

OpenStack Study: test_network_plugin.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# implied.

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.

import contextlib

import copy

import inspect

import logging

import mock

import six

import webob.exc as wexc

from neutron.api import extensions

from neutron.api.v2 import attributes

from neutron.api.v2 import base

from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc

from neutron import context

from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 as base_plugin

from neutron.db import l3_db

from neutron.extensions import portbindings

from neutron.extensions import providernet as provider

from neutron.manager import NeutronManager

from neutron.openstack.common import gettextutils

from neutron.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const

from neutron.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_exceptions as c_exc

from neutron.plugins.cisco.common import config as cisco_config

from neutron.plugins.cisco.db import network_db_v2

from neutron.plugins.cisco.db import nexus_db_v2

from neutron.plugins.cisco.models import virt_phy_sw_v2

from neutron.plugins.openvswitch.common import config as ovs_config

from neutron.plugins.openvswitch import ovs_db_v2

from neutron.tests.unit import _test_extension_portbindings as test_bindings

from neutron.tests.unit import test_db_plugin

from neutron.tests.unit import test_extensions

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CORE_PLUGIN = 'neutron.plugins.cisco.network_plugin.PluginV2'

NEXUS_PLUGIN = 'neutron.plugins.cisco.nexus.cisco_nexus_plugin_v2.NexusPlugin'

NEXUS_DRIVER = ('neutron.plugins.cisco.nexus.'


PHYS_NET = 'physnet1'

BRIDGE_NAME = 'br-eth1'


VLAN_END = 1100

COMP_HOST_NAME = 'testhost'

COMP_HOST_NAME_2 = 'testhost_2'




NEXUS_PASSWORD = 'mySecretPassword'




NEXUS_PORT_1 = 'ethernet:1/1'

NEXUS_PORT_2 = 'ethernet:1/2'

NETWORK_NAME = 'test_network'

CIDR_1 = ''

CIDR_2 = ''

DEVICE_ID_1 = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'

DEVICE_ID_2 = '22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222'

DEVICE_OWNER = 'compute:None'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase(test_db_plugin.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        """Configure for end-to-end neutron testing using a mock ncclient.

        This setup includes:

        - Configure the OVS plugin to use VLANs in the range of


        - Configure the Cisco plugin model to use the Nexus driver.

        - Configure the Nexus driver to use an imaginary switch

          at NEXUS_IP_ADDR.


        # Configure the OVS and Cisco plugins

        phys_bridge = ':'.join([PHYS_NET, BRIDGE_NAME])

        phys_vlan_range = ':'.join([PHYS_NET, str(VLAN_START), str(VLAN_END)])

        config = {

            ovs_config: {

                'OVS': {'bridge_mappings': phys_bridge,

                        'network_vlan_ranges': [phys_vlan_range],

                        'tenant_network_type': 'vlan'}


            cisco_config: {

                'CISCO': {'nexus_driver': NEXUS_DRIVER},

                'CISCO_PLUGINS': {'nexus_plugin': NEXUS_PLUGIN},



        for module in config:

            for group in config[module]:

                for opt, val in config[module][group].items():

                    module.cfg.CONF.set_override(opt, val, group)

        # Configure the Nexus switch dictionary

        # TODO(Henry): add tests for other devices

        nexus_config = {

            (NEXUS_DEV_ID, NEXUS_IP_ADDR, 'username'): NEXUS_USERNAME,

            (NEXUS_DEV_ID, NEXUS_IP_ADDR, 'password'): NEXUS_PASSWORD,

            (NEXUS_DEV_ID, NEXUS_IP_ADDR, 'ssh_port'): NEXUS_SSH_PORT,




        nexus_patch = mock.patch.dict(cisco_config.device_dictionary,




        # Use a mock netconf client

        self.mock_ncclient = mock.Mock()

        ncclient_patch = mock.patch.dict('sys.modules',

                                         {'ncclient': self.mock_ncclient})



        # Call the parent setUp, start the core plugin

        super(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, self).setUp(CORE_PLUGIN)

        self.port_create_status = 'DOWN'

        # Set Cisco config module's first configured Nexus IP address.

        # Used for SVI placement when round-robin placement is disabled.

        mock.patch.object(cisco_config, 'first_device_ip',


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_plugin_ref(self):

        return getattr(NeutronManager.get_plugin(),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _patch_ncclient(self, attr, value):

        """Configure an attribute on the mock ncclient module.

