

OpenStack Study: ovs_neutron_agent.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import signal

import sys

import time

import eventlet

import netaddr

from oslo.config import cfg

from six.moves import xrange

from neutron.agent import l2population_rpc

from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib

from neutron.agent.linux import ovs_lib

from neutron.agent.linux import polling

from neutron.agent.linux import utils

from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc

from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc

from neutron.common import config as logging_config

from neutron.common import constants as q_const

from neutron.common import legacy

from neutron.common import topics

from neutron.common import utils as q_utils

from neutron import context

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall

from neutron.openstack.common.rpc import dispatcher

from neutron.plugins.common import constants as p_const

from neutron.plugins.openvswitch.common import config # noqa

from neutron.plugins.openvswitch.common import constants

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# A placeholder for dead vlans.

DEAD_VLAN_TAG = str(q_const.MAX_VLAN_TAG + 1)

# A class to represent a VIF (i.e., a port that has 'iface-id' and 'vif-mac'

# attributes set).

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LocalVLANMapping:

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, vlan, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id,


        if vif_ports is None:

            vif_ports = {}

        self.vlan = vlan

        self.network_type = network_type

        self.physical_network = physical_network

        self.segmentation_id = segmentation_id

        self.vif_ports = vif_ports

        # set of tunnel ports on which packets should be flooded

        self.tun_ofports = set()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __str__(self):

        return ("lv-id = %s type = %s phys-net = %s phys-id = %s" %

                (self.vlan, self.network_type, self.physical_network,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Port(object):

"""Represents a neutron port.

Class stores port data in a ORM-free way, so attributres are

still available even if a row has been deleted.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, p):

        self.id = p.id

        self.network_id = p.network_id

        self.device_id = p.device_id

        self.admin_state_up = p.admin_state_up

        self.status = p.status

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __eq__(self, other):

        '''Compare only fields that will cause us to re-wire.'''


            return (self and other

                    and self.id == other.id

                    and self.admin_state_up == other.admin_state_up)

        except Exception:

            return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __ne__(self, other):

        return not self.__eq__(other)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __hash__(self):

        return hash(self.id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class OVSPluginApi(agent_rpc.PluginApi, sg_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcApiMixin):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class OVSSecurityGroupAgent(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcMixin):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, context, plugin_rpc, root_helper):

        self.context = context

        self.plugin_rpc = plugin_rpc

        self.root_helper = root_helper


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class OVSNeutronAgent(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcCallbackMixin, l2population_rpc.L2populationRpcCallBackMixin):

'''Implements OVS-based tunneling, VLANs and flat networks.

Two local bridges are created: an integration bridge (

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, integ_br, tun_br, local_ip,

                 bridge_mappings, root_helper,

                 polling_interval, tunnel_types=None,

                 veth_mtu=None, l2_population=False,





        :param integ_br: name of the integration bridge.

        :param tun_br: name of the tunnel bridge.

        :param local_ip: local IP address of this hypervisor.

        :param bridge_mappings: mappings from physical network name to bridge.

        :param root_helper: utility to use when running shell cmds.

        :param polling_interval: interval (secs) to poll DB.

        :param tunnel_types: A list of tunnel types to enable support for in

               the agent. If set, will automatically set enable_tunneling to


        :param veth_mtu: MTU size for veth interfaces.

        :param minimize_polling: Optional, whether to minimize polling by

               monitoring ovsdb for interface changes.

        :param ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval: Optional, when using polling

               minimization, the number of seconds to wait before respawning

               the ovsdb monitor.


        self.veth_mtu = veth_mtu

        self.root_helper = root_helper

        self.available_local_vlans = set(xrange(q_const.MIN_VLAN_TAG,


        self.tunnel_types = tunnel_types or []

        self.l2_pop = l2_population

        self.agent_state = {

            'binary': 'neutron-openvswitch-agent',

            'host': cfg.CONF.host,

            'topic': q_const.L2_AGENT_TOPIC,

            'configurations': {'bridge_mappings': bridge_mappings,

                               'tunnel_types': self.tunnel_types,

                               'tunneling_ip': local_ip,

                               'l2_population': self.l2_pop},

            'agent_type': q_const.AGENT_TYPE_OVS,

            'start_flag': True}

        # Keep track of int_br's device count for use by _report_state()

        self.int_br_device_count = 0

        self.int_br = ovs_lib.OVSBridge(integ_br, self.root_helper)




        self.local_vlan_map = {}

        self.tun_br_ofports = {p_const.TYPE_GRE: {},

                               p_const.TYPE_VXLAN: {}}

        self.polling_interval = polling_interval

        self.minimize_polling = minimize_polling

        self.ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval = ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval

        if tunnel_types:

            self.enable_tunneling = True


            self.enable_tunneling = False

        self.local_ip = local_ip

        self.tunnel_count = 0

        self.vxlan_udp_port = cfg.CONF.AGENT.vxlan_udp_port


        if self.enable_tunneling:


