectedmonitor

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _mock_update_status(self):

        #patch the plugin's update_status() method with a mock object

        self.mock_update_status_patcher = mock.patch.object(



        self.mock_update_status_obj = self.mock_update_status_patcher.start()

def mock_create_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 201, {}

def mock_update_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 202, {}

def mock_retrieve_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 200, {}

def mock_remove_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 200, {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def mock_create_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 201, {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def mock_update_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 202, {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def mock_retrieve_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 200, {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def mock_remove_resource_func(*args, **kwargs):

    return 200, {}