        This method can be used to inject errors by setting a side effect

        or a return value for an ncclient method.

        :param attr: ncclient attribute (typically method) to be configured.

        :param value: Value to be configured on the attribute.


        # Configure attribute.

        config = {attr: value}


        # Continue testing


        # Unconfigure attribute

        config = {attr: None}



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _config_dependent_side_effect(match_config, exc):

        """Generates a config-dependent side effect for ncclient edit_config.

        This method generates a mock side-effect function which can be

        configured on the mock ncclient module for the edit_config method.

        This side effect will cause a given exception to be raised whenever

        the XML config string that is passed to edit_config contains all

        words in a given match config string.

        :param match_config: String containing keywords to be matched

        :param exc: Exception to be raised when match is found

        :return: Side effect function for the mock ncclient module's

                 edit_config method.


        keywords = match_config.split()

        def _side_effect_function(target, config):

            if all(word in config for word in keywords):

                raise exc

        return _side_effect_function

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _side_effect_function(target, config):

            if all(word in config for word in keywords):

                raise exc

        return _side_effect_function

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_in_nexus_cfg(self, words):

        """Check if any config sent to Nexus contains all words in a list."""

        for call in (self.mock_ncclient.manager.connect.return_value.


            configlet = call[2]['config']

            if all(word in configlet for word in words):

                return True

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_in_last_nexus_cfg(self, words):

        """Check if last config sent to Nexus contains all words in a list."""

        last_cfg = (self.mock_ncclient.manager.connect.return_value.


        return all(word in last_cfg for word in words)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_vlan_configured(self, vlan_creation_expected=True,


        vlan_created = self._is_in_nexus_cfg(['vlan', 'vlan-name'])

        add_appears = self._is_in_last_nexus_cfg(['add'])

        return (self._is_in_last_nexus_cfg(['allowed', 'vlan']) and

                vlan_created == vlan_creation_expected and

                add_appears == add_keyword_expected)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_vlan_unconfigured(self, vlan_deletion_expected=True,


        vlan_deleted = self._is_in_nexus_cfg(

            ['no', 'vlan', 'vlan-id-create-delete'])

        vlan_untrunked = self._is_in_nexus_cfg(['allowed', 'vlan', 'remove'])

        return (vlan_deleted == vlan_deletion_expected and

                vlan_untrunked == vlan_untrunk_expected)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _assertExpectedHTTP(self, status, exc):

        """Confirm that an HTTP status corresponds to an expected exception.

        Confirm that an HTTP status which has been returned for an

        neutron API request matches the HTTP status corresponding

        to an expected exception.

        :param status: HTTP status

        :param exc: Expected exception


        if exc in base.FAULT_MAP:

            expected_http = base.FAULT_MAP[exc].code


            expected_http = wexc.HTTPInternalServerError.code

        self.assertEqual(status, expected_http)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoGetAttribute(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_unsupported_attr_in_lazy_gettext_mode(self):

        """Test get of unsupported attribute in lazy gettext mode.

        This test also checks that this operation does not cause

        excessive nesting of calls to deepcopy.


        plugin = NeutronManager.get_plugin()

        def _lazy_gettext(msg):

            return gettextutils.Message(msg, domain='neutron')

        with mock.patch.dict(six.moves.builtins.__dict__,

                             {'_': _lazy_gettext}):

            self.nesting_count = 0

            def _count_nesting(*args, **kwargs):

                self.nesting_count += 1

            with mock.patch.object(copy, 'deepcopy',



                self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, plugin,


                # If there were no nested calls to deepcopy, then the total

                # number of calls to deepcopy should be 2 (1 call for

                # each mod'd field in the AttributeError message raised

                # by the plugin).

                self.assertEqual(self.nesting_count, 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _lazy_gettext(msg):

            return gettextutils.Message(msg, domain='neutron')

        with mock.patch.dict(six.moves.builtins.__dict__,

                             {'_': _lazy_gettext}):

            self.nesting_count = 0

            def _count_nesting(*args, **kwargs):

                self.nesting_count += 1

            with mock.patch.object(copy, 'deepcopy',



                self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, plugin,


                # If there were no nested calls to deepcopy, then the total

                # number of calls to deepcopy should be 2 (1 call for

                # each mod'd field in the AttributeError message raised

                # by the plugin).

                self.assertEqual(self.nesting_count, 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoBasicGet(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, test_db_plugin.TestBasicGet):


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class TestCiscoV2HTTPResponse(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, test_db_plugin.TestV2HTTPResponse):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoPortsV2(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, test_db_plugin.TestPortsV2, test_bindings.PortBindingsHostTestCaseMixin):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_port_res(self, name=NETWORK_NAME, cidr=CIDR_1,

                         do_delete=True, host_id=COMP_HOST_NAME):

        """Create a network, subnet, and port and yield the result.

