

OpenStack Study: pfc.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

# @author: Ryota MIBU

# @author: Akihiro MOTOKI

import re

import uuid

import netaddr

from neutron.api.v2 import attributes

from neutron.common import constants

from neutron.common import exceptions as qexc

from neutron.common import log as call_log

from neutron import manager

from neutron.plugins.nec.common import ofc_client

from neutron.plugins.nec.extensions import packetfilter as ext_pf

from neutron.plugins.nec import ofc_driver_base

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InvalidOFCIdFormat(qexc.NeutronException):

message = _("OFC %(resource)s ID has an invalid format: %(ofc_id)s")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class PFCDriverBase(ofc_driver_base.OFCDriverBase):

"""Base Class for PDC Drivers.

PFCDriverBase provides methods to handle PFC resources through REST API.

This uses ofc resource path instead of ofc resource ID.

The class implements the API for PFC V4.0 or later.


router_supported = False

match_ofc_network_id = re.compile(


match_ofc_port_id = re.compile(



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    def __init__(self, conf_ofc):

        self.client = ofc_client.OFCClient(host=conf_ofc.host,







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    def filter_supported(cls):

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_pfc_str(self, raw_str):

        """Generate PFC acceptable String."""

        return re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]', '_', raw_str)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_pfc_id(self, id_str):

        """Generate ID on PFC.

        Currently, PFC ID must be less than 32.

        Shorten UUID string length from 36 to 31 by follows:

          * delete UUID Version and hyphen (see RFC4122)

          * ensure str length



            # openstack.common.uuidutils.is_uuid_like() returns

            # False for KeyStone tenant_id, so uuid.UUID is used

            # directly here to accept tenant_id as UUID string

            uuid_str = str(uuid.UUID(id_str)).replace('-', '')

            uuid_no_version = uuid_str[:12] + uuid_str[13:]

            return uuid_no_version[:31]

        except Exception:

            return self._generate_pfc_str(id_str)[:31]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_pfc_description(self, desc):

        """Generate Description on PFC.

        Currently, PFC Description must be less than 128.


        return self._generate_pfc_str(desc)[:127]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _extract_ofc_network_id(self, ofc_network_id):

        match = self.match_ofc_network_id.match(ofc_network_id)

        if match:

            return match.group('network_id')

        raise InvalidOFCIdFormat(resource='network', ofc_id=ofc_network_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _extract_ofc_port_id(self, ofc_port_id):

        match = self.match_ofc_port_id.match(ofc_port_id)

        if match:

            return {'tenant': match.group('tenant_id'),

                    'network': match.group('network_id'),

                    'port': match.group('port_id')}

        raise InvalidOFCIdFormat(resource='port', ofc_id=ofc_port_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_tenant(self, description, tenant_id=None):

        ofc_tenant_id = self._generate_pfc_id(tenant_id)

        body = {'id': ofc_tenant_id}

        self.client.post('/tenants', body=body)

        return '/tenants/' + ofc_tenant_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_tenant_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_network(self, ofc_tenant_id, description, network_id=None):

        path = "%s/networks" % ofc_tenant_id

        pfc_desc = self._generate_pfc_description(description)

        body = {'description': pfc_desc}

        res = self.client.post(path, body=body)

        ofc_network_id = res['id']

        return path + '/' + ofc_network_id

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    def delete_network(self, ofc_network_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_network_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo,

                    port_id=None, filters=None):

        path = "%s/ports" % ofc_network_id

        body = {'datapath_id': portinfo.datapath_id,

                'port': str(portinfo.port_no),

                'vid': str(portinfo.vlan_id)}

        if self.filter_supported() and filters:

            body['filters'] = [self._extract_ofc_filter_id(pf[1])

                               for pf in filters]

        res = self.client.post(path, body=body)

        ofc_port_id = res['id']

        return path + '/' + ofc_port_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class PFCFilterDriverMixin(object):

"""PFC PacketFilter Driver Mixin."""

filters_path = "/filters"

filter_path = "/filters/%s"

# PFC specific constants



CREATE_ONLY_FIELDS = ['action', 'priority']



match_ofc_filter_id = re.compile("^/filters/(?P[^/]+)$")


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def filter_supported(cls):

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _set_param(self, filter_dict, body, key, create, convert_to=None):

        if key in filter_dict:

            if filter_dict[key]:

                if convert_to:

                    body[key] = convert_to(filter_dict[key])


                    body[key] = filter_dict[key]

            elif not create:

                body[key] = ""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_body(self, filter_dict, apply_ports=None, create=True):

        body = {}

        if create:

            # action : pass, drop (mandatory)

            if filter_dict['action'].lower() in ext_pf.ALLOW_ACTIONS:

                body['action'] = self.PFC_ALLOW_ACTION


                body['action'] = self.PFC_DROP_ACTION

            # priority : mandatory

            body['priority'] = filter_dict['priority']

        for key in ['src_mac', 'dst_mac', 'src_port', 'dst_port']:

            self._set_param(filter_dict, body, key, create)

        for key in ['src_cidr', 'dst_cidr']:

            # CIDR must contain netmask even if it is an address.

            convert_to = lambda x: str(netaddr.IPNetwork(x))

            self._set_param(filter_dict, body, key, create, convert_to)