        # Collect additional bridges to monitor

        self.ancillary_brs = self.setup_ancillary_bridges(integ_br, tun_br)

        # Security group agent supprot

        self.sg_agent = OVSSecurityGroupAgent(self.context,



        # Stores port update notifications for processing in main rpc loop

        self.updated_ports = set()

        # Initialize iteration counter

        self.iter_num = 0

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_ovs_version(self):

        if p_const.TYPE_VXLAN in self.tunnel_types:



            except SystemError:

                LOG.exception(_("Agent terminated"))

                raise SystemExit(1)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _report_state(self):

        # How many devices are likely used by a VM

        self.agent_state.get('configurations')['devices'] = (





            self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None)

        except Exception:

            LOG.exception(_("Failed reporting state!"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_rpc(self):

        mac = self.int_br.get_local_port_mac()

        self.agent_id = '%s%s' % ('ovs', (mac.replace(":", "")))

        self.topic = topics.AGENT

        self.plugin_rpc = OVSPluginApi(topics.PLUGIN)

        self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.PLUGIN)

        # RPC network init

        self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session()

        # Handle updates from service

        self.dispatcher = self.create_rpc_dispatcher()

        # Define the listening consumers for the agent

        consumers = [[topics.PORT, topics.UPDATE],

                     [topics.NETWORK, topics.DELETE],

                     [constants.TUNNEL, topics.UPDATE],

                     [topics.SECURITY_GROUP, topics.UPDATE]]

        if self.l2_pop:


                              topics.UPDATE, cfg.CONF.host])

        self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.dispatcher,



        report_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval

        if report_interval:

            heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_net_uuid(self, vif_id):

        for network_id, vlan_mapping in self.local_vlan_map.iteritems():

            if vif_id in vlan_mapping.vif_ports:

                return network_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def network_delete(self, context, **kwargs):

        LOG.debug(_("network_delete received"))

        network_id = kwargs.get('network_id')

        LOG.debug(_("Delete %s"), network_id)

        # The network may not be defined on this agent

        lvm = self.local_vlan_map.get(network_id)

        if lvm:



            LOG.debug(_("Network %s not used on agent."), network_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_update(self, context, **kwargs):

        port = kwargs.get('port')

        # Put the port identifier in the updated_ports set.

        # Even if full port details might be provided to this call,

        # they are not used since there is no guarantee the notifications

        # are processed in the same order as the relevant API requests


        LOG.debug(_("port_update message processed for port %s"), port['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tunnel_update(self, context, **kwargs):

        LOG.debug(_("tunnel_update received"))

        if not self.enable_tunneling:


        tunnel_ip = kwargs.get('tunnel_ip')

        tunnel_id = kwargs.get('tunnel_id', self.get_ip_in_hex(tunnel_ip))

        if not tunnel_id:


        tunnel_type = kwargs.get('tunnel_type')

        if not tunnel_type:

            LOG.error(_("No tunnel_type specified, cannot create tunnels"))


        if tunnel_type not in self.tunnel_types:

            LOG.error(_("tunnel_type %s not supported by agent"), tunnel_type)


        if tunnel_ip == self.local_ip:


        tun_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type, tunnel_id)

        if not self.l2_pop:

            self.setup_tunnel_port(tun_name, tunnel_ip, tunnel_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_add(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_add received"))

        for network_id, values in fdb_entries.items():

            lvm = self.local_vlan_map.get(network_id)

            if not lvm:

                # Agent doesn't manage any port in this network


            agent_ports = values.get('ports')

            agent_ports.pop(self.local_ip, None)

            if len(agent_ports):


                for agent_ip, ports in agent_ports.items():

                    # Ensure we have a tunnel port with this remote agent

                    ofport = self.tun_br_ofports[


                    if not ofport:

                        remote_ip_hex = self.get_ip_in_hex(agent_ip)

                        if not remote_ip_hex:


                        port_name = '%s-%s' % (lvm.network_type, remote_ip_hex)

                        ofport = self.setup_tunnel_port(port_name, agent_ip,


                        if ofport == 0:


                    for port in ports:

                        self._add_fdb_flow(port, agent_ip, lvm, ofport)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_remove(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_remove received"))

        for network_id, values in fdb_entries.items():

            lvm = self.local_vlan_map.get(network_id)

            if not lvm:

                # Agent doesn't manage any more ports in this network


            agent_ports = values.get('ports')

            agent_ports.pop(self.local_ip, None)

            if len(agent_ports):


                for agent_ip, ports in agent_ports.items():

                    ofport = self.tun_br_ofports[


                    if not ofport:


                    for port in ports:

                        self._del_fdb_flow(port, agent_ip, lvm, ofport)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _add_fdb_flow(self, port_info, agent_ip, lvm, ofport):

        if port_info == q_const.FLOODING_ENTRY:


            ofports = ','.join(lvm.tun_ofports)




                                 "output:%s" % (lvm.segmentation_id, ofports))