        Create a network, subnet, and port, yield the result,

        then delete the port, subnet, and network.

        :param name: Name of network to be created

        :param cidr: cidr address of subnetwork to be created

        :param do_delete: If set to True, delete the port at the

                          end of testing

        :param host_id: Name of compute host to use for testing


        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self.network(name=name) as network:

            with self.subnet(network=network, cidr=cidr) as subnet:

                net_id = subnet['subnet']['network_id']

                args = (portbindings.HOST_ID, 'device_id', 'device_owner')

                port_dict = {portbindings.HOST_ID: host_id,

                             'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                             'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

                res = self._create_port(self.fmt, net_id, arg_list=args,

                                        context=ctx, **port_dict)

                port = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)

                yield res

                if do_delete:

                    self._delete('ports', port['port']['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_ports_bulk_emulated_plugin_failure(self):

        real_has_attr = hasattr

        #ensures the API choose the emulation code path

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

            orig = plugin_ref.create_port

            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_port') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                                *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                with self.network() as net:

                    res = self._create_port_bulk(self.fmt, 2,




                    # Expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

            orig = plugin_ref.create_port

            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_port') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                                *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                with self.network() as net:

                    res = self._create_port_bulk(self.fmt, 2,




                    # Expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_ports_bulk_native(self):

        if self._skip_native_bulk:

            self.skipTest("Plugin does not support native bulk port create")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_ports_bulk_emulated(self):

        if self._skip_native_bulk:

            self.skipTest("Plugin does not support native bulk port create")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_ports_bulk_native_plugin_failure(self):

        if self._skip_native_bulk:

            self.skipTest("Plugin does not support native bulk port create")

        ctx = context.get_admin_context()

        with self.network() as net:

            plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

            orig = plugin_ref.create_port

            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_port') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                                *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                res = self._create_port_bulk(self.fmt, 2,


                                             'test', True, context=ctx)

                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_enable_vlan_cmd(self):

        """Verify the syntax of the command to enable a vlan on an intf."""

        # First vlan should be configured without 'add' keyword

        with self._create_port_res(name='net1', cidr=CIDR_1):





            # Second vlan should be configured with 'add' keyword

            with self._create_port_res(name='net2', cidr=CIDR_2):




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_vlan_config_two_hosts(self):

        """Verify config/unconfig of vlan on two compute hosts."""


        def _create_port_check_vlan(comp_host_name, device_id,


            arg_list = (portbindings.HOST_ID,)

            port_dict = {portbindings.HOST_ID: comp_host_name,

                         'device_id': device_id,

                         'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

            with self.port(subnet=subnet, fmt=self.fmt,

                           arg_list=arg_list, **port_dict):






        # Create network and subnet

        with self.network(name=NETWORK_NAME) as network:

            with self.subnet(network=network, cidr=CIDR_1) as subnet:

                # Create an instance on first compute host

                with _create_port_check_vlan(

                    COMP_HOST_NAME, DEVICE_ID_1, vlan_creation_expected=True):

                    # Create an instance on second compute host

                    with _create_port_check_vlan(

                        COMP_HOST_NAME_2, DEVICE_ID_2,



                    # Instance on second host is now terminated.

                    # Vlan should be untrunked from port, but vlan should

                    # still exist on the switch.




                # Instance on first host is now terminated.

                # Vlan should be untrunked from port and vlan should have

                # been deleted from the switch.



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _create_port_check_vlan(comp_host_name, device_id,


            arg_list = (portbindings.HOST_ID,)

            port_dict = {portbindings.HOST_ID: comp_host_name,

                         'device_id': device_id,

                         'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

            with self.port(subnet=subnet, fmt=self.fmt,

                           arg_list=arg_list, **port_dict):






        # Create network and subnet

        with self.network(name=NETWORK_NAME) as network:

            with self.subnet(network=network, cidr=CIDR_1) as subnet:

                # Create an instance on first compute host

                with _create_port_check_vlan(

                    COMP_HOST_NAME, DEVICE_ID_1, vlan_creation_expected=True):

                    # Create an instance on second compute host

                    with _create_port_check_vlan(

                        COMP_HOST_NAME_2, DEVICE_ID_2,



                    # Instance on second host is now terminated.

                    # Vlan should be untrunked from port, but vlan should

                    # still exist on the switch.




                # Instance on first host is now terminated.

                # Vlan should be untrunked from port and vlan should have

                # been deleted from the switch.



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_connect_fail(self):

        """Test failure to connect to a Nexus switch.

