

OpenStack Study: plugin.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import contextlib

from oslo.config import cfg

from sqlalchemy import exc as sql_exc

from sqlalchemy.orm import exc as sa_exc

from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc

from neutron.api.rpc.agentnotifiers import dhcp_rpc_agent_api

from neutron.api.v2 import attributes

from neutron.common import constants as const

from neutron.common import exceptions as exc

from neutron.common import topics

from neutron.db import agentschedulers_db

from neutron.db import allowedaddresspairs_db as addr_pair_db

from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2

from neutron.db import external_net_db

from neutron.db import extradhcpopt_db

from neutron.db import models_v2

from neutron.db import quota_db # noqa

from neutron.db import securitygroups_rpc_base as sg_db_rpc

from neutron.extensions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_pair

from neutron.extensions import extra_dhcp_opt as edo_ext

from neutron.extensions import multiprovidernet as mpnet

from neutron.extensions import portbindings

from neutron.extensions import providernet as provider

from neutron import manager

from neutron.openstack.common import db as os_db

from neutron.openstack.common import excutils

from neutron.openstack.common import importutils

from neutron.openstack.common import jsonutils

from neutron.openstack.common import lockutils

from neutron.openstack.common import log

from neutron.openstack.common import rpc as c_rpc

from neutron.plugins.common import constants as service_constants

from neutron.plugins.ml2.common import exceptions as ml2_exc

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import config # noqa

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import db

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api as api

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_context

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import managers

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import models

from neutron.plugins.ml2 import rpc

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

# REVISIT(rkukura): Move this and other network_type constants to

# providernet.py?

TYPE_MULTI_SEGMENT = 'multi-segment'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Ml2Plugin(db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2, external_net_db.External_net_db_mixin, sg_db_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcMixin, agentschedulers_db.DhcpAgentSchedulerDbMixin, addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin, extradhcpopt_db.ExtraDhcpOptMixin):

"""Implement the Neutron L2 abstractions using modules.

Ml2Plugin is a Neutron plugin based on separately extensible sets

of network types and mechanisms for connecting to networks of

those types. The network types and mechanisms are implemented as

drivers loaded via Python entry points. Networks can be made up of

multiple segments (not yet fully implemented).


# This attribute specifies whether the plugin supports or not

# bulk/pagination/sorting operations. Name mangling is used in

# order to ensure it is qualified by class

__native_bulk_support = True

__native_pagination_support = True

__native_sorting_support = True

# List of supported extensions

_supported_extension_aliases = ["provider", "external-net", "binding",

"quotas", "security-group", "agent",


"multi-provider", "allowed-address-pairs",



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def supported_extension_aliases(self):

        if not hasattr(self, '_aliases'):

            aliases = self._supported_extension_aliases[:]


            self._aliases = aliases

        return self._aliases

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        # First load drivers, then initialize DB, then initialize drivers

        self.type_manager = managers.TypeManager()

        self.mechanism_manager = managers.MechanismManager()

        super(Ml2Plugin, self).__init__()



        # bulk support depends on the underlying drivers

        self.__native_bulk_support = self.mechanism_manager.native_bulk_support


        # REVISIT(rkukura): Use stevedore for these?

        self.network_scheduler = importutils.import_object(



        LOG.info(_("Modular L2 Plugin initialization complete"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _setup_rpc(self):

        self.notifier = rpc.AgentNotifierApi(topics.AGENT)

        self.agent_notifiers[const.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP] = (



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start_rpc_listener(self):

        self.callbacks = rpc.RpcCallbacks(self.notifier, self.type_manager)

        self.topic = topics.PLUGIN

        self.conn = c_rpc.create_connection(new=True)

        self.dispatcher = self.callbacks.create_rpc_dispatcher()

        self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.dispatcher,


        return self.conn.consume_in_thread()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _process_provider_segment(self, segment):

        network_type = self._get_attribute(segment, provider.NETWORK_TYPE)

        physical_network = self._get_attribute(segment,


        segmentation_id = self._get_attribute(segment,


        if attributes.is_attr_set(network_type):

            segment = {api.NETWORK_TYPE: network_type,

                       api.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: physical_network,

                       api.SEGMENTATION_ID: segmentation_id}


            return segment

        msg = _("network_type required")

        raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _process_provider_create(self, network):

        segments = []

        if any(attributes.is_attr_set(network.get(f))

               for f in (provider.NETWORK_TYPE, provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK,