            # TODO(feleouet): add ARP responder entry





                                 actions="strip_vlan,set_tunnel:%s,output:%s" %

                                 (lvm.segmentation_id, ofport))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _del_fdb_flow(self, port_info, agent_ip, lvm, ofport):

        if port_info == q_const.FLOODING_ENTRY:


            if len(lvm.tun_ofports) > 0:

                ofports = ','.join(lvm.tun_ofports)




                                     "set_tunnel:%s,output:%s" %

                                     (lvm.segmentation_id, ofports))


                # This local vlan doesn't require any more tunelling



            # Check if this tunnel port is still used

            self.cleanup_tunnel_port(ofport, lvm.network_type)


            #TODO(feleouet): remove ARP responder entry




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_update(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_update received"))

        for action, values in fdb_entries.items():

            method = '_fdb_' + action

            if not hasattr(self, method):

                raise NotImplementedError()

            getattr(self, method)(context, values)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_rpc_dispatcher(self):

        '''Get the rpc dispatcher for this manager.

        If a manager would like to set an rpc API version, or support more than

        one class as the target of rpc messages, override this method.


        return dispatcher.RpcDispatcher([self])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def provision_local_vlan(self, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network,


        '''Provisions a local VLAN.

        :param net_uuid: the uuid of the network associated with this vlan.

        :param network_type: the network type ('gre', 'vxlan', 'vlan', 'flat',


        :param physical_network: the physical network for 'vlan' or 'flat'

        :param segmentation_id: the VID for 'vlan' or tunnel ID for 'tunnel'


        if not self.available_local_vlans:

            LOG.error(_("No local VLAN available for net-id=%s"), net_uuid)


        lvid = self.available_local_vlans.pop()

        LOG.info(_("Assigning %(vlan_id)s as local vlan for "


                 {'vlan_id': lvid, 'net_uuid': net_uuid})

        self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid] = LocalVLANMapping(lvid, network_type,



        if network_type in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:

            if self.enable_tunneling:

                # outbound broadcast/multicast

                ofports = ','.join(self.tun_br_ofports[network_type].values())

                if ofports:




                                         "set_tunnel:%s,output:%s" %

                                         (segmentation_id, ofports))

                # inbound from tunnels: set lvid in the right table

                # and resubmit to Table LEARN_FROM_TUN for mac learning




                                     actions="mod_vlan_vid:%s,resubmit(,%s)" %

                                     (lvid, constants.LEARN_FROM_TUN))


                LOG.error(_("Cannot provision %(network_type)s network for "

                          "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - tunneling disabled"),

                          {'network_type': network_type,

                           'net_uuid': net_uuid})

        elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_FLAT:

            if physical_network in self.phys_brs:

                # outbound

                br = self.phys_brs[physical_network]





                # inbound





                    actions="mod_vlan_vid:%s,normal" % lvid)


                LOG.error(_("Cannot provision flat network for "

                            "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - no bridge for "

                            "physical_network %(physical_network)s"),

                          {'net_uuid': net_uuid,

                           'physical_network': physical_network})

        elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_VLAN:

            if physical_network in self.phys_brs:

                # outbound

                br = self.phys_brs[physical_network]




                            actions="mod_vlan_vid:%s,normal" % segmentation_id)

                # inbound





                                     actions="mod_vlan_vid:%s,normal" % lvid)


                LOG.error(_("Cannot provision VLAN network for "

                            "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - no bridge for "

                            "physical_network %(physical_network)s"),

                          {'net_uuid': net_uuid,

                           'physical_network': physical_network})

        elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_LOCAL:

            # no flows needed for local networks



            LOG.error(_("Cannot provision unknown network type "

                        "%(network_type)s for net-id=%(net_uuid)s"),

                      {'network_type': network_type,

                       'net_uuid': net_uuid})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reclaim_local_vlan(self, net_uuid):

        '''Reclaim a local VLAN.

        :param net_uuid: the network uuid associated with this vlan.

        :param lvm: a LocalVLANMapping object that tracks (vlan, lsw_id,

            vif_ids) mapping.


        lvm = self.local_vlan_map.pop(net_uuid, None)

        if lvm is None:

            LOG.debug(_("Network %s not used on agent."), net_uuid)


        LOG.info(_("Reclaiming vlan = %(vlan_id)s from net-id = %(net_uuid)s"),

                 {'vlan_id': lvm.vlan,

                  'net_uuid': net_uuid})

        if lvm.network_type in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:

            if self.enable_tunneling:





                if self.l2_pop:

                    # Try to remove tunnel ports if not used by other networks

                    for ofport in lvm.tun_ofports:

                        self.cleanup_tunnel_port(ofport, lvm.network_type)

        elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_FLAT:

            if lvm.physical_network in self.phys_brs:

                # outbound

                br = self.phys_brs[lvm.physical_network]




                # inbound

                br = self.int_br



        elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_VLAN:

            if lvm.physical_network in self.phys_brs:

                # outbound

                br = self.phys_brs[lvm.physical_network]




                # inbound

                br = self.int_br



        elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_LOCAL:

            # no flows needed for local networks



            LOG.error(_("Cannot reclaim unknown network type "

                        "%(network_type)s for net-id=%(net_uuid)s"),

                      {'network_type': lvm.network_type,

                       'net_uuid': net_uuid})


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_bound(self, port, net_uuid,

                   network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id):

        '''Bind port to net_uuid/lsw_id and install flow for inbound traffic

        to vm.