        While creating a network, subnet, and port, simulate a connection

        failure to a nexus switch. Confirm that the expected HTTP code

        is returned for the create port operation.


        with self._patch_ncclient('manager.connect.side_effect',


            with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_config_fail(self):

        """Test a Nexus switch configuration failure.

        While creating a network, subnet, and port, simulate a nexus

        switch configuration error. Confirm that the expected HTTP code

        is returned for the create port operation.


        with self._patch_ncclient(



            with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_extended_vlan_range_failure(self):

        """Test that extended VLAN range config errors are ignored.

        Some versions of Nexus switch do not allow state changes for

        the extended VLAN range (1006-4094), but these errors can be

        ignored (default values are appropriate). Test that such errors

        are ignored by the Nexus plugin.


        config_err_strings = {

            "state active": "Can't modify state for extended",

            "no shutdown": "Command is only allowed on VLAN",


        for config, err_string in config_err_strings.items():

            with self._patch_ncclient(




                with self._create_port_res() as res:

                    self.assertEqual(res.status_int, wexc.HTTPCreated.code)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_vlan_config_rollback(self):

        """Test rollback following Nexus VLAN state config failure.

        Test that the Cisco Nexus plugin correctly deletes the VLAN

        on the Nexus switch when the 'state active' command fails (for

        a reason other than state configuration change is rejected

        for the extended VLAN range).


        vlan_state_configs = ['state active', 'no shutdown']

        for config in vlan_state_configs:

            with self._patch_ncclient(


                self._config_dependent_side_effect(config, ValueError)):

                with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:

                    # Confirm that the last configuration sent to the Nexus

                    # switch was deletion of the VLAN.


                        self._is_in_last_nexus_cfg(['', ''])




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_seg_id_fail(self):

        """Test handling of a NetworkSegmentIDNotFound exception.

        Test the Cisco NetworkSegmentIDNotFound exception by simulating

        a return of None by the OVS DB get_network_binding method

        during port creation.


        orig = ovs_db_v2.get_network_binding

        def _return_none_if_nexus_caller(self, *args, **kwargs):

            def _calling_func_name(offset=0):

                """Get name of the calling function 'offset' frames back."""

                return inspect.stack()[1 + offset][3]

            if (_calling_func_name(1) == '_get_segmentation_id' and

                _calling_func_name(2) == '_invoke_nexus_for_net_create'):

                return None


                return orig(self, *args, **kwargs)

        with mock.patch.object(ovs_db_v2, 'get_network_binding',


            with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _return_none_if_nexus_caller(self, *args, **kwargs):

            def _calling_func_name(offset=0):

                """Get name of the calling function 'offset' frames back."""

                return inspect.stack()[1 + offset][3]

            if (_calling_func_name(1) == '_get_segmentation_id' and

                _calling_func_name(2) == '_invoke_nexus_for_net_create'):

                return None


                return orig(self, *args, **kwargs)

        with mock.patch.object(ovs_db_v2, 'get_network_binding',


            with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_host_non_configured(self):

        """Test handling of a NexusComputeHostNotConfigured exception.

        Test the Cisco NexusComputeHostNotConfigured exception by using

        a fictitious host name during port creation.


        with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False,

                                   host_id='fakehost') as res:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_rollback_on_bind_failure(self,



        """Test for proper rollback following add Nexus DB binding failure.

        Test that the Cisco Nexus plugin correctly rolls back the vlan

        configuration on the Nexus switch when add_nexusport_binding fails

        within the plugin's create_port() method.


        inserted_exc = KeyError

        with mock.patch.object(nexus_db_v2, 'add_nexusport_binding',


            with self._create_port_res(do_delete=False) as res:

                # Confirm that the configuration sent to the Nexus

                # switch includes deletion of the vlan (if expected)

                # and untrunking of the vlan from the ethernet interface

                # (if expected).




                self._assertExpectedHTTP(res.status_int, inserted_exc)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_rollback_on_bind_failure_non_provider_vlan(self):

        """Test rollback upon DB binding failure for non-provider vlan."""