        # protocol : decimal (0-255)

        if 'protocol' in filter_dict:

            if (not filter_dict['protocol'] or

                # In the case of ARP, ip_proto should be set to wildcard.

                # eth_type is set during adding an entry to DB layer.

                filter_dict['protocol'].lower() == ext_pf.PROTO_NAME_ARP):

                if not create:

                    body['protocol'] = ""

            elif filter_dict['protocol'].lower() == constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP:

                body['protocol'] = constants.PROTO_NUM_ICMP

            elif filter_dict['protocol'].lower() == constants.PROTO_NAME_TCP:

                body['protocol'] = constants.PROTO_NUM_TCP

            elif filter_dict['protocol'].lower() == constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:

                body['protocol'] = constants.PROTO_NUM_UDP


                body['protocol'] = int(filter_dict['protocol'], 0)

        # eth_type : hex (0x0-0xFFFF)

        self._set_param(filter_dict, body, 'eth_type', create, hex)

        # apply_ports

        if apply_ports:

            # each element of apply_ports is a tuple of (neutron_id, ofc_id),

            body['apply_ports'] = []

            for p in apply_ports:



                except InvalidOFCIdFormat:


        return body

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_filter_common(self, filter_dict):

        # Currently PFC support only IPv4 CIDR.

        for field in ['src_cidr', 'dst_cidr']:

            if (not filter_dict.get(field) or

                filter_dict[field] == attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED):


            net = netaddr.IPNetwork(filter_dict[field])

            if net.version != 4:

                raise ext_pf.PacketFilterIpVersionNonSupported(

                    version=net.version, field=field, value=filter_dict[field])

        if ('priority' in filter_dict and

            not (self.MIN_PRIORITY <= filter_dict['priority']

                 <= self.MAX_PRIORITY)):

            raise ext_pf.PacketFilterInvalidPriority(

                min=self.MIN_PRIORITY, max=self.MAX_PRIORITY)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_duplicate_priority(self, context, filter_dict):

        plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()

        filters = {'network_id': [filter_dict['network_id']],

                   'priority': [filter_dict['priority']]}

        ret = plugin.get_packet_filters(context, filters=filters,


        if ret:

            raise ext_pf.PacketFilterDuplicatedPriority(


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def validate_filter_create(self, context, filter_dict):


        self._validate_duplicate_priority(context, filter_dict)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def validate_filter_update(self, context, filter_dict):

        for field in self.CREATE_ONLY_FIELDS:

            if field in filter_dict:

                raise ext_pf.PacketFilterUpdateNotSupported(field=field)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_filter(self, ofc_network_id, filter_dict,

                      portinfo=None, filter_id=None, apply_ports=None):

        body = self._generate_body(filter_dict, apply_ports, create=True)

        res = self.client.post(self.filters_path, body=body)

        # filter_id passed from a caller is not used.

        # ofc_filter_id is generated by PFC because the prefix of

        # filter_id has special meaning and it is internally used.

        ofc_filter_id = res['id']

        return self.filter_path % ofc_filter_id


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_filter(self, ofc_filter_id, filter_dict):

        body = self._generate_body(filter_dict, create=False)

        self.client.put(ofc_filter_id, body)


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    def delete_filter(self, ofc_filter_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_filter_id)

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    def _extract_ofc_filter_id(self, ofc_filter_id):

        match = self.match_ofc_filter_id.match(ofc_filter_id)

        if match:

            return match.group('filter_id')

        raise InvalidOFCIdFormat(resource='filter', ofc_id=ofc_filter_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def convert_ofc_filter_id(self, context, ofc_filter_id):

        # PFC Packet Filter is supported after the format of mapping tables

        # are changed, so it is enough just to return ofc_filter_id

        return ofc_filter_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class PFCRouterDriverMixin(object):

router_supported = True

router_nat_supported = False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_router(self, ofc_tenant_id, router_id, description):

        path = '%s/routers' % ofc_tenant_id

        res = self.client.post(path, body=None)

        ofc_router_id = res['id']

        return path + '/' + ofc_router_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_router(self, ofc_router_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_router_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_router_interface(self, ofc_router_id, ofc_net_id,

                             ip_address=None, mac_address=None):

        # ip_address : / (e.g.,

        path = '%s/interfaces' % ofc_router_id

        body = {'net_id': self._extract_ofc_network_id(ofc_net_id)}

        if ip_address:

            body['ip_address'] = ip_address

        if mac_address:

            body['mac_address'] = mac_address

        res = self.client.post(path, body=body)

        return path + '/' + res['id']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_router_interface(self, ofc_router_inf_id,

                                ip_address=None, mac_address=None):

        # ip_address : / (e.g.,

        if not ip_address and not mac_address:


        body = {}

        if ip_address:

            body['ip_address'] = ip_address

        if mac_address:

            body['mac_address'] = mac_address

        return self.client.put(ofc_router_inf_id, body=body)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_router_interface(self, ofc_router_inf_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_router_inf_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def list_router_routes(self, ofc_router_id):

        path = '%s/routes' % ofc_router_id

        ret = self.client.get(path)

        # Prepend ofc_router_id to route_id

        for r in ret['routes']:

            r['id'] = ofc_router_id + '/routes/' + r['id']

        return ret['routes']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_router_route(self, ofc_router_id, destination, nexthop):

        path = '%s/routes' % ofc_router_id

        body = {'destination': destination,

                'nexthop': nexthop}

        ret = self.client.post(path, body=body)

        return path + '/' + ret['id']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_router_route(self, ofc_router_route_id):

        return self.client.delete(ofc_router_route_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class PFCV3Driver(PFCDriverBase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_tenant(self, description, tenant_id):

        ofc_tenant_id = self._generate_pfc_id(tenant_id)

        return "/tenants/" + ofc_tenant_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id):


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class PFCV4Driver(PFCDriverBase):


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class PFCV5Driver(PFCRouterDriverMixin, PFCDriverBase):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class PFCV51Driver(PFCFilterDriverMixin, PFCV5Driver):