        :param port: a ovslib.VifPort object.

        :param net_uuid: the net_uuid this port is to be associated with.

        :param network_type: the network type ('gre', 'vlan', 'flat', 'local')

        :param physical_network: the physical network for 'vlan' or 'flat'

        :param segmentation_id: the VID for 'vlan' or tunnel ID for 'tunnel'


        if net_uuid not in self.local_vlan_map:

            self.provision_local_vlan(net_uuid, network_type,

                                      physical_network, segmentation_id)

        lvm = self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid]

        lvm.vif_ports[port.vif_id] = port

        # Do not bind a port if it's already bound

        cur_tag = self.int_br.db_get_val("Port", port.port_name, "tag")

        if cur_tag != str(lvm.vlan):

            self.int_br.set_db_attribute("Port", port.port_name, "tag",


            if port.ofport != -1:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_unbound(self, vif_id, net_uuid=None):

        '''Unbind port.

        Removes corresponding local vlan mapping object if this is its last


        :param vif_id: the id of the vif

        :param net_uuid: the net_uuid this port is associated with.


        if net_uuid is None:

            net_uuid = self.get_net_uuid(vif_id)

        if not self.local_vlan_map.get(net_uuid):

            LOG.info(_('port_unbound() net_uuid %s not in local_vlan_map'),



        lvm = self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid]

        lvm.vif_ports.pop(vif_id, None)

        if not lvm.vif_ports:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_dead(self, port):

        '''Once a port has no binding, put it on the "dead vlan".

        :param port: a ovs_lib.VifPort object.


        # Don't kill a port if it's already dead

        cur_tag = self.int_br.db_get_val("Port", port.port_name, "tag")

        if cur_tag != DEAD_VLAN_TAG:

            self.int_br.set_db_attribute("Port", port.port_name, "tag",


            self.int_br.add_flow(priority=2, in_port=port.ofport,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_integration_br(self):

        '''Setup the integration bridge.

        Create patch ports and remove all existing flows.

        :param bridge_name: the name of the integration bridge.

        :returns: the integration bridge




        # switch all traffic using L2 learning

        self.int_br.add_flow(priority=1, actions="normal")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_ancillary_bridges(self, integ_br, tun_br):

        '''Setup ancillary bridges - for example br-ex.'''

        ovs_bridges = set(ovs_lib.get_bridges(self.root_helper))

        # Remove all known bridges


        if self.enable_tunneling:


        br_names = [self.phys_brs[physical_network].br_name for

                    physical_network in self.phys_brs]


        # Filter list of bridges to those that have external

        # bridge-id's configured

        br_names = []

        for bridge in ovs_bridges:

            id = ovs_lib.get_bridge_external_bridge_id(self.root_helper,


            if id != bridge:



        ancillary_bridges = []

        for bridge in ovs_bridges:

            br = ovs_lib.OVSBridge(bridge, self.root_helper)

            LOG.info(_('Adding %s to list of bridges.'), bridge)


        return ancillary_bridges

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_tunnel_br(self, tun_br):

        '''Setup the tunnel bridge.

        Creates tunnel bridge, and links it to the integration bridge

        using a patch port.

        :param tun_br: the name of the tunnel bridge.


        self.tun_br = ovs_lib.OVSBridge(tun_br, self.root_helper)


        self.patch_tun_ofport = self.int_br.add_patch_port(

            cfg.CONF.OVS.int_peer_patch_port, cfg.CONF.OVS.tun_peer_patch_port)

        self.patch_int_ofport = self.tun_br.add_patch_port(

            cfg.CONF.OVS.tun_peer_patch_port, cfg.CONF.OVS.int_peer_patch_port)

        if int(self.patch_tun_ofport) < 0 or int(self.patch_int_ofport) < 0:

            LOG.error(_("Failed to create OVS patch port. Cannot have "

                        "tunneling enabled on this agent, since this version "

                        "of OVS does not support tunnels or patch ports. "

                        "Agent terminated!"))