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_rollback_on_bind_failure_prov_vlan_no_auto_create(self):

        """Test rollback on bind fail for prov vlan w auto-create disabled."""

        with mock.patch.object(network_db_v2, 'is_provider_vlan',


            # Disable auto-create. This config change will be cleared based

            # on cleanup scheduled in the CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase

            # class' setUp() method.


                                           False, 'CISCO')



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_rollback_on_bind_failure_prov_vlan_no_auto_trunk(self):

        """Test rollback on bind fail for prov vlan w auto-trunk disabled."""

        with mock.patch.object(network_db_v2, 'is_provider_vlan',


            # Disable auto-trunk. This config change will be cleared

            # based on post-test cleanup scheduled in the

            # CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase class' setUp() method.


                                           False, 'CISCO')



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_model_update_port_rollback(self):

        """Test for proper rollback for Cisco model layer update port failure.

        Test that the vSwitch plugin port configuration is rolled back

        (restored) by the Cisco plugin model layer when there is a

        failure in the Nexus sub-plugin for an update port operation.

        The update port operation simulates a port attachment scenario:

        first a port is created with no instance (null device_id),

        and then a port update is requested with a non-null device_id

        to simulate the port attachment.


        with self.port(fmt=self.fmt, device_id='',

                       device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER) as orig_port:

            inserted_exc = ValueError

            with mock.patch.object(




                # Send an update port request including a non-null device ID

                data = {'port': {'device_id': DEVICE_ID_2,

                                 'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER,

                                 portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME}}

                port_id = orig_port['port']['id']

                req = self.new_update_request('ports', data, port_id)

                res = req.get_response(self.api)

                # Sanity check failure result code

                self._assertExpectedHTTP(res.status_int, inserted_exc)

                # Check that the port still has the original device ID

                plugin = base_plugin.NeutronDbPluginV2()

                ctx = context.get_admin_context()

                db_port = plugin._get_port(ctx, port_id)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_model_delete_port_rollback(self):

        """Test for proper rollback for OVS plugin delete port failure.

        Test that the nexus port configuration is rolled back (restored)

        by the Cisco model plugin when there is a failure in the OVS

        plugin for a delete port operation.


        with self._create_port_res() as res:

            # After port is created, we should have one binding for this

            # vlan/nexus switch.

            port = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)

            start_rows = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(VLAN_START,


            self.assertEqual(len(start_rows), 1)

            # Inject an exception in the OVS plugin delete_port

            # processing, and attempt a port deletion.

            inserted_exc = n_exc.Conflict

            expected_http = base.FAULT_MAP[inserted_exc].code

            with mock.patch.object(l3_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin,



                self._delete('ports', port['port']['id'],


            # Confirm that the Cisco model plugin has restored

            # the nexus configuration for this port after deletion failure.

            end_rows = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(VLAN_START,


            self.assertEqual(start_rows, end_rows)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_nexus_delete_port_rollback(self):

        """Test for proper rollback for nexus plugin delete port failure.

        Test for rollback (i.e. restoration) of a VLAN entry in the

        nexus database whenever the nexus plugin fails to reconfigure the

        nexus switch during a delete_port operation.


        with self._create_port_res() as res:

            port = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)

            # Check that there is only one binding in the nexus database

            # for this VLAN/nexus switch.

            start_rows = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(VLAN_START,


            self.assertEqual(len(start_rows), 1)

            # Simulate a Nexus switch configuration error during

            # port deletion.

            with self._patch_ncclient(



                self._delete('ports', port['port']['id'],


            # Confirm that the binding has been restored (rolled back).

            end_rows = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(VLAN_START,


            self.assertEqual(start_rows, end_rows)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_model_update_port_attach(self):

        """Test the model for update_port in attaching to an instance.

        Mock the routines that call into the plugin code, and make sure they

        are called with correct arguments.


        with contextlib.nested(






        ) as (port, invoke_plugin_per_device, invoke_nexus_for_net_create):

            data = {'port': {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                    'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                    'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}}

            req = self.new_update_request('ports', data, port['port']['id'])

            # Note, due to mocking out the two model routines, response won't

            # contain any useful data


            # Note that call_args_list is used instead of

            # assert_called_once_with which requires exact match of arguments.

            # This is because the mocked routines contain variable number of

            # arguments and/or dynamic objects.

            self.assertEqual(invoke_plugin_per_device.call_count, 1)



                (const.VSWITCH_PLUGIN, 'update_port'))

            self.assertEqual(invoke_nexus_for_net_create.call_count, 1)



                (port['port']['tenant_id'], port['port']['network_id'],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_model_update_port_migrate(self):

        """Test the model for update_port in migrating an instance.

