

OpenStack Study: dhcp_agent_scheduler.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

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import random

from oslo.config import cfg

from neutron.common import constants

from neutron.db import agents_db

from neutron.db import agentschedulers_db

from neutron.openstack.common.db import exception as db_exc

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ChanceScheduler(object):

"""Allocate a DHCP agent for a network in a random way.

More sophisticated scheduler (similar to filter scheduler in nova?)

can be introduced later.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _schedule_bind_network(self, context, agents, network_id):

        for agent in agents:



                binding = agentschedulers_db.NetworkDhcpAgentBinding()

                binding.dhcp_agent = agent

                binding.network_id = network_id


                # try to actually write the changes and catch integrity

                # DBDuplicateEntry


            except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:

                # it's totally ok, someone just did our job!


                LOG.info(_('Agent %s already present'), agent)

            LOG.debug(_('Network %(network_id)s is scheduled to be '

                        'hosted by DHCP agent %(agent_id)s'),

                      {'network_id': network_id,

                       'agent_id': agent})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def schedule(self, plugin, context, network):

        """Schedule the network to active DHCP agent(s).

        A list of scheduled agents is returned.


        agents_per_network = cfg.CONF.dhcp_agents_per_network

        #TODO(gongysh) don't schedule the networks with only

        # subnets whose enable_dhcp is false

        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            dhcp_agents = plugin.get_dhcp_agents_hosting_networks(

                context, [network['id']], active=True)

            if len(dhcp_agents) >= agents_per_network:

                LOG.debug(_('Network %s is hosted already'),



            n_agents = agents_per_network - len(dhcp_agents)

            enabled_dhcp_agents = plugin.get_agents_db(

                context, filters={

                    'agent_type': [constants.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP],

                    'admin_state_up': [True]})

            if not enabled_dhcp_agents:

                LOG.warn(_('No more DHCP agents'))


            active_dhcp_agents = [

                agent for agent in set(enabled_dhcp_agents)

                if not agents_db.AgentDbMixin.is_agent_down(


                and agent not in dhcp_agents


            if not active_dhcp_agents:

                LOG.warn(_('No more DHCP agents'))


            n_agents = min(len(active_dhcp_agents), n_agents)

            chosen_agents = random.sample(active_dhcp_agents, n_agents)

        self._schedule_bind_network(context, chosen_agents, network['id'])

        return chosen_agents

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def auto_schedule_networks(self, plugin, context, host):

        """Schedule non-hosted networks to the DHCP agent on

        the specified host.


        agents_per_network = cfg.CONF.dhcp_agents_per_network

        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            query = context.session.query(agents_db.Agent)

            query = query.filter(agents_db.Agent.agent_type ==


                                 agents_db.Agent.host == host,

                                 agents_db.Agent.admin_state_up == True)

            dhcp_agents = query.all()

            for dhcp_agent in dhcp_agents:

                if agents_db.AgentDbMixin.is_agent_down(


                    LOG.warn(_('DHCP agent %s is not active'), dhcp_agent.id)


                fields = ['network_id', 'enable_dhcp']

                subnets = plugin.get_subnets(context, fields=fields)

                net_ids = set(s['network_id'] for s in subnets

                              if s['enable_dhcp'])

                if not net_ids:

                    LOG.debug(_('No non-hosted networks'))

                    return False

                for net_id in net_ids:

                    agents = plugin.get_dhcp_agents_hosting_networks(

                        context, [net_id], active=True)

                    if len(agents) >= agents_per_network:


                    if any(dhcp_agent.id == agent.id for agent in agents):


                    binding = agentschedulers_db.NetworkDhcpAgentBinding()

                    binding.dhcp_agent = dhcp_agent

                    binding.network_id = net_id


        return True