            # Verify that multiprovider and provider attributes are not set

            # at the same time.

            if attributes.is_attr_set(network.get(mpnet.SEGMENTS)):

                raise mpnet.SegmentsSetInConjunctionWithProviders()

            network_type = self._get_attribute(network, provider.NETWORK_TYPE)

            physical_network = self._get_attribute(network,


            segmentation_id = self._get_attribute(network,


            segments = [{provider.NETWORK_TYPE: network_type,

                         provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: physical_network,

                         provider.SEGMENTATION_ID: segmentation_id}]

        elif attributes.is_attr_set(network.get(mpnet.SEGMENTS)):

            segments = network[mpnet.SEGMENTS]



        return [self._process_provider_segment(s) for s in segments]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_attribute(self, attrs, key):

        value = attrs.get(key)

        if value is attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED:

            value = None

        return value

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _extend_network_dict_provider(self, context, network):

        id = network['id']

        segments = db.get_network_segments(context.session, id)

        if not segments:

            LOG.error(_("Network %s has no segments"), id)

            network[provider.NETWORK_TYPE] = None

            network[provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = None

            network[provider.SEGMENTATION_ID] = None

        elif len(segments) > 1:

            network[mpnet.SEGMENTS] = [

                {provider.NETWORK_TYPE: segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE],

                 provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: segment[api.PHYSICAL_NETWORK],

                 provider.SEGMENTATION_ID: segment[api.SEGMENTATION_ID]}

                for segment in segments]


            segment = segments[0]

            network[provider.NETWORK_TYPE] = segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE]

            network[provider.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = segment[api.PHYSICAL_NETWORK]

            network[provider.SEGMENTATION_ID] = segment[api.SEGMENTATION_ID]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _filter_nets_provider(self, context, nets, filters):

        # TODO(rkukura): Implement filtering.

        return nets

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _process_port_binding(self, mech_context, attrs):

        binding = mech_context._binding

        port = mech_context.current

        self._update_port_dict_binding(port, binding)

        host = attrs and attrs.get(portbindings.HOST_ID)

        host_set = attributes.is_attr_set(host)

        vnic_type = attrs and attrs.get(portbindings.VNIC_TYPE)

        vnic_type_set = attributes.is_attr_set(vnic_type)

        # CLI can't send {}, so treat None as {}

        profile = attrs and attrs.get(portbindings.PROFILE)

        profile_set = profile is not attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED

        if profile_set and not profile:

            profile = {}

        if binding.vif_type != portbindings.VIF_TYPE_UNBOUND:

            if (not host_set and not vnic_type_set and not profile_set and


                return False


        # Return True only if an agent notification is needed.

        # This will happen if a new host, vnic_type, or profile was specified

        # that differs from the current one. Note that host_set is True

        # even if the host is an empty string

        ret_value = ((host_set and binding.get('host') != host) or

                     (vnic_type_set and

                      binding.get('vnic_type') != vnic_type) or

                     (profile_set and self._get_profile(binding) != profile))

        if host_set:

            binding.host = host

            port[portbindings.HOST_ID] = host

        if vnic_type_set:

            binding.vnic_type = vnic_type

            port[portbindings.VNIC_TYPE] = vnic_type

        if profile_set:

            binding.profile = jsonutils.dumps(profile)

            if len(binding.profile) > models.BINDING_PROFILE_LEN:

                msg = _("binding:profile value too large")

                raise exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)

            port[portbindings.PROFILE] = profile

        # To try to [re]bind if host is non-empty.

        if binding.host:


            self._update_port_dict_binding(port, binding)

            # Update the port status if requested by the bound driver.

            if binding.segment and mech_context._new_port_status:

                # REVISIT(rkukura): This function is currently called

                # inside a transaction with the port either newly

                # created or locked for update. After the fix for bug

                # 1276391 is merged, this will no longer be true, and

                # the port status update will need to be handled in

                # the transaction that commits the new binding.

                port_db = db.get_port(mech_context._plugin_context.session,


                port_db.status = mech_context._new_port_status

                port['status'] = mech_context._new_port_status

        return ret_value

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_port_dict_binding(self, port, binding):

        port[portbindings.HOST_ID] = binding.host

        port[portbindings.VNIC_TYPE] = binding.vnic_type

        port[portbindings.PROFILE] = self._get_profile(binding)

        port[portbindings.VIF_TYPE] = binding.vif_type

        port[portbindings.VIF_DETAILS] = self._get_vif_details(binding)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_vif_details(self, binding):

        if binding.vif_details:


                return jsonutils.loads(binding.vif_details)

            except Exception:

                LOG.error(_("Serialized vif_details DB value '%(value)s' "

                            "for port %(port)s is invalid"),

                          {'value': binding.vif_details,

                           'port': binding.port_id})

        return {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_profile(self, binding):

        if binding.profile:


                return jsonutils.loads(binding.profile)

            except Exception:

                LOG.error(_("Serialized profile DB value '%(value)s' for "

                            "port %(port)s is invalid"),

                          {'value': binding.profile,

                           'port': binding.port_id})

        return {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _delete_port_binding(self, mech_context):

        binding = mech_context._binding

        binding.vif_type = portbindings.VIF_TYPE_UNBOUND

        binding.vif_details = ''

        binding.driver = None

        binding.segment = None

        port = mech_context.current

        self._update_port_dict_binding(port, binding)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ml2_extend_port_dict_binding(self, port_res, port_db):

        # None when called during unit tests for other plugins.

        if port_db.port_binding:

            self._update_port_dict_binding(port_res, port_db.port_binding)


        attributes.PORTS, ['_ml2_extend_port_dict_binding'])

    # Note - The following hook methods have "ml2" in their names so

    # that they are not called twice during unit tests due to global

    # registration of hooks in portbindings_db.py used by other

    # plugins.

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ml2_port_model_hook(self, context, original_model, query):

        query = query.outerjoin(models.PortBinding,

                                (original_model.id ==


        return query

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ml2_port_result_filter_hook(self, query, filters):

        values = filters and filters.get(portbindings.HOST_ID, [])

        if not values:

            return query

        return query.filter(models.PortBinding.host.in_(values))







**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _notify_port_updated(self, mech_context):

        port = mech_context._port

        segment = mech_context.bound_segment

        if not segment:

            # REVISIT(rkukura): This should notify agent to unplug port

            network = mech_context.network.current

            LOG.warning(_("In _notify_port_updated(), no bound segment for "

                          "port %(port_id)s on network %(network_id)s"),

                        {'port_id': port['id'],

                         'network_id': network['id']})


        self.notifier.port_update(mech_context._plugin_context, port,




    # TODO(apech): Need to override bulk operations

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_network(self, context, network):

        net_data = network['network']

        segments = self._process_provider_create(net_data)

        tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, net_data)

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id)

            result = super(Ml2Plugin, self).create_network(context, network)

            network_id = result['id']

            self._process_l3_create(context, result, net_data)

            # REVISIT(rkukura): Consider moving all segment management

            # to TypeManager.

            if segments:

                for segment in segments:



                    db.add_network_segment(session, network_id, segment)


                segment = self.type_manager.allocate_tenant_segment(session)

                db.add_network_segment(session, network_id, segment)

            self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, result)

            mech_context = driver_context.NetworkContext(self, context,





        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.create_network_postcommit "

                            "failed, deleting network '%s'"), result['id'])

                self.delete_network(context, result['id'])

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_network(self, context, id, network):


        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            original_network = super(Ml2Plugin, self).get_network(context, id)

            updated_network = super(Ml2Plugin, self).update_network(context,



            self._process_l3_update(context, updated_network,


            self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, updated_network)

            mech_context = driver_context.NetworkContext(

                self, context, updated_network,



        # TODO(apech) - handle errors raised by update_network, potentially

        # by re-calling update_network with the previous attributes. For

        # now the error is propogated to the caller, which is expected to

        # either undo/retry the operation or delete the resource.


        return updated_network

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            result = super(Ml2Plugin, self).get_network(context, id, None)

            self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, result)

        return self._fields(result, fields)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,

                     sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False):

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            nets = super(Ml2Plugin,

                         self).get_networks(context, filters, None, sorts,

                                            limit, marker, page_reverse)

            for net in nets:

                self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, net)

            nets = self._filter_nets_provider(context, nets, filters)

            nets = self._filter_nets_l3(context, nets, filters)

        return [self._fields(net, fields) for net in nets]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_network(self, context, id):

        # REVISIT(rkukura) The super(Ml2Plugin, self).delete_network()

        # function is not used because it auto-deletes ports and

        # subnets from the DB without invoking the derived class's

        # delete_port() or delete_subnet(), preventing mechanism

        # drivers from being called. This approach should be revisited

        # when the API layer is reworked during icehouse.

        LOG.debug(_("Deleting network %s"), id)

        session = context.session

        while True:


                with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

                    # Get ports to auto-delete.

                    ports = (session.query(models_v2.Port).




