

OpenStack Study: l2network_db_v2.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def sync_network_states(network_vlan_ranges):

    """Synchronize network_states table with current configured VLAN ranges."""

    session = db.get_session()

    with session.begin():

        # get existing allocations for all physical networks

        allocations = dict()

        states = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkState).


        for state in states:

            if state.physical_network not in allocations:

                allocations[state.physical_network] = set()


        # process vlan ranges for each configured physical network

        for physical_network, vlan_ranges in network_vlan_ranges.iteritems():

            # determine current configured allocatable vlans for this

            # physical network

            vlan_ids = set()

            for vlan_range in vlan_ranges:

                vlan_ids |= set(xrange(vlan_range[0], vlan_range[1] + 1))

            # remove from table unallocated vlans not currently allocatable

            if physical_network in allocations:

                for state in allocations[physical_network]:


                        # see if vlan is allocatable


                    except KeyError:

                        # it's not allocatable, so check if its allocated

                        if not state.allocated:

                            # it's not, so remove it from table

                            LOG.debug(_("Removing vlan %(vlan_id)s on "

                                        "physical network %(physical_network)s"

                                        " from pool"),

                                      {'vlan_id': state.vlan_id,

                                       'physical_network': physical_network})


                del allocations[physical_network]

            # add missing allocatable vlans to table

            for vlan_id in sorted(vlan_ids):

                state = l2network_models_v2.NetworkState(physical_network,



        # remove from table unallocated vlans for any unconfigured physical

        # networks

        for states in allocations.itervalues():

            for state in states:

                if not state.allocated:

                    LOG.debug(_("Removing vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical "

                                "network %(physical_network)s"

                                " from pool"),

                              {'vlan_id': state.vlan_id,

                               'physical_network': physical_network})


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_network_state(physical_network, vlan_id):

    """Get state of specified network."""

    session = db.get_session()


        state = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkState).




        return state

    except exc.NoResultFound:

        return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def reserve_network(session):

    with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

        state = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkState).




        if not state:

            raise n_exc.NoNetworkAvailable()

        LOG.debug(_("Reserving vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical network "

                    "%(physical_network)s from pool"),

                  {'vlan_id': state.vlan_id,

                   'physical_network': state.physical_network})

        state.allocated = True

    return (state.physical_network, state.vlan_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def reserve_specific_network(session, physical_network, vlan_id):

    with session.begin(subtransactions=True):


            state = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkState).





            if state.allocated:

                if vlan_id == constants.FLAT_VLAN_ID:

                    raise n_exc.FlatNetworkInUse(



                    raise n_exc.VlanIdInUse(vlan_id=vlan_id,


            LOG.debug(_("Reserving specific vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical "

                        "network %(physical_network)s from pool"),

                      {'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                       'physical_network': physical_network})

            state.allocated = True

        except exc.NoResultFound:

            LOG.debug(_("Reserving specific vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical "

                        "network %(physical_network)s outside pool"),

                      {'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                       'physical_network': physical_network})

            state = l2network_models_v2.NetworkState(physical_network, vlan_id)

            state.allocated = True


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def release_network(session, physical_network, vlan_id, network_vlan_ranges):

    with session.begin(subtransactions=True):


            state = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkState).





            state.allocated = False

            inside = False

            for vlan_range in network_vlan_ranges.get(physical_network, []):

                if vlan_id >= vlan_range[0] and vlan_id <= vlan_range[1]:

                    inside = True


            if inside:

                LOG.debug(_("Releasing vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical network "

                            "%(physical_network)s to pool"),

                          {'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                           'physical_network': physical_network})


                LOG.debug(_("Releasing vlan %(vlan_id)s on physical network "

                          "%(physical_network)s outside pool"),

                          {'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                           'physical_network': physical_network})


        except exc.NoResultFound:

            LOG.warning(_("vlan_id %(vlan_id)s on physical network "

                          "%(physical_network)s not found"),

                        {'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                         'physical_network': physical_network})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def add_network_binding(session, network_id, physical_network, vlan_id):

    with session.begin(subtransactions=True):

        binding = l2network_models_v2.NetworkBinding(network_id,

                                                     physical_network, vlan_id)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_network_binding(session, network_id):


        binding = (session.query(l2network_models_v2.NetworkBinding).



        return binding

    except exc.NoResultFound:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_port_from_device(device):

    """Get port from database."""

    LOG.debug(_("get_port_from_device() called"))

    session = db.get_session()

    sg_binding_port = sg_db.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id

    query = session.query(models_v2.Port,


    query = query.outerjoin(sg_db.SecurityGroupPortBinding,

                            models_v2.Port.id == sg_binding_port)

    query = query.filter(models_v2.Port.id.startswith(device))

    port_and_sgs = query.all()

    if not port_and_sgs:


    port = port_and_sgs[0][0]

    plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()

    port_dict = plugin._make_port_dict(port)

    port_dict['security_groups'] = []

    for port_in_db, sg_id in port_and_sgs:

        if sg_id:


    port_dict['security_group_rules'] = []

    port_dict['security_group_source_groups'] = []

    port_dict['fixed_ips'] = [ip['ip_address']

                              for ip in port['fixed_ips']]

    return port_dict

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def set_port_status(port_id, status):

    """Set the port status."""

    LOG.debug(_("set_port_status as %s called"), status)

    session = db.get_session()


        port = session.query(models_v2.Port).filter_by(id=port_id).one()

        port['status'] = status



    except exc.NoResultFound:

        raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)