        Mock the routines that call into the plugin code, and make sure they

        are called with correct arguments.


        arg_list = (portbindings.HOST_ID,)

        data = {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

        with contextlib.nested(

                self.port(arg_list=arg_list, **data),





        ) as (port, invoke_plugin_per_device, invoke_nexus_for_net_create):

            data = {'port': {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME_2}}

            req = self.new_update_request('ports', data, port['port']['id'])

            # Note, due to mocking out the two model routines, response won't

            # contain any useful data


            # Note that call_args_list is used instead of

            # assert_called_once_with which requires exact match of arguments.

            # This is because the mocked routines contain variable number of

            # arguments and/or dynamic objects.

            self.assertEqual(invoke_plugin_per_device.call_count, 2)



                (const.VSWITCH_PLUGIN, 'update_port'))



                (const.NEXUS_PLUGIN, 'delete_port'))

            self.assertEqual(invoke_nexus_for_net_create.call_count, 1)



                (port['port']['tenant_id'], port['port']['network_id'],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_model_update_port_net_create_not_needed(self):

        """Test the model for update_port when no action is needed.

        Mock the routines that call into the plugin code, and make sure that

        VSWITCH plugin is called with correct arguments, while NEXUS plugin is

        not called at all.


        arg_list = (portbindings.HOST_ID,)

        data = {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

        with contextlib.nested(

                self.port(arg_list=arg_list, **data),





        ) as (port, invoke_plugin_per_device, invoke_nexus_for_net_create):

            data = {'port': {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                    'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                    'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}}

            req = self.new_update_request('ports', data, port['port']['id'])

            # Note, due to mocking out the two model routines, response won't

            # contain any useful data


            # Note that call_args_list is used instead of

            # assert_called_once_with which requires exact match of arguments.

            # This is because the mocked routines contain variable number of

            # arguments and/or dynamic objects.

            self.assertEqual(invoke_plugin_per_device.call_count, 1)



                (const.VSWITCH_PLUGIN, 'update_port'))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def verify_portbinding(self, host_id1, host_id2,

                           vlan, device_id, binding_port):

        """Verify a port binding entry in the DB is correct."""

        self.assertEqual(host_id1, host_id2)

        pb = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvm_bindings(vlan, device_id)

        self.assertEqual(len(pb), 1)

        self.assertEqual(pb[0].port_id, binding_port)

        self.assertEqual(pb[0].switch_ip, NEXUS_IP_ADDR)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_db_update_port_attach(self):

        """Test DB for update_port in attaching to an instance.

        Query DB for the port binding entry corresponding to the search key

        (vlan, device_id), and make sure that it's bound to correct switch port


        with self.port() as port:

            data = {'port': {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                    'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                    'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}}

            req = self.new_update_request('ports', data, port['port']['id'])

            res = self.deserialize(self.fmt, req.get_response(self.api))

            ctx = context.get_admin_context()

            net = self._show('networks', res['port']['network_id'],




            vlan = net[provider.SEGMENTATION_ID]

            self.assertEqual(vlan, VLAN_START)






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_db_update_port_migrate(self):

        """Test DB for update_port in migrating an instance.

        Query DB for the port binding entry corresponding to the search key

        (vlan, device_id), and make sure that it's bound to correct switch port

        before and after the migration.


        arg_list = (portbindings.HOST_ID,)

        data = {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME,

                'device_id': DEVICE_ID_1,

                'device_owner': DEVICE_OWNER}

        with self.port(arg_list=arg_list, **data) as port:

            ctx = context.get_admin_context()

            net = self._show('networks', port['port']['network_id'],




            vlan = net[provider.SEGMENTATION_ID]

            self.assertEqual(vlan, VLAN_START)






            new_data = {'port': {portbindings.HOST_ID: COMP_HOST_NAME_2}}

            req = self.new_update_request('ports',

                                          new_data, port['port']['id'])

            res = self.deserialize(self.fmt, req.get_response(self.api))






