**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _build_uri_path(resource,
resources = resource.split('/')
res_path = resources[0] + (resource_id and "/%s" % resource_id or '')
if len(resources) > 1:
# There is also a parent resource to account for in the uri
res_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (resources[1],
if is_attachment:
res_path = "%s/attachment" % res_path
elif extra_action:
res_path = "%s/%s" % (res_path, extra_action)
params = []
params.append(fields and "fields=%s" % fields)
params.append(relations and "relations=%s" % relations)
params.append(types and "types=%s" % types)
if filters:
params.extend(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in filters.iteritems()])
uri_path = "%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, res_path)
non_empty_params = [x for x in params if x is not None]
if non_empty_params:
query_string = '&'.join(non_empty_params)
if query_string:
uri_path += "?%s" % query_string
return uri_path
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def format_exception(etype, e, exception_locals):
"""Consistent formatting for exceptions.
:param etype: a string describing the exception type.
:param e: the exception.
:param execption_locals: calling context local variable dict.
:returns: a formatted string.
msg = [_("Error. %(type)s exception: %(exc)s.") %
{'type': etype, 'exc': e}]
l = dict((k, v) for k, v in exception_locals.iteritems()
if k != 'request')
msg.append(_("locals=[%s]") % str(l))
return ' '.join(msg)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def do_request(*args, **kwargs):
"""Issue a request to the cluster specified in kwargs.
:param args: a list of positional arguments.
:param kwargs: a list of keyworkds arguments.
:returns: the result of the operation loaded into a python
object or None.
cluster = kwargs["cluster"]
res = cluster.api_client.request(*args)
if res:
return json.loads(res)
except api_exc.ResourceNotFound:
raise exception.NotFound()
except api_exc.ReadOnlyMode:
raise nsx_exc.MaintenanceInProgress()
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_single_query_page(path, cluster, page_cursor=None,
page_length=1000, neutron_only=True):
params = []
if page_cursor:
params.append("_page_cursor=%s" % page_cursor)
params.append("_page_length=%s" % page_length)
# NOTE(salv-orlando): On the NSX backend the 'Quantum' tag is still
# used for marking Neutron entities in order to preserve compatibility
if neutron_only:
query_params = "&".join(params)
path = "%s%s%s" % (path, "&" if (path.find("?") != -1) else "?",
body = do_request(HTTP_GET, path, cluster=cluster)
# Result_count won't be returned if _page_cursor is supplied
return body['results'], body.get('page_cursor'), body.get('result_count')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_all_query_pages(path, cluster):
need_more_results = True
result_list = []
page_cursor = None
while need_more_results:
results, page_cursor = get_single_query_page(
path, cluster, page_cursor)[:2]
if not page_cursor:
need_more_results = False
return result_list
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def mk_body(**kwargs):
"""Convenience function creates and dumps dictionary to string.
:param kwargs: the key/value pirs to be dumped into a json string.
:returns: a json string.
return json.dumps(kwargs, ensure_ascii=False)