        # Table 0 (default) will sort incoming traffic depending on in_port



                             actions="resubmit(,%s)" %


        self.tun_br.add_flow(priority=0, actions="drop")

        # PATCH_LV_TO_TUN table will handle packets coming from patch_int

        # unicasts go to table UCAST_TO_TUN where remote adresses are learnt



                             actions="resubmit(,%s)" % constants.UCAST_TO_TUN)

        # Broadcasts/multicasts go to table FLOOD_TO_TUN that handles flooding



                             actions="resubmit(,%s)" % constants.FLOOD_TO_TUN)

        # Tables [tunnel_type]_TUN_TO_LV will set lvid depending on tun_id

        # for each tunnel type, and resubmit to table LEARN_FROM_TUN where

        # remote mac adresses will be learnt

        for tunnel_type in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:




        # LEARN_FROM_TUN table will have a single flow using a learn action to

        # dynamically set-up flows in UCAST_TO_TUN corresponding to remote mac

        # adresses (assumes that lvid has already been set by a previous flow)

        learned_flow = ("table=%s,"







                        "output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]" %


        # Once remote mac adresses are learnt, packet is outputed to patch_int



                             actions="learn(%s),output:%s" %

                             (learned_flow, self.patch_int_ofport))

        # Egress unicast will be handled in table UCAST_TO_TUN, where remote

        # mac adresses will be learned. For now, just add a default flow that

        # will resubmit unknown unicasts to table FLOOD_TO_TUN to treat them

        # as broadcasts/multicasts



                             actions="resubmit(,%s)" %


        # FLOOD_TO_TUN will handle flooding in tunnels based on lvid,

        # for now, add a default drop action




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_physical_bridges(self, bridge_mappings):

        '''Setup the physical network bridges.

        Creates physical network bridges and links them to the

        integration bridge using veths.

        :param bridge_mappings: map physical network names to bridge names.


        self.phys_brs = {}

        self.int_ofports = {}

        self.phys_ofports = {}

        ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper)

        for physical_network, bridge in bridge_mappings.iteritems():

            LOG.info(_("Mapping physical network %(physical_network)s to "

                       "bridge %(bridge)s"),

                     {'physical_network': physical_network,

                      'bridge': bridge})

            # setup physical bridge

            if not ip_lib.device_exists(bridge, self.root_helper):

                LOG.error(_("Bridge %(bridge)s for physical network "

                            "%(physical_network)s does not exist. Agent "


                          {'physical_network': physical_network,

                           'bridge': bridge})


            br = ovs_lib.OVSBridge(bridge, self.root_helper)


            br.add_flow(priority=1, actions="normal")

            self.phys_brs[physical_network] = br

            # create veth to patch physical bridge with integration bridge

            int_veth_name = constants.VETH_INTEGRATION_PREFIX + bridge


            phys_veth_name = constants.VETH_PHYSICAL_PREFIX + bridge


            if ip_lib.device_exists(int_veth_name, self.root_helper):

                ip_lib.IPDevice(int_veth_name, self.root_helper).link.delete()

                # Give udev a chance to process its rules here, to avoid

                # race conditions between commands launched by udev rules

                # and the subsequent call to ip_wrapper.add_veth

                utils.execute(['/sbin/udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10'])

            int_veth, phys_veth = ip_wrapper.add_veth(int_veth_name,


            self.int_ofports[physical_network] = self.int_br.add_port(int_veth)

            self.phys_ofports[physical_network] = br.add_port(phys_veth)

            # block all untranslated traffic over veth between bridges







            # enable veth to pass traffic



            if self.veth_mtu:

                # set up mtu size for veth interfaces



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def scan_ports(self, registered_ports, updated_ports=None):

        cur_ports = self.int_br.get_vif_port_set()

        self.int_br_device_count = len(cur_ports)

        port_info = {'current': cur_ports}

        if updated_ports is None:

            updated_ports = set()


        if updated_ports:

            # Some updated ports might have been removed in the

            # meanwhile, and therefore should not be processed.

            # In this case the updated port won't be found among

            # current ports.

            updated_ports &= cur_ports

            if updated_ports:

                port_info['updated'] = updated_ports

        # FIXME(salv-orlando): It's not really necessary to return early

        # if nothing has changed.

        if cur_ports == registered_ports:

            # No added or removed ports to set, just return here

            return port_info

        port_info['added'] = cur_ports - registered_ports

        # Remove all the known ports not found on the integration bridge

        port_info['removed'] = registered_ports - cur_ports

        return port_info

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_changed_vlans(self, registered_ports):

        """Return ports which have lost their vlan tag.

        The returned value is a set of port ids of the ports concerned by a

        vlan tag loss.


        port_tags = self.int_br.get_port_tag_dict()

        changed_ports = set()

        for lvm in self.local_vlan_map.values():

            for port in registered_ports:

                if (

                    port in lvm.vif_ports

                    and lvm.vif_ports[port].port_name in port_tags

                    and port_tags[lvm.vif_ports[port].port_name] != lvm.vlan



                        _("Port '%(port_name)s' has lost "

                            "its vlan tag '%(vlan_tag)d'!"),

                        {'port_name': lvm.vif_ports[port].port_name,

                         'vlan_tag': lvm.vlan}



        return changed_ports

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_ancillary_ports(self, registered_ports):

        ports = set()

        for bridge in self.ancillary_brs:

            ports |= bridge.get_vif_port_set()

        if ports == registered_ports:


        added = ports - registered_ports

        removed = registered_ports - ports

        return {'current': ports,

                'added': added,

                'removed': removed}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_vif_port(self, vif_port, port_id, network_id, network_type,

                       physical_network, segmentation_id, admin_state_up):