                    LOG.debug(_("Ports to auto-delete: %s"), ports)

                    only_auto_del = all(p.device_owner

                                        in db_base_plugin_v2.


                                        for p in ports)

                    if not only_auto_del:

                        LOG.debug(_("Tenant-owned ports exist"))

                        raise exc.NetworkInUse(net_id=id)

                    # Get subnets to auto-delete.

                    subnets = (session.query(models_v2.Subnet).




                    LOG.debug(_("Subnets to auto-delete: %s"), subnets)

                    if not (ports or subnets):

                        network = self.get_network(context, id)

                        mech_context = driver_context.NetworkContext(self,





                        record = self._get_network(context, id)

                        LOG.debug(_("Deleting network record %s"), record)


                        for segment in mech_context.network_segments:

                            self.type_manager.release_segment(session, segment)

                        # The segment records are deleted via cascade from the

                        # network record, so explicit removal is not necessary.

                        LOG.debug(_("Committing transaction"))


            except os_db.exception.DBError as e:

                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:

                    if isinstance(e.inner_exception, sql_exc.IntegrityError):

                        ctxt.reraise = False

                        msg = _("A concurrent port creation has occurred")



            for port in ports:


                    self.delete_port(context, port.id)

                except Exception:

                    with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                        LOG.exception(_("Exception auto-deleting port %s"),


            for subnet in subnets:


                    self.delete_subnet(context, subnet.id)

                except Exception:

                    with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                        LOG.exception(_("Exception auto-deleting subnet %s"),




        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            # TODO(apech) - One or more mechanism driver failed to

            # delete the network.  Ideally we'd notify the caller of

            # the fact that an error occurred.

            LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.delete_network_postcommit failed"))

        self.notifier.network_delete(context, id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_subnet(self, context, subnet):

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            result = super(Ml2Plugin, self).create_subnet(context, subnet)

            mech_context = driver_context.SubnetContext(self, context, result)




        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.create_subnet_postcommit "

                            "failed, deleting subnet '%s'"), result['id'])

                self.delete_subnet(context, result['id'])

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_subnet(self, context, id, subnet):

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            original_subnet = super(Ml2Plugin, self).get_subnet(context, id)

            updated_subnet = super(Ml2Plugin, self).update_subnet(

                context, id, subnet)

            mech_context = driver_context.SubnetContext(

                self, context, updated_subnet, original_subnet=original_subnet)


        # TODO(apech) - handle errors raised by update_subnet, potentially

        # by re-calling update_subnet with the previous attributes. For

        # now the error is propogated to the caller, which is expected to

        # either undo/retry the operation or delete the resource.


        return updated_subnet

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_subnet(self, context, id):

        # REVISIT(rkukura) The super(Ml2Plugin, self).delete_subnet()

        # function is not used because it auto-deletes ports from the

        # DB without invoking the derived class's delete_port(),

        # preventing mechanism drivers from being called. This

        # approach should be revisited when the API layer is reworked

        # during icehouse.

        LOG.debug(_("Deleting subnet %s"), id)

        session = context.session

        while True:

            with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

                subnet = self.get_subnet(context, id)

                # Get ports to auto-delete.

                allocated = (session.query(models_v2.IPAllocation).





                LOG.debug(_("Ports to auto-delete: %s"), allocated)

                only_auto_del = all(not a.port_id or

                                    a.ports.device_owner in db_base_plugin_v2.


                                    for a in allocated)

                if not only_auto_del:

                    LOG.debug(_("Tenant-owned ports exist"))

                    raise exc.SubnetInUse(subnet_id=id)

                if not allocated:

                    mech_context = driver_context.SubnetContext(self, context,




                    LOG.debug(_("Deleting subnet record"))

                    record = self._get_subnet(context, id)


                    LOG.debug(_("Committing transaction"))


            for a in allocated:


                    self.delete_port(context, a.port_id)

                except Exception:

                    with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                        LOG.exception(_("Exception auto-deleting port %s"),




        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            # TODO(apech) - One or more mechanism driver failed to