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_ports_by_device_id_second_call_failure(self):

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_ports_ignores_port_not_found(self):

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoNetworksV2(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, test_db_plugin.TestNetworksV2):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_networks_bulk_emulated_plugin_failure(self):

        real_has_attr = hasattr

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

        orig = plugin_ref.create_network

        #ensures the API choose the emulation code path

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_network') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                                *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                res = self._create_network_bulk(self.fmt, 2, 'test', True)

                LOG.debug("response is %s" % res)

                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

        orig = plugin_ref.create_network

        #ensures the API choose the emulation code path

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_network') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                                *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                res = self._create_network_bulk(self.fmt, 2, 'test', True)

                LOG.debug("response is %s" % res)

                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_networks_bulk_native_plugin_failure(self):

        if self._skip_native_bulk:

            self.skipTest("Plugin does not support native bulk network create")

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

        orig = plugin_ref.create_network

        with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                               'create_network') as patched_plugin:

            def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                            *args, **kwargs)

            patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

            res = self._create_network_bulk(self.fmt, 2, 'test', True)

            # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _provider_vlan_network(self, phys_net, segment_id, net_name):

        provider_attrs = {provider.NETWORK_TYPE: 'vlan',

                          provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: phys_net,

                          provider.SEGMENTATION_ID: segment_id}

        arg_list = tuple(provider_attrs.keys())

        res = self._create_network(self.fmt, net_name, True,

                                   arg_list=arg_list, **provider_attrs)

        network = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)['network']

        yield network

        req = self.new_delete_request('networks', network['id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_provider_vlan_network(self):

        with self._provider_vlan_network(PHYS_NET, '1234',

                                         'pvnet1') as network:

            expected = [('name', 'pvnet1'),

                        ('admin_state_up', True),

                        ('status', 'ACTIVE'),

                        ('shared', False),

                        (provider.NETWORK_TYPE, 'vlan'),

                        (provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK, PHYS_NET),

                        (provider.SEGMENTATION_ID, 1234)]

            for k, v in expected:

                self.assertEqual(network[k], v)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_provider_vlan_network(self):

        with self._provider_vlan_network(PHYS_NET, '1234',

                                         'pvnet1') as network:

            network_id = network['id']

        # Provider network should now be deleted


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoSubnetsV2(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase, test_db_plugin.TestSubnetsV2):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_subnets_bulk_emulated_plugin_failure(self):

        real_has_attr = hasattr

        #ensures the API choose the emulation code path

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

            orig = plugin_ref.create_subnet

            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_subnet') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                         *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                with self.network() as net:

                    res = self._create_subnet_bulk(self.fmt, 2,



                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def fakehasattr(item, attr):

            if attr.endswith('__native_bulk_support'):

                return False

            return real_has_attr(item, attr)

        with mock.patch('__builtin__.hasattr',


            plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

            orig = plugin_ref.create_subnet

            with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                                   'create_subnet') as patched_plugin:

                def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                    self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                         *args, **kwargs)

                patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

                with self.network() as net:

                    res = self._create_subnet_bulk(self.fmt, 2,



                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_subnets_bulk_native_plugin_failure(self):

        if self._skip_native_bulk:

            self.skipTest("Plugin does not support native bulk subnet create")

        plugin_ref = self._get_plugin_ref()

        orig = plugin_ref.create_subnet

        with mock.patch.object(plugin_ref,

                               'create_subnet') as patched_plugin:

            def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):

                return self._do_side_effect(patched_plugin, orig,

                                            *args, **kwargs)

            patched_plugin.side_effect = side_effect

            with self.network() as net:

                res = self._create_subnet_bulk(self.fmt, 2,



                # We expect an internal server error as we injected a fault





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoRouterInterfacesV2(CiscoNetworkPluginV2TestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        """Configure a log exception counter and an API extension manager."""

        self.log_exc_count = 0

        def _count_exception_logs(*args, **kwargs):

            self.log_exc_count += 1

        mock.patch.object(logging.LoggerAdapter, 'exception',




        super(TestCiscoRouterInterfacesV2, self).setUp()

        ext_mgr = extensions.PluginAwareExtensionManager.get_instance()

        self.ext_api = test_extensions.setup_extensions_middleware(ext_mgr)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _count_exception_logs(*args, **kwargs):

            self.log_exc_count += 1

        mock.patch.object(logging.LoggerAdapter, 'exception',




        super(TestCiscoRouterInterfacesV2, self).setUp()

        ext_mgr = extensions.PluginAwareExtensionManager.get_instance()

        self.ext_api = test_extensions.setup_extensions_middleware(ext_mgr)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _network_subnet_router(self):