        # When this function is called for a port, the port should have

        # an OVS ofport configured, as only these ports were considered

        # for being treated. If that does not happen, it is a potential

        # error condition of which operators should be aware

        if not vif_port.ofport:

            LOG.warn(_("VIF port: %s has no ofport configured, and might not "

                       "be able to transmit"), vif_port.vif_id)

        if vif_port:

            if admin_state_up:

                self.port_bound(vif_port, network_id, network_type,

                                physical_network, segmentation_id)




            LOG.debug(_("No VIF port for port %s defined on agent."), port_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_tunnel_port(self, port_name, remote_ip, tunnel_type):

        ofport = self.tun_br.add_tunnel_port(port_name,





        ofport_int = -1


            ofport_int = int(ofport)

        except (TypeError, ValueError):

            LOG.exception(_("ofport should have a value that can be "

                            "interpreted as an integer"))

        if ofport_int < 0:

            LOG.error(_("Failed to set-up %(type)s tunnel port to %(ip)s"),

                      {'type': tunnel_type, 'ip': remote_ip})

            return 0

        self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type][remote_ip] = ofport

        # Add flow in default table to resubmit to the right

        # tunelling table (lvid will be set in the latter)



                             actions="resubmit(,%s)" %


        ofports = ','.join(self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].values())

        if ofports and not self.l2_pop:

            # Update flooding flows to include the new tunnel

            for network_id, vlan_mapping in self.local_vlan_map.iteritems():

                if vlan_mapping.network_type == tunnel_type:




                                         "set_tunnel:%s,output:%s" %



        return ofport

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def cleanup_tunnel_port(self, tun_ofport, tunnel_type):

        # Check if this tunnel port is still used

        for lvm in self.local_vlan_map.values():

            if tun_ofport in lvm.tun_ofports:


        # If not, remove it


            for remote_ip, ofport in self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].items():

                if ofport == tun_ofport:

                    port_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type,



                    self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].pop(remote_ip, None)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_devices_added_or_updated(self, devices):

        resync = False

        for device in devices:

            LOG.debug(_("Processing port %s"), device)

            port = self.int_br.get_vif_port_by_id(device)

            if not port:

                # The port has disappeared and should not be processed

                # There is no need to put the port DOWN in the plugin as

                # it never went up in the first place

                LOG.info(_("Port %s was not found on the integration bridge "

                           "and will therefore not be processed"), device)



                # TODO(salv-orlando): Provide bulk API for retrieving

                # details for all devices in one call

                details = self.plugin_rpc.get_device_details(self.context,



            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("Unable to get port details for "

                            "%(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True


            if 'port_id' in details:

                LOG.info(_("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s"),

                         {'device': device, 'details': details})

                self.treat_vif_port(port, details['port_id'],






                # update plugin about port status

                if details.get('admin_state_up'):

                    LOG.debug(_("Setting status for %s to UP"), device)


                        self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host)


                    LOG.debug(_("Setting status for %s to DOWN"), device)


                        self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host)

                LOG.info(_("Configuration for device %s completed."), device)


                LOG.warn(_("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device)

                if (port and port.ofport != -1):


        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_ancillary_devices_added(self, devices):

        resync = False

        for device in devices:

            LOG.info(_("Ancillary Port %s added"), device)


                self.plugin_rpc.get_device_details(self.context, device,


            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("Unable to get port details for "

                            "%(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True


            # update plugin about port status





        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_devices_removed(self, devices):

        resync = False


        for device in devices:

            LOG.info(_("Attachment %s removed"), device)






            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("port_removed failed for %(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True



        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_ancillary_devices_removed(self, devices):

        resync = False

        for device in devices:

            LOG.info(_("Attachment %s removed"), device)


                details = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context,




            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("port_removed failed for %(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True


            if details['exists']:

                LOG.info(_("Port %s updated."), device)

                # Nothing to do regarding local networking


                LOG.debug(_("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device)

        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_network_ports(self, port_info):

        resync_a = False

        resync_b = False

        # TODO(salv-orlando): consider a solution for ensuring notifications

        # are processed exactly in the same order in which they were

        # received. This is tricky because there are two notification

        # sources: the neutron server, and the ovs db monitor process

        # If there is an exception while processing security groups ports

        # will not be wired anyway, and a resync will be triggered

        # TODO(salv-orlando): Optimize avoiding applying filters unnecessarily

        # (eg: when there are no IP address changes)

        self.sg_agent.setup_port_filters(port_info.get('added', set()),

                                         port_info.get('updated', set()))

        # VIF wiring needs to be performed always for 'new' devices.

        # For updated ports, re-wiring is not needed in most cases, but needs

        # to be performed anyway when the admin state of a device is changed.

        # A device might be both in the 'added' and 'updated'

        # list at the same time; avoid processing it twice.

        devices_added_updated = (port_info.get('added', set()) |

                                 port_info.get('updated', set()))

        if devices_added_updated:

            start = time.time()

            resync_a = self.treat_devices_added_or_updated(


            LOG.debug(_("process_network_ports - iteration:%(iter_num)d -"

