

OpenStack Study: test_ssl.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2014 Big Switch Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.


# @author: Kevin Benton, kevin.benton@bigswitch.com


import os

import mock

from oslo.config import cfg

import webob.exc

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

from neutron.tests.unit.bigswitch import fake_server

from neutron.tests.unit.bigswitch import test_base

from neutron.tests.unit import test_api_v2

from neutron.tests.unit import test_db_plugin as test_plugin

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SERVERMANAGER = 'neutron.plugins.bigswitch.servermanager'

HTTPS = SERVERMANAGER + '.HTTPSConnectionWithValidation'

CERTCOMBINER = SERVERMANAGER + '.ServerPool._combine_certs_to_file'

FILEPUT = SERVERMANAGER + '.ServerPool._file_put_contents'

GETCACERTS = SERVERMANAGER + '.ServerPool._get_ca_cert_paths'

GETHOSTCERT = SERVERMANAGER + '.ServerPool._get_host_cert_path'

FAKECERTGET = 'neutron.tests.unit.bigswitch.fake_server.get_cert_contents'

SSLGETCERT = 'ssl.get_server_certificate'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class test_ssl_certificate_base(test_plugin.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase, test_base.BigSwitchTestBase):

plugin_str = ('%s.NeutronRestProxyV2' %


servername = None

cert_base = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _setUp(self):

        self.servername = test_api_v2._uuid()

        self.cert_base = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.ssl_cert_directory

        self.host_cert_val = 'DUMMYCERTFORHOST%s' % self.servername

        self.host_cert_path = os.path.join(



            '%s.pem' % self.servername


        self.comb_cert_path = os.path.join(



            '%s.pem' % self.servername


        self.ca_certs_path = os.path.join(




        cfg.CONF.set_override('servers', ["%s:443" % self.servername],



        # Mock method SSL lib uses to grab cert from server

        self.sslgetcert_m = mock.patch(SSLGETCERT, create=True).start()

        self.sslgetcert_m.return_value = self.host_cert_val

        # Mock methods that write and read certs from the file-system

        self.fileput_m = mock.patch(FILEPUT, create=True).start()

        self.certcomb_m = mock.patch(CERTCOMBINER, create=True).start()

        self.getcacerts_m = mock.patch(GETCACERTS, create=True).start()

        # this is used to configure what certificate contents the fake HTTPS

        # lib should expect to receive

        self.fake_certget_m = mock.patch(FAKECERTGET, create=True).start()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(test_ssl_certificate_base, self).setUp(self.plugin_str)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestSslSticky(test_ssl_certificate_base):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):


        cfg.CONF.set_override('server_ssl', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('ssl_sticky', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        self.httpsPatch = mock.patch(HTTPS, create=True,




        # Set fake HTTPS connection's expectation

        self.fake_certget_m.return_value = self.host_cert_val

        # No CA certs for this test

        self.getcacerts_m.return_value = []

        super(TestSslSticky, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_sticky_cert(self):

        # SSL connection should be successful and cert should be cached

        with self.network():

            # CA certs should have been checked for


            # cert should have been fetched via SSL lib


                [mock.call((self.servername, 443))]


            # cert should have been recorded



            # no ca certs, so host cert only for this combined cert



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestSslHostCert(test_ssl_certificate_base):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):


        cfg.CONF.set_override('server_ssl', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('ssl_sticky', False, 'RESTPROXY')

        self.httpsPatch = mock.patch(HTTPS, create=True,




        # Set fake HTTPS connection's expectation

        self.fake_certget_m.return_value = self.host_cert_val

        # No CA certs for this test

        self.getcacerts_m.return_value = []

        # Pretend host cert exists

        self.hcertpath_p = mock.patch(GETHOSTCERT,

                                      return_value=(self.host_cert_path, True),


        super(TestSslHostCert, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_host_cert(self):

        # SSL connection should be successful because of pre-configured cert

        with self.network():


                mock.call(os.path.join(self.cert_base, 'host_certs'),



            # sticky is disabled, no fetching allowed


            # no ca certs, so host cert is only for this combined cert



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestSslCaCert(test_ssl_certificate_base):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):


        cfg.CONF.set_override('server_ssl', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('ssl_sticky', False, 'RESTPROXY')

        self.httpsPatch = mock.patch(HTTPS, create=True,




        # pretend to have a few ca certs

        self.getcacerts_m.return_value = ['ca1.pem', 'ca2.pem']

        # Set fake HTTPS connection's expectation

        self.fake_certget_m.return_value = 'DUMMYCERTIFICATEAUTHORITY'

        super(TestSslCaCert, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_ca_cert(self):

        # SSL connection should be successful because CA cert was present

        # If not, attempting to create a network would raise an exception

        with self.network():

            # sticky is disabled, no fetching allowed


            # 2 CAs and no host cert so combined should only contain both CAs

            self.certcomb_m.assert_has_calls([mock.call(['ca1.pem', 'ca2.pem'],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestSslWrongHostCert(test_ssl_certificate_base):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):


        cfg.CONF.set_override('server_ssl', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('ssl_sticky', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        self.httpsPatch = mock.patch(HTTPS, create=True,




        # Set fake HTTPS connection's expectation to something wrong

        self.fake_certget_m.return_value = 'OTHERCERT'

        # No CA certs for this test

        self.getcacerts_m.return_value = []

        # Pretend host cert exists

        self.hcertpath_p = mock.patch(GETHOSTCERT,

                                      return_value=(self.host_cert_path, True),


        super(TestSslWrongHostCert, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_error_no_cert(self):

        # since there will already be a host cert, sticky should not take

        # effect and there will be an error because the host cert's contents

        # will be incorrect

        tid = test_api_v2._uuid()

        data = {}

        data['network'] = {'tenant_id': tid, 'name': 'name',

                           'admin_state_up': True}

        req = self.new_create_request('networks', data, 'json')

        res = req.get_response(self.api)




            mock.call(os.path.join(self.cert_base, 'host_certs'),



        # sticky is enabled, but a host cert already exists so it shant fetch


        # no ca certs, so host cert only for this combined cert



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestSslNoValidation(test_ssl_certificate_base):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):


        cfg.CONF.set_override('server_ssl', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('ssl_sticky', False, 'RESTPROXY')

        cfg.CONF.set_override('no_ssl_validation', True, 'RESTPROXY')

        self.httpsPatch = mock.patch(HTTPS, create=True,




        super(TestSslNoValidation, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_validation_disabled(self):

        # SSL connection should be successful without any certificates

        # If not, attempting to create a network will raise an exception

        with self.network():

            # no sticky grabbing and no cert combining with no enforcement