            # delete the subnet.  Ideally we'd notify the caller of

            # the fact that an error occurred.

            LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.delete_subnet_postcommit failed"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_port(self, context, port):

        attrs = port['port']

        attrs['status'] = const.PORT_STATUS_DOWN

        session = context.session

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

            self._ensure_default_security_group_on_port(context, port)

            sgids = self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port)

            dhcp_opts = port['port'].get(edo_ext.EXTRADHCPOPTS, [])

            result = super(Ml2Plugin, self).create_port(context, port)

            self._process_port_create_security_group(context, result, sgids)

            network = self.get_network(context, result['network_id'])

            mech_context = driver_context.PortContext(self, context, result,


            self._process_port_binding(mech_context, attrs)

            result[addr_pair.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = (


                    context, result,


            self._process_port_create_extra_dhcp_opts(context, result,





        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.create_port_postcommit "

                            "failed, deleting port '%s'"), result['id'])

                self.delete_port(context, result['id'])

        self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, result)

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_port(self, context, id, port):

        attrs = port['port']

        need_port_update_notify = False

        session = context.session

        changed_fixed_ips = 'fixed_ips' in port['port']

        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):


                port_db = (session.query(models_v2.Port).



            except sa_exc.NoResultFound:

                raise exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)

            original_port = self._make_port_dict(port_db)

            updated_port = super(Ml2Plugin, self).update_port(context, id,


            if addr_pair.ADDRESS_PAIRS in port['port']:

                need_port_update_notify |= (

                    self.update_address_pairs_on_port(context, id, port,



            elif changed_fixed_ips:


                    context, updated_port)

            need_port_update_notify |= self.update_security_group_on_port(

                context, id, port, original_port, updated_port)

            network = self.get_network(context, original_port['network_id'])

            need_port_update_notify |= self._update_extra_dhcp_opts_on_port(

                context, id, port, updated_port)

            mech_context = driver_context.PortContext(

                self, context, updated_port, network,


            need_port_update_notify |= self._process_port_binding(

                mech_context, attrs)


        # TODO(apech) - handle errors raised by update_port, potentially

        # by re-calling update_port with the previous attributes. For

        # now the error is propogated to the caller, which is expected to

        # either undo/retry the operation or delete the resource.


        need_port_update_notify |= self.is_security_group_member_updated(

            context, original_port, updated_port)

        if original_port['admin_state_up'] != updated_port['admin_state_up']:

            need_port_update_notify = True

        if need_port_update_notify:


        return updated_port

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_port(self, context, id, l3_port_check=True):

        LOG.debug(_("Deleting port %s"), id)

        l3plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get(


        if l3plugin and l3_port_check:

            l3plugin.prevent_l3_port_deletion(context, id)

        session = context.session

        # REVISIT: Serialize this operation with a semaphore to prevent

        # undesired eventlet yields leading to 'lock wait timeout' errors

        with contextlib.nested(lockutils.lock('db-access'),



                port_db = (session.query(models_v2.Port).



            except sa_exc.NoResultFound:

                # the port existed when l3plugin.prevent_l3_port_deletion

                # was called but now is already gone

                LOG.debug(_("The port '%s' was deleted"), id)


            port = self._make_port_dict(port_db)

            network = self.get_network(context, port['network_id'])

            mech_context = driver_context.PortContext(self, context, port,



            self._delete_port_security_group_bindings(context, id)

            LOG.debug(_("Calling base delete_port"))

            if l3plugin:

                l3plugin.disassociate_floatingips(context, id)

            super(Ml2Plugin, self).delete_port(context, id)



        except ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError:

            # TODO(apech) - One or more mechanism driver failed to

            # delete the port.  Ideally we'd notify the caller of the

            # fact that an error occurred.

            LOG.error(_("mechanism_manager.delete_port_postcommit failed"))

        self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, port)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_port_status(self, context, port_id, status):

        updated = False

        session = context.session

        # REVISIT: Serialize this operation with a semaphore to prevent

        # undesired eventlet yields leading to 'lock wait timeout' errors

        with contextlib.nested(lockutils.lock('db-access'),


            port = db.get_port(session, port_id)

            if not port:

                LOG.warning(_("Port %(port)s updated up by agent not found"),

                            {'port': port_id})

                return False

            if port.status != status:

                original_port = self._make_port_dict(port)

                port.status = status

                updated_port = self._make_port_dict(port)

                network = self.get_network(context,


                mech_context = driver_context.PortContext(

                    self, context, updated_port, network,



                updated = True

        if updated:


        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_bound_to_host(self, port_id, host):

        port_host = db.get_port_binding_host(port_id)

        return (port_host == host)