                        "treat_devices_added_or_updated completed "

                        "in %(elapsed).3f"),

                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                       'elapsed': time.time() - start})

        if 'removed' in port_info:

            start = time.time()

            resync_b = self.treat_devices_removed(port_info['removed'])

            LOG.debug(_("process_network_ports - iteration:%(iter_num)d -"

                        "treat_devices_removed completed in %(elapsed).3f"),

                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                       'elapsed': time.time() - start})

        # If one of the above opertaions fails => resync with plugin

        return (resync_a | resync_b)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_ancillary_network_ports(self, port_info):

        resync_a = False

        resync_b = False

        if 'added' in port_info:

            start = time.time()

            resync_a = self.treat_ancillary_devices_added(port_info['added'])

            LOG.debug(_("process_ancillary_network_ports - iteration: "

                        "%(iter_num)d - treat_ancillary_devices_added "

                        "completed in %(elapsed).3f"),

                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                       'elapsed': time.time() - start})

        if 'removed' in port_info:

            start = time.time()

            resync_b = self.treat_ancillary_devices_removed(


            LOG.debug(_("process_ancillary_network_ports - iteration: "

                        "%(iter_num)d - treat_ancillary_devices_removed "

                        "completed in %(elapsed).3f"),

                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                       'elapsed': time.time() - start})

        # If one of the above opertaions fails => resync with plugin

        return (resync_a | resync_b)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_ip_in_hex(self, ip_address):


            return '%08x' % netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address, version=4)

        except Exception:

            LOG.warn(_("Unable to create tunnel port. Invalid remote IP: %s"),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tunnel_sync(self):

        resync = False


            for tunnel_type in self.tunnel_types:

                details = self.plugin_rpc.tunnel_sync(self.context,



                if not self.l2_pop:

                    tunnels = details['tunnels']

                    for tunnel in tunnels:

                        if self.local_ip != tunnel['ip_address']:

                            tunnel_id = tunnel.get('id')

                            # Unlike the OVS plugin, ML2 doesn't return an id

                            # key. So use ip_address to form port name instead.

                            # Port name must be <=15 chars, so use shorter hex.

                            remote_ip = tunnel['ip_address']

                            remote_ip_hex = self.get_ip_in_hex(remote_ip)

                            if not tunnel_id and not remote_ip_hex:


                            tun_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type,

                                                  tunnel_id or remote_ip_hex)




        except Exception as e:

            LOG.debug(_("Unable to sync tunnel IP %(local_ip)s: %(e)s"),

                      {'local_ip': self.local_ip, 'e': e})

            resync = True

        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _agent_has_updates(self, polling_manager):

        return (polling_manager.is_polling_required or

                self.updated_ports or


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _port_info_has_changes(self, port_info):

        return (port_info.get('added') or

                port_info.get('removed') or


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def rpc_loop(self, polling_manager=None):

        if not polling_manager:

            polling_manager = polling.AlwaysPoll()

        sync = True

        ports = set()

        updated_ports_copy = set()

        ancillary_ports = set()

        tunnel_sync = True

        while True:

            start = time.time()

            port_stats = {'regular': {'added': 0,

                                      'updated': 0,

                                      'removed': 0},

                          'ancillary': {'added': 0,

                                        'removed': 0}}

            LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%d started"),


            if sync:

                LOG.info(_("Agent out of sync with plugin!"))



                sync = False


            # Notify the plugin of tunnel IP

            if self.enable_tunneling and tunnel_sync:

                LOG.info(_("Agent tunnel out of sync with plugin!"))


                    tunnel_sync = self.tunnel_sync()

                except Exception:

                    LOG.exception(_("Error while synchronizing tunnels"))

                    tunnel_sync = True

            if self._agent_has_updates(polling_manager):


                    LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - "

                                "starting polling. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f"),

                              {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                               'elapsed': time.time() - start})

                    # Save updated ports dict to perform rollback in

                    # case resync would be needed, and then clear

                    # self.updated_ports. As the greenthread should not yield

                    # between these two statements, this will be thread-safe

                    updated_ports_copy = self.updated_ports

                    self.updated_ports = set()

                    port_info = self.scan_ports(ports, updated_ports_copy)

                    ports = port_info['current']

                    LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - "

                                "port information retrieved. "


                              {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                               'elapsed': time.time() - start})

                    # Secure and wire/unwire VIFs and update their status

                    # on Neutron server

                    if (self._port_info_has_changes(port_info) or


                        LOG.debug(_("Starting to process devices in:%s"),


                        # If treat devices fails - must resync with plugin

                        sync = self.process_network_ports(port_info)

                        LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d -"

                                    "ports processed. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f"),

                                  {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                                   'elapsed': time.time() - start})