        """Context mgr for creating/deleting a net, subnet, and router."""

        with self.network() as network:

            with self.subnet(network=network) as subnet:

                data = {'router': {'tenant_id': 'test_tenant_id'}}

                request = self.new_create_request('routers', data, self.fmt)

                response = request.get_response(self.ext_api)

                router = self.deserialize(self.fmt, response)

                yield network, subnet, router

                self._delete('routers', router['router']['id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _router_interface(self, router, subnet, **kwargs):

        """Create a router interface, yield the response, then delete it."""

        interface_data = {}

        if subnet:

            interface_data['subnet_id'] = subnet['subnet']['id']


        request = self.new_action_request('routers', interface_data,



        response = request.get_response(self.ext_api)

        yield response

        # If router interface was created successfully, delete it now.

        if response.status_int == wexc.HTTPOk.code:

            request = self.new_action_request('routers', interface_data,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _network_subnet_router_interface(self, **kwargs):

        """Context mgr for create/deleting a net, subnet, router and intf."""

        with self._network_subnet_router() as (network, subnet, router):

            with self._router_interface(router, subnet,

                                        **kwargs) as response:

                yield response

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_port_list_filtered_by_router_id(self):

        """Test port list command filtered by router ID."""

        with self._network_subnet_router() as (network, subnet, router):

            with self._router_interface(router, subnet):

                query_params = "device_id=%s" % router['router']['id']

                req = self.new_list_request('ports', self.fmt, query_params)

                res = self.deserialize(self.fmt, req.get_response(self.api))

                self.assertEqual(len(res['ports']), 1)




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_add_remove_router_intf_with_nexus_l3_enabled(self):

        """Verifies proper add/remove intf operation with Nexus L3 enabled.

        With 'nexus_l3_enable' configured to True, confirm that a switched

        virtual interface (SVI) is created/deleted on the Nexus switch when

        a virtual router interface is created/deleted.


        cisco_config.CONF.set_override('nexus_l3_enable', True, 'CISCO')

        with self._network_subnet_router_interface():


                ['interface', 'vlan', 'ip', 'address']))

            # Clear list of calls made to mock ncclient


        # Router interface is now deleted. Confirm that SVI

        # has been deleted from the Nexus switch.

        self.assertTrue(self._is_in_nexus_cfg(['no', 'interface', 'vlan']))

        self.assertTrue(self._is_in_last_nexus_cfg(['no', 'vlan']))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_add_remove_router_intf_with_nexus_l3_disabled(self):

        """Verifies proper add/remove intf operation with Nexus L3 disabled.

        With 'nexus_l3_enable' configured to False, confirm that no changes

        are made to the Nexus switch running configuration when a virtual

        router interface is created and then deleted.


        cisco_config.CONF.set_override('nexus_l3_enable', False, 'CISCO')

        with self._network_subnet_router_interface():



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_svi_but_subnet_not_specified_exception(self):

        """Tests raising of SubnetNotSpecified exception.

         Tests that a SubnetNotSpecified exception is raised when an

         add_router_interface request is made for creating a switch virtual

         interface (SVI), but the request does not specify a subnet.


        cisco_config.CONF.set_override('nexus_l3_enable', True, 'CISCO')

        with self._network_subnet_router() as (network, subnet, router):

            with self._router_interface(router, subnet=None) as response:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_svi_but_port_id_included_exception(self):

        """Tests raising of PortIdForNexusSvi exception.

         Tests that a PortIdForNexusSvi exception is raised when an

         add_router_interface request is made for creating a switch virtual

         interface (SVI), but the request includes a virtual port ID.


        cisco_config.CONF.set_override('nexus_l3_enable', True, 'CISCO')

        with self._network_subnet_router_interface(

            port_id='my_port_id') as response:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoPortsV2XML(TestCiscoPortsV2):

fmt = 'xml'

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class TestCiscoNetworksV2XML(TestCiscoNetworksV2):

fmt = 'xml'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoSubnetsV2XML(TestCiscoSubnetsV2):

fmt = 'xml'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestCiscoRouterInterfacesV2XML(TestCiscoRouterInterfacesV2):

fmt = 'xml'