                        port_stats['regular']['added'] = (

                            len(port_info.get('added', [])))

                        port_stats['regular']['updated'] = (

                            len(port_info.get('updated', [])))

                        port_stats['regular']['removed'] = (

                            len(port_info.get('removed', [])))

                    # Treat ancillary devices if they exist

                    if self.ancillary_brs:

                        port_info = self.update_ancillary_ports(


                        LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d -"

                                    "ancillary port info retrieved. "


                                  {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                                   'elapsed': time.time() - start})

                        if port_info:

                            rc = self.process_ancillary_network_ports(


                            LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:"

                                        "%(iter_num)d - ancillary ports "

                                        "processed. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f"),

                                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                                       'elapsed': time.time() - start})

                            ancillary_ports = port_info['current']

                            port_stats['ancillary']['added'] = (

                                len(port_info.get('added', [])))

                            port_stats['ancillary']['removed'] = (

                                len(port_info.get('removed', [])))

                            sync = sync | rc


                except Exception:

                    LOG.exception(_("Error while processing VIF ports"))

                    # Put the ports back in self.updated_port

                    self.updated_ports |= updated_ports_copy

                    sync = True

            # sleep till end of polling interval

            elapsed = (time.time() - start)

            LOG.debug(_("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d "

                        "completed. Processed ports statistics: "

                        "%(port_stats)s. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f"),

                      {'iter_num': self.iter_num,

                       'port_stats': port_stats,

                       'elapsed': elapsed})

            if (elapsed < self.polling_interval):

                time.sleep(self.polling_interval - elapsed)


                LOG.debug(_("Loop iteration exceeded interval "

                            "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)!"),

                          {'polling_interval': self.polling_interval,

                           'elapsed': elapsed})

            self.iter_num = self.iter_num + 1

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def daemon_loop(self):

        with polling.get_polling_manager(



            self.ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval) as pm:


def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):


def create_agent_config_map(config):

    """Create a map of agent config parameters.

    :param config: an instance of cfg.CONF

    :returns: a map of agent configuration parameters



        bridge_mappings = q_utils.parse_mappings(config.OVS.bridge_mappings)

    except ValueError as e:

        raise ValueError(_("Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s.") % e)

    kwargs = dict(












    # If enable_tunneling is TRUE, set tunnel_type to default to GRE

    if config.OVS.enable_tunneling and not kwargs['tunnel_types']:

        kwargs['tunnel_types'] = [p_const.TYPE_GRE]

    # Verify the tunnel_types specified are valid

    for tun in kwargs['tunnel_types']:

        if tun not in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:

            msg = _('Invalid tunnel type specificed: %s'), tun

            raise ValueError(msg)

        if not kwargs['local_ip']:

            msg = _('Tunneling cannot be enabled without a valid local_ip.')

            raise ValueError(msg)

    return kwargs

def main():








        agent_config = create_agent_config_map(cfg.CONF)

    except ValueError as e:

        LOG.error(_('%s Agent terminated!'), e)


    is_xen_compute_host = 'rootwrap-xen-dom0' in agent_config['root_helper']

    if is_xen_compute_host:

        # Force ip_lib to always use the root helper to ensure that ip

        # commands target xen dom0 rather than domU.

        cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_lib_force_root', True)

    agent = OVSNeutronAgent(**agent_config)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm)

    # Start everything.

    LOG.info(_("Agent initialized successfully, now running... "))



if __name__ == "__main__":


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_agent_config_map(config):

    """Create a map of agent config parameters.

    :param config: an instance of cfg.CONF

    :returns: a map of agent configuration parameters



        bridge_mappings = q_utils.parse_mappings(config.OVS.bridge_mappings)

    except ValueError as e:

        raise ValueError(_("Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s.") % e)

    kwargs = dict(












    # If enable_tunneling is TRUE, set tunnel_type to default to GRE

    if config.OVS.enable_tunneling and not kwargs['tunnel_types']:

        kwargs['tunnel_types'] = [p_const.TYPE_GRE]

    # Verify the tunnel_types specified are valid

    for tun in kwargs['tunnel_types']:

        if tun not in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES:

            msg = _('Invalid tunnel type specificed: %s'), tun

            raise ValueError(msg)

        if not kwargs['local_ip']:

            msg = _('Tunneling cannot be enabled without a valid local_ip.')

            raise ValueError(msg)

    return kwargs

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def main():








        agent_config = create_agent_config_map(cfg.CONF)

    except ValueError as e:

        LOG.error(_('%s Agent terminated!'), e)


    is_xen_compute_host = 'rootwrap-xen-dom0' in agent_config['root_helper']

    if is_xen_compute_host:

        # Force ip_lib to always use the root helper to ensure that ip

        # commands target xen dom0 rather than domU.

        cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_lib_force_root', True)

    agent = OVSNeutronAgent(**agent_config)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm)

    # Start everything.

    LOG.info(_("Agent initialized successfully, now running... "))



if __name__ == "__main__":
